After memorable introductions Malachi stoked the fire with wood then looked at his family and hers through the mirrored panels reaching from ceiling to floor that surrounded the fireplace.
Jiminez and Devrae were seated on the tasselled diamond printed rug that rested on the polished timber floor in front of the fire. The two sets of parents chatted on the burgundy sofas positioned opposite each other and Angea-Lea was curled up on the burgundy sofa facing the fire.
Junré mentioned how pretty the white gladiolis looked poking out of the glass bowled vase. Aaron Castle pulled a cigar out of his blue velvet coat and lit up. He moved the crystal ashtray closer to him and lit the two block candles stuck in twin crystal holders.
Alison Castle, Malachi’s mother stared at the geometric art prints on the cream wall next to the mirrored wall and the ferns in the corners of the room giving a visual balance between wall and floor surfaces.
Outside it thundered and poured rain, in another hour they would be leaving for the celebration dinner. Malachi thought how lucky he was Angea-Lea was not found dead. When he was searching for her he hated the sadistic madman Manuel for messing with his girl. He rose from a squatting position and slipped his grey jacket onto his muscly torso and tightened his tie.
One hour later they were seated in the Jacaranda Room at the Retrospect Lighthouse. The soft pastel glow from the dim lights kissed their bodies, the heating unit warming them like morning sunshine.
“The winner Malachi Castle who believes Audrey Hepburn means to him ‘The Purrrfect Pick-Me-Up!’ I do believe also the little angel beside him is an exact look-a-like. There they are seated at table three. Put your hands together everyone,” the announcer said walking over to their table to hand them the winning tickets. Everyone clapped and cheered.
For the entrée they had barbecued prawns with garlic and caper butter. The main meal of crisp skinned aussie chilli schnapper was followed by a dessert of roasted pear tart and ice-cream washed down with persimmon brandy, the children drank soda pop. Malachi and Angea-Lea danced slowly to the classical music, then seated themselves again.
“Enjoy the trip through the Retrospect Museum and the 2000 Olympic Games Malachi Castle and friends. Goodnight everyone.”
The next morning they arrived at the Retrospect Museum, the celebratory show was entitled Audrey Hepburn: The Stylistic Chic Loved By All. The team from The Australian Women’s Weekly captured the essence of this epic tale and now the Retrospect Museum relayed a similar story to the large group of excited fans.
A picture of Audrey and Gregory Peck graced the wall at the beginning of the true to life tale as well as many other pictures of the star with an accompanying write up on her life in lights.
The museum manager took the winners and other visitors on the journey through Audrey Hepburn’s wonderful life.
“In a flash of the camera Audrey Hepburn became a popular film star. The film that got her to the top so quick was Roman Holiday in 1953. She was a natural at making people laugh. Her sex appeal won the audience. Her elegance wooed the star-gazers on and off the screen.
Her very first performance won her an oscar as predicted by her leading man Gregory Peck. It was worth their teaming up – the perfect duo.
An academy award she had won playing the undercover princess that skips the regal role that smothered her, to stay overnight at the Eternal City where she is utterly smitten with the newspaperman played by Gregory Peck then goes back to the things she must do in the end.
In Rome she rides clutching onto Peck on his motor scooter then gracefully gobbles ice-cream on the spanish steps delighted to be as free as a bird and very much in love, her heavenly luxuriance had much to do with Roman Holiday being a successful love story with a happy ending everybody adored.
At that same time Audrey turned the tables on fashion. It was just like Hollywood to show a bit of cleavage and a lot of thigh, but with Audrey being demure and super slim she was sensitive about what and how much she would bare before the camera.
We all know Audrey possessed beauty queen looks that face in a million but she didn’t think so. She felt she didn’t have the right angles about her face for the big silver screen.
Insult after insult she endured by the men that dressed her. They either said she was too tall and lanky or had nothing under her blouse. Some behind the scenes people said she wasn’t quite bright enough to shine on screen.”
* * * * * *
The exhibition gave everything away, anything there was to know about her was told. Photographs, film stills, clothes and accessories supplied by her relatives were displayed.
