
Who was Edom? (v. 1)

What kind of envoy would God send to recruit armies against Edom? (v. 1)

Why would people live among the rocks? (v. 3)

Why mention Esau and Teman? (vv. 6, 9)

Who ate Edom’s bread? (v. 7)

Why was God so angry with Edom? (vv. 10–11)

Why was Edom so cruel to Israel? (v. 12)

What is the day of the LORD? (v. 15)

What does it mean that the Edomites drank on [God’s] holy hill? (v. 16)

When were these prophecies against Edom fulfilled? (vv. 18–20)

Who are the deliverers? (v. 21)


How did God send his word to Jonah? (1:1)

Why did Jonah run from God? (1:3)

Where was Tarshish? (1:3)

Where was Joppa? (1:3)

How did the lots expose Jonah? (1:7)

Does God always pursue those who run from him? (1:10)

What frightened the sailors? (1:10)

Why does God use such unusual methods? (1:17)

What kind of fish swallowed Jonah? (1:17)

Did Jonah pray to be rescued or forgiven? (2:2)

Did Jonah have a warped view of God? (2:7–9)

Was Jonah truly sorry for his rebellion? (2:8–9)

Was Jonah’s message of doom untrue? (3:4)

Why would idol worshipers listen to a foreign prophet? (3:5)

Can a ruler decree a revival? (3:7–9)

Why involve animals in their religious acts? (3:8)

How long did Nineveh’s repentance last? (3:10)

Why was Jonah upset that people turned to God? (4:1–2)

Why would a successful preacher want to die? (4:3)

What kind of plant was this? (4:6)

Why did God take away what he had just given? (4:6–7)

What made Jonah so angry? (4:9)

Why couldn’t the Ninevites tell their right hand from their left? (4:11)

How does God show his concern for all people? (4:11)


Where was Moresheth? (1:1)

Where does God live? (1:3)

How was Samaria Jacob’s transgression? (1:5)

What idols did the people worship? (1:7)

Why would Micah go about barefoot and naked? (1:8)

What happened to cause Micah such overwhelming grief? (1:8–16)

How were the people of Lachish where the sin of Daughter Zion began? (1:13)

Who was Daughter Zion? (1:13)

Why was shaving the head a sign of sorrow? (1:16)

Where would they go into exile? (1:16)

Were the powerful and elite the cause behind the nation’s problems? (2:1–2)

Why would God reward traitors? (2:4)

How could people take away [God’s] blessing? (2:9)

Why would a liar be just the prophet for this people? (2:11)

Why this sudden change of tone? (2:12–13)

Were the leaders cannibals? (3:3)

Does God refuse to listen to sinners? (3:4)

Why was the lack of visions and divination considered a punishment? (3:6)

What were seers? (3:7)

How did power and the Spirit of the LORD fill Micah? (3:8)

What are the last days? (4:1)

In the last days, will people have to visit Jerusalem to worship God? (4:2)

How will God govern the nations? (4:3)

When will nations finally disarm themselves? (4:3)

Whom will God gather together in that day? (4:6)

What do the watchtower and stronghold represent? (4:8)

Who is Daughter Zion? (4:8)

How will kingship return to Jerusalem? (4:8)

When would God rescue Israel? (4:10)

When will Israel break to pieces many nations? (4:13)

How would Jerusalem be a city of troops? (5:1)

What was Bethlehem Ephrathah? (5:2)

Did Micah know he was predicting the Messiah? (5:2–5)

Who were these seven shepherds and eight commanders? (5:5)

Will Assyria again be a power in the last days? (5:5)

Who was Nimrod? (5:6)

What do these poetic images represent? (5:7–8)

Why this warning against witchcraft? (5:12)

How could mountains judge the Lord’s complaint? (6:1–2)

Why did God recall these events? (6:4–5)

Why was Micah so unsure of how to worship God? (6:6–7)

What does God require of us? (6:8)

Speaking practically, can a love of mercy create a lack of accountability? (6:8)

What were the statutes of Omri? (6:16)

What had Ahab done? (6:16)

What kind of summer fruit could a person gather? (7:1)

What was special about early figs? (7:1)

What is the day your watchmen sound the alarm? (7:4)

What did Micah expect from God? (7:7)

How did Micah fall? (7:8)

Why would God plead on behalf of the one he had charged? (7:9)

Why would it be desirable to feed in Bashan and Gilead? (7:14)

How did Micah view God? (7:18–20)

How would God trample Israel’s sin underfoot? (7:19)

What was this oath that God had pledged? (7:20)


What is a prophecy? (1:1)

Is God wrong to be jealous? (1:2)

Are tornadoes and earthquakes signs of God’s anger? (1:3–6)

Does God have mood swings? (1:7)

Who would plot against God? (1:11)

