The Amen Clinics ADD Type Questionnaire

The widespread use of functional brain-imaging in clinical practice is still, unfortunately, years away. However, I have developed an instrument that allows you and others to take advantage of the information we have learned. Based on tens of thousands of patients and their brain SPECT studies, I have identified seven different types of ADD. Through the years I have developed a questionnaire to help people know their types if they cannot get a scan. It’s easy and a good place to start. The Amen Clinics ADD Type Questionnaire is a seventy item self-test, which evaluates the overall ADD syndrome and the seven types I describe in the book. This questionnaire has gone through many revisions as we learn more, but for now I think you will find it useful. Questionnaires like this one have been a part of our evaluations at Amen Clinics for many years.

Self-report questionnaires have certain advantages and limitations. They are quick, inexpensive, and easy to score. One of the dangers is that people may fill them out as they want to be perceived. For example, some people mark every symptom as occurring “very frequently,” in essence saying, “I’m glad to have a problem so that I can get help, be sick, or have an excuse for the problems I have.” Some people are in total denial: They do not want to see any personal flaws and do not check any symptoms as problematic, saying, “I’m okay. There’s nothing wrong with me. Leave me alone.” In our clinical experience, most people gauge themselves with reasonable accuracy. Self-report bias is one of the reasons that it is important to have another person fill out the questionnaire as well. This will give you and others a more complete picture.

This questionnaire is an invaluable tool to determine if ADD exists and, if so, which type. It provides the basis for specific effective treatment planning. It’s not unheard-of to score as displaying several different types of ADD. A person may have more than one, and some people have four or five types.

It’s important to note that this (or any) questionnaire is never meant to be used alone. It is not meant to provide a diagnosis. It serves as a guide to help people begin to identify problems and get further evaluation for them. Please work together with your health care provider to develop the best treatment plan for you or your loved one.

Go to to download the online assessment and get a personalized look at your type or types of ADD.