“She was a very ordinary girl with an extra-ordinary heart and nature,” the manager announced. Angea-Lea was excited to learn more about her favourite actress.
“A giving person she set up the Audrey Hepburn’s Children’s Fund which raises money for kiddie’s causes. She believed in keeping life simple.”
Malachi mentioned how when he first met Angea-Lea her life was simple but did she have to go and complicate life by bed-hopping with whomever, whenever? “If only you had thought ahead and left well alone and did what was right for your family like Audrey would do. Angea-Lea you need to be more considerate of others not selfish like you have been, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander and the entire gaggle of geese in fact,” he told her that was what Audrey believed.
Angea-Lea sulked.
Audrey’s son was at the museum he was like Audrey, tall, dark and softly spoken, Angea-Lea secretly admired him especially when he told the audience, “People said my mother would be elegant in a potato sack. A green garbage bag is all that little halter-neck dress really is but it’s whose in it that matters,” he told them pointing to a picture of his mother in the dress. “My saintly mother wore it well. She was not only beautiful on the outside but beautiful on the inside.”
“Oh yes!” Angea-Lea bellowed clapping and cheering.
“You look so much like my mother what is your name?”
“My name is Angea-Lea Siffleur Sir.”
Everyone applauded Angea-Lea’s graciousness.
“When is your baby due?”
“In three months and I hope if I have a son that is just like you.” Soon the pain from Malachi’s comments disappeared and she was her old self again.
Her humble attitude she shared with Audrey it ran deep through her soul and out through her sweet mouth.
“The director of Funny Face, Charade and Two For The Road told everyone present that day, that she dived into acting with a sense of completeness sticking with the crew until the very end of each film, she never gave up, the way she read her lines gave her braininess away. She never wanted things her way, she was extremely considerate.”
Angea-Lea desired to provide for her family especially her unborn with occasions to reflect on – exciting days and exciting ways to shape their lives, especially for Devrae she wanted to provide happy memories she could look back on in her adult life for that’s how it should have been for Audrey in her childhood.
Tears streamed from Angea-Lea’s eyes when she learned about Audrey’s life her parent’s separation the trials and tribulations of World War Two and its effect on her as a girl how her metabolism was ruined by near starvation so in later life she had to “diet” to put on weight.
“From that time on she looked at things differently. Realism became paramount after enduring such atrocities during the occupation. When the war ended she said she was appreciative she was still on the earth and togetherness with family and friends was a necessity, friendships were not to be taken lightly. Relationships were more valuable than gold,” they were told.
Angea-Lea spoke, “I do believe she wanted to be a ballerina in the forties but her mother couldn’t afford it they were struggling to stay alive is that right?”
Audrey’s son answered, “Yes, that is correct, the instructors considered her to have too much height and rather talentless as well. My mother was a part-time model, a dancer her audiences were magnetised to her babyish eyes and her willingness to do anything on stage to attract a crowd. One of the showgirls she performed with complained that Audrey wasn’t well gifted in the chest area and the audience couldn’t keep their eyes off her they weren’t the least bit interested in the showgirl beside her who was ample bosomed!”
“I not only have her gorgeous face but I have plenty underneath my petticoat both top and bottom,” she yelled with pride.
The males surrounding her drew closer to get a better look then she did the worst thing she could have done she lifted her top to reveal her bare bouncy boobs, then lifted her skirt to reveal her bare plump pussy and tubby belly, they had to leave early.
The next day Malachi handed over the tickets to the 2000 Olympic Games, they watched the opening ceremony then a while later the whole family went to watch the Equestrian event. Malachi cheered on Andrew Hoy, “Aussie man Hoy win!” Because of this Andrew Hoy was the winner of three successive gold medals in the three-day team equestrian event. Malachi was elated and Angea-Lea remembered being taken away on horseback by Manuel it disturbed her a little but Malachi threw his powerful arms around her to strengthen her, reassuring her it would never happen again. Her heart stopped pounding. Then not too long after they watched the closing ceremony.
That night in their bedroom, the little coral-skinned gal lay on her man’s coppery chest, his fingers running through her golden hair, a sensual smile on her pretty rose pink lips. The tanned Aussie Vet who loved her dearly could not shut his eyes for one minute.
