Aaron, David
ABC Television
Abdel Halim Abu-Ghazalla
Abu Nidal
access agents
Achille Lauro, hijacking of
Adham, Kamal
CIA covert aid to
Soviet invasion of
Soviet occupation of
suggestion that Iran profits be used for
Africa, Casey’s visit to
Agee, Philip
Agnew, Spiro
Al Dawa (The Call) Prisoners
Alfonsín, Raul
Allen, Charlie
on diversion of Iran profits
Allen, Richard V.
authority and access of
investigation of
paranoia of
Allende, Salvador
Alsop, Stewart
Alvarez, Gustavo
American Revolutionary War, Casey’s research on
American University Hospital
Ames, Robert C.
Anderson, Jack
Andropov, Yuri
ban on covert action in
lifting of ban on covert aid to
Aquino, Benigno, Jr.
Aquino, Corazon
Arafat, Yasir
anti-Sandinista resistance supported by
Falkland Islands invaded and seized by
NIE forecast on
arms control
Casey’s sabotage of agreements on
intelligence support on
satellites in verification of
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
arms-control-verification satellite reconnaissance program
Armstrong, Anne
Army, U.S.
Arnold, Benedict
Assad, Hafez
Assad, Rifaat
Associated Press
Astorga, Nora
Auletta, Ken
Aviation Week
Baader-Meinhof Gang
Babcock, Chuck
BAC International Bank
Bahramani, Ali Hashemi
Baker, Howard H., Jr.
Baker, James A., III
as Casey’s possible successor
on covert Nicaragua operation
daily White House logs kept by
Debategate and
Reagan’s decision-making and
Reagan’s domestic agenda and
White House staff infighting and
Ball, Desmond
Bamford, James
Bandar bin Sultan, Prince of Saudi Arabia:
attempted assassination of Fadlallah and
background of
Casey’s relationship with
on Saudi aid to contras
Saudi-CIA cooperation negotiated by
Barnes, Michael, information on anti-Sandinista covert action sought by
Bartholomew, Reginald
Bay of Pigs operation
Begin, Menachem
attack on U.S. Embassy annex in
bombing of U.S. Embassy in
kidnappings in
U.S. Marine presence in
Bentsen, Lloyd M.
Best, Judah
Biden, Joseph R.
Big Bird
BIGOT list
Bishop, Maurice
Bissell, Richard M., Jr.
Black September
Blaize, Herbert
Blatnik, John
Bodyguard of Lies (Brown)
Boland, Edward P.
CIA assassination manual condemned by
covert Nicaragua operation opposed by
Lacrose system initially opposed by
Boland Amendment:
Casey’s argument against
CIA and contra activities restricted by
legal opinions on
public announcement of
Boland Line
book program
Borge, Tomás
Bouterse, Desi
Bradlee, Benjamin C.
Casey’s meetings with
Casey’s warnings to
on CIA
on CIA operations in Nicaragua
covert action against Qaddafi and
Ivy Bells story and
Brady, James
Brezhnev, Leonid
Brinkley, David
Bross, John
background of
Casey counseled by
on Casey’s CIA transition team
on selection of DDCI
on selection of DDO
terrorism researched by
Brother Industries
Brown, Anthony Cave
Brown, Ennis
Brunei, Sultan of
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
intelligence interests of
on Soviet threat to Poland
Turner’s conflicts with
Buchwald, Art
Buckley, William
kidnapping of
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Burkhalter, Edward A.
burst transmitters
Burt, Richard R.
Bush, George H.
Grenada crisis and
Turner’s briefing of
Butts, John L.
Byrd, Robert C.
Calero, Adolfo
Cambodia, covert support operation in
Camouflage, Concealment and Deception (CCD)
Camp David Accord (1978)
Cannistraro, Vincent M.
Canon, Lou
Carlucci, Frank C.
Casey advised by
SIGs chaired by
Carranza, Nicolás
Carter, Jimmy
Allen’s criticism of
Casey’s criticism of
covert operations under
Debategate and
human-rights campaign of
intelligence under
Iranian crisis and
on Nicaragua
Reagan compared to
restriction of secret information by
Carver, George A.
Casey, Sophia
husband supported by
Casey, William Joseph
age of
balanced life led by
cabinet posts eyed by
call for resignation of
confidence of
contradictory nature of
as DCI candidate
death of
deference paid to
early employment of
education of
as focus of perjury investigation
foreign affairs familiar to
forty-fifth wedding anniversary dinner for
golf played by
heritage of
as historian
as idea man
illnesses of
impatience of
interviews given by
intuitions of
investors allegedly misled by
law practice of
on leaks of classified information
management style of
nicknames of
OSS background of
patriotism of
personal finances of
physical appearance of
plagiarism suit against
plans for future made by
political clout of
prostate cancer of
prudent counseling needed by
research and reading enjoyed by
resignation of
on right and wrong
as risk-taker
on security
seizure suffered by
self-analysis by
senior federal post held by
Casey, William Joseph (cont.)
single-mindedness of
speeches delivered by
staff appointments of
as stock trader
as street smart
Washington home of
weekend field trips of
Castillo, Tomas
Castro, Fidel
CIA assassination plots against
CIA intelligence papers on
Catholic Church
Cave, George
CBS News
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Central America:
Casey’s plan of action in
Casey’s visit to
Communism in
Leahy’s visit to
NSC on
Tighe on
Central Intelligence, director of (DCI):
Bush as
cabinet status for
Casey considered for
Colby as
Helms as
high-wire act of
Presidents’ relationships with
role of
salary of
summary of Casey’s first term as
Turner as
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
administrative and personnel operations of, 63
articles censored by
assassination plots of
authority and credibility of
budget of
Casey’s assessment of
Casey’s goals for
Casey’s management style in
Casey’s office at
Casey’s rating of
Casey’s status report and pep talk to
communications problems of
competence of
“Credo” of
critics within
decency within
dissatisfaction with Casey in
Division D of
domestic activities of
effectiveness of
External Affairs Office of
foreign equivalents to
“G. Gordon Liddy rule” of
“gray men” of
groups and publications opposed to
human sources of
Inspector General’s Office of
internal maneuvering at
International Activities Division of
Langley headquarters of
long-range planning by
major clients of
media access to
morale of
off-our-back attitude toward
as overly academic
paramilitary capability of
Political Psychological Division of
press briefings given by
purposefulness of
quarterly watch reports of
Reagan’s election welcomed by
reputation of
reserve intelligence capabilities and equipment of
right as threat to
Technical Service Office of
transition team of
Central Intelligence Agency, stations of:
Casey’s visits to
in El Salvador
enhancing power of chiefs of
in Moscow
Soviet activities targeted by
in Teheran
Cervical Rub, operation
CIA covert operation in
Libyan disinformation campaign and
Qaddafi’s adventurism in
Saudi anti-Qaddafi efforts in
Chafee, John H.