Why does God afflict people he loves? (1:12)

How did God afflict Judah? (1:12)

When would this peace come? (1:15)

Who was this attacker? (2:1)

Did God keep this promise? (2:2)

Why does God sometimes wait so long to answer his promises? (2:2)

What was this protective shield? (2:5)

Why does this prophecy include such graphic violence? (2:5–10)

What were these river gates? (2:6)

Why does a merciful God punish anyone? (2:13)

How was Nineveh like a prostitute? (3:1–4)

Why would a holy God do such humiliating things? (3:5–6)

Why compare Nineveh to Thebes? (3:8)

Who dashed infants to pieces? (3:10)

Why call Nineveh’s troops weaklings? (3:13)

How were Nineveh’s guards like locusts? (3:17)

Can we pass the point of forgiveness? (3:19)


What was a prophecy? (1:1)

Was God ignoring Habakkuk’s prayers? (1:2)

What should we do when God seems to ignore us? (1:2)

Does God use evil to do good? (1:6, 13)

Why would God include the ruthless and impetuous Babylonians in his plan? (1:6)

Who were the Babylonians? (1:6)

Can people be appointed by God without being aware of it? (1:12)

Why would God use wicked people to do his work? (1:12–13)

Why would anyone worship a net? (1:16)

Is it okay to argue with God? (2:1)

Why would a prophet stand watch on the ramparts? (2:1)

Why wait for something that will not be delayed? (2:3)

What does it mean to be greedy as the grave? (2:5)

How do stones cry out and beams echo back? (2:11)

How were their labors only fuel for the fire? (2:13)

When will the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD? (2:14)

Who was getting drunk and naked? (2:15)

Why mention animals? (2:17)

Do people have idols today? (2:18)

What does it mean that God is in his holy temple? (2:20)

What and where was Teman? (3:3)

Why boast about plague and pestilence? (3:5)

Why is God portrayed as a warrior? (3:8–15)

How did God thresh the nations? (3:12)

What scene was Habakkuk describing here? (3:16)

What did buds signify? (3:17)

Was Habakkuk kidding himself? (3:17–18)

How can we rejoice in the LORD when everything around us is destroyed? (3:17–18)


Why give a prophet’s genealogy? (1:1)

Is this describing the end of the world? (1:2)

What did Jerusalem worship? (1:4–5)

What is the day of the LORD? (1:7)

Who are those clad in foreign clothes? (1:8)

What was wrong with refusing to step on a threshold? (1:9)

What were the Fish Gate and the New Quarter? (1:10)

What’s so bad about wine left on its dregs? (1:12)

What is in store for Jerusalem? (1:14–17)

How can God be so jealous that he wants to destroy the whole earth? (1:18)

Will God really destroy all who live on the earth? (1:18)

How can one feel safe in a world that’s being destroyed? (2:3)

Why was God against the Philistines? (2:5)

Why reward Judah? (2:7)

How had Judah been insulted and taunted? (2:8)

Did Moab and Ammon eventually worship the Lord? (2:11)

Why would Assyria say, I am? (2:15)

Why would others shake their fists at Assyria? (2:15)

What is the city of oppressors? (3:1)

How were the religious leaders unprincipled, untrustworthy and violent? (3:4)

What can ordinary people do about sinful religious leaders? (3:4)

Does God balance the scales of justice daily? (3:5)

Is this describing the end of the world? (3:8)

How would they tell no lies? (3:13)

Who is Daughter Zion? (3:14)

Is this book a warning or an encouragement? (3:15)

Why does God punish some and not others? (3:15)

Does God sing? (3:17)

How were their festivals a burden and a reproach? (3:18)


Who was King Darius? (1:1)

Why name the day and the month? (1:1)

Who were Zerubbabel and Joshua? (1:1)

Why were the people reluctant to build the temple? (1:2)

What’s the significance of paneled houses? (1:4)

Are frustrations a sign of God’s punishment? (1:6, 9)

How was God honored by the building of the temple? (1:8)

How many of these people had seen the former temple? (2:3)

Why has a little while taken so long? (2:6)

How would God shake the heavens and the earth? (2:6–7)

Who is the desired of all nations? (2:7)

Why was defilement contagious? (2:13–14)

Why would God sabotage our efforts? (2:15–17)

Was this a promise that their fortunes would turn? (2:18–19)

What political changes do these verses predict? (2:21–22)

What was a signet ring? (2:23)


How did the word of the LORD come to Zechariah? (1:1)

What had made God angry? (1:2, 15)

How do we return to God? (1:3)

What is the month of Shebat? (1:7)

Do ancient visions have any meaning for us today? (1:8)

Is a vision at night the same thing as a dream? (1:8)

Who was the man on the red horse? (1:8)

