“Listen to this, Henry.” Andy shook out the front page of the newspaper. “ ‘Millionaire lawyer Clayton Townsend confesses to crimes of fraud, burglary, accessory to attempted kidnapping, and murder. While being questioned by police, Townsend claimed to have been captured by a large, talking bird. He is calling the winged creature “the Hawk.” He also claims this same bird glued his head to his foot. Prosecutors discount the story, calling it an attempt by the noted lawyer to credit a possible plea of insanity, although they remain puzzled by the fact that one of Townsend’s partners seemed to be frozen for three days.’ Hmmm. Maybe the Super Stun Gun is set a little high.”

Andy folded the paper. “We’re on our way to being famous, Henry. Someday the police will probably call in the Hawk to help them on some of their really tough cases.”

“Yes, sir. Sir …?”

“What is it, Henry?”

“Might I ask why you are still dressed in the Hawk suit? I had hoped you might take the weekend off. I had some laundry to do and a bit of shopping.”

Andy picked up the Hawk headpiece and slipped it on. “It’s like this, Henry. I found out that this superhero stuff has a few added bonuses. And one of them told me she was free this weekend if I wanted to fly by.”

“I see. And would you like me to follow along in the car, Master Hawkes?”

Andy smiled and hit the button on his rocket booster harness. “Not this time, Henry. I’m pretty sure I can handle this one by myself.”