Challenger space shuttle
Chamberlain, Neville
Chamoun, Camille
Chapman, Christian A.
Charles, Eugenia
Chartouny, Habib
Chase, Gary
Chernenko, Konstantin, death of
Chernobyl nuclear accident
Children for Eisenhower
Childs, Daniel
Chile, CIA covert operations in
China, People’s Republic of
intelligence exchange with
Soviet missile-monitoring stations in
Soviet relations with
Tighe on
Church, Frank
Church Committee
Churchill, Winston
civil defense
Clark, William
Casey’s opinion of
on covert Nicaragua operation
de Graffenreid appreciated by
White House staff infighting and
Clark Air Force Base
Clark Amendment
Clarridge, Duane R. (Dewey)
on airport bombing by contras
Casey’s appreciation of
Central America visit of
CIA evaluated by
covert Nicaragua operation and
Iran arms transfer and
Panama visited by
Codevilla, Angelo
code-words systems, Turner on
Cogan, Charles
background of
Saudi aid to contras and
Cohen, William S.:
background of
Casey’s meetings with
covert Nicaragua operation and
El Salvador visit of
on mining of Nicaraguan harbors
Nicaragua visit of
Colby, William E.
as DCI
background of
Casey advised by
on Casey as DCI
CIA secrets and
Sadat’s relationship with
Commerce Department, U.S.
in Cambodia
Casey on
in Central America
in Grenada
Marenches on
Menges on
in Philippines
as threat to South Africa
Congress, U.S.
Afghan resistance funding approved by
Casey ordered not to report to
Casey’s accountability to
Congress, U.S. (cont.)
Casey’s disdain for
CIA investigated by
CIA vs.
Colby on
contra funding approved by
contra funding banned by
contra funding debated by
on covert Angola operation
covert Nicaragua operation and
Debategate and
hearings on contra funding held by
on Lacrosse system
leaks to press by
lobbying of, by CIA
notification on arms-for-hostages trade withheld from
planned lobbying of, by Sandinistas
Quinn’s manipulation of
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Congressional Record
Constitution, U.S., First Amendment to
contras, contra aid
bank accounts of
Boland Amendment restrictions on
Casey’s testimony on
CIA briefings and promises on
CIA guerilla-warfare training manual for
CIA recruitment of
Clarridge’s work with
communications and intelligence advice approved for
Congressional approval of
Congressional ban on
Congressional debates on
Congressional hearings on
covert support for
Defense Department funding considered for
from friendly countries
goals of
growth of
Iran arms profits diverted to
from Israel
Leahy briefed on
Managua Airport bombed by
North’s support operations for
overt U.S. funding of
PLO vs.
political sophistication of
from private U.S. citizens
Sandinista intelligence on
Sandinista military superiority over
from Saudis
secret contingency funding for
from Sultan of Brunei
training of
Coors, Joseph
Corporate Air Services
Costa Rica
Council on Foreign Relations
“Countering Libyan Terrorism” (State Department)
de Graffenreid on
FBI and
Covert Action Information Bulletin
covert actions
in Afghanistan
in Angola
in Cambodia
Casey briefed on
during Casey’s first term as, DCI
Casey vs. Kirkpatrick on
in Chad
in Chile
CIA accountability for
definition of
diplomacy vs.
in Ethiopia
as function of CIA
in Honduras
as idealized by Casey
Inman’s assessment of
in Iran
with Jordan
of Libya
long-term foreign policy vs.
in Mauritius
nonofficial cover for
official cover needed for
opportunity and suspicion as bases for
to oust Khomeini
phases of
press leaks on
against Qaddafi
security-assistance and intelligence-training programs as
in Suriname
Turner on
Crisis Preplanning Groups (CPPGs):
on Grenada
on precipitating Qaddafi’s overthrow
Crowe, William J., Jr.
Ethiopian and South Yemeni advisers of
Grenada and
Haig on
in Mexico
in Nicaragua
Soviet presence in
as Soviet proxy
Tighe on
Cuban Missile Crisis
Dam, Kenneth W.
Darman, Richard G.
d’Aubuisson, Roberto
Dean, John W.
Deaver, Michael
on Nicaragua issue
on Poindexter as national-security adviser
staff and cabinet appointments and
White House staff infighting and
Debategate controversy
Defense Department, U.S.
budget of
CIA vs.
covert Nicaragua operation and
Grenada and
responses to Libyan terrorism considered by
on U.S.-Egyptian attack on Libya
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
functions of
on Soviet sponsorship of terrorism
de Graffenreid, Kenneth:
counterintelligence study proposed by
Inman’s conflicts with
de la Madrid, Miguel
“Democracy for Latins” (Menges)
Democratic Resistance Forces, Nicaraguan, see contras, contra aid
Derounian, Steven B.
Dickey, Raymond R.
“Dictatorships and Double Standards” (Kirkpatrick)
Dodd, Christopher J.
contra funding opposed by
information on Nicaragua covert operation sought by
Menges’s behavior protested by
Doe, Samuel K.
Dolan, Anthony R.
background of
Reagan’s speeches written by
Dominican Republic
Donovan, William (Wild Bill)
Casey’s relationship with
character traits of
William J. Donovan Award
Doswell, J. William
Doty, Ray
double agents
Double Man, The (Cohen and Hart)
Downie, Leonard, Jr.:
Ivy Bells story and
story on North by
Drucker, Harry
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Duarte, José Napoléon
Dulles, Allen
Dunn, Bert
Durenberger, David
on arms-for-hostages trade reporting
Casey’s conflicts with
covert action against Qaddafi and
Earl, Robert
“Echoes of Cuba in Nicaragua” (Menges)
Army of
Casey’s concern for intelligence in
CIA and NSA spying in
CIA security operation in
Israeli peace treaty with
planning for attack on Libya by
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
of 1952
of 1956
of 1960
of 1964
of 1972
of 1980
of 1984
electronics intelligence (ELINT)
El Salvador
Casey’s call for covert action in
Casey’s questions about
Casey’s visit to
CIA interdiction of arms to
CIA reports on
CIA station in
Cohen’s and Hart’s visit to
Communist bloc aid to
Communist insurgency in
death squads in
diplomacy suggested for
human-rights violations in
Soviet disinformation campaign in
U.S. advisers in
U.S. economic and military aid to
Enders, Alice Dudley Talcott
Enders, Ostrom
Enders, Thomas O.
