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- Abrams, Eliott
- Agranat, Shimon
- airborne warning and control (AWAC)
- Allen, Richard Vincent
- Amal
- American Friends of the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel
- American University of Beirut
- Ames, Robert
- Anderson, Terry
- Angioni, Franco
- anticolonialism
- Aoun, Michel
- Arabists
- Shultz and
- Arafat, Yasser
- expulsion from Beirut
- Israel hunting
- refugee camps and
- Shultz and
- Argov, Shlomo
- al-Assad, Hafez
- Baalbek and
- Begin appeal to
- Druse supported by
- Habib, P., meeting with
- Iran and
- Jumblatt supported by
- Lebanon and
- McFarlane meeting with
- Reagan call with
- Saudi Arabia and
- TWA Flight 847 hijacking and
- Yom Kippur war and
- Associated Press
- AT-3 Sagger missile
- Atherton, Alfred
- AWAC. See airborne warning and control
- Baalbek
- attack plans for
- France attack on
- Marine barracks bombing preparations at
- Baker, Howard
- Baker, James
- ballistic missiles
- Bandar bin Sultan (Prince)
- Bank Markazi
- Bar-Lev, Haim
- Bar-Lev Line
- Bashir, Maya
- Bechtel
- Begin, Menachem
- Assad appeal by
- cease-fire proposal by
- Deir Yassin and
- Gemayel, B., and
- Haig, A., meeting with
- Irgun and
- McFarlane, R., and
- Palestinians and
- peace talks and
- PLO expulsion and
- Reagan and
- refugee camps and
- on Sabra and Shatila massacre
- at Sadat, A., funeral
- Sharon removal and
- West Bank and
- Beirut. See also East Beirut; West Beirut
- Marine positions in
- United States embassy bombed in
- Beirut International Airport
- United States Marine deployment at
- Bekaa Valley
- air battle over
- Ben-Gurion, David
- al-Berain, Sit
- Berri, Nabih
- Bersaglieri
- bin Laden, Osama
- Blackbird. See SR-71 Blackbird
- Blackwell, Reg
- bombings. See also Marine barracks bombing
- car bombs
- Iranian Revolutionary Guards involvement in
- King David Hotel
- saturation
- truck bombs
- United States embassy in Beirut
- in Vietnam
- Bourne, Geoffrey
- Brezhnev, Leonid
- Broder, David
- Brugioni, Dino A.
- Buchanan, Patrick
- Buckley, William
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)
- on Egypt and Syria troop buildups
- Burn Notices
- Bush, George H. W.
- pardons by
- Cambodia
- Camp David
- car bombs
- Carter, Jimmy
- Iran hostage crisis and
- peace talks and
- Reagan campaign and
- reelection campaign
- Sadat, A., peace treaty and
- at Sadat, A., funeral
- Carter, Rosalynn
- Casey, William
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
- Beirut embassy bombing and
- Egypt and
- on Egypt and Syria troop buildups
- Ghorbanifar and
- Iran lawsuit and
- kidnapping of officers from
- National Photographic Interpretation Center
- Cessna O-1 Bird Dog
- Chamoun, Camille
- Chancellor, John
- Charles (Prince)
- Cheney, Dick
- Cherry Point Naval Air Station
- China
- Kissinger and
- Nixon and
- Christians
- Druse warfare with
- Israel and Lebanese
- in Lebanese Army
- Lebanese militias
- Maronite
- Churchill, Winston
- CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
- Clark, Randy
- Clark, William
- Haig, A., and
- McFarlane, R., and
- Clawson, Patrick
- Clement XII (Pope)
- Cleveland, Grover
- Cline, Ray
- Commodore Hotel
- Contra guerrillas
- Corbett, William
- Corona program
- Council of Economic Advisers
- Cox, Archibald
- Crocker, Ryan
- Cuba
- Grenada and
- Missile Crisis
- Cyprus, ferry from
- Dayan, Moshe
- de Gaulle, Charles
- Deaver, Mike
- Defense Intelligence Agency
- Deir Yassin
- Desert 1
- DiFranco, Eddie
- Dillon, Robert
- on Hobeika
- McFarlane, R., and
- Dobrynin, Anatoly
- Dodge, David
- Dover Air Force Base
- Draper, Morris
- Drori, Amir
- Druse
- Christian warfare with
- Gemayel, B., attacks on
- Jumblatt and
- in Lebanese Army
- Syrian support for
- United States positions fired on by
- E-2 Hawkeye
- East Bank
- East Beirut
- Sharon in
- Eden, Anthony
- Egypt
- Israel attacked by
