The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.
Abuse, 45, 59–60, 178–80. See also Substance abuse
Acai berries, 246
Acetylcholine, 174–75, 250, 262, 276
Acetyl-L-carnitine, 174–75, 257, 262
ACOAs (adult children of alcoholics), 110–11
Active 3-D scans, xxiii, xxv, 69, 71, 81, 150, 152, 187
ADD (attention deficit disorder). See also Anxious ADD; Assessment program; Classic ADD; Inattentive ADD; Limbic ADD; Overfocused ADD; Ring of Fire ADD; Temporal Lobe ADD; Treatments
author’s family experiences, 2–9
childbearing dynamic and, 30–31
common treatments, xvii–xviii
core symptoms, xiv, 21–30
denial and, 386–89
as developmental disorder, xiii
DSM categories, xxviii–xxix, xxxvii, 21, 21
early history of, 20–21
in elderly, 11–12
facts, xxxiv–xxxvi
as generational disorder, 176
genetics and, 40–41
Head Injury ADD, 167
incidence, among professions, xix–xx
increase in, xxvii, 30–35
marriage and, 311–13
media exposure for, 32
myths, xxxiii–xxxiv
prevalence, xxvii, xxxiii
Questionnaire (Amen Clinics ADD Type Questionnaire), 50, 89–90
societal challenges, xxxix–xl
societal contributions to, 31–35
starter report, xiii–xx
strengths of, xviii–xx
summary of types, xv, xxxvii–xxxviii
throughout life cycle, 9–19
Tourette’s syndrome and, 59, 118, 271, 275
underdiagnosed, 30, 215
untreated, xxvii
Wall and, 12
case histories and, 15, 93, 93, 96
cocaine and, 33
head injuries and, 168, 169
substance abuse and, 191
Temporal Lobe ADD and, 127, 134, 135, 136, 137
Addiction tendencies, 219
ADD Type Questionnaire. See Questionnaire
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), xv, xxix–xxx, xxxiii, 21. See also Classic ADD
Adjustment disorders, evaluation, 47, 58
Adrenaline (epinephrine)
ADD games and, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 199, 201
adrenaline deficit disorder, 22
DLPA and, 263
junkies, 196
Advances in Mind Body Medicine, 37
Afghanistan soldiers, 172
Aggressive behavior, 127–29. See also Temporal Lobe ADD
Alcohol abuse, 78, 79, 110–11, 150–54, 152, 185
Almonds, 245
Alpha lipoic acid, 175, 262
Alpha waves, 281
Alzheimer’s disease, xxvii, xxxiii, 51, 54, 56, 77, 78, 139, 181, 241, 276
Amen, Antony (son), 4–5, 26, 34, 302
Amen, Breanne (daughter), 5, 7–9, 8
Amen, Daniel
early experiences with SPECT scans, 62–75
family experiences with ADD, 2–9
Amen, Kaitlyn (daughter), 5–6, 9, 111, 112
Amen, Katie (daughter), 6, 343
Amen, Robbin (first wife), 3, 5, 6, 109–11, 112
Amen Affiliated Education Centers, xxxviii
Amen Clinics. See also Assessment program; Treatments
Brain Enhancement Program, xxxviii, 225
NFL players study, 174–75
Amen Solution website, 50, 52
Amnesia, 133
Anterior cingulate gyrus, xxii, 99, 111–12, 112, 113, 114, 115, 115, 116, 119, 154
head injuries and, 167, 170, 173
Ring of Fire ADD and, 153, 156, 158
Temporal Lobe ADD and, 17, 122, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 276
Effexor, xix, 117, 158, 186, 275
National Institutes of Health studies, xxix
Prozac, xix, 112, 114, 116, 145, 147, 176, 275, 284, 392
Zoloft, xix, 145, 275
ANTs (automatic negative thoughts), 333–44
erroneous belief patterns, 230–31
“My Thoughts Are More Terrible than Your Thoughts” game, 196–98
negative self-talk, 45
overview, 229–30
positive-thinking principles, 335–38
repetitive negative arguments, 208
self-esteem, 207, 219–21
types of, 339–44, 344
Anxiety disorders, 59, 147, 163, 208, 277, 396
Anxious ADD (type 7), 161–64. See also ADD
case histories, 18–19, 162–64
Classic ADD compared to, 161–62
diet summary, xix
medications summary, xix, 278
neurofeedback and, 288
SPECT findings, 84–85, 85
summary, xv, xxxvii
supplements strategy, xix, 265
symptoms, 84–85, 161
Apnea, sleep, 51, 56, 57, 76
Apples, 246
Aricept (donepezil), 139, 181, 276
Ashwagandha, 257
Asparagus, 246
Assessment program (Amen Clinics assessment program). See also SPECT scans
non-ADD problems, 58–61
outcomes, 36–37