Casey’s relationship with
covert Nicaragua operation and
Sandinistas met by
covert aid for
Executive Order 12333, political assassinations prohibited by
Export-Import Bank
Exxon Corporation
Fadlallah, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein
as target of antiterrorist groups
Fahd bin Abdulaziz, King of Saudi Arabia
Falkland Islands, Argentine invasion and seizure of
Fantasy Island
Fauer, Lincoln
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
during attempted assassination of Reagan
CIA relationship with
counterintelligence and counterterrorist efforts of
Debategate and
KGB “moles” pursued by
on Libyan intelligence and terrorism in U.S.
Mitsubishi investigated by
in Soviet human-source recruitment
Fielding, Fred
Film Sort
for aid to Bashir
for Angola operation
for arms-for-hostages trade
for Cambodia operation
for Chad operation
for El Salvador operation
for Guatemala operation
for Mauritius operation
for preemptive strikes against terrorism
for support for anti-Khomeini groups
for support for opponents of Sandinistas
for Suriname operation
Flanzamaton, Moses
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Follett, Ken
Ford, Gerald R.
intelligence under
Ford, Kenneth
foreign affairs, foreign policy:
Casey’s concern about
Casey’s influence over
covert action vs.
Grenada as symbol in
toward Iran
Reagan Administration’s ignorance about
Reagan’s conduct of
on terrorism
Foreign Ministry, Iranian
Foreign Office, Mexican
Foreign Service Intelligence Advisory Board
Fortier, Don
intelligence agencies of
Frangieh, Tony
Frankfurt, Iran initiative meetings in
Freedom of Information Act
“Free Fall” (Cohen)
Freeman, Douglas Southall
Front for the Liberation of Iran (FLI)
Fuller, Graham
Furmark, Roy
Gandhi, Indira
Gandhi, Rajiv
G’anen, Mohammed
Garn, Jake
Gates, Robert M.
arms-for-hostages trade and
arms profits diversion and
Casey’s attraction to
on Horton’s clash with Casey
on intelligence estimates on Mexico
on interception of Achille Lauro hijackers
promotion of
on Qaddafi-sponsored terrorism
Gates, Robert M. (cont.)
replacements for Casey proposed by
White House experience of
Gemayel, Amin
Gemayel, Bashir
assassination of
CIA’s relationship with
CIA support sought by
as president of Lebanon
Gemayel, Pierre
General Electric
Geneva Convention
George, Clair Elroy
arms-for-hostages trade and
background of
Buckley’s kidnapping and
CIA assassination manual and
mining of Nicaraguan harbors and
Stein compared to
George Washington (Freeman)
Geyer, Georgie Anne
Ghorbanifar, Manucher:
arms-for-hostages trade and
Casey’s evaluation of
CIA on
contra diversion alleged by
dissatisfaction expressed by
Libyan hit-squad reports traced to
“sting” operation against Qaddafi suggested by
God and Man at Yale (Buckley)
Goldwater, Barry M.
agreement on CIA reporting pressed by
bugs in office of
Casey as annoyance to
on Casey’s business dealings
Casey’s confirmation hearing and
Casey’s resignation called for by
CIA assassination manual condemned by
on covert Nicaragua operation
on covert Suriname operation
on Hugel’s appointment
Inman appreciated by
Inman supported for DCI or DDCI by
Intelligence Committee staff selected by
Lacrosse system supported by
McMahon’s confirmation hearing and
on mining of Nicaraguan harbors
on Ralston affair
Reagan’s relationship with
Gorbachev, Mikhail S.
ascension to power of
Reagan’s summits with
“Gorbachev impact statement,”
Gordon, Lincoln
Gorman, Paul F.
Graham, Donald
Graham, Katharine
Ivy Bells story and
Graham, Mary
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grealy, Robert F.
Great Britain
Argentine invasion of Falkland Islands and
CIA covert activities with
Greece, Libyan agreements with
Greider, Bill
as foreign policy symbol
intelligence on
U.S. economic aid to
U.S. invasion of
Grenada crisis
Casey’s assessment of
Casey’s plan for
press briefed on
Special Situations Group meeting on
Grunwald, Henry
guerrilla warfare, Casey’s research on
Gulf of Sidra
U.S. naval exercises in
Habré, Hissen
Haddad, Wadi
Haig, Alexander M., Jr.
on anti-Qaddafi operations
on Casey’s access to Reagan
Casey’s relationship with
on Cuba
Libyan policy recommendations of
Reagan Administration skeptical of
on Sandinistas
Sharon’s relationship with
on terrorism
Hall, Fawn
Hall, Leonard W.
Hamilton, Lee H.
Hamiz, Hassan
Hammer, Armand
Handal, Shafik
Hart, Gary:
Casey’s meeting with
CIA bungles familiar to
Cohen’s relationship with
covert Nicaragua operation and
El Salvador visit of
Nicaragua visit of
Hasenfus, Eugene
Hassan II, King of Morocco
HAWK antiaircraft missiles
Healy, Peggy
Helms, Cynthia
Helms, Dennis
Helms, Richard
on appointment of Casey as DCI
as DCI
awards won by
background of
on consultants to Casey
covert action in Chile and
criminal charges against
DDO appointment and
Inman meeting with
Nixon’s relationship with
Heroic Vietnam
Hersh, Seymour M.
Hetu, Herbert E.
highly enriched uranium (HEU)
of Achille Lauro
of Egyptair jetliner
of TWA Flight
Hijazi, Lt. Col.
Hinckley, John W., Jr.
Hitler, Adolf
Hizbollah (Party of God)
Ho Chi Minh
Hoffa, Jimmy
Holm, Dick
Casey’s visit to
contra camps in
Israeli arms sales to
U.S. military exercises in
Honorable Men (Colby)
Hoover, J. Edgar
Horton, John:
background of
Casey criticized by
Casey’s disagreements with
Casey’s evaluation of
Central America visit of
covert Nicaragua operation and
on election in Argentina
intelligence estimates on Mexico and
Hospital of Khomeini
House Foreign Affairs Committee
on anti-Sandinista covert action plan
House Intelligence Committee
arms-for-hostages trade investigated by
as “authorizing” committee
Casey’s reception for staff of
CIA assassination manual and
on covert action against Qaddafi
on covert Chad operation
House Intelligence Committee (cont.)
covert Nicaragua operation hearings of
covert Nicaragua operation plan reported to
on covert Suriname operation
NIE on Mexico and
North interviewed by
House of Representatives, U.S.
on contra aid
Judiciary Committee of
see also Congress, U.S.