How had the nations went too far with the punishment? (1:15)

How did God intend to choose Jerusalem? (1:17)

What were these horns? (1:18–19)

Who were these craftsmen? (1:20–21)

Why measure Jerusalem? (2:1–2)

Why would the city have no walls? (2:4)

Why did God want them to flee? (2:6)

Why were the people of Israel the apple of [God’s] eye? (2:8)

Why did Satan accuse Joshua the high priest? (3:1)

Why does Satan come before God? (3:1)

How was Israel like a burning stick? (3:2)

Why was Joshua wearing filthy clothes? (3:3)

What would Joshua govern? (3:7)

Who is the Branch? (3:8)

Why sit under a vine and fig tree? (3:10)

What was this lampstand? (4:2–3)

Who was Zerubbabel? (4:6)

Why mention God’s Spirit here? (4:6)

Which mountain was going to be leveled? (4:7)

Why call it the day of small things? (4:10)

Does the Lord have seven eyes? (4:10)

Who were the two anointed ones? (4:14)

What’s the meaning of this flying scroll? (5:1)

Which land did God curse? (5:3)

Why picture wickedness as a woman? (5:7–8)

Who were these two women? (5:9)

Why set the basket down in Babylonia? (5:11)

Do the colors of these horses have special meaning? (6:2–3)

What are these four spirits of heaven? (6:5)

What happened to the red horse? (6:6)

How did God’s Spirit find rest in the north? (6:8)

Who were Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah? (6:10)

Who is the Branch? (6:12)

Could a priest also be a king in Israel? (6:13)

Why give the crown to four men? (6:14)

What is the month of Kislev? (7:1)

Why fast year after year? (7:3–5)

When does worship become insincere ritual? (7:5–6)

Who refused to pay attention? (7:11–12)

At what point does God stop listening? (7:13)

Why couldn’t anyone travel through their land? (7:14)

Why was God burning with jealousy? (8:2)

Has God returned to dwell in Jerusalem? (8:3–5)

Does God’s presence with us depend on our faithfulness? (8:3–5)

Who are the countries of the east and the west? (8:7)

How long had it been since the foundation was laid? (8:9)

Why schedule so many fasts? (8:19)

How could fasts be turned into festivals? (8:19)

When would people turn to the Jews for spiritual blessings? (8:23)

What is a prophecy? (9:1)

Why were the nations judged? (9:1–6)

What was the blood from their mouths and the forbidden food? (9:7)

Who were those who would be left? (9:7)

Does this mean Israel will never again be oppressed? (9:8)

Why have a king on a donkey instead of a warhorse? (9:9–10)

Why use a waterless pit? (9:11)

Why are these people called prisoners of hope? (9:12)

When will the Lord appear over them? (9:14)

How could they overcome with slingstones? (9:15)

What is the significance of the grain and the new wine? (9:17)

Why pray for rain? (10:1)

What idols and diviners were tempting God’s people? (10:2)

Who is the cornerstone? (10:4)

Who were the Ephraimites? (10:7)

What signal would God send to gather his people? (10:8)

What is the sea of trouble? (10:11)

Why destroy Lebanon? (11:1–3)

Who was marked for slaughter? (11:4)

Why give names to the staffs? (11:7)

Which three shepherds lost their jobs? (11:8)

Does this describe cannibalism? (11:9)

What covenant had been made with all the nations? (11:10)

When was the family bond between Judah and Israel broken? (11:14)

Who is this worthless shepherd? (11:17)

How would Jerusalem be like a cup that sends others reeling? (12:2)

Why would all the nations of the world attack Jerusalem? (12:3)

What kind of battle is this describing? (12:4)

Why prioritize who would be saved? (12:7)

Who is the one they have pierced? (12:10)

How did Hadad Rimmon weep? (12:11)

What is the significance of this fountain? (13:1)

Why would parents execute their own children? (13:3)

What catastrophe was Zechariah describing? (13:8–9)

What is the day of the LORD? (14:1)

Why would God cause an attack on Jerusalem only to defend against it? (14:2–3)

Will the Mount of Olives literally be split in two? (14:4)

What was this earthquake? (14:5)

Who are the holy ones who will come with God? (14:5)

What is living water? (14:8)

When will the Lord be king over the whole earth? (14:9)

What is the Arabah? (14:10)

How do these prophecies apply to us? (14:10–11)

What kind of plague will God send? (14:12)

Will temple worship in Jerusalem be reestablished someday? (14:16)

When were the Canaanites ever in the temple? (14:21)


How can God hate? (1:2–3)

Who was Edom? (1:4)

Why would God destroy Edom? (1:4)

Was Edom’s behavior any worse than Israel’s? (1:4)

Was there any way for Edom to repent and be forgiven? (1:4)