His eyes of beaten bronze looked disturbing as he stared at the ceiling. All night long they made sweet gentle love, rapture finally came as the morning sunshine broke through the rumbling cloudy sky tinselled red in rayful flame. The hours following the delight of dawn the golden haired angel dreamt of the Marble Cutting Figure Former of Life. Her divine song of creation blessed them both as it pranced through her mind and her lips each glorious word out loud in the presence of her everloving lover.
“A little figurine former marble cutter boy with his steel cutting tool decided to create a work of art carved in marble cool with eyes of fire and a heart of delight he brought to
life what he’d dreamt in the night.
The lifeless marble he carved away cutting it easily as if it were clay sculpturing the angel he dreamed of with the sweetest face from a heart of love.
We are like that figure former marble cutter boy sculpturing our lifeless spirit with no sign of joy and as we carve bit by bit we bring to life our hearts we lit.
Messengers of God are we protecting beautiful humans with wings, guardian spirits with kindliness sad hearts we lift.”
* * * * * *
She awoke at the touch of his lips on hers. “Your angel songs at the end of every session of love are breathtakingly beautiful just like you my angel,” Malachi’s rich words melted her heart.
This angel, the most beautiful heavenly creature ever created lay wrapped with kisses of golden sunshine from a mortal much like a cherub, each so heart-stoppingly full of beauty.
She paid divine honours to him so worthy of worship and he poured on her his dignity, reverence and adoration. Holy fear mingled with reverence for her allowed his beautiful eyes to wander all over her naked body so skillfully made, so faultless and so complete. Malachi held her close in his arms at a point of duration far distant, absent of mention. She was a person of good birth her bare curves were soothing to the eye and to the touch, her eyes, as ravishing as a rainbow, her long eyelashes that curled heavenward were worthy of worship, her golden bob as ravishing as her happy smile.
The curved ends of her buttercup hair he moved along the smooth surface of his chest with pressure round his nipples, they ended at his points and the feeling so sexy blew his manhood to pieces.
Carefully he ran his strong long fingers over the small natural depression in her cheeks and chin. Her hips, her thighs, her cute little shapely bottom cried out for his melting breath, he blew gently on his favourite parts of her curvy body then snuggled up to her, arms tightly around her.
Looking at her plump syrupy vagina all of a sudden caused him to feel nauseous, the little golden curls not so angelic. A sudden disturbing emotion swept over him causing him to quake. He panted with nervousness losing his breath every now and then. He was not the only man who had fallen head over heels for this little beauty.
He wanted to crush her slothful admirers to pieces, he ground his teeth, he seethed within.
How could those five hungry animals have taken advantage of an eighteen-year-old angel girl? he thought angrily.
The key to a successful relationship is not to give in to others of the opposite sex, but why, what was the real reason she gave in allowing those men to have their way with her? Was she really in some kind of a trance after the death of her friends? Malachi questioned to himself. Betrayal was heartache. The more the sun shined the more chilly his heart became. The hurt plagued him. Doubts of whether or not she would be faithful in the future took over. He could be proud of himself for he had been faithful all along. Manuel, too, had been irresponsible, typical of the rich and spoilt, he thought. He wished he had never left his family home and ventured to France. He was so uncertain of the future whether it would all work out right that he lost interest in marriage and wanted to pull out of the deal.
Fury took hold of his calm nature, he was furious with Angea-Lea that she had given those desperate men the best of herself. He didn’t like the idea of sharing his woman with others. He just couldn’t believe that she searched for others when his log was the longest, hardist and thickest in the forest.
Disgusted that other men had tasted her nectarous peach he broke free from her embrace and turned over the other side. He didn’t want to look at that comely face, that kind of body every Tom, Dick and Hermit wanted. That sweet innocent look had disappeared from her face and now she looked experienced her face was becoming somewhat harsh, odd shaped, he thought.
His wild fury grew and grew. No longer did he feel comfortable with her sexuality. He wanted to hold back the tide of love. She didn’t deserve him, he thought to himself.
