
"So you fucked your client?" Lisa laughs at me when I call and tell her about my arrival in Steel City.

"It's not funny, Lisa! I could lose my job. I have to tell my boss I can't take on this client. Ugh! But then I have to tell him why…"

"Could you say you just don't like the big guy?"

I sigh. "I don't think I can do that. I can't be burning through jobs because of men. Asshole men. I'm off men, Lisa. No more men for me."

She laughs again. "From what you described, I'd say it was worthwhile. Did you say you were limping afterward?"

I roll my eyes and we hang up. She texts me that she thinks everything will work out, but I'm not so certain.

I don’t sleep well. When my alarm sounds at 5:30, I groan and consider not getting out of bed. But then I remember that my rowing practice, formerly my sanctuary, my holy place, is now pretty much an extension of my work. I have to meet Ty Stag on the docks and introduce him to the team. *I* have barely even met the fucking team, I mutter as I heat up my oatmeal and slip into my workout clothes.

I brush my teeth, grab my bag, and walk the half mile trail along the river to the boathouse. I’m not sure whether I’m furious or relieved to see Ty leaning against the wall. He looks like a movie star, with his tousled hair and slate grey eyes. He fills out his designer jeans, I’ll give him that. I can't help but stare at his forearms and the bulging muscles beneath his t-shirt cuffs. I've always had a thing for forearms. But I can't think things like that. Not about my client. Why does he have to be so damn good looking?

He spots me and grins. “Juniper Jones, nice to see you again.” He looks at his watch. “Think we have time for a quickie before your coach gets here?” Then the bastard winks at me.

“Listen, Stag, you are never to discuss that night again. You are my client. Do you want me to lose my job?? It’s bad enough you’ve invaded my personal space and affected my training. I wish I didn’t have to ask you not to jeopardize my career as well.”

He throws up his hands. “Easy there, tiger. I can behave. I promise. Look, I’m new here, too.” I raise an eyebrow at him. “I mean, I grew up here, but I’ve been gone since high school. It’s not like I have a ton of friends outside my brothers and my teammates.”

These are my teammates, Stag,” I hiss at him. Understanding dawns on him, then, and to his credit he does stop clowning around. My coach, Derrick, emerges from the clubhouse and heads down the stairs with a few of the rowers behind him.

“Juniper Jones! Welcome, welcome, welcome, my new meat wagon.” I hate that nickname for the center pair of rowers in an 8-seat boat. I’m tall and solid, and I always get placed in the middle of the boat where they need my strength.

But I’m not about to make a stink about it. I want my coach to like me!

“Guilty as charged, I guess.” I shake his hand, and smile at the other rowers I met at breakfast the other day. I can see them all ogling Ty, and I remember that he’s a big celebrity. Tina is shifting around uncomfortably and I can tell she wants to hug him or make out with him. Or both. I'm glad she refrains. Pittsburghers love their sports stars. Even these amateur athletes are fawning over Ty as Derrick makes small talk and everyone gets ready to get on the water. Derrick turns to Ty and explains how practice will go--we will inspect the boat, set it in the water, warm up, and then he’s going to send us on a long row to the confluence of the city’s 3 rivers.

Derrick and Ty will follow along in a motor boat with a megaphone, barking out instructions in Derrick’s case, and hopefully Ty won’t be a distraction or get in the way. Not that Derrick or anyone else resents his presence here. Oh no, everyone is pretty ecstatic to have a source of funding and a little publicity for our program...and a hot guy to stare at, I guess.

Derrick explains that Matty gave him a call and planned out a whole promotional strategy. “Any new commercials and stuff for the Fury that feature Ty will show him at our facilities, talking with our athletes, stuff like that! Plus we get a set of season tickets for next year.” Derrick winks at me and says, “It was a lucky day for our team when Juniper Jones landed a job in Pittsburgh!”

I flush, really wishing I’d had a chance to prove myself to them before feeling like I bought my way on the team with my work connections. Derrick snaps into game mode then and tells us to head into the boat house. Ty watches, seemingly fascinated, as we carry the boat to the water. "Dude," he says to Derrick. "Shouldn't we help them carry that thing?"

Derrick just laughs as we ease the boat gently into the water and slide in the oars. Ty has no idea how strong we are, apparently. Derrick clues him in on some of the rowing commands and even lets Ty yell into the megaphone as we warm up. I can't help but look at him in the boat, muscled arms crossed. Firm jaw, piercing stare.

But then we set our pace, heading toward the fountain at Point Park, and all other thoughts slip away. It’s just me and the oars, feeling the pull of the water. I match my pace to the other women and together we dig deep and set the boat flying.