How do we bring blemished offerings to God? (1:8)

Why would God prefer no offering to a blemished one? (1:10)

Has this prophecy been fulfilled? (1:11)

How does God curse? (1:14; 2:2)

Why should descendants be rebuked for the wrong done by their ancestors? (2:3)

Why would God smear faces with dung? (2:3)

What was the covenant with Levi? (2:4)

How do we profane the covenant … by being unfaithful to one another? (2:10)

How had Judah desecrated the sanctuary? (2:11)

How had Judah been unfaithful to the wife of its youth? (2:14)

Is divorce wrong? (2:16)

How were they doing violence? (2:16)

When do our words push God too far? (2:17)

Whom does this promised messenger refer to? (3:1)

What is the refiner’s fire? (3:2)

What is launderer’s soap? (3:2)

How does fearing God lead to social justice? (3:5)

Do we have to tithe? (3:9–10)

Should we give in order to get? (3:10)

Was God offended by their doubts? (3:14–15)

What was a scroll of remembrance? (3:16)

How can we tell good people from bad? (3:18)

Will evildoers literally burn? (4:1)

What is the sun of righteousness? (4:2)

How do rays heal? (4:2)

Do these verses suggest that Elijah will be reincarnated? (4:5–6)

How would God strike the land? (4:6)


Why give the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah? (1:1)

Why is Uriah’s wife listed in the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah? (1:6)

What’s the significance of calling Jesus the Messiah? (1:16)

What’s so special about the number fourteen? (1:17)

Why was divorce necessary when Joseph and Mary were only engaged? (1:19)

Why was Joseph afraid to take Mary as his wife? (1:20)

Why was a virgin birth necessary? (1:23)

Who was King Herod? (2:1)

Who were the Magi? (2:1)

If it was forbidden for Jews to practice astrology, why did God bless the Magi? (2:2)

Can we obtain guidance from the stars today? (2:2)

Why did God warn Joseph but not the families of the other male children? (2:13, 16)

Did Matthew take this prophecy out of context? (2:15)

What did it mean to be called a Nazarene? (2:23)

Why did John the Baptist dress so strangely? (3:4)

Did John preach that sins are forgiven by baptism? (3:6)

Did John invent baptism? (3:11)

What does it mean to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire? (3:11)

What was a winnowing fork? (3:12)

Does the Spirit lead us into temptation? (4:1)

Why would the Spirit lead Jesus into temptation? (4:1)

What would have been wrong with turning stones into bread? (4:3–4)

Was there a risk that Jesus might have yielded to Satan’s temptations? (4:3–11)

Does the devil really own the world? (4:8–9)

What is the kingdom of heaven? (4:17)

Were Simon and Andrew acting on impulse? (4:20)

Why do Matthew and Luke disagree about where this sermon was preached? (5:1)

How can anyone live up to these high standards? (5:3–12)

Why did Jesus turn our value system upside down? (5:3–12)

Why rejoice and be glad about persecution? (5:11–12)

How was the Law fulfilled? (5:17–18)

Why are some greater than others in the kingdom of heaven? (5:19)

How can we be more righteous than the Pharisees? (5:20)

What’s so bad about name-calling? (5:22)

What does Raca mean? (5:22)

What was Jesus’ concept of hell? (5:22)

Will self-inflicted injury help us sin less? (5:29–30)

Does infidelity mandate divorce? (5:32)

Is it wrong to swear an oath to tell the truth in court? (5:34–37)

Aren’t there times when we should resist an evil person? (5:39)

Who can be as perfect as God? (5:48)

Are we to never let others see our good deeds? (6:1)

Are some prayers wrong? (6:7)

If God knows what we need before we ask, why ask? (6:8)

Why pray for God’s will to be done? (6:10)

Does God lead us into temptation unless we ask him not to? (6:13)

Does God want us to fast? (6:18)

How is the eye like a lamp? (6:22)

How can light be darkness? (6:23)

Is it wrong to worry? (6:25)

Did Jesus forbid us to judge others? (7:1–5)

Why would anyone give pearls to pigs? (7:6)

What can we expect when we pray? (7:7–8)

Why is the right way so narrow? (7:13–14)

How do we guard against false prophets without judging? (7:15–16)

How can evildoers do miracles in Jesus’ name? (7:22–23)

Why did Jesus touch the leper? (8:3)

Why didn’t Jesus want anyone to hear of his miracles? (8:4)

Why was Jesus amazed? (8:10)

Who were these subjects of the kingdom? (8:12)

What’s in store for those who turn from God? (8:12)

Did healing depend on the centurion’s belief? (8:13)

Why did Jesus discourage some people from following him? (8:20)

Must we give up family to be loyal to Jesus? (8:21–22)

Does having faith mean we should never be afraid? (8:26)

