Jenny Bent and Gemma Cooper: You two are a dream come true for this author. THANK YOU for being such great supportive agents. I am incredibly lucky to be working with you.
Patrick Price: I love you! You and I are two peas.
Melissa Jolly: You. Are. Wonderful! You seriously need to write a book titled How to Be Excellent at Everything.
Dana Kaye: You should coauthor that book with Melissa. :)
Marji Arzie: Even though I named my villain after you, you know I mean it with all the love in my heart. Thanks for being a great plotting partner.
Mara Anastas, Paul Crichton, Nicole Ellul, Michelle Fadlalla Leo, Jessica Handelman, Katherine Devendorf, Michael Rosamilia, Sara Berko, Veda Kumarjiguda, Carolyn Swerdloff, Teresa Ronquillo: my amazing publishing team. Every one of you seriously rocks.
Young Adult Series Insiders (YASI): The thing about writers is that we are such a supportive community. I’m incredibly blessed to be surrounded by my fellow YASI sisters Jennifer Armentrout, Nina Berry, Anne Blankman, Martina Boone, Tracy Clark, Bree Despain, Kimberley Griffiths Little, and Claudia Gray.
My online friends/readers/followers: You make me smile every single day. I adore you!