House-Senate conferences
Howard, Edward Lee
background of
FBI eluded by
firing of
Senate Intelligence Committee on
Hugel, Max C.
allegations about
background of
Casey’s relationship with
criticism of
DDO appointment and
Debategate and
DO staff addressed by
job assigned to, by Casey
resignation of
security checks on
Sporkin’s advice to
Hughes, John T.
human “moles,”
Hussein ibn Talal, King of Jordan
Hutchings, Burton L.
Hymoff, Edward
identities-of-agents bills
Ikle, Fred
Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S.
Independence, U.S.S.
CIA sources in
Tighe on
Inman, Bobby Ray
aid to Bashir’s forces opposed by
on anti-Sandinista covert action plan
background of
Casey advised on Hugel situation by
Casey characterized by
Casey confronted on Nicaragua by
on Casey-Goldwater feud
Casey mistrusted by
Casey’s meetings with
Casey’s plans for CIA outlined for
Casey’s relationship with
Clark advised by
DDCI appointment and
de Graffenreid’s conflicts with
on domestic activities of CIA
Goldwater’s appreciation of
as Goldwater’s choice for DCI or DDCI
Helms’s interviews with
intelligence positions declined by
investigation of Ralston and
long-range intelligence plan of
Nicaraguan military buildup announced by
Ralston’s relationship with
resignation of
Safire’s criticism of
on Soviet active measures study
on terrorism
on U.S.-Israeli intelligence-sharing arrangement
Inman, Thomas
Inman, William
Inouye, Daniel K.
intelligence, intelligence collection:
analytical estimates from
during Argentine invasion of Falkland Islands
by Army
bribes paid for
Carter and Brzezinski on
by Casey
Casey’s conclusions about
Casey’s priorities for
CIA analysis of
by CIA-NSA groups
communication, prosecution considered for publication about
during crises
in Egypt
by electronic devices
Goldwater on
on Grenada
long-range plans for
on Mexico
on Middle East
money and manpower for
NSA as collector of
on Qaddafi
restrictions on
during Revolutionary War
risks in
by satellite
SIGs for
on Soviet Union
walk-in sources of
Wallop’s criticism of
see also spying
Intelligence Authorization Act
“Intelligence Capabilities 1985-90” (CIA)
intelligence committees, methods for circumvention of
Intelligence Directorate, CIA
Intelligence Oversight Act
Intelligence Oversight Board
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), claims against Casey by
International Business Machines (IBM)
International Security
International Telephone and Telegraph Company (ITT)
arms-for-hostages trade with
bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut and
bombing of U.S. Marine compound and
Casey’s interest in
CIA failures in
development of U.S. policy toward
intelligence assistance offered to
markup on arms sold to
Menges on
Mexico compared to
Persian Gulf shipping threatened by
presence of moderates in
revolution in
Sandinistas aided by
Soviets and
strategic opening to, Reagan’s search for
terrorism sponsored by
Tighe on
Iran-contra affair, investigations of
Iran hostage crisis
Iran-Iraq war
casualties in
NIDs on
North on
U.S. as provider of intelligence in
“Iran Postmortem” (Jervis)
“Iran: Prospects for Near-Term Instability” (SNIE)
U.S. intelligence-sharing arrangement with
Islamic Jihad (Islamic Holy War)
in arms-for-hostages trade
Casey’s admiration for
Casey’s leverage with
contra diversion and
contras aided by
Egyptian peace treaty with
Ghorbanifar’s relationship with
Iraq (cont.)
Iraqi nuclear reactor bombed by
Lebanese agreement with
Lebanese Phalangist party supported by
Lebanon invaded by
Lebanon occupied by
spying on U.S. by
U.S. intelligence-sharing arrangements with
Israeli Defense Force (IDF)
Ivory Coast
Ivy Bells system:
Casey on
compromising of
published articles on
White House on
Jackson, Henry M.
Jacobsen, David P.
Jalloud, Salaam
Javits, Jacob K.
Jedburgh Teams
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenco, Lawrence
Jensen, D. Lowell
Jervis, Robert
“Joan Eleanor,”
John Birch Society
John Paul II, Pope, attempted assassination of
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), U.S.
Jones, David C.
Jones, Geoffrey M.T.
Jordan, CIA covert operation with
Jordan, Hamilton
Juchniewicz, Ed
Justice Department, U.S.
Criminal Division of
punishment of Waterman suggested by
Kaiser, Robert G.
KAL Flight 007, Soviet attack on
Kampiles, William
Karachi, Pan American airliner shot up in
Keel, Alton
Kellis, James
Kelso, Frank B.
Kemp, Geoffrey
Kendall, Donald
Kennan, George F.
Kennedy, Edward M.
Kennedy, John F., 11
assassination of
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kerr, Richard
KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti)
active measures used by
high-level defections from
Mexican operations of
“moles” in CIA of
“moles” in NSA of
terrorist connections of
Khashoggi, Adnan
Khmer Rouge (KR)
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
attempted ousting of
CIA information requested by
covert operations against
Kidd, Isaac C.
of CIA operatives
of Soviet diplomats
of Spanish ambassador
Kimche, David
Kirkpatrick, Jeane
Casey respected by
conservative views of
as possible national-security adviser
Kissinger, Henry A.
Kissinger, Nancy
KL-43 encryption devices
Klinghoffer, Leon
Knoche, Hank
Koppel, Ted
Korea, People’s Democratic Republic of (North)
Korea, Republic of (South)
Kuklinski, Wladyslaw
Kuwait, attack on U.S. Embassy in
La Belle discotheque, terrorist bombing of
Congressional hearings on
cost of
Lake Resources, Inc.
Lardner, George
Last Hero, The (Brown)
Latell, Brian
Lauder, George V.
background of
on CIA antiterrorist program in Lebanon
CIA assassination manual and
on covert Nicaragua operation
on Saudi and Israeli aid to contras
Laxalt, Paul
Leahy, Patrick J.
Achille Lauro hijacking and
on arms-for-hostages trade reporting
background of
Casey’s relationship with
Central America visit of
covert action against Qaddafi opposed by
on covert Nicaragua operation
on mining of Nicaraguan harbors
NSA facilities visited by
Bashir’s influence in
CIA antiterrorist groups in
CIA failures in
CIA presence in
Iranian and Syrian terrorism in
Israeli agreement with
Israeli invasion of
Israeli occupation of
PLO strongholds in
Spanish ambassador kidnapped in
Syrian influence in
terrorist training facilities of
U.S. diplomatic failure in
U.S. shelling of
le Carré, John
Ledeen, Michael
Lee, Robert E.
Lenin, V.I.