step 1 (“Four Circles” assessment), 38, 38–49, 40, 44, 46, 48
step 2 (brain assessment), 49–51
step 3 (important health numbers), 51–56
step 4 (brain reserve), 56–57
summary of steps, xv–xvii, 37
Assignments, learning environment, 318
ATP, 172
Attentiveness, learning environment, 316–17
Auchenbauch, Thomas, 31
Audio-Visual Stimulation, 288–89
Avocados, 246
Awareness, skill building and, 358
Bad guy, good guy versus, 309
Balance, coaching and, 350–51
Basal ganglia
diagram, xxii
functions, 101–2
Tourette’s syndrome and, 118
underside active view, 101
Basil, Holy, xix, 163, 265
Beck Depression Inventory-II, 36
Beets, 246
Behavioral problems, 58
Belief patters, erroneous, 230–31
Bell peppers, 246
Beta waves, 281
Biofeedback. See Neurofeedback
Biological factors, “Four Circles” assessment, 39–43, 40
Biological interventions, 226–29, 231–32
Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disorder), 11, 15, 58–59, 69, 84, 153–54, 154, 160, 264
Blackberries, 246
Black pepper, 242
Blood pressure, 52–53
Blood tests, 53–56
Blueberries, 246
Body mass index (BMI), 51
Bonding, deep limbic system and, 142–43
Brain. See also Assessment program; Head injuries; Questionnaire; SPECT scans
assessment, 49–51
Classic ADD and, 97–103
components, xxi–xxiii
envy, xvii, 57
facts, 165–66
filters, 221
hemispheres, xxiii, 124, 130
infections, 21, 41, 133
inner and outer view, xxii
MRIs, 68, 74, 106, 165
softness, 166
Brain and Memory Power Boost, 174
Brain Enhancement Program, Amen Clinics, xxxviii, 225. See also Treatments
Brain Gym, 50–51
Brain-healthy eating. See Dietary interventions
Brain reserve, 56–57
Brainwave biofeedback. See Neurofeedback
Brainwave patterns, 281
Brazil nuts, 245
Breathing, focused, 232, 345–47
Brief Symptom Inventory, 36
Broccoli, 247
Brookhaven National Laboratory, xxx, 97
Brussels sprouts, 247
Cabbage, 247
Cacao, 245
Caffeine, xvii, 76, 183, 184, 189, 190, 226, 239, 248, 267, 268, 328, 392, 397, 398
Carbamazepine (Tegretol), 122, 137, 276
Carbohydrates, 39, 43, 237, 240–41, 249, 398
Case histories
Adderall usage and, 15, 93, 93, 96
ADD games, 193–94, 195–96, 198–99, 200–201
Anxious ADD, 18–19, 162–64
Classic ADD, 92–97
families with ADD, 176–82
head injuries, 167–74
Inattentive ADD, 105–8
Limbic ADD, 145–49
Overfocused ADD, 113–18, 181
Ring of Fire ADD, 150–59
self-medication, 184–91
Temporal Lobe ADD, 121–38
throughout life cycle, 12–19
Cashews, 245
CAT scans, xxxiii, 165
Caudate nucleus, 98
Cayenne, 242
Celexa, xix, 146
Centers for Disease Control studies, xxvii, 33
diagram, xxii
functions, xxii, 102–3
healthy active scan, 71
underside active view, 103
Cerebral cortex, xxi, 83, 141, 150
CHADD, 233, 326, 390
Cherries, 242
Chia seeds, 245
Chicken, 248
Chickpeas, 246
Child abuse, 178–80
Childbearing dynamic, ADD and, 30–31
Chlorella, 247
Choices, coaching and, 360–61
Cholesterol levels, 52, 54–55, 245, 247
Chore completion, 10, 22, 27, 28, 95, 156, 163, 206, 300–301
Chromosomes, 40
Cinnamon, 242
Classic ADD (Type 1, ADHD), 91–103. See also ADD
ADHD, xv, xxix–xxx, xxxiii, 21
Anxious ADD compared to, 161–62
brain and, 97–103
case histories, 92–97
diet summary, xix
medications summary, xix, 267–75
SPECT findings, 79, 79–80
summary, xv, xxxvii
supplements strategy, xix, 257–59
symptoms, 80, 91
Clonidine, 118, 271, 275
Clothing, 23, 24
Coaching, 348–65
Cocaine, 32–33, 48, 97–98, 184
Coconut, 245
Coconut oil, 248
Comings, David, 30, 31, 40
Complete Blood Count (CBC), 54
Computer games. See Video games
Concerta, xix, 267
Conner’s Continuous Performance Task (C-CPT), 13, 23
Contra-coup injuries, 165
Corn, brain-healthy eating rules, 244
Crisis management approach, 30
CT scans, 165, 168
Cutting corners, 400–401
Cylert. See Magnesium pemoline
Cymbalta, xix, 275
Cyst, 73, 74–75, 76
D4 receptor gene, 40
Daily progress note (DPN), 322–25
Dairy, brain-healthy eating rules, 244
Deep limbic system (emotional system). See also Limbic ADD