Why don’t some details in this account agree with those in Mark and Luke? (8:28; cf. Mk 5:2; Lk 8:27)

Why would demons beg to go into a herd of pigs? (8:31)

Why did the teachers of the law become upset? (9:3)

Who were these tax collectors? (9:9–10)

Should Christians fast? (9:14–15)

How did wineskins work? (9:17)

Will we be healed if we have faith? (9:22)

Why were musical instruments and a noisy crowd at a funeral? (9:23)

Why did Jesus say the dead girl was only asleep? (9:24)

Why keep this miracle quiet? (9:30)

Were the Pharisees connecting Jesus with demons? (9:34)

How were the crowds harassed and helpless? (9:35–38)

Why withhold news of the kingdom from the Gentiles and Samaritans? (10:5)

Is it wrong to use our own supplies or money to advance Jesus’ mission? (10:9–10)

Why shake the dust off [their] feet? (10:14)

How are followers of Jesus like sheep among wolves? (10:16)

How shrewd are snakes? (10:16)

What’s wrong with preparing a legal defense? (10:19)

Who is Beelzebul? (10:25)

Why would the Prince of Peace bring a sword? (10:34)

Why would Jesus want to break up families? (10:35–37)

What little ones was Jesus talking about? (10:42)

What role, if any, does doubt have in the Christian life? (11:3)

How can those least in the kingdom of heaven be greater than John? (11:11)

What does it mean that the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence? (11:12)

Why were Jesus and John so different? (11:18–19)

Will judgment be less severe for some than for others? (11:22)

Why use a symbol of work and slavery to picture rest? (11:29)

Did Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath, change the rules? (12:1–8)

What was so bad about getting food on the Sabbath? (12:2)

Why didn’t Jesus want people to tell others who he was? (12:16)

How did Jesus’ anonymity fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy? (12:17)

Were the Pharisees connecting Jesus with demons? (12:24)

Who could drive out demons besides Jesus and his disciples? (12:27)

What is blasphemy against the Spirit? (12:31–32)

Can some sins be forgiven in the age to come? (12:32)

What will every empty word cost us? (12:36–37)

What’s wrong with wanting evidence? (12:39)

Why can’t an impure spirit rest in arid places? (12:43)

Is loyalty to other believers more important than loyalty to one’s family? (12:46–50)

What can we learn from soil? (13:3–23)

Does the parable of the sower teach that some will lose their salvation? (13:3–23)

Why did Jesus speak in parables? (13:10–13)

What did the prophets and righteous people long to see and hear? (13:16–17)

How does the parable of the weeds illustrate the kingdom of heaven? (13:24–30)

Why did Jesus tell this story about a mustard seed? (13:31–32)

Is the mustard seed really the smallest seed? (13:31–32)

Why does God allow his kingdom to be infiltrated with those who do evil? (13:41)

Is hell literally a place of fire, or was Jesus speaking figuratively? (13:42, 50)

Must we give up everything we own for the kingdom? (13:44–46)

How does the kingdom of heaven offer old and new treasures? (13:52)

Why was faith necessary for Jesus to do miracles? (13:58)

Who was this Herod the tetrarch? (14:1)

How much food did Jesus produce? (14:19–21)

Why did Jesus need to pray? (14:23)

Why did Jesus walk on the water? (14:25)

Why did Peter think he could walk on the water? (14:28)

Why did people want to touch the edge of Jesus’ cloak? (14:36)

Why was washing before meals so important? (15:2)

How can worship be in vain? (15:9)

Did Jesus intentionally offend the Pharisees? (15:12–14)

Why did Jesus go into Gentile territory? (15:21)

Why did Jesus resist helping this Gentile woman? (15:23–26)

Was this miracle different than Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000? (15:32–39)

Why didn’t the disciples remember how Jesus had fed the crowd of more than 5,000? (15:33)

How were the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees like yeast? (16:11–12)

On what rock did Jesus build his church? (16:18)

What are the gates of Hades? (16:18)

What authority did Jesus give to Peter? (16:19)

What can we bind and loose today? (16:19)

Why didn’t Jesus want anyone to know he was the Messiah? (16:20)

Why did Jesus call Peter Satan? (16:23)

What did a cross mean for people of Jesus’ day? (16:24)

How did Jesus’ disciples later see Jesus coming in his kingdom? (16:28)

Why was Jesus transfigured? (17:2)

Why did God bring Moses and Elijah back from the dead? (17:3)

Why did the disciples ask about Elijah? (17:10)

Why did Jesus use such harsh words? (17:17)

Why didn’t the disciples have enough faith? (17:20)

What was this two-drachma temple tax? (17:24)

Should adults act like little children? (18:3)

Should we really amputate our body parts? (18:8)

