My everlasting thanks to my editor, Shaye Areheart, whose suggestions and guidance made this whole experience a joy from start to finish. This process took a lot longer than I expected, and Shaye helped me so much, every step of the way, with her optimism and savvy. “Grateful” isn’t a big-enough word.

I also want to thank my literary agent, Phyllis Wender, for her constant encouragement, love, and smarts. This is our third book together, and I hope there will be more.

My thanks to Crown’s senior editor, Mary Reynics, for her sharp insight and kind support while expecting her first baby.

Thanks also go to Crown’s editorial director, Trish Boczkowski, who seamlessly took over after Mary had her beautiful baby boy and guided this book to its finish.

And thanks to my daughter, Jody Hamilton, for putting together the lists and airdates of all 276 shows, plus the list of our writers for each of the eleven seasons.