diagram, xxii
functions, xxii, 140–44
hypothalamus and, 82, 142, 143–44
Déjà vu, 120, 131, 132
Delta waves, 281
Denial, ADD and, 386–89
Depakote, xix, 127, 131, 133, 135, 156, 157, 255, 276
ADD assessment and, 58
bipolar disorder, 11, 15, 58–59, 69, 84, 153–54, 154, 160, 264
deep limbic system and, 144–45
Limbic ADD versus, 145
Desipramine (Norpramin), xix, 121, 263, 278
Developmental disorder, ADD as, xiii
Developmental problems, 44–45, 60–61
Dexedrine, 64, 151, 180, 267, 268, 288, 318
Diabetes, xxvii, xxxiii, 47, 52, 54, 57, 239, 246
Diagnosis problems, 395–96
Dietary interventions, 237–53. See also Supplement strategies
brain-healthy eating rules, 239–45
controlling mind and mood, 248–50
elimination diets, xxviii, 15, 95, 153, 245, 253
gut and, 250–52
high-carbohydrate, 43, 237, 249, 398
high-protein, 43, 105, 240
memory boosting foods, 249–50
overview, 227, 237–38
pesticide-free foods, 242–43
smart carbohydrates, 240–41
studies, xxvii–xxviii
summary for ADD types, xix
superfoods, 245–48
Directions, DPN and, 322–25
Discipline, 303–5, 320
Disorganization (organizational problems), xiv, 25–27, 206, 217
Distractibility, xiv, 23–25, 205
Divorce, familles and, 309–10
DL-phenylalanine (DLPA), 146, 148, 263
Donepezil. See Aricept
classic ADD and, 97, 98
cocaine and, 33, 98
foods for, 250
inattentive ADD and, 104
L-tyrosin and, 257, 258, 259
overfocused ADD and, 259, 275
protein-based meals and, 249
Ritalin and, xxx, 102
romantic love and, 48
Tourette’s syndrome and, 118
transporter gene, on chromosome 5, 40
tyrosine hydroxylase and, 53
video games and, 33
Dorsal lateral PFC, 98, 99, 99, 100, 173
Drug abuse. See Substance abuse
DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), xxviii–xxix, xxxvii, 21, 21
Dyslexia, 120, 129
Amen Affiliated Education Centers, xxxviii
psychological interventions, 229–32
Effexor, xix, 117, 158, 186, 275
Eggs, 248
Elderly, ADD in, 11–12
Electroencephalograms, quantitative, xvi, 5, 64, 65, 393
Elimination diets, xxvii, 15, 95, 153, 244
Embarrassment, 309
Emotional abuse, 45, 59–60
Emotional expression, lack of, 206
Emotional memories, deep limbic system and, 142
Emotional system. See Deep limbic system
Encephalitis, 21, 41, 133
Entrainment, 34–35
Epilepsy, temporal lobe, 132, 138–39, 289
Epinephrine. See Adrenaline
Erroneous belief patterns, 230–31
Estrogen replacement, 42
Excessive talking, 58, 153, 206
ADD and, 35, 43
studies, xxviii
Failures. See Treatment resistance
Families, ADD and
case histories, 176–82
discipline components, 303–5
evaluation of, 47, 58
feelings of parents, 209–11
parenting and family strategies, 234, 293–313
positive behavior shaping steps, 296–307
sibling problems, 211–12
Timeout method, 305–7
Fasting blood sugar, lipid panel and, 54
Fats, brain-healthy eating rules, 241
Ferritin level, Vitamin D, zinc (blood test), 53–54
Fighting, 16, 92, 133, 137, 157, 193, 195, 203, 205, 211, 316
“Fighting as Foreplay” game, 203
Filters, brain, 221
Finger agnosia, 320–21
Fish, brain-healthy eating rules, 243, 248
Fish oil, xvii, 53, 55, 174, 176, 184, 254, 256, 264
Flu epidemic of 1918, 20–21
Focused breathing, 232, 345–47
learning environment, 319
medication treatment, 399–400
procrastination and ADD, xiv, 27–28, 208
Foods. See Dietary interventions
Football players study, Amen Clinics, 174–75
Forgetfulness, 55, 59, 91, 194, 214, 216, 273
Fort Irwin (National Training Center), 62–63, 65
“Four Circles” assessment, 38, 38–49, 40, 44, 46, 48. See also Assessment program
Frontal lobes, xxi, xxii, 64
Fruits, brain-healthy, 246
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), xix, 15, 19, 153, 159, 262, 264, 276, 277, 332
Games, ADD, 192–203
Garlic, 242, 247
Garrett, Sid, 38, 39
Generational disorder, ADD, 176. See also Families
The Gene Bomb (Comings), 30
Genetics, ADD and, 40–41
George, Mark, 196
Germs, stress and, 252–53