Air Force of
CIA intelligence on
crackdown on internal dissent in
economy of
Ethiopia and South Yemen allied with
Greek agreements with
hit teams from
intelligence and terrorist groups of, in U.S.
intervention in Sudan by
planning for U.S.-Egyptian attack on
Soviet advisers in
Soviet arms purchased by
U.S. Air Force and Navy bomber attack on
U.S. interests threatened by
U.S. naval exercises off coast of
U.S. retaliation considered against
“Libya: Aims and Vulnerabilities” (SNIE)
Libyan Intelligence Service (LIS)
“Libya’s Qaddafi: The Challenge to the United States and Western Interests” (SNIE)
Liddy, G. Gordon
Lincoln, Abraham
Lloyd’s of London
Lugar, Richard
Lumumba, Patrice
McCurdy, Dave K.
McFarlane, Robert C. (Bud)
antiterrorist policy and
in arms-for-hostages trade
background of
McFarlane, Robert C. (cont.)
contra aid solicitation and
contra diversion and
covert Nicaragua operation and
Grenada crisis and
inferiority complex of
on Iran weapons sales
Libyan policy coordinated by
on mining of Nicaraguan harbors
North as worrisome to
on Qaddafi
on ransom for hostages
resignation of
Saudis and contra funding
McMahon, Bernard
McMahon, John N.
on accusation against Waterman
Afghan rebel funding supported
on arms-for-hostages trade
background of
Casey advised by
on Casey’s business dealings
Casey’s criticism of
Casey’s meeting with
Casey’s relationship with
Central America visit of
characterization of
on communications between CIA and Senate Intelligence Committee
confirmation hearing of
covert Libyan operation and
covert Nicaragua operation and
on covert Suriname operation
financial disclosure statement of
on intelligence offered to Iran
Iran hostage rescue mission and
Leahy-Simmons Central America visit and
on mining Nicaraguan harbors
nicknames of
on North’s antiterrorist position
personnel and security files of
resignation of
Sandinistas and
on Saudi and Israeli aid to contras
on terrorism
MacNeil-Lehrer Report
McNeil, Samuel F.
McNeil, Thomas R.
Magana, Alvaro
Magarieff, Mohammed Youssef
MaGee, Robert
Man Who Kept the Secrets, The: Richard Helms and the CIA (Powers)
Mao Tse-tung
Marcos, Ferdinand E.
Casey’s support for
Marenches, Alexandre de
Reagan advised by, 5-7
Mariam, Lt.-Col. Megistu Haile
Marines, U.S.:
bombing of Lebanese compound of
Lebanese peacekeeping mission of
Martin Marietta Corporation
Maury, John M.
Meese, Edwin
on arms-for-hostages notification
arms-for-hostages trade investigated by
Casey’s meetings with
diversion memo uncovered by
on staff and cabinet appointments
on terrorism
Meet the Press
Menges, Constantine C.
as Casey’s foreign affairs adviser
Grenada crisis and
ideological fervor of
on Mexico
Senate briefed by
Merrill Lynch
Metropolitan Club
Army of
Casey’s concern for
Cuban presence in
intelligence-gathering on
NIEs on
Soviet presence in
Tighe on
Mexico City
“Mexico: The Iran Next Door” (Menges)
“Mexico Under De La Madrid” (CIA)
Meyer, Cord:
background of
Hugel’s appointment criticized by
Meyer, Herb
Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC)
Middendorf, J. William
Middle East
Casey’s visit to
intelligence on
Mitchell, John N.
Mitsubishi, FBI investigation of
Mitterrand, Francois
Mobutu, Joseph
Moellering, John H.
Moghadam, Nasser
Mondale, Walter F.
Monroe Doctrine
Montalban, Ricardo
Montgomery, Hugh
Moon, Sun Myung
covert assistance program for
CIA station in
U.S. Embassy in, security of
Moscow Aeronautical Institute
Mossad (Israeli intelligence service)
on bombing of Marine compound
CIA relationship with
Motley, L. Anthony
on airport bombing by contras
background of
Casey characterized by
Casey impressed by
covert Nicaragua operation and
Grenada and
on internal maneuvering at CIA
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
agreement on CIA reporting pressed by
Casey’s apology to
on Casey’s business dealings
Casey’s confirmation hearing and
on CIA assassination manual
on covert Nicaragua operation
McMahon’s confirmation hearing and
on mining of Nicaraguan harbors
NIE on Mexico and
on propaganda program for Nicaragua
on Qaddafi’s terrorist targets
Mubarak, Hosni
Achille Lauro hijacking and
on U.S.-Egyptian attack on Libya
Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
illness of
indecisiveness of
Khomeini’s request for information on
overthrow of
Multiponics Inc.
Nafeh, Ibrahim
Nance, Bud
Nathan, Irvin
National Aeronautical and Space Agency
National Association of Evangelicals
National Foreign Intelligence Board (NFIB):
meetings of, chaired by Casey
NIEs on Mexico reviewed by
on Soviets and terrorism
National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL)
National Intelligence Council
National Intelligence Daily (NIDs)
Casey’s disdain for
on Iran-Iraq war
on Qaddafi
National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs)
Casey’s criticisms of
on election in Argentina
on Mexico
on Middle East
on Nicaragua
on Soviet-U.S. strategic balance
National Intelligence Officers (NIOs), stature and prominence of
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
National Security Agency (NSA)
arms-for-hostages trade and
Casey briefed on
CIA joint effort with
CIA vs.
code-breaking operations of
comprehensiveness of intercept program of
eavesdropping on Shah’s office proposed by
intelligence collecting operations of
during Iran hostage crisis
Iranian coded message traffic intercepted by
Leahy’s visit to facilities of
Libyan transmissions intercepted by
Mitsubishi cables intercepted by
Mubarak’s transmissions intercepted by
non-Soviet undersea cables tapped by
on Sandinista involvement with Salvadoran rebels
on Soviet deception operations
Soviet underwater cables tapped by
Turner’s criticism of
National Security Council (NSC)
on Central America
Clark’s discussions on
compartmentalization of
contra support operations run through
on Grenada crisis
Menges’s assignment to
Terrorist Incident Working Group of
National Security Decision Directives (NSDDs):
on counterintelligence
Grenada invasion authorized by
on Iran
on Libyan disinformation campaign
on Qaddafi
on terrorism
National Security Planning Group (NSPG)
arms-for-hostages discussions of
Kirkpatrick’s attendance at
on Libyan disinformation campaign
responses to Libyan terrorism considered by
Naval Intelligence, Office of, (ONI)
Naval Investigative Service
neutron bomb
New Deal, Casey on
New Jersey
New York Post
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
attacks on fuel pipelines and depots of
Catholic Church in
CIA covert operation in,
Cohen’s and Hart’s visit to
contra supply plane shot down in
Cuban troops in
Dodd’s visit to
Iranian aid to
Libyan aid to
Mexico threatened by
mining harbors of
NIEs on
proposed blockade of
Shultz’s peace plan for
Soviets and
U.S. suspension of aid to
Nicaraguan Freedom Fund, Inc.
