Chapter XVIII

The Next Move

When we are suddenly presented with a baffling problem, we attempt, if there is time, to work it out; if there is no time, however, we do not probe into the why’s and the how’s and the wherefore’s, but confine ourselves merely to dealing with the result.

Many questions rushed through Richard Temperley’s mind as he stared at the spot where, a moment or two earlier, the young man with the monocle had lain. Had the man been shamming? If so, did the countryman know he had been shamming? Were he and the countryman acting with each other or against each other? Did they constitute a joint menace, or separate menaces? Like untrappable shadows these bewildering query marks sped through Richard’s brain. He did not pause over any of them, however. He merely tried to guess which of the two necessities which now comprised the whole of existence for him was the greater—the necessity of finding the countryman, or the necessity of finding the man with the monocle?

He concentrated for an instant on the man with the monocle, for the simple reason that the man with the monocle, having disappeared last, must be the nearer of the two. He went a few yards along the road, his eyes skinned, his senses alert. Then, finding nothing, his thoughts reverted abruptly to the countryman.

The man with the monocle, apparently, had dropped through the ground, but the countryman was still racing across dark fields. Or had he stopped by now, and was he stealthily watching Richard from some distant cover?

Something told Richard that the countryman had not stopped—that he was still running. Why would he still be running? And why should this queer instinct be insisting to Richard that he was still running? There must be a definite reason for both the fact and Richard’s knowledge of the fact. Some reason…Some reason…

“Good heavens!” gasped Richard, as the reason came to him sickeningly.

The countryman had not stopped because he had divined that somewhere in the neighbourhood of Richard Temperley would be a girl in whom that countryman was interested. And he had divined right! It was because of this fellow that Sylvia had feared to venture near the Carpenter’s Arms! Thus ran Richard’s thoughts as he turned and, like one demented, flew back along the road.

He fought nightmare visions as he ran. A vision of an empty road. Of Sylvia gagged and bound. Of the car, with the helpless girl inside, disappearing into the black void as the countryman and the young man with the monocle had disappeared before her. Of a man lying in a ditch, and slowly coming to, and muttering, “I couldn’t ’elp it, sir—’e’d ’it me on the ’ead before I could say Bristol Channel.”…

Now he was out of the lane that led to the inn, and, veering leftwards, he was passing the dark triangle with the sign-post. His heart almost stopped beating as he swung round the point just beyond which he had left the car. Would it still be there? In a flash he would know heaven or hell.…“Gone!” he gasped.

But something was moving somewhere. Not frankly, but furtively. Richard saw red, and dived for it.

“Whoa! Let go!” gurgled a familiar voice.

The startled eyes of Ted Diggs stared up at him.

“What’s happened?” muttered Richard, unsteadily.

“Ay, but it’s my throat you’ve got ’old of!”

Richard let go, and repeated his question while Diggs swallowed carefully to find out whether he still could.

“Nothin’s ’appened,” he answered. “What’s this all about?”

“If nothing’s happened, where’s the car?”

“Eh? Oh! The lady got anxious, sir, and it’s down a lane. Seemed as if she thought she’d be safer there.”

“But why aren’t you with her?”


“She’s not safer alone, man! You promised you wouldn’t leave her—”

“’Ow can I be in two places at once?” demanded Diggs, injured. “I ’ad to be ’ere to let you know she was there, didn’t I? If you’d come ’ere and found nothing, you might have thought she’d been kidnapped!”

“I did think she’d been kidnapped,” growled Richard, “and if we don’t hurry back at once, she may be.”

“What’s that?” blinked Diggs, in astonishment.

“Do you suppose we’re doing all this for fun?” barked Richard. “Quick, man! Which is the way? We mustn’t waste a moment!”

Diggs shook his head uncomprehendingly. It was all rather beyond him. But, obviously, as his male passenger had just pointed out, this queer couple hadn’t come out on a joy-ride! Otherwise, there wouldn’t be all this jumpiness, and nerviness, and neck-twisting.…

“For the Lord’s sake, get a move on!” cried Richard.

Diggs turned, and without more ado made for the lane up which he had driven the car. They certainly were a queer couple, no mistake about that. Still, having been enlisted in their service, Diggs was anxious to see the adventure safely through, and of course he didn’t want them to come to any harm. Nor his taxi, either! Despite himself, some of the jumpiness and the nerviness was entering into him, and he now led Richard hastily to the turning beyond which the taxi ought to be.

Ought to be? Don’t be silly! Where the taxi would be! And here was the corner, and—yes, there was the car! But, lummy, what was the car up to? It was beginning to move! “Hey, there!” shouted Diggs.