Getting up. See Sleep strategies
Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome, 59, 118, 271, 275
Ginger, 242
Gingko, xix, 139, 174, 262
Ginseng, xix, 257
Gluten, brain-healthy eating rules, 244
Goals, coaching and, 355–56
Going to bed. See Sleep strategies
Goji berries, 246
Goldenberries, 246
Good guy, bad guy versus, 309
Grading, learning environment, 319–20
Grapefruit, 246
Grapeseed oil, xix, 248, 258
Greenspan, Stanley, 11
Green tea, xix, 248, 250, 257, 265
Gremlins, coaching and, 353–54
Gualtieri, Thomas, 28–29
Guanfacine, 118, 275
Guatemalan twins, 74
Guilt, 295–96, 308–9
Gut, brain-healthy foods and, 250–52
Habits, skill building and, 359–60
Harch, Paul, 172
Hardness, skull, 166
Head injuries
brain facts, 166–67
case histories, 167–74
HBOT and, 171–72
NFL players study, 174–75
overview, 41, 165–67
Head Injury ADD, 167
Health numbers, Amen Clinics assessment program, 51–56. See also Assessment program
Help (resource guide), 384–94
denial and, 386–89
SPEC questions and answers, 391–94
support groups, 232–33
Helpers, ADD societal challenges and, xxxix–xl
Helplessness, learned, 46
Hemispheres, xxiii, 124, 130
Hemp seeds, 245
Herbs, brain-healthy eating rules, 241–42
High-carbohydrate diet, 43, 237, 249, 398
High-protein diet, 43, 105, 240
High-quality calories, 239
Holy Basil, xix, 163, 265
Homework, learning environment, 322
Homicidal thoughts, 72, 73, 74, 120, 158
Honey, 246
Hormonal influences, 42
Horseradish, 247
5-HTP, xix, 15, 153, 159, 260, 261, 261, 264, 277
Huperzine A, xix, 174, 262
Hyperactivity. See also Classic ADD
ADHD, xv, xxxiii, 21
Multimodal Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Study, xxix–xxx
outgrowing, 10
Ring of Fire ADD and, 150–53
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), 171–72
Hyperfrontality, 114, 115, 154
Hypergraphia, 132
Hypersensitivity, 23, 24–25, 154, 160, 264
Hypnosis, 52, 332. See also Self-hypnosis
Hypothalamus, 82, 142, 143–44
Hypothyroidism, 55, 258, 395–96
“I Bet I Can Get You to Yell At Me or Hit Me” game, 194–96
Illusions, 131, 134
Imipramine, xix, 263, 277, 278
Impact, of ADD. See also Families
important points, 221
relationships, 204–8
school, 213–15
self-esteem, 219–21
workplace, 215–19
Impulsivity, 217
Inattentive ADD (type 2), 104–8. See also ADD
case studies, 105–8
diet summary, xix
medications summary, xix, 267–75
Robbin and, 3, 5, 6, 109–11, 112
SPECT findings, 80, 80
summary, xv, xxxvii
supplements strategy, xix, 257–59
symptoms, 80, 104
Wall and, 12
Inferior orbital PFC, 98, 99, 99, 100
Insel, Tom, xxix
Insomnia, 52, 63, 76, 270, 275, 332, 345
Internal supervision issues, xiv, 28–30, 94, 100. See also Prefrontal cortex
Internal supervision skills, 232
Internet dangers, 34
Interpersonal strategies, 234–35
Interventions. See Treatments
Iraq soldiers, 172
Irlen Syndrome, 25
“I Say the First Things That Comes to Mind” game, 202
“I Say the Opposite of What You Say” game, 201–2
Isolation. See Social isolation
“It’s Your Fault” game, 198–99
Jaeger, Thomas, 69–71, 72, 153
Jaimais vu, 131, 132
Jourdain, Melissa, 36
Journal of Neurotrauma, 172
Kaczynski, Ted, 132
Kale, 247
Karen, Tim, Pam, Paul, 176–78
Ketogenic diet, xix
Kilawea, volcano in, 150
Killing ANTs. See ANTs
Kiwi, 246
Knowles, Colonel, 63
Laboratory blood tests, 53–56
Lack, of emotional expression, 206
Lack, of oxygen, 41
Lamb, 248
Lamictal, xix, 135, 276
Late, to work, 217–18
Lazareff, Jorge, 74, 75
Learned helplessness, 46
Learning disabilities, 60–61, 214–15
Learning Disability Association of America (LDA), 233
Learning environment. See School strategies
Lebanon, population dynamics and, 31
Leeks, 247
Left hemisphere, xxiii, 124, 130
Legumes, 246
Lentils, 246
“Let’s Call It Even” game, 202
“Let’s Have a Problem” game, 192–94, 196
Levy, Florence, 40
Lexapro, xix
Life purpose, coaching and, 356–57
Limbic ADD (type 5), 140–49. See also ADD
case histories, 145–49
