September found everyone at Tahoe again to celebrate Adam’s first birthday. He was starting to fill out, his hair was turning darker with expressive blue green eyes. I had to admit he was looking like me. Being a happy baby, except for occasional teething, he was strong and healthy. The Pediatrician said his growth pattern was above average and Rick was very proud of that.
Julia was 22 months with natural blonde curls and big brown eyes. Walking and talking with the beginning signs of the terrible two’s, she resembled J.J. except for her coloring.
The four of us marveled at how each child possessed certain qualities from each parent.
The dogs were running around the house wanting to go outside, so I took them down to the lakeshore to play fetch. It was afternoon with a definite feel of fall in the air. Puffy clouds rested on the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the north. Sea Gulls flew about disturbed by the dogs’ activity. Some felt safe enough to perch on the tall poles supporting the dock. Eventually I sat at the end of the dock dangling my feet over the edge.
Live in peace and love Thoth had said, easy to say but hard to do right now. Coming out of my thoughts, I looked to my right and found Thoth sitting beside me.
I started crying, “How did you do this living on Atlantis?”
“Well, I had support just as you do. The time is close at hand, Layla. I want you and your friends to go to the sailboat, stock it well then secure everything for a long trip. You are to sail to South America and moor the boat at Arica, Chili. Buy a four wheel drive vehicle and travel up into the Andes where I have a place picked out for you. Some of my people went to Tibet before the flood. They survived because they were very high up with no volcanic activity close by. You will have much the same near La Paz.”
“Thoth, please tell my family I miss them. Tell them I have a beautiful boy named Adam Osiris.”
“Layla, they know and are with you in spirit everyday. Peace and love, little one.” With that he was gone.
I told Rick, Josi and J.J. about Thoth’s message and a long discussion pursued. When it came time to tell the family, they were shocked that we would leave our secure homes for our professed destination. They discussed how all our preparation would go to waste. We could not explain to everyone all that we had seen and done through the guidance of Thoth. Their lack of understanding was hard to cope with but we had to go.
Josi was very upset about the sudden change of plans. As we sat by the fire later that evening sipping hot chocolate, we talked about the future. She liked the normality of her home and this sudden change was very hard to understand. Packing up and leaving was not what she had expected or wanted.
J.J. reviewed, “We need to go but if you insist, we’ll stay. Our fate is in Thoth’s hands now, as it always has been. He has taken care of us so far and guided us through a fascinating adventure. As Layla said several years ago, we must have faith that this is our path and trust Thoth.”
Sighing, while holding a sleeping Julia, “My head agrees with you but my heart doesn’t. This change is very hard to accept but like I felt seeing Layla and Rick go into the Sphinx without me, I again don’t want to wonder later if I missed out on something. I will go along again, though it’s against my better judgment.”
J.J. took her hand and smiled in relief.
In the week ahead I made lists of things needed for the trip and stocked the basement of our cabin with everything I could think of in case my family needed it.
I called my parents again for the umpteenth time and explained how necessary it was for them to come up to Tahoe by the 14th of December. I reviewed that once they were settled and when the weather got bad enough, to move into the basement and stay there until it was safe to come out. Use the computer with the battery packs and the Ham radio that had a good antenna for communication with us. All the lights were self generated, you wound them up to recharge thus they could last for years. Rick had found fun in trying to beat the odds with survival gadgets. He had bought anything and everything that was new and innovative. Space dehydrated foods, recycling water tanks, etc. I was actually sorry I would not be able to use any of it.
Rick had shown both our dads what to do. I continued to worry about my brother not showing concern. He was aware of all the hype that had been circulated around because I had sent him everything I could to get him interested, but he always seemed too busy.
Mom, seeing my concern on Skype, “Don’t worry. I’ll get him to come up to Tahoe in time… . . if there is an actual need.”
We were ready to go down the hill, as they say in Tahoe land, and start the last leg of our supposed last journey. Saying good bye to everyone was terribly hard. As grandparents hugged grandchildren, tears flowed and deep sadness was felt with everyone secretly questioning if we would be together again in the future.