- Soviet military advisers and weapons in
- troop buildups by
- United States intelligence community and
- Einstein, Albert
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- Eitan, Rafael
- electronic-warfare planes
- electronic-warfare systems
- Elokonich, Jerry
- Etian, Rafael
- Evans, Dale
- F-4 Phantom
- F-14 Tomcat
- F-15 Eagle
- F-16 Falcon
- Fahd (King)
- Faisal (King)
- Kissinger and
- Sadat, A., and
- Falklands War
- Farouk (King)
- Fatah
- FBI, Most Wanted List
- Fiske, Robert
- Foley, Bill
- Foley, Thomas
- Ford, Gerald
- France
- Baalbek attack by
- forces of, attacks on
- Israel nuclear bomb project and
- Lebanon deployment of troops from
- Suez Canal and
- Franjieh, Suleiman
- French Foreign Legion
- Friedersdorf, Max
- Gallup polls
- Gates, Brad
- Gemayel, Amin
- Gemayel, Bashir
- assassination of
- Begin and
- education of
- election of
- Franjieh family attacked by
- Habib, P., and
- IDF perceptions of
- peace treaty negotiations with
- refugee camps and
- Sharon and
- United States funding of
- West Beirut and
- Gemayel, Pierre
- General Electric
- Geraghty, Timothy
- airstrike requests denied by
- at Congressional Medal of Honor Society convention
- firing of
- on Howard
- investigation of
- Marine barracks bombing and
- McFarlane, R., and
- on Mitterrand visit
- naval artillery strike and
- presidential debates and
- Reagan calling
- Rules of Engagement set by
- Suq al Gharb battle and
- in Vietnam
- Weinberger and
- Gerlach, Howard
- Geva, Eli
- Ghazala, Abdel Halim Abu
- Ghorbanifar, Manucher
- Gibbons, Sam
- Golan Heights
- Grabowsky, Avi
- Grenada
- Cuba and
- invasion planning for
- Reagan speech on invasion of
- Soviet Union and
- Grunzweig, Emil
- Gulf oil embargo
- Haaretz (newspaper)
- Habib, Marjorie
- Habib, Philip
- Assad meeting with
- Beirut force proposal by
- Gemayel, B., election and
- Haig, A., and
- PLO and
- on refugee camp massacre
- refugee camps and
- retirement of
- Sharon and
- Haddad, Saad
- Haig, Alexander
- Begin meeting with
- on Beirut violence
- cease-fire efforts blocked by
- Gemayel, B., and
- Habib, P., and
- Israel invasion plans and
- Kissinger and
- McFarlane, R., and
- as military aide
- Nixon and
- NSC and
- power wielded by
- Reagan and
- resignation of
- at Sadat, A., funeral
- on Schlesinger
- Sharon and
- on Shultz
- Haig, Pat
- Hamadi, Muhammad Ali
- Hawk antiaircraft missiles
- Hayes, Gabby
- Heath, Edward
- Henry, Paul-Marc
- Hersh, Seymour
- Hezbollah (“Party of God”)
- in Baalbek
- Iran and
- kidnappings by
- TWA Flight 847 hijacking and
- Hildreth, Ray
- Hill 488
- Hill 844
- Hinckley, John
- Hobeika, Elie
- Hopkins, Larry
- Howard, Jimmie
- Howe, Geoffrey
- Hussein (King)
- Hussein, Saddam
- IDF. See Israel Defense Forces
- Impeachment
- inflation
- Inman, Bobby
- INR. See Bureau of Intelligence and Research
- Iran
- Assad and
- attack plans for
- Beirut attacks and
- civil lawsuit against
- Hezbollah and
- Iraq war with
- Israel arms trade with
- Lebanon and
- Marine barracks bombing and
- McFarlane, R., visit to
- Ministry of Information Services
- PETN production in
- Reagan and
- Shiite Muslims and
- Supreme National Security Council
- Syria and
- TWA Flight 847 hijacking and
- United States arms sales to
- Iran hostage crisis
- Iran-Contra scandal
- Iranian Revolutionary Guards
- attack plans against
- Baalbek arrival of
- Beirut United States embassy bombing and
- Dodge kidnapping and
- Marine barracks bombing preparations by
- Iraq, Iran war with
- Irgun
- Irish Republican Army
- Islambouly, Khaled Ahmed
- Israel
- Air Force
- Egypt attacking
- Iran arms trade with
- Lebanon invasion by
- nuclear weapons and
- Suez Canal counterattack by
- Syria attack on
- Syria forces in Lebanon attacked by
- United States arms sales to
- United States resupply flights to
- West Beirut siege by
- Israel Defense Forces (IDF)
- in Lebanon
- morale of
- perceptions of Gemayel, B.