Nimeri, Gaafar Mohamed
Nimitz, U.S.S.
Nixon, Richard M.
Casey in administration of
covert operations in Chile under
Helms’s relationship with
impeachment of
intelligence under
Noriega, Manuel Antonio
North, Oliver
antiterrorist NSDDs drafted by
Casey’s relationship with
Casey’s warnings to
contra aid solicitation and
as deniable link
on disinformation campaign against Qaddafi
diversion memo of
findings for Iranian operations and
Grenada crisis and
hostage ransom solicited by
House Intelligence Committee testimony of
intelligence offered to Iran by
interception of Achille Lauro hijackers and
Iran and contra operations integrated by
lawyer for Hasenfus sought by
McFarlane’s worries about
NSC documents altered or shredded by
operational account set up by
as operations officer in arms-for-hostages trade
as operations officer in contra supply
on retaliating against Libyan terrorism
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Pacific, Tighe on
Nosenko, Yuri, defection of
“Nuclear War at Sea” (Ball)
nuclear weapons
Qaddafi’s planned development of
Taiwan’s planned development of
Nunn, Sam
Obando Bravo, Miguel
Odom, William
on Ivy Bells story
Oerlikon gun
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Casey’s background in
Casey supported by veterans of
CIA influenced by
conventions of
microfilm organization system of
Of Sons and Seasons (Cohen)
Libyan exports of
Nicaraguan dependence on
O’Leary, Jeremiah
Onassis, Aristotle
O’Neill, Thomas P. (“Tip”)
Oney, Ernest
On Wings of Eagles (Follett)
Operations Directorate (DO), CIA
Casey’s control over
Casey’s criticism of
CIA sources evaluated by
Colby on
human-source recruitment by
Inman on
International Activities Division (IAD) of
shake-up in
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
Ortega, Daniel
Ortega, Humberto
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Achille Lauro hijacked by
CIA penetration of
contras vs.
Lebanese strongholds of
contra training facility in
Leahy’s visit to
Pan American airliner, terrorist attack on
Pastora, Eden (Commander Zero)
air force of
covert assistance given to
Peace for Galilee, Operation
Pelton, Ronald W.:
conviction of
espionage trial of
Ivy Bells system compromised by
NSA position of
Senate Intelligence Committee on
Penkovsky, Oleg
Pentagon Papers case
Pen Verter Partners
People’s Committee of Libyan Students
Pérez Vega, Reynaldo (the Dog)
Perfect Spy, A (le Carré)
Perle, Richard
Perot, H. Ross
Pershing II missiles
Pezzullo, Lawrence:
Casey’s meeting with
diplomatic approaches to Sandinistas by
on Sandinistas and Salvadoran insurgency
Pike Committee
Pinochet, Augusto
Poindexter, John
arms-for-hostages finding and
in arms-for-hostages trade
on assets of Project Democracy
background of
contra diversion and
covert Nicaragua operation and
on diversion memo
on intelligence offered to Iran
interception of Achille Lauro hijackers and
Libyan disinformation campaign
national-security adviser appointment of
North cautioned about public profile by
operation Prairie Fire and
resignation of
as scapegoat for contra diversion
U.S.-Egyptian attack on Libya and
Casey’s monitoring of
Catholic Church in
CIA intelligence sources in
recruitment of human sources within
Soviet threat to
Polk, James
Pollard, Jonathan Jay
Portugal, Iran arms transfer and
Post, Jerrold M.
Potemkin Villages
Powers, Thomas
Prairie Fire, operation
President’s Daily Brief (PDB)
President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB)
intelligence on Mexico requested by
on allegations against Hugel
on Casey’s tax problems
Casey’s threats of prosecution against
on CIA antiterrorist program in Lebanon
on CIA assassination manual
on CIA operations in Nicaragua
on compromising of Ivy Bells system
on covert action against Qaddafi
on Gorbachev
on Horton’s clash with Casey
Libyan disinformation campaign uncovered by
Libyan disinformation picked up by
on mining of Nicaraguan harbors
on Qaddafi
Reagan’s relationship with
on replacement of Casey as, DCI
on Saudi and Israeli aid to contras
on U.S.-Iran arms trade
Project Democracy, assets of
blowback as danger in
in Caribbean
to help Nicaraguan Catholic Church
to promote Pershing missiles in Europe
of Soviets
on terrorism
Proxmire, William
“Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare” (CIA)
Public Broadcasting
Pueblo spy ship incident
Puzzle Palace, The (Bamford)
Qaddafi, Muammar
attempted coups against
Casey on
Casey’s drive against
Chad and
CIA briefings on
covert operations against
disinformation campaign against
as focus of intelligence gathering assets
on Gulf of Sidra
interviews given by
Libyan exile opposition to
Libyan military discontent and
NIDs on
NSDDs on
operation Prairie Fire and
popularity of
psychological profiles of
Reagan’s life threatened by
SNIEs on
as sponsor of terrorism
Qaddafi, Muammar (cont.)
“sting” operation against
subversive operations run by
suspiciousness of
terrorist threats made by
translator of
Quainton, Anthony
Quinn, Bette
Quinn, William W.
background of
Casey advised by
on Casey’s appointment as DCI
Congressional committees manipulated by
on Debategate
Goldwater advised by
Rabb, Maxwell
Rachmaninoff, Sergei
Radio Liberation
Radio Moscow
Rafsanjani, Hashemi
Ralston, Ted:
classified documents taken home by
Inman’s relationship with
Leahy advised by
Leahy’s firing of
Ramgoolam, Sir Seewoosagur
Rather, Dan
RC-135 reconnaissance airborne listening posts
Reader’s Digest
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
anti-Communist fervor of
anti-Qaddafi operations and
antiterrorist policy of
arms-for-hostages trade approved by
arms-for-hostages trade denied by
attempted assassination of
background of
Bitburg cemetery visit of
on bombing of Marine compound
call for Casey’s resignation and
Casey appointed DCI by
Casey considered for DCI by
Casey reassured by
Casey’s access to
Casey’s briefing of
Casey’s criticism of
Casey’s relationship with
on CIA assassination manual
Clark’s access to
contra diversion and
contra funding campaign of
covert Angola operation and
covert Nicaragua operation and
daily logs kept on
Debategate and
decision-making approach of
domestic agenda of
on El Salvador
Fahd’s private meetings with
five-year intelligence plan approved by
Goldwater’s relationship with
Gorbachev’s summits with
on Grenada
on ground-breaking ceremony at Langley
Inman’s resignation accepted by
intelligence and cabinet selections of
intelligence on Soviets valuable to
on interception of Achille Lauro hijackers
Iranian crisis and
Iran-Iraq war and
on Ivy Bells story
Kirkpatrick and
leaks by intelligence committees condemned by
Lebanese-Israeli agreement supported by
legislative oversight of intelligence and
Libyan disinformation campaign and
mandate of
Marenches’s meeting with
1980 campaign of
1980 election of
1984 campaign of
operation Prairie Fire and
on ousting Khomeini
on Qaddafi’s personal life
Qaddafi’s threatened assassination of
ransom for hostages approved by
reelection of
responses to Libyan terrorism considered by
on Sandinistas
Saudi arms sales approved by
Saudi funding for contras and
on Soviet Union
speeches delivered by
staff of
Turner’s briefing of
White House security for
work schedule of
Reagan Doctrine
Red Brigade
Regan, Donald T.