Do children have personal guardian angels? (18:10)

Why was there so little concern for the 99 sheep left in the open country? (18:12)

Can we set people free from their sins? (18:18)

Do increased numbers make prayer more powerful? (18:19–20)

How large were these debts? (18:24–28)

Is our salvation dependent on whether we forgive others? (18:35)

Is divorce always wrong? (19:1–9)

Are those in a second or third marriage committing adultery? (19:9)

Was celibacy intended only for a select few? (19:11–12)

How can a person be a eunuch from birth? (19:12)

Are we saved by faith or by obeying God’s commands? (19:17)

What do we have to give up in order to gain eternal life? (19:21)

Is God opposed to the rich and more favorable to the poor? (19:23)

How could a camel fit through the eye of a needle? (19:24)

When will the renewal of all things occur? (19:28)

What was this mother’s ambition for her sons? (20:20–21)

Was Jesus advocating slavery? (20:26–28)

If ministers are servants, how can they be leaders? (20:26–28)

Why does Matthew mention two blind men, while Mark and Luke mention only one? (20:30; cf. Mk 10:46; Lk 18:35)

Why did the blind man call Jesus the Son of David? (20:30)

Why did Jesus “borrow” without asking? (21:2–6)

Why did Jesus ride a donkey? (21:7)

Why did Jesus participate in this procession? (21:7–10)

Why did Jesus resort to force? (21:12)

How had the temple (God’s house) become a den of robbers? (21:13)

Why did Jesus ruin the fig tree? (21:19)

Can we move mountains if we have enough faith? (21:21)

Will we receive whatever we ask for in prayer? (21:21–22)

What do these stories tell us about the kingdom of God? (21:28–44)

What was the cornerstone? (21:42)

Are the Jews no longer God’s chosen people? (21:43)

Who would be broken to pieces by the cornerstone, and who would be crushed? (21:44)

What does it mean that many are invited, but few are chosen? (22:14)

Is disobedience to the governing authorities ever justified? (22:17–21)

What is Caesar’s and what is God’s? (22:21)

Was Jesus saying there will be no marriage in heaven? (22:30)

What kind of logic did Jesus use? (22:31–33)

Why did Jesus’ question stump the Pharisees? (22:45)

What were phylacteries? (23:5)

Is it wrong to call a spiritual leader father? (23:9)

How did Pharisees turn someone into a child of hell? (23:15)

Why swear by the temple, the altar or heaven? Why swear at all? (23:16–22)

Why are some matters of the law more important than others? (23:23)

Why did Jesus call Pharisees whitewashed tombs? (23:27)

Why was Jesus so angry with these leaders? (23:33)

Why couldn’t a sovereign God overrule an unwilling city? (23:37)

What did the temple’s destruction have to do with the end of the age? (24:2–3)

What events did Jesus include in his answer? (24:4–14)

What was the abomination that causes desolation? (24:15)

Why did Jesus say let the reader understand? (24:15)

How much did Jesus teach here about the end times? (24:15–28)

Does this describe the “great tribulation”? (24:21)

Will the sun be literally darkened? (24:29)

If Jesus will come when we do not expect him, why did he say we should look for signs that his return is near? (24:33, 44)

Did all these things happen while that generation was still alive? (24:34)

What will happen to those who are taken when Jesus comes? (24:40)

Why would a master cut his servant to pieces? (24:51)

What is this place with the hypocrites? (24:51)

What does the kingdom of heaven signify? (25:1)

How is the kingdom like ten virgins? (25:1)

Why start a wedding at midnight? (25:6)

Should we apply this parable to how we use our money? (25:14–30)

What does God expect of us? (25:26–27)

Why would sheep and goats be mixed together? (25:32)

Are good works necessary for eternal life? (25:35–36)

Is Matthew’s story the same story as in Mark, Luke and John? (26:6–13)

Why were the disciples indignant? (26:8–9)

Why did Jesus endorse such extravagance? (26:10)

What prompted Judas to turn Jesus in? (26:14–16)

How did the disciples prepare for the Passover? (26:19)

How did Jesus give new meaning to the Passover? (26:26–29)

Why did Jesus say he would not drink again? (26:29)

Did Jesus struggle to obey? (26:38–39)

Could God have provided another way for salvation? (26:39)

Why did Jesus ask the disciples to watch and pray? (26:41)

Why did Judas kiss Jesus? (26:49)

Why did Jesus refuse to answer the false charges? (26:63)

What was distinctive about Peter’s accent? (26:73)

Why did Peter weep? (26:75)

Since Judas confessed, was he forgiven? (27:4)

Why was the money that was paid for Jesus’ betrayal suddenly tainted? (27:6)

Why did Matthew credit Jeremiah with something Zechariah said? (27:9–10)