depression versus, 145
diet summary, xix
medications summary, xix, 277
neurofeedback and, 286–87
SPECT findings, 82–83, 83
summary, xv, xxxvii
supplements strategy, xix, 262–64
symptoms, 83, 140
Lincoln, Abraham, 20, 337
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 20
Lincoln, Tad, 20
Lipid panel, fasting blood sugar and, 54
Locke, John, 20
Low glycemic foods, 240–41
L-theanine. See theanine
L-tryptophan. See tryptophan
L-tyrosine. See tyrosine
Lubar, Joel, 64–65, 66, 67, 280, 281
Maca root, 247
Magnesium, xix, 118, 162, 163, 238, 245, 247, 248, 262, 265, 332
Magnesium citrate, 262
Magnesium pemoline (Cylert), 122, 151
Magnesium taurate, 262
Manic-depressive disorder. See Bipolar disorder
Mann, Henry, 11
Marijuana abuse, 42, 137, 138, 147, 162, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187–88, 188, 189, 226, 396
Marriage, ADD and, 311–13
Massengill, Jane, 348. See also Coaching
Mass entrainment, Pokémon cartoon and, 35
Mayer, Emeran, 252–53
Media exposure, ADD and, 32
Medical factors, ADD assessment and, 60
Medication treatment, 266–79. See also Substance abuse
Anxious ADD, xix, 278
Classic ADD, xix, 267–75
combination of medications, 278–79
failures, 397–98
Inattentive ADD, xix, 267–75
Limbic ADD, xix, 277
Overfocused ADD, xix, 275–76
overview, 228, 266–67
Ring of Fire ADD, xix, 277–78
side effects, 279
summary for ADD types, xix
Temporal Lobe ADD, xix, 276–77
Memory problems
Alzheimer’s disease, xxvii, xxxiii, 51, 54, 56, 77, 78, 139, 181, 241, 276
Brain and Memory Power Boost, 174
CBC and, 54
depression and, 58
early abuse and, 45
forgetfulness, 55, 59, 91, 194, 214, 216, 273
memory-boosting foods, 249–50
simple carbohydrate diet and, 39
Temporal Lobe ADD and, xxxvii, 82, 120, 126, 130, 131, 134, 137, 139, 262, 276–77, 285
Men, family problems and, 310–11
Mena, Ismael, 184
Metabolic panel, with fasting blood sugar and lipid panel, 54
Methamphetamines, 98, 183, 184
Methylphenidate. See Ritalin
Miller, Emmett, 366, 383. See also Self-hypnosis
Mind control, brain-healthy foods, 248–50
Mineral and vitamin supplements, 255–56
Minimal brain damage, 21
Minimal brain dysfunction, 21
Miracle Noodles, 248
Mirsky, Alan, 112
Misperceptions, 205
Mitochondria, 172
Moment is what matters, 29–30
Monitor screens, entrainment and, 34–35
Mood control, brain-healthy foods, 248–50
Moodiness, 14, 18, 113, 126, 128, 150, 168, 169, 177, 207, 218, 263, 264, 386
Moral preoccupation, 131, 132, 160
Motor tics, 118, 271
MRIs, 68, 74, 106, 165
MSG, 244
Multimodal Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Study (MTA), xxix–xxx
Multivitamin and mineral supplements, 255–56
“My Thoughts Are More Terrible than Your Thoughts” game, 196–98
N-acetylcysteine, 175, 262
N-acetylserotonin, 261
Namenda, 139
National Institutes of Health, xxix, 65, 385
National Training Center. See Fort Irwin
Natural supplements. See Supplement strategies
Negative self-talk, 45. See also ANTs
Neglect, 45
Neurofeedback, 280–89
biofeedback, 14, 63–65, 130, 168, 170, 173, 229, 280–81
Lubar and, 64–65, 66, 67, 280, 281
overview, 229, 280–82
Neurontin, xix, 131, 134, 135, 158, 169, 276, 278
NeuroVite +, 174
NFL players study, Amen Clinics, 174–75
Nicotine, xvii, 183, 189, 190, 226, 398
“No, No Way, Never, You Can’t Make Me Do It” game, 199–201
Noise sensitivity, 10, 92, 150, 154, 206
Non-dominant temporal lobe, 124, 130
Norepinephrine, xix, 117, 146, 186, 263, 275. See also Adrenaline
Norpramine. See Desipramine
Nuts, seeds and, 245
Nuvigil, xix
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 59, 69, 112, 118, 119
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), 119
Oils, brain-healthy, 248
Olive oil, 248
Omega-3 fatty acids, 241, 243, 256–57
Onions, 247
Oregano, 242
Organizational problems. See Disorganization
Orgasms, 24–25
Overfocused ADD (type 3), 109–19. See also ADD