contra diversion and
Republican National Alliance (ARENA), Salvadoran
Republican National Committee
Republican Party:
CIA criticized by
Turner criticized by
Restricted Interagency Group (RIG)
Reza Pahlavi
Richardson, Elliott
Robinson, J. Kenneth
covert Nicaragua operation and
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Rockefeller Commission
Rodriguez, Carlos Rafael
Rogers, Bernard W.
Rollins, Edward J.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roselli, John
Roth, William V., Jr.
Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
Russo-Japanese War
Sabra and Shatilla massacres
Sadat, Anwar
assassination of
security-and intelligence-support operation for
Safire, William
Casey’s relationship with
Inman criticized by
Saguy, Yehoshua
St. Lucia Airways
Salameh, Ali Hasan (the Red Prince)
Sanchez, Nestor D.:
Casey’s replacement of
Sandinistas and
Casey briefed on
Catholic Church vs.
CIA-Argentine covert action against
CIA reports on
civil liberties suspended by
Cohen’s and Hart’s interviews with
Congressional lobbying plans of
contra opposition to, see contras, contra aid
diplomatic approaches to
economic warfare against
Grenada crisis and
internal opposition to
MiG training received by
as militarily superior to contras
military buildup by
need for intelligence on
popularity of
Salvadoran rebels supported by
Sandino, Augusto
Saratga, U.S.S.
Big Bird
Casey’s education on
history of
Saudi Arabia
Afghan rebels aided by
CIA antiterrorist operation assisted by
CIA covert activities with
Cogan’s contacts in
contras aided by
covert aid to Ethiopia from
SAVAK (Iranian intelligence service)
Savimbi, Jonas
Schlesinger, James R.
Science and Technology Directorate, CIA
Sears, John P.
Secord, Richard V.:
in arms transfer to Iran
arms transporting network of
Casey briefed on contras by
private resupply of contras run by
secrets, secrecy:
Casey’s familiarity with
Casey’s obsession with
classification of
Colby and
George Washington’s endorsement of
restricting access to
Turner on
Secret Service, U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Senate, U.S.:
Appropriations Subcommittee for Defense of
Armed Services Committee of
Casey confirmed by
covert Nicaragua operation debated in
McMahon confirmed by
mining of Nicaraguan harbors condemned by
Watergate Committee of
see also Congress, U.S.
Senate Banking Committee, Casey’s confirmation hearing before
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Menges’s briefing of
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
agreement on reportability between Casey and
arms-for-hostages trade investigated by
Casey as annoyance to
Casey criticized by
Casey mistrusted by
Casey’s attempt to mend fences with
Casey’s business dealings reviewed by
Casey’s confirmation hearing before
Casey’s reception for staff of
on CIA assassination manual
covert action against Qaddafi and
covert Nicaragua operation hearings of
covert Nicaragua operation plan reported to
on covert Suriname operation
designatees of
George mistrusted by
Goldwater as chairman of
Hugel matter reviewed by
McMahon’s confirmation hearing before
McMahon’s contacts on
mining of Nicaraguan harbors and
Moynihan’s resignation from, as vice-chairman
Ralston affair and
on security at Moscow embassy
on Soviet “moles” in CIA
spy cases investigated by
support for Casey in
Senior Interagency Groups (SIGs)
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)
sensitive intelligence-collection efforts:
through human sources
spying on friends and allies
Service of External Documentation and Counterespionage (SDECE) (“Swimming Pool”)
“72-Hour Document, The,”
Shaheen, John
on call for Casey’s resignation
Sharon, Ariel:
Casey’s meetings with
CIA aid for Gemayel sought by
invasion of Lebanon and
on PLO strongholds in Lebanon
Shultz, George P.
Achille Lauro hijacking and
arms-for-hostages trade opposed by
contra aid solicited by
contra funding supported by
on covert action against Qaddafi
on covert Nicaragua operation
on Grenada crisis
Libyan disinformation campaign and
on Libyan raids over Sudan
Marcos’s downfall and
Middle East visits of
Nicaragua peace plan of
on Poindexter as national-security adviser
relations between Casey and
on terrorism
U.S.-Egyptian attack on Libya opposed by
weapons sales to Iran opposed by
Weinberger’s bureaucratic warfare with
Simmons, Rob
Casey’s business dealings evaluated by
Central America visit of
CIA background of
on communication between CIA and Senate Intelligence Committee
on mining of Nicaraguan harbors
Ralston affair investigated by
Simon, William E.
Simpson, Natasha
Singlaub, John K.
Single Integrated Operation Plan (SIOP)
SISMI (Italian Intelligence service)
“smart” weapons
Smith, Bernadette Casey
Smith, Gerard
Smith, John T.
Smith, William French
Waterman case and
Solidarity trade union
martial-law crackdown on
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
Somoza, Anastasio
Somoza National Guards
South Africa, Republic of
Casey’s visit to
South Yemen
CIA-sponsored sabotage operations in
“Soviet Active Measures” (CIA)
Soviet Union
Afghanistan invaded by
Afghanistan occupied by
alleged deception operations of
alleged terrorist involvement of
ballistic-missile tests of
Casey’s analyses of
Casey’s mistrust of
Chinese relations with
Soviet Union (cont.)
