I: Color Magick Correspondences
Use the lists below when in doubt, but don’t view this information as the last word on color magick.
Black |
Returning to sender; divination; negative work; protection |
Blue-Black |
For wounded pride; broken bones; angelic protection |
Dark Purple |
Used for calling up the power of the ancient ones; sigils/runes; government |
Lavender |
To invoke righteous spirit within yourself and favors for people |
Dark Green |
Invoking the goddess of regeneration; agriculture; financial |
Mint Green |
Financial gains (used with gold and silver) |
Green |
Healing or health; north cardinal point |
Avocado Green |
Beginnings |
Light Green |
Improve the weather |
Indigo Blue |
To reveal deep secrets; protection on the astral levels; defenses |
Dark Blue |
To create confusion (must be used with white or you will confuse yourself) |
Blue |
Protection |
Royal Blue |
Power and protection |
Pale/Light Blue |
Protection of home; buildings; young; young males |
Ruby Red |
Love or anger of a passionate nature |
Red |
Love; romantic atmosphere; energy; south cardinal point |
Light Red |
Deep affection of a nonsexual nature |
Deep Pink |
Harmony and friendship in the home |
Pink |
Harmony and friendship with people; binding magick |
Pale Pink |
Friendship; young females |
Yellow |
Healing; can also represent east cardinal point |
Deep Gold |
Prosperity; sun magick |
Gold |
Attraction |
Pale Gold |
Prosperity in health |
Burnt Orange |
Opportunity |
Orange |
Material gain; to seal a spell; attraction |
Dark Brown |
Invoking earth for benefits |
Brown |
Peace in the home; herb magick; friendship |
Pale Brown |
Material benefits in the home |
Silver |
Quick money; gambling; invocation of the moon; moon magick |
Off-White |
Peace of mind |
Lily White |
Mother candle (burned for thirty minutes at each moon phase) |
White |
Righteousness; purity; used for east cardinal point; devotional magick |
Gray |
Glamouries |
Use white to substitute for any color.
Colors for Days of the Week
Monday / White
Tuesday / Red
Wednesday / Purple
Thursday / Green
Friday / Blue
Saturday / Black
Sunday / Yellow
II: Planetary Hours1
The selection of an auspicious time for beginning a magickal working is an important matter. When a thing is begun, its existence takes on the nature of the conditions under which it was begun. Each hour of the day is ruled by a planet and takes on the attributes of that planet. You will notice that planetary hours do not take into account Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, as they are considered here as higher octaves of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, respectively. For example, if something is ruled by Uranus, you can use the hour of Mercury. The only other factor you need to know to use the planetary hours is the time of your local sunrise and sunset for any given day, available from your local newspaper. Note: Your sunrise and sunset time may vary from the example if you live in a different location. Your latitude/longitude are already figured into your local paper’s sunrise and sunset times.
. From your local paper, find the sunrise and sunset times for your location and your chosen day. We will use January 2, 1999, 10 degrees latitude, as an example. Sunrise for January 2, 1999, at 10 degrees latitude is at 6 hours and 16 minutes (or 6:16 ) and sunset is at 17 hours and 49 minutes (or 5:49 ).
. Subtract sunrise time (6 hours 16 minutes) from sunset time (17 hours 49 minutes) to get the number of astrological daylight hours. It is easier to do this if you convert the hours into minutes. For example, 6 hours and 16 minutes equals 376 minutes. 17 hours and 49 minutes equals 1,069 minutes. Now subtract: 1,069 minutes minus 376 minutes equals 693 minutes.
. Next you should determine how many minutes are in a daylight planetary hour for that particular day. To do this, divide 693 minutes (the number of daylight minutes) by 12. The answer is 58, rounded off. Therefore, a daylight planetary hour for January 2, 1999, at 10 degrees latitude has 58 minutes.
. Now you know that each daylight planetary hour is roughly 58 minutes. You also know, from step one, that sunrise is at 6:16 . To determine the starting times of each planetary hour, simply add 58 minutes to the sunrise time for the first planetary hour, 58 minutes to that number for the second planetary hour, etc. Therefore, the first hour in our example is 6:16 –7:14 . The second hour is 7:14 –8:12 , and so on. Note that because you rounded up the number of minutes in a sunrise hour, the last hour doesn’t end exactly at sunset. This is a good reason to give yourself a little “fudge space” when using planetary hours. (You could also skip the rounding-up step.)
. Now, to determine which sign rules which daylight planetary hour, consult your calendar to determine which day of the week January 2 falls on. You’ll find it’s a Saturday in 1999. Next, turn to page 234 to find the sunrise planetary hour chart. If you follow down the column for Saturday, you will see that the first hour is ruled by Saturn, the second by Jupiter, the third by Mars, and so on.