Resentfully, he belched rudely like a wino not giving a stuff just who it was lying beside him.
She more or less gave the impression she was as pure as an angel, how far apart he felt from her now, making love to her the night before was captivating, the feelings the next morning should stay the same. Why did she feel the need to stray? What if he’d become untrue? How would she feel?
He had made a promise to himself that he would be there for her now especially when she was carrying their baby he wanted to provide for her. Be a father constant for the ten-year-olds who needed them both. He just had to stick with her. Besides, he didn’t win her in a raffle he couldn’t just dump her, not now.
Unpleasant worrying thoughts wrestled with pleasant caring ones. Not wanting to play games nor make mistakes his need for her was greater than his want for her. Wishing she was as faithful as his mother was to his father, he felt a little lonely deep inside. Patience and understanding where had they gone?
What could he expect of a teenager with all the get up and go of a toddler? Her clitoris screamed for attention. Blind to his affections at the time she had been robbed from him just added fat to the fire. Now burning out of control he hated looking at her legs apart displaying that ‘come-and-get-me’ look. It took a torturous toll on his once peaceful mind. Bitterness was beginning to eat him alive.
He grunted like an animal as if she wasn’t there.
Sleep, how could she just lie there and sleep as if nothing had ever happened?
The more she slept the more annoyed he became.
If it were not for a cool change in the weather that morn she would never have woken. Her skin grew goosebumps from the chilling breeze that blew in all of a sudden and she awoke from her sleep. Her eyes opened then slammed shut under the bright light from the reader’s lamp he had left on all night.
With plenty of elasticity in her arms and legs she drew them out tight yawning as if she were the most important one in the room. Rolling over and bent on her knees prompted by love she straddled the pillow and cried out the five names of the men she’d shagged in recent times. Half asleep-half awake erotic little ums and aahs rose from her throat in a sing-song effect begging Malachi to place his humungous cock in her salivating mouth but … she had gotten his name mixed up with someone elses. “Manuel!” she called, “Manuel!” she screamed as she rode the pillow like a rocking-horse.
Caressing her furry little tabby pussy down Fur-Lined Avenue with her fingers tugging at the curls she’d recently grown there, the pillow felt saturated and little sweatspots stained the whiteness of the flanelette, she fully awakened to find Malachi had shot through. She’d reached for him in dire need of his wallbanger but he was not there for her.
Where was her knight in shining armour, her king of the castle? What happened to that face in a million that rugged, chiselled face that grew on her?
“Where are you Malachi, where are you hiding?” she sang sweetly across the room.
Dismounting her fabric horsey she slumped over paralyzed with fear and uncertainty.
Like an iceberg melting under the striking summer sun he had melted away, her sexy sweetheart, had he gone for good? Or was he just having a shave in the ensuite bathroom?
He came into the room with a velvet drawstring bag in his hand and stood beside her his face screwed up. He looked ferocious, like a lion ready to tear her apart. “Do you know what this bag contains?”
“These are the top six sex-toys. Tools of the trade to satisfy the little woman of the household. The first one…” He pulled it out of the bag, “is the little chap with the little cap. Its little garment for covering something long and hard is elastic and is like a leash for a dog – the penis slides through giving a robust erection, and this attachment is a cordless microbullet that stimulates via a quivering motion a little lady’s little penis and a wimp’s pencil-thin penis,” his voice became louder and more aggressive.
He spat out further, “Do you know what this gadget does, the second most popular?” holding it up in the air.
“No,” she sighed afraid at what he might do to her next.
“It is a waterman, this little fella runs well under a sunshower. This 18 1/2inch soft plastic coated comfort maker has three speeds and is arched to tickle your pippy.”
She felt confused wondering what point he was trying to make.
“This next one, number three – Supergirl rope wrist cuffs, these are designed to hold back a restless shiela or to restrain her flighty man you could keep me pinned to the bed for hours,” he whispered softly.
“Or what about number four – Boilin’ Bilby. This soft rubber ring fits around the penis to make his erection stronger, while the ears of the bilby tickle your clitoris and if we want to turn on our anus, my testicles or your nub again these two loops hold a pair of vibrating bullets.” He jumped onto the bed like a cave man twisting his nuts wrecklessly inflicting torture on himself, she screamed in terror backing up and sitting on the bedhead shaking like a salt-shaker.
