This project has benefited from the advice, expertise, and generosity of numerous readers and sources over the past several years. Some read the whole manuscript, some read parts, others listened, still others provided access to the past. Many thanks to Patrick Allitt, Roger Bernier, Liz Bounds, Amy Benson Brown, Julia Bullock, Bob Chen, Claire Clark, James Colgrove, Georganne Conis, Paula Conis, Cynthia Cournoyer, Karen Darling, Barbara Loe Fisher, Kathleen Fullerton, Elizabeth Gallu, Deb Gust, Mary Hilpertshauser, Alan Hinman, Kiersten Israel-Ballard, Robert Johnston, Howard Kushner, Aimee Medeiros, Albert Nason, Peggy O’Mara, Abena Dove Osseo-Asare, Sarah Patamia, Dorothy Porter, Justin Remais, Rob Richards, Tom Rogers, Elizabeth Watkins, members of the Spring 2013 Johns Hopkins University History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Colloquium, the students in my Spring 2013 Drugs and American Culture course at Emory University, the students in Sander Gilman’s Spring 2010 Representing Health and Illness course at Emory, the 2007 members of the International Network for Health Policy and Reform, and the anonymous reviewers who read this manuscript.
Special thanks to the institutions that supported my research, including the Department of History, Emory University; the Program in the History of Health Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco; Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University; the Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, University of California, Los Angeles; the Chemical Heritage Foundation; and the American Association for the History of Medicine.