Every spare moment for the past year the guys had worked hard to learn about the sailboat and its intricacies. There was no need for me to worry, checking the boat I realized it was as ready as it could possibly be, though Josi continued to show anxiety over every little thing. We were all beginning to show emotional stress with some showing it more than others. The children felt the change and were fussy, but our dogs were having a great time, they loved to sail.
We left San Francisco harbor one morning at dawn. After sailing under the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge we turned the bow south toward Mexico. Our first rule at sea was that everyone had life jackets on including the dogs when topside. We knew how to sail and had been practicing often but we were not considered salty dogs like our buddy Jacob, by any means. Shift changes were arranged and the Lotus Blossom showed to be straight and true in the open sea. It was a lovely first night on board. Weather was fair for September though we knew we could still hit some squalls along the way. Hurricane season was just ending.
Pulling into Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, we found a slip at the big pier then rented a jeep and drove into town. This was our first stop and it felt good to relax for a while. The kids were playing under foot as we sat in a rented Cabana on the beach eating just caught barbecued snapper with hot corn tortillas and fresh salsa. Jose Cuevo was definitely our friend, as was Tecati beer and lime. A Mariachi band played lively music nearby because the locals were out having a good time.
“Life would be great if we didn’t have this December thing hanging over us all the time,” reviewed J.J.
“I talk to family on the computer every evening. I miss them and want this to be over so we can get back to living a normal life without this constant anticipated fear,” complained Josi.
“Well,” I began, “I’ve been reading some recently published books I brought on board. Their content mostly addresses the interest and research about this very topic. I think we need to thank our Mask of Time organization and the New Horizon Temple for much of this awareness. The Bible Code is continually being researched and studied at the University of Jerusalem. It supports the theory that something big is about to happen. The University scholars continue to decipher hidden meanings as things happen around the world. The Book of Revelations in the Bible is also being studied by scholars and religious groups who are looking at its predictions. These people are trying to adapt the ancient writings to this time period. They hope answers will be revealed concerning Dec. 21st and lessen the anxiety being felt around the world. Religious educators are weighing our current events against those stated in the Bible, especially in the Book of Daniel. Scientists are studying the uncommon earthly changes occurring around the world including magnetic decreases. The many pyramids and their positions on earth that reflect the Constellations indicate a message in commonality, according scientists. We are in the middle of all this and Thoth has asked us to be prepared.”
“We do not doubt this, Layla. We hate the waiting and the unknown future. I have not resolved myself to the fact that we may all be dead in the New Year,” said J.J.
Hearing this Josi protectively picked up Julia.
“At least we’re not sitting at home waiting. It’s better to be on the move,” I thought out loud.
As the sun set into the Pacific Ocean, we enjoyed a beautiful evening in Mexico. A tropical breeze surrounded us with quiet laughter heard around the area as soft music came from a Cantina across the street. Children played tag on the beach as a group of teenagers mulled around near the street and young lovers walked in the ebb tide holding hands.
Sipping beer and listening to my friends talk, I decided to write about this in my new journal. How many more pleasant times would we actually spend together? Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a dark figure stepping elusively behind a building. No, I thought, Thoth took care of Uncle Seth.
Soon we were sailing along the coast of Central America. Our second stop was scheduled for San Jose, Costa Rica. It was a lovely place where many Americans lived in quiet peaceful communities situated beside beautiful beaches. We had good conversations with people about world events and the future. Everyone was interested to hear our news and theories. We enjoyed the comfort and could have stayed longer but after two days we needed to sail on.
Crossing over the Equator we had our own ceremony to commemorate this great event. J.J. had brought along some New Year’s hats and noise makers so we decorated our faces and arms with tattoos using black eyeliner like the sailors of old.
Dancing around the boat we laughed and sang sailor songs, “Ho,Ho,Ho and a bottle of rum!” The dogs had a great time, though the children cried at first seeing the drawn tattoos on our faces, but soon they were laughing and dancing with us.
Our next stop was Quayaquil, Ecuador. We entered the large bay and docked at a local hotel marina thinking to stay for two days again. We needed supplies and wanted to tour the city.
The food was delicious at a small outdoor restaurant nearby. Some of the ethnic dishes were outstanding and we found the local people very cordial. A nice man at our new found restaurant volunteered to give us a tour. Walking through the narrow streets I though I saw Uncle Seth again.