- in West Beirut
- Israeli Supreme Court
- Italy, Lebanon deployment of troops from
- Izz-al-Din, Hassan
- Jericho missile
- Jewish Defense League
- Johnson, Lyndon
- Johnston, Robert
- Jordan
- Palestinians leaving
- Jordan River
- Joulwan, George
- Jumblatt, Walid
- Kahan, Yitzhak
- Kahan Commission
- Kahane, Meir
- Kalid (King)
- Katyusha rockets
- Kelley, Paul
- Kemp, Geoffrey
- Kennedy, Edward M.
- Kennedy, John F.
- Keyhole satellites
- Khachigian, Ken
- Khomeini, Ruhollah (Ayatollah)
- kidnappings
- by Hezbollah
- Iranian Revolutionary Guards and
- Kifner, John
- King David Hotel bombing
- Kirkpatrick, Jeane
- Kissinger, Henry Alfred
- authority wielded by
- China and
- DEFCON orders by
- Egypt and
- Faisal and
- Haig, A., and
- McFarlane, R., and
- Nixon and
- NSC and
- oil embargo and
- Sadat, A., and
- at Sadat, A., funeral
- Vietnam and
- Knipple, James
- Kondracke, Morton
- Korean War
- Labor Alignment
- LAF. See Lebanese Armed Forces
- Lamb, Shawn
- Lamberth, Royce
- Lambeth, Benjamin
- laughter
- Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF)
- Lebanon
- Christians in
- Iran and
- Israel invasion of
- PLO and
- Sharon invasion plans for
- Syria and
- Syrian forces attacked in
- Lehman, John
- Levy, David
- Lewis, Samuel
- Likud party
- Linkkila, Henry
- Long, Robert
- Long Commission
- Los Angeles Times
- Lyons, James
- Maginot Line
- Marine barracks bombing
- aftermath of
- attack plans in retribution for
- bodies returning to US after
- Grenada invasion as distraction from
- Iran and
- preparations at Baalbek for
- presidential campaign of 1984 and
- responses to
- Maronite Christians
- Martin, Graham
- McFarlane, Robert Carl, (“Bud”)
- airstrike requests
- Assad meeting with
- China and
- Clark, W., and
- Dillon and
- diplomacy by
- Gemayel, A., and
- Geraghty and
- Grenada invasion planning and
- Haig, A., and
- Iran arms sales and
- Iran hostage crisis and
- Iran visit
- Iran-Contra and
- Kissinger and
- Lebanon government overthrow fears of
- Marine pullout proposal and
- naval artillery strike and
- retaliatory attack planning and
- special representative appointment
- McFarlane, William
- McGrory, Mary
- McIntyre, Marylee
- Medicare
- Meese, Edwin
- Meir, Golda
- Bar-Lev Line and
- Carter, J., and
- Dayan and
- nuclear weapons and
- oil embargo and
- resignation of
- Sadat, A., and
- MiG-20s
- MiG-21s
- Mini-Memos
- missiles
- AT-3 Sagger
- ballistic
- Hawk
- Jericho
- SA-5
- SA-6
- surface-to-air
- Mitterrand, François
- Mohtashemi-Pur, Ali Akbar
- Mondale, Walter
- Moorer, Thomas
- Mossus, Fabrice
- Mubarak, Hosni
- Mughniyeh, Imad
- kidnappings by
- TWA Flight 847 hijacking and
- Multinational Defence Force
- withdrawal of
- Muslim Brotherhood
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel
- National Photographic Interpretation Center
- National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
- National Republican Convention of 1976
- National Security Agency
- National Security Council (NSC)
- Beirut security force and
- Beirut strikes advocated in
- Dillon and
- Haig, A., and
- Kissinger and
- McFarlane, R., and
- Newman, Edwin
- Newsday
- Nicaragua
- Nidal, Abu
- Nile River
- Nixon, Richard
- Brezhnev threats to
- China and
- Cox firing and
- Haig, A., and
- Israel resupply and
- Kissinger and
- oil embargo and
- Reagan and
- at Sadat, A., funeral
- special prosecutor fired by
- on United States voters
- Vietnam and
- Watergate and
- North, Oliver
- Notre Dame
- NRO. See National Reconnaissance Office
- NSC. See National Security Council
- nuclear weapons
- O’Brien, Michael
- oil
- embargo on
- as political weapon
- prices of
- United States freeze on exports of
- O’Leary, Jeremiah
- O’Neill, Thomas, (“Tip”)