He increased his speed. Somebody, increasing faster, shot past him. It was Richard. The taxi stopped moving. A smudge loomed momentarily, then vanished. By the time Richard reached the car, it no longer bore its phantom driver.

Nor did it contain its passenger, for she had leapt out, and stood in the lane panting, white and startled.

“Quick! Get back!” ordered Richard.

“What’s happened—who was it?” whispered the girl.

“Actions first, explanations afterwards,” answered Richard. “In with you!” As she obeyed, Richard’s hand dived out, catching Diggs on the wing.

“Oi! What’s that for?” choked Diggs.

“You don’t want to go after that fellow!”

“Don’t I? Trying to steal my car—”

“Well, he’s not stolen it, and we’re going to move before he attempts any more damage.”

“Ay, but—”

“D’you hear me?”

Diggs shrugged his shoulders. After all, he was only conceding a point he could never have made. There really wouldn’t have been any chance at all of catching the taxi-thief.

“Very good, sir. Where are we to move to? Back ’ome?”

Richard considered for an instant. Sylvia, acting more swiftly than Diggs, was already in her seat again. He turned to consult her, then changed his mind and made the decision himself.

“No, drive on for about five miles,” he said, “and don’t mind if you twist about a bit. In fact, twist about all you can. Five miles. Then I’ll give you fresh orders.”

Five miles! And in the wrong direction! Was there a limit to a taximan’s allegiance?

“You know it’s after midnight?” observed Diggs, mounting to his seat.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s after a dozen midnights!” retorted Richard. “Now, then! Step on it!” The car entered another stage of its remarkable journey.

“Please, what’s happening?” whispered Sylvia, as the car began to move.

“Dashed if I can tell you more than bits and pieces,” muttered Richard. “But, first, are you all right?”


“You’re sure? Not hurt or anything?”

“Of course not!”

“How did that fellow get into the driver’s seat?”

“I don’t know!”

“Do you mean—you didn’t see him till he was actually there?”

“I hadn’t any notion. I was staring along the road. He must have been very quiet, though—”

“Yes, and he must have sneaked round by the other side. Probably peeped in at one window while, as you say, you were staring out of the other. Peeped in—saw that you were there, and that the driver wasn’t—and then hopped into the driving-seat.…Yes, but when the thing started to move, Miss Wynne?”

“I noticed it then, of course. But it all happened so quickly, and for a moment, you see, I thought it was our own driver, and that he was going to meet you.”

“Yes, I see,” murmured Richard, frowning. “Then you didn’t get a proper squint of the fellow who—wasn’t our own driver?”

“It was too dark. Anyway, I only saw his back.”

“But you’ve some idea who it was?”

She hesitated, then shook her head.

“I want a better answer than that, please!” urged Richard, noting the hesitation.

“What do you mean?”

“You have some idea who it was!”

“I haven’t any idea who it was!”

“Well, then, let me put it another way. You’ve some idea who it could have been?”


“I’m simply praying for the moment, Miss Wynne, when you will discard your secretiveness and trust me. Meanwhile, I suppose this means I’m not to know who this—person it could have been is?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorrow shared. But are you sure it wasn’t the person you have in your mind?”

She looked a little startled at the question, but replied to it, definitely.

“Quite sure.”

“Is it a rather stocky person, for instance, age about fifty and dressed like a countryman?”

He expected some sort of an exclamation from her, but none came. Her eyebrows rose, and she regarded him with close interest, but there was no indication from her that she had ever heard of such a person as Richard had described.

“That conveys nothing to you, eh?” he asked, thoroughly perplexed. “You’re not being chased by a man of that description?”

She shook her head.

“Then I’m absolutely beaten, Miss Wynne,” he told her, “because it was this countryman who tried to kidnap you in this car just now. And the reason we’re zigzagging through country lanes instead of going straight back to Bristol is because we’re shaking that confounded fellow off our track.”

Every now and then Richard gained an impression that Sylvia Wynne was acting. He had no such impression now. She was looking at him in sheer astonishment. She, too, seemed beaten.

“Please tell me,” she said, at last. “When did you first come across this—countryman? Was he outside the Carpenter’s Arms?”

“I found him near the Carpenter’s Arms,” responded Richard, “but that wasn’t the first time I came across him.”

“When was the first time?”

“In the train.”

“In the—oh! Do you mean the man who was sitting at a table near us?”

“Yes, that’s the chap.”

“But—I don’t know him!”

“He evidently knows you, Miss Wynne.”

“It seems like it. But what happened outside the inn? You haven’t told me that yet. We may—have to go back.”