anterior cingulate gyrus and, 99, 111–12, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119
case histories, 113–18, 181
diet interventions, xix, 253
medications summary, xix, 275–76
neurofeedback and, 282–85
OCD compared to, 119
OCPD compared to, 119
serotonin and, xix, 59, 253, 259, 275–76
SPECT findings, 81, 81
summary, xv, xxxvii
supplements strategy, xix, 259–61
symptoms, 81, 109
Tourette’s syndrome and, 118
Oxygen, lack of, 41
Pacing, learning environment, 316
Paldi, Jack, 66
Pam, Paul, Karen, Tim, 176–78
Paranoia, 120, 127, 129
Parenting. See Families
Parietal lobes (sensory cortex). See also Ring of Fire ADD
described, xxii, xxii, 159–60
distractibility and, 154
electrode placement areas, 283
hypersensitivity and, 154
PFC and, 24
Ring of Fire ADD and, 154, 159–60
SMR training and, 288
Paul, Karen, Tim, Pam, 176–78
Paxil, xix, 146, 284
Perspectives, coaching and, 360–61
PET scans (positron emission tomography), 32, 65, 66, 70, 289, 393
Phosphatidylserine, 139, 175, 262
Physical abuse, 45, 59–60
Pine bark, xix, 258
Pokémon cartoon, mass entrainment and, 35
Pomegranates, 246
Population dynamics, Lebanon and, 31
Positive affirmations, self-hypnosis, 380–82
Positive behavior shaping steps, 296–307
Positive-thinking principles. See ANTs
Post-traumatic stress disorder, 60, 169, 231
Pot. See Marijuana
Poultry, 248
Prefrontal cortex (PFC)
diagram, xxii, 99
distractibility and, 24
dorsal lateral, 98, 99, 99, 100, 173
functions, xxi, 28–29, 98–100
hyperfrontality, 114, 115, 154
inferior orbital, 98, 99, 99, 100
internal supervision issues, xiv, 28–30, 94, 100
Procrastination. See Follow-through
Progesterone level, 19
Prosopagnosia, 124
Provigil, xix, 274
Prozac, xix, 112, 114, 116, 145, 147, 176, 275, 284, 392
Psychoeducational testing, 60
Psychological factors, “Four Circles” assessment, 44, 44–46
Psychological interventions, 229–32
Psychotherapy themes, 230–32
Punishment, discipline and, 303–5
Quaglino, A., 124
Quality of Life Inventory, 36
Quantitative electroencephalograms (qEEGs), xvi, 5, 64, 65, 393
Questioning attitude, learning environment, 320
Questionnaire (Amen Clinics ADD Type Questionnaire), 50, 89–90. See also SPECT scans
Rage outbursts, 133, 135, 205, 207, 220
Rainbow eating, brain-healthy eating rules, 241
Reading problems, 127, 129–30, 134, 319
Reinforcement, learning environment, 319
Relationships, ADD and, 204–8
Religious preoccupation, 131, 132, 160
Relora, xix, 163, 265
Repetitive negative arguments, 208
Reprogramming for success. See Self-hypnosis
Resistance. See Treatment resistance
Resource guide. See Help
Restful Sleep formula, 332
Restlessness, 208
Rhodiola, xix, 257, 258
Right hemisphere, xxiii, 124, 130
Ring of Fire ADD (type 6), 150–60. See also ADD
anticonvulsants and, 153, 156, 158
bipolar disorder compared to, 153–54, 154, 160
case histories, 150–59
diet summary, xix
medications summary, xix, 277–78
neurofeedback and, 287–88
parietal lobes and, 154, 159–60
Ritalin and, 151, 153, 156
SPECT findings, 83–84, 84
summary, xv, xxxvii
supplements strategy, xix, 264
symptoms, 84, 150
Risperdal, 114, 153, 156, 277
Ritalin (methylphenidate)
cocaine and, 32–33, 97–98
dopamine and, xxx, xxxn, 102
elderly and, 12
head injuries and, 169
paradoxical effect of, 64
Ring of Fire ADD and, 151, 153, 156
substance abuse and, 191
Roadblocks, coaching and, 361–63
Romanian orphans, 45
Rosemary herb, 242
Saffron, 242
Sage herb, 242
Salmon, 248
SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine), xix, 18, 176, 263–64
Sardine, 248
Satterfield, James, 225
Schizophrenia, 66, 69, 129
ADD and, 213–15
learning disabilities, 60–61, 214–15
reading problems, 127, 129–30, 134, 319
serotonin levels and, 249
writing problems, 4, 60, 102, 132–33, 214, 318, 320–21
School strategies
DPN, 322–25
learning environment, 315–22
overview, 234, 314
teachers, 314–15
Screening family members, for ADD, 307–8
Seaweeds, 247
Seeds, nuts and, 245
