Lines on Roger Hilton’s Watch
Which I was given because
I loved him and we had
Terrible times together.
O tarnished ticking time
Piece with your bent hand,
You must be used to being
Looked at suddenly
In the middle of the night
When he switched the light on
Beside his bed. I hope
You told him the best time
When he lifted you up
To meet the Hilton gaze.
I lift you up from the mantel
Piece here in my house
Wearing your verdigris.
At least I keep you wound
And put my ear to you
To hear Botallack tick.
You realise your master
Has relinquished you
And gone to lie under
The ground at St Just.
Tell me the time. The time
Is Botallack o’clock.
This is the dead of night.
He switches the light on
To find a cigarette
And pours himself a Teachers.
He picks me up and holds me
Near his lonely face
To see my hands. He thinks
He is not being watched.
The images of his dream
Are still about his face
As he spits and tries not
To remember where he was.
I am only a watch
And pray time hastes away.
I think I am running down.
Watch, it is time I wound
You up again. I am
Very much not your dear
Last master but we had
Terrible times together.