- Reagan and
- OPEC. See Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
- Operation Big Pines
- Operation Full Moon
- Operation Giant Reach
- Operation Mole Cricket
- Operation Nickel Grass
- Operation Peace for Galilee
- Operation Urgent Fury
- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
- air strikes against
- expulsion from Beirut
- Habib, P., proposal and
- Israel attacks on
- in Jordan
- Lebanon and
- refugee camps and
- Soviet Union and
- Palestinians
- Begin and
- leaving Jordan
- Phalange executing
- Sharon and
- in West Bank
- Party of God. See Hezbollah
- Peace Now
- peace talks
- peace treaties
- peacekeeping
- Geraghty authority over
- Pearl Harbor
- pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN)
- Peterson, Deborah
- PETN. See pentaerythritol tetranitrate
- Phalange militia
- Chamoun attacked by
- cover story used by
- founding of
- Gemayel, B., assassination and
- Israeli military support of
- refugee camps and
- Sabra and Shatila massacre and
- terrorist attacks by
- United States funding of
- West Beirut and
- PLO. See Palestine Liberation Organization
- Poindexter, John
- Potomac Fever
- presidential debates
- Presidential Medal of Freedom
- press, Grenada invasion limits on
- Provine, Robert
- Pucciarelli, George W.
- Purple Line
- Rabin, Yitzhak
- Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar Hashemi
- Ramadan
- Ramadan War. See Yom Kippur War
- RAND Corporation
- Reagan, Ronald
- Alzheimer’s and
- anti-Soviet policies
- Assad call with
- assassination attempt against
- Begin and
- on Beirut embassy bombing
- Carter, J., and campaign of
- election of
- foreign policy of
- Gemayel, B., election and
- Geraghty called by
- Grenada invasion planning and
- Grenada invasion speech by
- Haig, A., and
- image
- Iran and
- Iran attack planning and
- Iran hostage crisis and
- Iran-Contra and
- Israel invasion plans and
- laughter used by
- Lebanon airstrikes plans and
- Lebanon invasion supported by
- Long Commission report and
- Marine bodies returning to US and
- on Marine defenses
- Marine pullout proposal and
- Marines withdrawn by
- McFarlane, R., and
- Mideast views of
- military service
- on multinational defense force withdrawal
- Nixon and
- O’Neill and
- Phalange financing and
- PLO expulsion and
- polls and
- presidential campaign of 1976
- presidential campaign of 1980
- in presidential debates
- Presidential Library of
- reelection campaign
- retaliatory attack planning and
- Rosh Hashanah observance by
- Sabra and Shatila massacre and
- on sending troops to Lebanon
- Soviet ambitions opposed by
- Suq el Gharb battle and
- TWA Flight 847 hijacking and
- voice of
- welfare attacked by
- West Beirut siege and
- Red Sea
- refugee camps
- massacres in
- Regan, Donald
- Revolutionary Military Council
- Rockne, Knute
- Rogers, Roy
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Rules of Engagement
- Russell, Steven
- Russia. See Soviet Union
- SA-5 missile
- SA-6 Gainful missile
- Sabra and Shatila massacre
- Phalange denial of involvement in
- Sadat, Jehan
- Sadat, Mohammed
- el-Sadat, Anwar
- assassination of
- early life and career
- Egypt revolution and
- Faisal and
- funeral of
- Kissinger and
- oil embargo and
- peace talks and
- Soviet Union
- strategic deception plan by
- Saguy, Yehoshua
- SAMs. See surface-to-air missiles
- The Samson Option (Hersh)
- Sandinistas
- satellite phones
- Saudi Arabia
- oil embargo threats
- Shultz and
- Saunders, Harold
- Say, Peggy
- Schiff, Ze’ev
- Schlesinger, James
- Sharett, Moshe
- Sharon, Ariel
- in East Beirut
- on Egyptian victories in Sinai
- Gemayel, B., and
- Habib, P., and
- Haig, A., and
- Kahan Commission and
- Lebanon invasion planning by