What did the title the king of the Jews mean to Pilate? (27:11)

Who was most guilty for Jesus’ death? (27:24–25)

How do we share the guilt for Jesus’ death? (27:24–25)

How was Jesus flogged? (27:26)

Was Jesus singled out for special brutality? (27:26–31)

Why did the soldiers offer Jesus a drink of wine and gall? (27:34)

Did one criminal repent or not? (27:44; see Lk 23:40–42)

Did God actually forsake Jesus? (27:46)

What should we do when we feel abandoned by God? (27:46)

Why did the curtain in the temple tear in two? (27:51)

Why did God bring some dead people back to life at this time? (27:52–53)

What kind of seal would have made the tomb secure? (27:66)

Why did some disciples doubt what they saw? (28:17)

Why doesn’t Jesus use his authority to right earth’s wrongs? (28:18)

Who should go and make disciples? (28:19)

Is the method of baptism important? (28:19)

In what sense is Jesus always with us? (28:20)

When is the end of the age? (28:20)


Why did John baptize? (1:4)

Why did John dress so strangely? (1:6)

What is baptism with the Holy Spirit? (1:8)

Why did Jesus want to be baptized? (1:9–10)

Why do details sometimes differ from one Gospel account to another? (1:12–13)

Was Jesus really tempted? (1:12–13)

What is the kingdom of God? (1:15)

Should we obey instantly, or should we first count the cost? (1:18)

How do demons possess someone? (1:23)

Why would demons publicize Jesus’ true identity? (1:24)

Why did Jesus need to pray? (1:35)

Must we pray very early in the morning? (1:35)

What kind of disease was leprosy? (1:40)

Why did Jesus want to keep this miracle a secret? (1:40–44)

Did these men destroy the roof? (2:4)

Why did the teachers of the law think that Jesus was blaspheming? (2:7)

Why did Jesus call himself the Son of Man? (2:10)

Why did Jesus associate with disreputable people? (2:15)

Should Christians fast? (2:18–20)

Why did Jesus talk about patches and wineskins? (2:21–22)

What was unlawful about getting food on the Sabbath? (2:23–24)

Did David break the law? (2:25–26)

Did Jesus break the law? (2:27)

Why were these people looking for a reason to accuse Jesus? (3:2, 6)

Why did Jesus’ family think he was out of his mind? (3:21)

Why did the teachers of the law accuse Jesus of being possessed by the devil? (3:22)

What sin is unforgivable? (3:29)

Why did Jesus ignore his family? (3:31–35)

Did Jesus have brothers and sisters? (3:33)

Why did Jesus tell stories instead of answering questions? (4:10–12, 21–25)

What can we learn from the parable of the sower? (4:13–20)

Is it wrong to keep our faith a private matter? (4:22)

What is the measure Jesus was talking about here? (4:24)

Is it fair that even what [people] have will be taken from them? (4:25)

What is the kingdom of God? (4:26, 30)

What lessons do seeds teach us? (4:26–32)

Do we have fears because our faith is weak? (4:40)

Do demons still possess people today? (5:1–18)

Was this man suffering from a mental illness? (5:5)

Why did Jesus send the demons into pigs? (5:11–13)

What happened to the demons after the pigs drowned? (5:13)

Why did this miracle scare people? (5:15–17)

What was the Decapolis? (5:20)

How could a woman draw on Jesus’ power without his permission? (5:25–29)

Will people be healed if only they have enough faith? (5:34–36)

Why did Jesus say the girl was asleep? (5:39)

Why did Jesus insist the witnesses keep quiet? (5:43)

Does our unbelief limit what God can do? (6:5–6)

Were the disciples exorcists? (6:7)

Do we have authority over impure spirits? (6:7)

Why did Jesus say to take nothing? (6:8)

Why shake the dust off [their] feet? (6:11)

Does oil cure sickness? (6:13)

Why did Herod like to listen to John the Baptist, who criticized Herod’s lifestyle? (6:20)

Would Herod really have given up to half [his] kingdom to this girl? (6:23)

How was the crowd like sheep without a shepherd? (6:34)

If Jesus is God, why did he need to pray? (6:46)

Why did Jesus walk on the water? (6:48)

How were their hearts hardened? (6:51–52)

Why was washing before meals so important? (7:1–3)

How can worship be in vain? (7:7)

How can we distinguish God’s commands from religious traditions? (7:8)

What is Corban? (7:11)

Did Jesus abolish Jewish dietary laws by declaring all foods clean? (7:19)

As Christians, can we eat anything we want? (7:19)

Why did Jesus go into Gentile territory? (7:24–28)

Why did Jesus resist helping the woman? (7:26–27)

Why did Jesus repeat the miracle of feeding thousands? (8:1–9)

Do we test God by asking for miracles? (8:12)