“Wait on, number five will really turn ya on. A sweetmeat massaging kit. Smear your clitty or my kepi with flavoured massage oils and apply the jelly massage roller or you could lick me knob yum, tasty!” he gnashed his teeth at her and growled like a hungry tiger. Tears ran down her flushed cheeks, her stomach filled with butterflys.
His scowling face became dark and eerie he kicked the bedhead, was he going crazy? He pulled out number six, “Last but not least what about Heart-throb Vibe? The perfect gift for the woman who has everything. At ten cms you can tuck this little vibrator into your gaping cleavage for a quickie on-the-run or you can loosen my load with it,” he said with irony in his voice and tribal chief feathers in his hair, he gave the call of the wild. His brown eyes mean and accusing scared the goodness out of her.
Filled with anger she stood on the bed and punched into him trying to punch a bit of sense into his thick head.
“Not even these gadgets could bring wimpy Manuel’s stumpy up, but do I need them with this whopper? Hell no!” he shouted.
He felt like beating her and she thought he would.
“He’d be no good for ya, so stay at home!” he bellowed. “I don’t feel like giving you sex, you trollop! Throwing yourself at those toyboys!” His cold, lifeless eyes freakishly travelled up and down her naked body. “Put your clothes back on I don’t want to see your useless ugly body!”
“Malachi why am I your enemy because I played up a little?”
“You play up more times than a second hand lawn mower.”
Like a wounded, deranged toddler she whimpered and cowered behind the pillow. Tears pooled in her eyes fearing it was all over.
“Besides I am Australian and you are French, two different cultures. Europeans have their bit on the side. It is typical for you to have many lovers through your engagement and when you marry you won’t be able to give them up. You won’t be able to stop the betrayal, you are a nymphomaniac Angea-Lea, you are no angel!” he shouted, “Were you just using me?”
“That’s right! A saucy French gal employing a dense Aussie boy and his thick prick!” her intention was to reef his heart out thinking he wouldn’t be needing it.
Tears now ran down his ruggedly handsome face.
“I was losing….my….mmind. The fire…losing my friends… the fire…..I didn’t know what I was doing. I wanted….to cram….as much in to life and love as…..I could,” heaving and sobbing. The she-fox wept convulsively catching her breath in sorrow her heart tearing apart. “I apologize,” she said.
He felt as if she’d cut off his penis pain racked his genitals his love gadgets, his heart sank, Malachi put his hands gently around her waist and lifted her off the headboard and held her closely to his big strong chest patting her gently on the back then placed her back onto the soft downy bed, dressed her then walked away.
Out of control emotions made her feel troubled, she rolled over and over sad he’d walked out of the room the world outside her window looked so unkind. Ripping her knots with her fingers more water gushed from her eyes than Angel Falls.
In spasmodic movement her chilled body suddenly thrusted, pushed and twitched with her wrecking cascade of transparent drops from her stinging bloodshot eyes.
She gave up all hope till her heart was a place of butchery. A painful sensation excited by guilt and disgrace shot through her. Painful emotions excited by apprehension of impending danger crushed her to pieces.
Malachi had entertained her with his trained slug he communicated to her with his sexuality, they had believed in each other through sexuality as a symbol of power like they had conquered the world. Now he hated her for using him. If the sexual organs were direct extensions of the human brain itself then she’d lost that constantly renewable action because she’d lost her mind. Sexual pleasure was no longer free and abundant but boxed and not available, reserved for young excitable guys bearing all on the wall, he had said to her completely out of control.
What a filthy thing to do to a bloke as trustworthy as Malachi Castle, trustworthy at least in this relationship, he had gone to a lot of trouble to turn over a new leaf, but he was being used, yuk! Just another shag on a rock!
The tenderness he had felt for her all along no longer existed he thought at this point he might have to leave her and search for another who was willing to have him as her own only.
To Cockle Bay Wharf he walked lightening his wallet in the promenade pub drowning all memories of Angea-Lea.