“You think so?” answered Richard, grimly. “Well, now I’ll tell you something! We’re not going back! Not, at any rate, until you convince me of the wisdom of such a mad idea. Convince me, Miss Wynne.”

“I see. Your—your faith is weakening a bit.”

“That’s not fair. You know perfectly well it isn’t weakening at all. My faith in your—innocence, that is.”

“But in my wisdom?”

“Ah, that, perhaps!”

“I’m sorry, because my next move—if we don’t go back to Charlton—will seem even madder still. But I’m still waiting for your ‘report,’ you know,” she reminded him.

“So you are. Well, here it is.…I say, our driver knows how to twist and turn, doesn’t he?”

“And so do you, Mr. Temperley! You keep on twisting and turning from telling me what happened to you! If that’s because you’ve made up your mind that I’m not going back to the inn, you may as well know that my mind is made up, too, and if I’ve got to go back, I’m going back.”

Her tone was challenging. He postponed the definite encounter and told his story.

At first he told it without full detail. He wanted to save her as much as he could. But she was so quick to perceive when he omitted the details, never failing to take her eyes from his face, and appearing to listen also for each revealing inflection, that he gave way at last, and made his report a full one.

She shivered when he described the incident of the young man with the eye-glass. “Do you know anything about him?” asked Richard. “No,” she answered, and again he was convinced of her veracity. She had no knowledge of either the countryman or of the young man with the eye-glass, yet both were obviously implicated in the same mosaic. When he had concluded, she sat in thought, and stared out of the window into the darkness.

“And—that’s all?” she murmured.

“That’s all,” replied Richard.

“You saw no one else?”

“I’ve told you everything.”

“Yes, I know you have. Thank you. But—do you think anybody else may have been there without your knowing it?”

“My dear Miss Wynne,” said Richard, with a smile, “what I think is being so constantly confounded that I am beginning to wonder whether my thoughts have any value at all. A hundred things have happened to-day that I wouldn’t have thought possible! I certainly don’t think anybody else was in the lane, but whether that opinion is worth half a farthing is for you to decide.”

“I agree with the opinion,” she responded, “and I was only trying to back up my own.”

As she spoke, the taxi slackened speed.

“Well, where does your opinion lead?” inquired Richard. “Back to Charlton?”


“Thank God for that!” he exclaimed, fervently. “Then where does it lead? Our driver is ready for fresh orders—and so am I.”

The taxi stopped, and Diggs began to descend from his seat.

“Where shall I tell him?” asked Richard. “Bristol?”

“Yes—I think you’d better tell him that,” she replied, her voice suddenly nervous. “Only—”

“Only what?”

“I won’t be going back with you.”

“Not going back with me?” exclaimed Richard. “What on earth—I say, do you suppose I’m going to dump you down in the middle of Darkest Gloucestershire in the middle of the night.”

“I’m afraid there’s no alternative,” she answered. “You see, there’s somewhere else I’ve got to go.”

“I see. The ‘even madder move!’’’


“But won’t to-morrow do?”

“No, to-night.”

“Well, I’ll take you there.”

“It’s too far.”

“How far?”

“And you’ve done enough.”

“I asked, how far?”

“Over a hundred and fifty miles,” she said.

“A hundred and—! You know, Miss Wynne, you’re getting ridiculous,” he declared. “You don’t mean to sit there and tell me, in all seriousness, that you intend to travel another hundred and fifty miles before to-morrow morning’s breakfast?”

“I’m quite sure I must sound ridiculous,” she answered, quietly, “but however ridiculous I sound I’m serious.” Her manner bore out her words.

“Well, and where is this place, a hundred and fifty miles away, that you’ve got to go to?” he demanded.

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you that,” she responded.

“Why not?”

“Because—you’ll be going back to Bristol.”

“What difference would that make—if it were true?”

She shot a quick glance at him as he added the last four words, then abruptly shook her head and set her teeth, as though resisting a temptation.

“In Bristol you’ll be seeing your detective,” she said, “and it will be easier for you to talk to him if you don’t know where I’ve gone.”

“But I insist on knowing!”

She made no reply. Of course, he had no right to insist. Abruptly, he gave way. After all, hadn’t his heart told him from the start that he would give way?

“Kamerad!” he said. “You can trust me with the name of your next stop.”

He thought she was still going to refuse; then he realised that the continuation of her silence was due to another cause. She was struggling with emotion.

“You—mean—?” she stammered, at last.

“Of course, I mean!” he answered. “Mr. Britling can’t beat me for seeing things through! Now, then, where is this place? I can’t take you there unless I know it, can I?”

“It’s—Boston,” she gulped. “In Lincolnshire.”