What was the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod? (8:15)

Why did Jesus spit on the blind man’s eyes? (8:23)

Did Jesus fail to heal the first time? (8:25)

Why couldn’t the disciples tell anyone? (8:30)

Why did Jesus call Peter Satan? (8:33)

Why is self-denial a prerequisite to being a Christian? (8:34)

What does it mean to take up one’s cross? (8:34)

Why was Jesus transfigured? (9:2–3)

How did they recognize Moses and Elijah? (9:4)

Why did Jesus command his disciples to keep quiet about the transfiguration? (9:9)

What would Elijah restore? (9:12)

Do evil spirits cause convulsions? (9:18)

If we believe, will all of our prayers be answered? (9:23)

Should we pray for people to be delivered from evil spirits today? (9:29)

What does welcoming a child have to do with spiritual greatness? (9:33–37)

Why are children so important to Jesus? (9:42)

Was Jesus suggesting amputation? (9:43–47)

Is divorce always wrong? (10:1–12)

In what sense do two become one flesh in marriage? (10:8)

Why were the disciples upset about people bringing children to Jesus? (10:13)

Should adults act like children? (10:14–15)

Did Jesus say salvation comes by obeying the commandments? (10:19)

Should Christians sell their possessions and give to the poor? (10:21)

How could a camel fit through the eye of a needle? (10:25)

Does Jesus want us to abandon our families? (10:29)

What guarantee comes with our commitment to follow Jesus? (10:30)

Why were James and John concerned about having places of importance? (10:37)

Did Jesus advocate slavery? (10:44)

Why do Mark and Luke mention one man, while Matthew mentions two? (10:46; cf. Mt 20:30; Lk 18:35)

Why did the blind man call Jesus the Son of David? (10:47)

Did Jesus borrow the colt without permission? (11:3)

Why did Jesus welcome this public display of admiration? (11:7–10)

Why did people put coats and branches on the roadway? (11:8)

Why was Jesus angry at a tree? (11:13–14)

Why did John place this temple cleansing at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, while Mark placed it at the end? (11:15–18)

How had the temple become a den of robbers? (11:17)

Can faith move mountains? (11:22–24)

Was Jesus trying to trick the religious leaders? (11:29)

Why did Jesus use so many parables? (12:1)

What was the cornerstone? (12:10)

Did Jesus support paying taxes? (12:16–17)

Did a Jewish man at this time still marry his brother’s widow? (12:19)

Is there marriage in heaven? (12:25)

How does God’s name prove the resurrection? (12:26)

How can God be three (the Trinity) and one at the same time? (12:29)

Was this teacher of the law close to becoming saved? (12:34)

What does this Old Testament verse say about the Messiah? (12:35–37)

What was the temple treasury? (12:41)

What was the disciples’ real agenda? (13:4)

Has this prophecy already been fulfilled? (13:5–25)

What is the abomination that causes desolation? (13:14)

Was Jesus predicting a future tribulation? (13:19)

Is it wrong to ask for signs and miracles? (13:22)

How will the sun be darkened? (13:24)

How long is a generation? (13:30)

Why didn’t Jesus know when he was returning? (13:32)

Should we still be watching for Jesus’ return? (13:37)

Is this the same story as in Matthew, Luke and John? (14:3–9)

Doesn’t Jesus care about the needs of the poor? (14:7)

What motivated Judas to betray Jesus? (14:10–11)

What were typical Passover preparations? (14:15)

What new meaning did Jesus give to the Passover? (14:22–24)

Why did Jesus compare the wine with his blood? (14:24)

Why did Jesus say he would not drink again? (14:25)

Did Jesus resist his mission? (14:33–35)

What does Abba mean? (14:36)

Why did Jesus ask the disciples to watch and pray? (14:38)

Why did Judas kiss Jesus? (14:45)

Who was the naked young man? (14:51–52)

Why didn’t Jesus defend himself? (14:61)

Why did Peter weep? (14:72)

Why didn’t the Jewish leaders deal with Jesus themselves? (15:1)

What did the title king of the Jews mean to Pilate, the Roman governor? (15:2)

Why did the people want a notorious criminal released? (15:6–11)

Was Jesus singled out for special brutality? (15:15–20)

Why did the soldiers offer Jesus wine mixed with myrrh? (15:23)

Did one of the rebels repent or not? (15:27, 32; see Lk 23:40–42)

Did God actually forsake Jesus? (15:34)

Why did the curtain in the temple tear? (15:38)

What was this Council? (15:43)

Why did this secret disciple risk discovery after Jesus was dead? (15:43)

Why do the four Gospels describe the events of Resurrection Sunday differently? (16:1–8)

Why was Peter given special notice? (16:7)

Do these verses belong in the Bible? (16:9–20)