“Rick, there’s a man in black standing in that doorway,” I pointed toward the door.
“Layla, I don’t see anyone over there. Thoth said he took care of that problem, remember? Let’s keep moving and stay together.”
Back on board I reviewed my fear concerning the man in black, causing Josi to become fearful over the children’s safety.
“What if Seth would take one of the children and use him for bartering power? I’ve heard of lost spirits using children,” reviewed Josi.
J.J. holding Julia, “I thought Thoth took care of him, Layla, you said Suri told you he had.”
“I did say that, but why did I just see him in Puerto Vallarta and now here? What does it mean? We all have our crystals on, right?”
“You didn’t tell us about seeing him in Puerto Vallarta. J.J. and I wear our crystals around our necks. Layla, the children don’t have crystals,” Josi realized.
That is true. “I didn’t want to alarm anyone when we were in Mexico, I thought it was just my imagination but this second happening causes me to be concerned. Our crystals protect our children. If they needed one, Thoth would have given them one.”
After buying needed supplies we started the last leg of the journey, but not until the entire boat was searched. Josi was very nervous due to this new turn of events. I wasn’t easy with it myself and kept a close eye on Adam.
Sailing along through the deep blue sea I noticed Rick had started studying the highest mountain peaks in the world. He had written down his calculations and thoughts in a log, which I reviewed.
On the continent of Asia:
1. Mt. Everest; 29,028 feet, in Nepal.
The Earth’s Kundalini was there for 12,500 years.
2. K-2; 28,251 feet, in Pakistan.
3. Mt. Annapurna; 26,502 feet, in Nepal.
4. Mt. Nanda Devi; 25,645 feet, in India.
The Himalayas in Asia were the highest mountain range in the World.
5. The Gongga Shan; 24,790 feet, in China.
6. P.C. Pobedy; 24,406 feet, in China.
In South America:
1. Mt. Aconcagua; 22,834 feet, in Chile.
2. Mt.Ojos del Salado; 22,580 feet, in Argentina.
3. Mt. Huascaran; 22,205 feet, in Peru.
4. Mt. Illampu; 21,490 feet, in Bolivia.
5. Mt. Chimborazo; 20,702 feet, in Ecuador.
In North America:
1. Mt. McKinley; 20,230 feet, in Alaska, USA.
Rick had decided to check out some peaks below 20,000 ft.
1. Mt. Logan; 19,524 feet. in Canada.
2. Mt. Kilimanjaro; 19,340 feet, in Tanzania.
3. Mt. Damavand; 18,606 feet, in Iran.
4. Mt. El’Brus; 18,510 feet, in Georgia, which is part of the near east by Turkey.
5. Mt. St. Elias; 18,008 feet, in Canada.
6. Mt. Cocopatetepi; 17,887 feet, in Mexico.
7. Mt. Ararat; 16,942 feet, in Turkey.
8. Mt. Blanc; 15,774 feet, in Italy.
9. Mt. Ras Dashen; 15,158 feet, in Ethiopia.
10. Mt. Whitney; 14,495 feet, in California, U.S.A.
11. Mt. Rainier; 14,410 feet, in Washington State, U.S.A.
12. Mt. Shasta; 14,162 feet, in California, U.S.A
13. Mt. Fuji; 12,388 feet, in Japan.
Anything below 12,000 ft. could be under water using the analysis that Mt. Ararat’s summit, at 16,942 ft., appeared as an Island once Noah’s flood started receding in the Bible. It was assumed that groups of people survived the flood by climbing mountains quickly. With this in mind, people could survive a catastrophic event if they climbed above rising water by using the higher peaks in their area.
Other survivors during the Great Flood possibly had boats that floated around like Noah until they found land that was in fact, the top of a high mountain peak. Animals, birds, and insects could have survived using up-rooted floating trees and debris to survive.
I read another paper that listed the major mountain ranges across the world that Rick seemed to think were a good choice.