- Palestinians and
- PLO expulsion and
- refugee camps and
- removal of
- Sabra and Shatila massacre and
- at Sadat, A., funeral
- saturation bombing ordered by
- Suez counterattack by
- Syria counterattack and
- West Beirut invasion and
- West Beirut siege and
- Shartouni, Habib Tanious
- Shatila
- Shelton, Jim
- Shiite Muslims
- Amal and
- Druse and
- Hezbollah and
- Iran and
- in Lebanese Army
- Al-Shiraa (newspaper)
- Shuf Mountains
- Shultz, George
- Arafat and
- Bechtel and
- Dodge and
- Grenada invasion planning and
- on Iran hostage crisis meetings
- Marine withdrawal opposed by
- McFarlane, R., Iran trip and
- Mideast initiatives
- retaliatory attack planning and
- Secretary of State appointment
- strikes advocated by
- TWA Flight 847 hijacking negotiations and
- signal intelligence (SIGINT)
- Sinai Peninsula
- Social Security
- Soker, Jesse
- Soleimani, Qasem
- Soviet Union
- Egypt weapons purchases and military advisers from
- Grenada and
- intervention threats
- PLO and
- Reagan opposing ambitions of
- Sadat, A., and
- Syria supported by
- Spanish Civil War
- Speakes, Larry
- spy planes
- spy satellites
- SR-71 Blackbird
- St. George’s University
- Stethem, Robert
- Stiner, Carl
- Straits of Tiran
- Suez Canal
- Egypt attack across
- Egypt nationalizing
- Israel counterattack across
- Suleiman, Tony
- Sunni Muslims
- in Lebanese Army
- Suq el Gharb
- surface-to-air missiles (SAMs)
- electronic warfare against
- Israeli operations to destroy
- losses to
- Soviet developments of
- Syria
- Bekaa Valley counterattack by
- Druse supported by
- Iran and
- Israel air war in Lebanon against
- Israel attacked by
- Jumblatt supported by
- Lebanon and
- nuclear reactor destroyed in
- Soviet Union support of
- troop buildups by
- Syrian National Party
- Task Force 62
- Texas Railroad Commission
- Thatcher, Margaret
- Thomas, Helen
- Tiger Army
- Tosetti, Bruno
- TOW missiles
- Tower, John
- training films
- Trewhitt, Hank
- truck bombs
- Truman, Harry
- Tveit, Odd Karsten
- TWA Flight 847 hijacking
- United Press International
- United States
- Beirut embassy bombing
- intelligence community
- Iran arms purchases from
- Israel arms purchases from
- Israel resupply flights from
- naval fire support
- oil export freeze by
- Phalange funding from
- refugee camps and
- Vietnam and
- US Marines. See also Marine barracks bombing
- Beirut International Airport deployment
- Beirut positions of
- Beirut withdrawal by
- bombing of Beirut headquarters
- casualty officers
- naval fire support and
- PLO pullout and
- withdrawal of
- US State Department
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research
- USS Bowen
- USS Caron
- USS Dwight D. Eisenhower
- USS Independence
- USS Iwo Jima
- USS John Rodgers
- USS New Jersey
- USS Radford
- USS Virginia
- Valle, Pedro
- Vessey, John
- Vietnam
- McFarlane, R., in
- Vietnam War
- Voice of Lebanon
- war of 1967
- War Powers Act
- Washington, George
- Washington Special Action Group
- Watergate burglary
- Wayne, John
- Weinberger, Caspar
- Beirut and
- fortification construction blocked by
- Geraghty and
- Grenada invasion planning and
- Marine pullout proposed by
- Marine withdrawals and
- McFarlane, R., Iran trip and
- on Reagan use of laughter
- on refugee camp massacre
- retaliatory attack blocked by
- Saudi oil embargo threats and
- strikes opposed by
- welfare, Reagan attacks on
- West Bank
- Israel seizure of
- Palestinians in
- West Beirut
- Amal and
- Gemayel, B., and
- PLO hiding in
- refugee camps in
- siege of
- World Bank
- World Trade Center
- Wright, Jim
- al-Yamani, Ahmed Zaki
- Yaron, Amos
- Yom Kippur War
- Assad and
- cease-fire in
- end of
- oil embargo and
- Soviet intervention threats in