CIA officers expelled from
CIA sources in
Colby on
in Cuba
DIA on
dominance of military in
Eastern European resentment of
economic problems of
expansionism of
Far East operations of
Grenada and
high-technology equipment and plans purchased by
intelligence from Politburo of
intelligence gathered by Indigo and SNCP on
intelligence leaks from
Iran and
KAL Flight 007 shot down by
KH-11 manual bought by
kidnappings of diplomats of
Libyan advisers of
Libya supplied with arms by
in Mexico
MiG radars of
Nicaragua and
Nicaraguans trained on MiGs by
Poland threatened by
propaganda efforts of
quality of intelligence on
Reagan on
recruitment and development of human sources within
satellite intelligence on
satellite systems of
tapping underwater cable transmissions of
Third World strategy of
Tighe on
U.S. intelligence war with
U.S. strategic balance with
U.S. submarine operations against
war-fighting capacity of
Washington area phone calls intercepted by
space shuttles
Speakes, Larry
Special Collection Elements (SCE), eavesdropping operations of
Special Collection Sites
Special National Intelligence Estimates (SNIEs):
on El Salvador
on Iran
on Qaddafi
on terrorism
Special Navy Control Program (SNCP) (“Navy Special”)
Special Situations Group
Spiers, Ronald I.
Sporkin, Stanley
on accusations against Waterman
allegations against Hugel and
Boland Amendment considered by
on call for Casey’s resignation
Casey advised on Hugel situation by
Casey’s loyalty to
Casey’s relationship with
findings for arms-for-hostages trade drafted by
on political assassinations vs. antiterrorist actions
domestic, Casey’s proposals to lift bans on
on friends and allies
for Israel
for KBG
Marenches on
passive technical means of
during World War II, see Office of Strategic Services
see also intelligence, intelligence collection
Stairstep, operation
Stans, Maurice, H.
State Department, U.S.
antiterrorist policy controlled by
on arms-for-hostages findings
criticisms of
Foreign Service officers of
Grenada crisis and
on Lebanon-Israel agreement
Libyan disinformation campaign proposed by
on Libyan hit squads, 167
Libyan policy reviewed by
Mauritius support requested by
on mining of Nicaraguan harbors
Saudi economic and military help sought by
on terrorism
stealth technology
Stein, John H.
Clair George compared to
covert Nicaragua operation and
Stennis, John C.
Sterling, Claire
Stethem, Robert Dean
Stevens, Ted
Steward, James
Stockman, David
Stombaugh, Paul M.
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (SALT) II
Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Subic Bay Naval Base
Libyan intervention in
Sudanese Security Organization (SSO)
Sullivan, William H.
Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs (“Punch”)
“Support Bill Casey” lunches
Supreme Court, U.S.
proposed CIA-supported coup in
Swiss Bank Corporation
Bashir’s assassination and
bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut and
bombing of U.S. Marine compound and
influence in Lebanon of
Lebanon-Israel agreement and
terrorism sponsored by
Taft, Robert A.
Taiwan, 150
Taraki, Salman
Taubman, Philip
Tax Research Institute of America
Tax Sheltered Investments (Casey)
Teamsters Union
Teicher, Howard R.
terrorism, terrorists
alleged Soviet involvement in
case studies on
Casey’s desire for strong action on
Casey’s investigations on
Casey’s speeches on
CIA on
definition of
DIA on, 100-102
explosives used by
Israeli intelligence on
Lebanese intelligence on
1984 campaign and
NSDDs on
against Pan American airliner
planning by
preemption of
Qaddafi’s sponsorship of
Reagan cabinet meetings on
retaliating against
in Rome and Vienna airports
Saudi-CIA cooperation against
SNIEs on
U.S. as target of
against U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut
against U.S. Embassy in Beirut
against U.S. Marine compound in Beirut
U.S. policy on
terrorism, terrorists (cont.)
U.S. policy on arms-for-hostages trade and
in West Berlin discotheque
Terror Network, The (Sterling)
Tet offensive
Thailand, CIA assets in
Thatcher, Margaret
This Week with David Brinkley
Thompson, Fred
Thompson, Paul
Tighe, Eugene
Casey’s meeting with
intelligence background of
on wake-up factor
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Tolkachev, Adolf G.
TOW antitank missiles
Tower, John
Tower review board
Transitional Government of Nation Unity (GUNT), Chad
Treasury Department, U.S.
Turner, Stansfield
as DCI
background of
Brzezinski’s conflicts with
Casey and Reagan criticized by
Casey briefed by
Casey compared to
Casey defended by
Casey’s analysis of
on covert operations
demeanor of
on electronic surveillance of Shah
Iranian crisis and
McMahon appointed DDO by
Reagan briefed by
Reagan transition team and
Republican criticism of
risks evaluated by
on Soviet-U.S. strategic balance
TWA Flight 847, hijacking of
Twetten, Tom
Tyler, Patrick
Ivy Bells story and
U-2 spy plane incident
underwater cable tapping
Unification Church
unilaterally controlled Latino assets (UCLAs)
United African Airlines (UAA)
United Fruit Company
United Nations
United Nations Charter
United States:
immigration into
Libyan intelligence and terrorist groups in
public opinion in
U.S. News & World Report
“U.S. Policy Toward North Africa” (NSDD)
Vance, Cyrus
Vantage Point, The (Johnson)
Veliotes, Nicholas A.
Vesco, Robert
Vesser, Dale
Vessey, John
Vietnam, Socialist Republic of, Army of
Vietnam War
Walker, John
Wallison, PeterJ.
Wallop, Malcolm
Wall Street Journal
Walsh, Lawrence
Walters, Barbara
Washington, George
Washington Post
Washington Post Company
Washington Star
Washington Times
Watergate scandal
Watergate Special Prosecutor’s Office
Waterman, Charles
Watt, James G.
Webster, Daniel
Webster, William H.
on terrorism
Weinberger, Casper W.
arms-for-hostages trade opposed by
Casey’s antiterrorist strategy opposed by
on covert Nicaragua operation
foreign policy objectives of
operation Prairie Fire and
on operations against Qaddafi
Shultz’s relationship with
Weir, Benjamin
Welch, Richard
West Berlin, discotheque bombing in
Wheelock, Jaime
Where and How the War Was Fought (Casey)
White House Correspondents Association
Whitworth, Jerry A.
Will, George
Williams, Edward Bennett
Helms defended by
U.S. intelligence criticized by
Wilson, Charles
Afghan covert program supported by
Wilson, Edwin
Wilson, Woodrow
Woodward, Bob:
anti-Khomeini exile story by
Casey interviewed by
contra diversion investigated by
covert action against Qaddafi reported by
covert Nicaragua operation story and
Debategate investigated by
Grenada and
Hugel story and
Iran arms sales investigated by
Israeli aid to contras investigated by
Ivy Bells story and
Lebanese antiterrorist program story and
Libyan disinformation campaign investigated by
on publishing national security stories
Qaddafi interview sought by
World Court
Yurchenko, Vitaly
CIA “mole” revealed by
NSA “mole” revealed by
Zablocki, Clement J.
Zhou Enlai
Zia, Mohammed