What is a superhero? You probably think of Superman. Batman, Wonder Woman, or Spider-Man when you hear that word. The word superhero means a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers. But it can also mean an exceptionally skillful or successful person—which means that you too can be a superhero!

Just for fun, design your own superhero. First pick out an animal you really like. It could be a high-flying bird (like the hawk), a quick-moving cat (a jaguar or a tiger), or a mighty and powerful beast (an elephant!). Or, instead of an animal, pick out a quality you think is really cool. For example, Stretch Armstrong could stretch his arms way out like rubber bands to capture bad guys.

Pick a name for your superhero, and then start drawing a picture of what you think he or she might look like. If you picked out an animal, make sure your superhero has some of the qualities of that animal in his or her costume, just like Batman’s batlike ears and cape. Then figure out what kind of special powers your superhero has and how he or she might use them. Your superhero’s powers should match the kind of creature he or she is. For example, Spider-Man can spin a net for a trap and climb up the sides of buildings, just like a spider.

Then make up a story for your superhero. And be sure to make up some villains for your superhero to fight. Write the story down, or draw your own comic-book adventure starring your superhero.

If you could be any superhero, which one would you choose to be? Why? Do you know anyone you would consider a superhero?