Index of the Top 100 Questions


Is “one man, one woman” the only kind of union God approves of? (2:24)

What are angels, and how do they interact with the world today? (28:12)


Who is God, what does he value, and how can we approach him? (3:13–14)

How do I balance concern for the poor with the needs of my family? (23:10–11)

Can our prayers cause God to change his mind? (32:14)


How are these laws relevant to us today? (19:19–28)

Is there anything wrong with same-sex relations? (20:13)

Does obedience bring prosperity? (26:3–39)

Are Christians required to tithe? (27:30–33)


Which is better, spiritually speaking—to be rich or poor? (8:10–18)

Does the Bible speak to the issue of immigration? (10:19)

Is there a connection between spiritual and physical health? (28:58–63)

Why does God allow bad things to happen? (31:16–21)


What values does a Christian family hold? (24:15)


Can we determine God’s will by “putting out a fleece”? (6:36–40)


Which of the Bible’s instructions regarding male and female roles are specific to first-century culture? (4:1–22)

1 Kings

Does it matter when and where we pray? (8:29–30)

2 Chronicles

Can the Bible exaggerate and still be true? (1:9–15)


How can we handle guilt and regret over our past decisions? (9:6)


Should Christians today observe the Sabbath? (13:15–22)


Are people just pawns in God’s chess game? (1:13–19)

Is God responsible for Satan’s actions or people’s sins? (19:8–12)

How much does the Bible explain about the afterlife? (33:28–30)

If we are treated unfairly, is God still good? (34:19)


Why does it sometimes seem like God is far away? (10:1)

Why do our prayers seem ineffective at times? (39:12)

Does God send troubles? (71:20)

If I have a relationship with God, why do I feel so lonely? (73:23)

Why does God choose some people and reject others? (78:67–68)

Does anything prevent God from responding to our prayers? (102:1–2)

How does a person meditate on God’s Word? (119:15)

Is there any “secular” evidence to support the Bible’s claims? (119:160)

Is it wrong for Christians to use contraception? (127:3–5)

Does the Bible define when human life begins? (139:13)

Does God approve of war? (144:1)


How do I show love to people who violate God’s standards without endorsing their sin? (1:15)

How should children be disciplined? (19:18)

How can parents prepare their children to impact the world? (22:6)

Is it wrong for both parents to work outside of the home? (31:13–18)


How does God want us to save, spend and give our money? (5:10)

What is the best way to share our faith in the workplace? (9:10)

Song of Songs

What does the Bible say about sex? (2:3–7)


How involved should Christians be in caring for the earth? (24:17–23)

What does the Bible definitively reveal about creation? (45:12)


Does God change his plans based on what we do? (26:3)

Does God have a specific plan for my life? (29:11)

Has God revealed himself differently to different cultures and time periods? (31:31)


What does the Bible say about the dangers of pornography? (23:14–16)


How can we understand the Trinity? (3:16–17)

What is hell like? (5:21–30)

How can I tell if I have too much “stuff”? (6:19–20)

How involved should the church be in politics? (22:21)

What does it mean to love my neighbor? (22:37–40)


How should Christians understand prayer? (1:35)

How can we, imperfect people, live the way Jesus wants us to live? (9:19–24)

Does the Bible approve of remarriage after divorce? (10:11–12)

Are natural disasters literally “acts of God”? Does he cause them? (13:8)


Can Christians lose their salvation? (8:13)

What are demons, and how do they interact with the world today? (9:37–43)

How do prayer customs become meaningless ritual? (11:2–4)

Does saving for retirement show a lack of trust in God? (12:16–21)

Does God give people a chance to believe in him after death? (16:19–31)

Does God expect me to forgive someone who keeps hurting me? (17:1–4)


Is there more to the gospel than being assured of heaven? (5:24)

Is accepting Jesus the only way for people to get to heaven? (14:6)

How can the Christian church become what Jesus intended? (14:12)


What is the Holy Spirit’s role in evangelism? (1:8)

What about those who have never heard about Jesus? (4:12)

Does it matter which Bible translation Christians use? (8:26–30)

What is the value of baptism? (19:1–7)


How are we justified? (5:1)

Does sin ever quit? (7:14–25)

What determines a person’s eternal destination? (10:9–10)

What did women do in the early church? (16:1–2)

1 Corinthians

Does God expect me to keep my mind and body pure in today’s culture? (6:18)

How do Christians practice evangelism in a culture that frowns on “proselytizing”? (9:19–23)

What is my purpose in life? And how can I be certain of it? (10:31)

How can we identify our spiritual gifts? (12:1–11)


Is there value in other religions like Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism? (1:9)


As a Christian, am I supposed to do good works? (2:10)

What does the Bible mean about wives submitting to their husbands? (5:22–24)

What is spiritual warfare, and how does it affect me? (6:12)


What can Christians do to become more like Jesus? (3:7–11)


In what ways should the church be serving the world? (1:24–29)

How can we gain victory over secret sins? (3:8–9)

1 Thessalonians

Are we tempted by Satan or by our own evil desires? (3:5)

What does it mean to be sanctified? (4:3–12)

1 Timothy

Should women be prohibited from certain leadership roles within the church? (2:12)

How important is it that we understand all doctrines correctly? (4:16)

2 Timothy

How should Christians teach their children about God? (1:5)

Does the Bible have answers for all of today’s moral dilemmas? (2:15)


Does it matter which denomination my church belongs to? (3:9)


How do we know the Bible is true? (4:12)

Do Christians really need to attend church? (10:24–25)

What does it mean to have faith? (11:1)


In what ways can people experience God today? (4:8–10)

Should we regularly confess our sins to other Christians? (5:16)

1 Peter

How much influence does Satan have in the world today? (5:8)

2 Peter

What do we know about a new heaven and a new earth? (3:13)

Why are so many parts of the Bible difficult to understand? (3:16)

1 John

What happens to a Christian between death and the day of judgment? (4:17)


What is heaven like? (4:1–11)