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 255, 275
Self-assessment, 218, 220
Self-esteem, 207, 219–21. See also ANTs
Self-hypnosis, 332, 366–83
Self-medication. See Substance abuse
Self-report questionnaire. See Questionnaire
Seligman, Martin, 46
hypersensitivity, 23, 24–25, 154, 160, 264
noise, 10, 92, 150, 154, 206
touch, 10, 24–25, 146, 150, 154, 316
Sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) waves, 281
Sensory cortex. See Parietal lobes
Serotonergic medications, 112, 255, 277
Serotonin. See also St. John’s Wort
anterior cingulate gyrus and, 112
cacao and, 245
chickpeas and, 246
Effexor and, 117, 186, 275
exercise and, 227
5-HTP and, 260–61
Overfocused ADD and, xix, 59, 253, 259, 275–76
production pathway, 260–61, 261
school and, 249
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, 255, 275
simple carbohydrates and, 249–50
sleep and, 330, 331
St. John’s Wort and, 114, 153, 255, 259
L-tryptophan and, 227, 249–50, 260–61
Sesame seeds, 245
Sexual abuse, 45, 59–60
Shirataki noodles, 248
Short attention span, xiv, 22–23
Side effects, medications, 279
Sight sensitivity, 25, 154
Skill building, coaching and, 357–61
Skull, hardness, 166
apnea, 51, 56, 57, 76
duration requirements, 52
insomnia, 52, 63, 76, 270, 275, 332, 345
Sleep strategies, 52, 229, 327–32
Smart carbohydrates, 240–41
Social connectedness, deep limbic system and, 142–43
Social factors, “Four Circles” assessment, 46, 46–47
Social interventions, 232–35
Social isolation, 10, 12, 14, 58, 83, 140, 145, 146, 147, 148, 197, 198, 204, 210, 232
Social skill treatment, 234–35
Societal challenges, ADD and, xxxix–xl
Softness, brain, 166
Sound sensitivity, 25, 154
Soy, brain-healthy eating rules, 244
Space disorganization, 25–26
Speaking without thinking, 205–6
SPECT scans (single photon emission computed tomography). See also Questionnaire
anxiety with obsessive features, xxv
author’s early history with, 62–75
collaboration, 76
database growth, xxviii
described, xxiii–xxvi, 49–50, 68–69
dramatic non-ADD brain dysfunction, 77, 78, 78–79
drug affected, xxiv, xxvi
Anxious ADD, 84–85, 85
Classic ADD, 79, 79–80
Inattentive ADD, 80, 80
Limbic ADD, 82–83, 83
Overfocused ADD, 81, 81
Ring of Fire ADD, 83–84, 84
Temporal Lobe ADD, 81–82, 82
guiding principles, 76–79
active scans, xxv, 71
surface scans, xxiii, xxiv, xxvi, 70
Jaeger and, 69–71, 72, 153
neurofeedback and, 282
online information, xxvi
Paldi and, 66
PET scans, 32, 65, 66, 70, 289, 393
questions about, 391–94
3-D active, xxiii, xxv, 69, 71, 81, 150, 152, 187
3-D surface, xxiii, xxiv, xxvi, 69, 70
Spices, brain-healthy eating rules, 241–42
Spinach, 242, 247
Spiritual factors, “Four Circles” assessment, 47–49, 48
Spiritual interventions, 235–36
Spirulina, 247
Split families, 309–10
St. John’s Wort, 113–14, 153, 181, 182, 254–55, 259–60, 261, 285
Starter report, xiii–xx
Still, George, xxxiv, 20
Stimulant medications, 267–75
Strattera, xix, 270, 274
Subject matter presentation, learning environment, 317–18
Substance abuse. See also Alcohol abuse
addiction tendencies, 219
ADD treatment issues and, 190–91
biological interventions, 226–29
caffeine, xvii, 76, 183, 184, 189, 190, 226, 239, 248, 267, 268, 328, 392, 397, 398
case histories, 184–91
cocaine, 32–33, 48, 97–98, 184
drugs, 42–43
marijuana, 42, 137, 138, 147, 162, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187–88, 188, 189, 226, 396
methamphetamines, 98, 183, 184
nicotine, xvii, 183, 189, 190, 226, 398
overview, 183–84
Success programming. See Self-hypnosis
Sugar, low glycemic foods, 240–41
incidents, 128–29, 185
suicidal behavior, 128, 134, 169
suicidal thoughts, 15, 33, 66, 72, 73, 74, 120, 128, 147, 158
Superfoods, 245–48
Supplement strategies, 254–65. See also Dietary interventions
Anxious ADD, xix, 265
Classic ADD, xix, 257–59
Inattentive ADD, xix, 257–59
Limbic ADD, xix, 262–64
multavitamin and mineral supplement, 255–56