1. The Himalayas in Asia.
2. The Andes in South America.
3. The Sierra Madre in Mexico.
4. The Sierra Nevada’s, California/Nevada, USA.
5. The Cascades, Oregon/Washington State, USA.
6. The Rocky Mountain Range, USA and Canada.
7. The MacKenzie Mountains, Canada.
8. The Swiss Alps, Europe.
9. The Great Pyrenees, Europe.
10. The Kjolen Mountains, Norway/Sweden.
11. The Elbertz Mountains, Iran.
12. The Tian Shan Mountains, China.
Rick reviewed that there were many other ranges across the world that would qualify, but these seemed to be the best choice. Again, elevation was a crucial need.
If there were earthquakes and major jarring in the earth’s crusts as changes occurred, possibly the earth would open up causing terrible destruction to buildings, lakes, mountains, people, animals, and sea life. Fire would be a massive problem.
I watched Rick sit back and restudy his work once I had finished. We discussed the possibility of disasters coming on suddenly and taking only hours or days. The Bible said 40 days and 40 nights for the last rain with flooding. This was a strong indication.
After the earth settled again, people would need to gather together for survival. Revelations in the Bible predicted, “A thousand years of peace will be given.”
Once Mother Earth cleansed herself, people would need to gather together and restart civilization. Life would resume. Hopefully strong and wise people would survive to guide the world into the new era. It would be a time for the female to rise and replenish the earth.
Sighing, Rick put his calculations away.
“What a heavy burden for those who survive,” he said looking intently at me.
The next evening relaxing in the salon, Rick read his findings. We had the auto pilot on though J.J. occasionally checked the instruments while listening.
“What a realistic view you’ve portrayed. Do you think we will survive this, Rick?” I asked as I fed Adam.
J.J. sat at the inside helm and Josi was resting on the couch holding a fussy Julia. “I believe we have as much of a chance as most anyone, though we seem to have an ace in the hole, Thoth. I remember how the Jehovah Witnesses would say, ‘Watch for the signs of the times.’ when they gave out their Watch Tower pamphlets that held quotes from Revelations in the Bible. The signs were in the heavens overhead all along. The dawning of Aquarius indicates that a half cycle rotation has progressed during the last 12,000 years. This is a sign that something big is about to happen. Look to the stars. Books and articles written by scientists and historians throughout history have given indications of great changes to come as you, Layla, have been reading. Yet no one is ready to hear this truth. There is evidence of this within our own families. People are too involved in their own lives and many will die because they are not prepared. We have tried to prepare everyone, thanks to Thoth showing us the way. Very soon we will know the truth and possibly witness the end of earth as we know it.”
“I don’t want earth to swallow us up. Must this be the way of our life and why now? This has become a nightmare. I find myself praying every night that we’re wrong,” announced Josi, who was very upset again as she got up to put Julia down for the night. Once she returned, J.J. went over to comfort her.
“We know what’s about to happen, Josi. I’m surprised that after all we’ve been through you’re still clinging to the hope that this could possibly be a hoax. Do you really think that the Mask of Time would have sent Layla into the future, if this wasn’t going to happen? And what about Thoth and his quest?” reviewed Rick as he scratched the ears of one of the Labradors.
“I’m depressed and sad. I have a right. I watch the children each day and wonder about their future. When it was just us, I didn’t think about future generations and how this would affect them, but now I have a child and I want more for her than a damaged upside down world,” complained Josi.
“I love you, Josi, we’ve had a good life so far. We must continue to hope that our future is what God planned for us, nothing more; nothing less. The old adage, ‘Live each day as if it were the last’ is even more truthful these days. No more gloom and doom we all need to focus on what makes us happy for the children’s sake if for nothing else. Please, let’s all make a pact to focus on the good days ahead, the adventure of it all,” said J.J. Everyone understood and vowed to banish gloom and doom. Hopefully the pact would be strong and hold true.
A small rain storm came and went.
“Red sky in the morning, a sailor’s warning; red sky at night, a sailor’s delight,” we remembered the saying as we sat and watched the sunset with champagne. The refreshing rain seemed to wash the gloom away. Champagne was a good way to celebrate renewal of faith.
It was an unusually beautiful sunset with yellows, oranges, and blues stretching out to the edges of the wide horizon. As each moment progressed, the scene in the distance changed before us. We were all saying, “ooh” and “ahh” as if watching fireworks on Fourth of July. It was the end to another busy, tiring, yet oddly rejuvenating day.