omega-3 fatty acids, 241, 243, 256–57
Overfocused ADD, xix, 259–61
overview, 228–29, 254–55
Ring of Fire ADD, xix, 264
summary for ADD types, xix
Temporal Lobe ADD, xix, 262
Support groups, 232–33
Sweet potatoes, 247
Switching things around, 218–19
Symptom clusters, xxviii–xxxi
Taking turns, 205
Talking, excessive, 58, 153, 206
Tantrums, 14, 32, 113, 114, 116, 156, 207, 209, 211, 220, 306
Taste sensitivity, 25, 154
Tea, green, xix, 248, 250, 257, 265
Teacher, school strategies, 314–15
Teasing, 16, 204, 232, 296, 309, 314, 321, 324, 341
Tegretol. See Carbamazepine
Television excess, 32, 34–35, 43
Temperature training, 63
Temporal fossa, 125, 125
Temporal Lobe ADD (type 4), 120–39. See also ADD
anticonvulsants and, 17, 122, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 276
case histories, 121–38
déjà vu and, 120, 131, 132
diet summary, xix
medications summary, xix, 276–77
memory problems and, xxxvii, 82, 120, 126, 130, 131, 134, 137, 139, 262, 276–77, 285
neurofeedback and, 285–86
SPECT findings, 81–82, 82
summary, xv, xxxvii
supplements strategy, xix, 262
symptoms, 82, 120
violent behavior and, 17, 82, 120, 127, 132, 136, 137
Temporal lobe epilepsy, 132, 138–39, 289
Temporal lobes
abnormalities, 125–26, 127–33
diagram, xxii, 123
functions, xxii, 123–25
Testing adaptations, learning environment, 319
Thalamus, 24, 82, 143
THC, 188. See also Marijuana abuse
L-theanine, xix, 162, 163, 248, 265
Theta waves, 281
3-D active scans, xxiii, xxv, 69, 71, 81, 150, 152, 187
3-D surface scans, xxiii, xxiv, xxvi, 69, 70
Thyme, 242
hypothyroidism, 55, 258, 395–96
thyroid disease, 55, 60, 69, 395
thyroid panel (blood test), 55
Tic disorders, 59, 118, 270–71, 275, 288
Tim, Pam, Paul, Karen, 176–78
Time organization, 26–27
Timeout method, 305–7
Touch sensitivity, 10, 24–25, 146, 150, 154, 316
Tourette’s syndrome, 59, 118, 271, 275
Toxic exposure, 41–42
Treatment resistance, 395–401
Treatments. See also Dietary interventions; Exercise; Medication treatment; Neurofeedback; Supplement strategies
Amen Clinics Brain Enhancement Program, xxxviii, 225
biological interventions, 226–29
common, all ADD types, xvii–xviii
overview, 225–26
psychological interventions, 229–32
social interventions, 232–35
spiritual interventions, 235–36
substance abuse and, 190–91
summary for ADD types, xix
Trigeminal nerve stimulation (TNS), 289
Triglycerides, 52, 54, 245
Trileptal, xix
Tripler Army Medical Center, 62, 111
L-tryptophan, 227, 249–50, 260–61
Turmeric, 241
24/7 Brain Gym, 50–51
Twins, 40, 74
Types 1-7 ADDs. See ADD
Tyrosine hydroxylase, 53
L-tyrosine, xix, 15, 95, 105, 146, 148, 153, 159, 181, 258, 259, 260, 263, 264, 277
Unabomber, 132
Underdiagnosed ADD, 30, 215
Unknown factors, treatment failure, 401
Untreated ADD, xxvii, 30
Values, coaching and, 351–53
Vegetables, brain-healthy, 246–48
Video games excess, 32–34, 43, 228
Vinpocetine, xix, 139, 174, 262
Violent behavior, 17, 34, 63, 82, 120, 127, 132, 135, 136, 137, 151, 153, 158, 179, 228, 240, 244
Vision, coaching and, 354–55
Visualizing success. See Self-hypnosis
Vitamin and mineral supplements, 255–56
Vitamin D, zinc, ferritin level (blood test), 53–54
Vocal tics, 59, 118, 271
Volcano, Kilawea, 150
Volkow, Nora, 97–98
Vyvanse, xix, 102, 267, 268
Waist-to-height ratio, 51–52
Wall, 12
Walnuts, 245
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 52, 62
Wang, Gene-Jack, xxx
Water, brain-healthy eating rules, 239
WebNeuro, 23
Wellbutrin, 147, 148, 270, 274, 277
Wheat, brain-healthy eating rules, 244
Wheatgrass juice, 248
Writing problems, 4, 60, 102, 132–33, 214, 318, 320–21
“Always” thinking ANT, 339
avoidance of, xvii, 294, 295, 298, 303, 308
“I Bet I Can Get You to Yell At Me or Hit Me” game, 194–96
Zametkin, Alan, 65, 66, 67, 70
Zinc, ferritin level, Vitamin D (blood test), 53–54
Zinc supplement, xix, 118, 238, 245, 248
Zoloft, xix, 145, 275
Zone Diet, 146, 227