. Now you’ve determined the daytime (sunrise) planetary hours. You can use the same formula to determine the nighttime (sunset) planetary hours, using sunset as your beginning time and sunrise the next day as your end time. When you get to step 5, remember to consult the sunset table on page 235 rather than the sunrise table.
Hour |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
2 |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
3 |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
4 |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
5 |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
6 |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
7 |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
8 |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
9 |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
10 |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
11 |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
12 |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Hour |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
2 |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
3 |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
4 |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
5 |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
6 |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
7 |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
8 |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
9 |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
10 |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
11 |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
12 |
Mercury |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
• Moon is 0–45 degrees directly ahead of the Sun
• Moon rises at dawn, sets at sunset; for full use of these energies, stick between this time period
• Moon is from exact New Moon to 31⁄2 days after
• Purpose: Beginnings
• Workings: Beauty, health, self-improvement, farms and gardens, job hunting, love and romance, networking, creative ventures
• Pagan Holiday: Winter Solstice (December 22)2
• Goddess Name: Rosemerta’s Moon
• Goddess Energy: Goddesses of Growth
• Offering: Milk and honey
• Theme: Abundance
• Rune: Feoh for abundance; Cen for openings; Gyfu for love
• Tarot Trump: The Fool
• Moon is 45–90 degrees ahead of the Sun
• Moon rises at midmorning, sets after sunset; for full use of these energies, stick between this time period
• Moon is from 31⁄2 to 7 days after the New Moon
• Purpose: The movement of the thing
• Workings: Animals, business, change, emotions, matriarchal strength
• Pagan Holiday: Imbolc (February 1)
• Goddess Name: Brigid’s Moon
• Goddess Energy: Water Goddesses
• Offering: Candles
• Theme: Manifestation
• Rune: Birca for beginnings; Ing for focus
• Tarot Trump: The Magician
• Moon is 90–135 degrees ahead of the Sun
• Moon rises at noon, sets at midnight; for full use of these energies, stick between this time period
• Moon is from 7 to 101⁄2 days after the New Moon
• Purpose: The shape of the thing
• Workings: Courage, elemental magick, friends, luck, and motivation
• Pagan Holiday: Spring Equinox (March 21)
• Goddess Name: Persephone’s Moon
• Goddess Energy: Air Goddesses
• Offering: Feathers
• Theme: Luck
• Rune: Algiz for luck; Jera for improvement; Ur for strength
• Tarot Card: Strength or The Star
• Moon is 135–180 degrees ahead of the Sun
• Moon rises in midafternoon, sets around 3 ; for full use of these energies, stick between this time period
• Moon is between 101⁄2 to 14 days after the New Moon
• Purpose: Details
• Workings: Courage, patience, peace, harmony
• Pagan Holiday: Beltaine (May 1)
• Goddess Name: Nuit’s Moon
• Goddess Energy: Star Goddesses
• Offering: Ribbons
• Theme: Perfection
• Rune: Asa for eloquence; Wyn for success; Dag for
• Tarot Trump: The World
• Moon is 180–225 degrees ahead of the Sun
• Moon rises at sunset, sets at dawn; for full use of these energies, stick between this time period
• Moon is from 14 to 171⁄2 days after the New Moon
• Purpose: Completion of a project
• Workings: Artistic endeavors, beauty, health, fitness, change, decisions, children, competition, dreams,
families, health, knowledge, legal undertakings, love,
romance, money, motivation, protection, psychic power, self-improvement
• Pagan Holiday: Summer Solstice (June 21)
• Goddess Name: Sekhmet’s Moon
• Goddess Energy: Fire Goddesses
• Offering: Flowers
• Theme: Power
• Rune: Sol
• Tarot Card: The Sun
• Moon is 225–270 degrees ahead of the Sun
• Moon rises at midevening, sets at midmorning; for full use of these energies, stick between this time frame
• Moon is 31⁄2 to 7 days after the Moon
• Purpose: Initial destruction
• Workings: Addiction, decisions, divorce, emotions, stress, protection
• Pagan Holiday: Lammas (August 1)
• Goddess Name: Hecate’s Moon
• Goddess Energy: Earth Goddesses
• Offering: Grain or rice
• Theme: Reassessment
• Rune: Thorn for destruction; Algiz for protection; Thorn for defense
• Tarot Trump: The Tower for destruction; Hope for protection
• Moon is 270–315 degrees ahead of the Sun
• Moon rises at midnight and sets at noon; for full use of these energies, stick between this time frame
• Moon is 7 to 101⁄2 days after the Full Moon
• Purpose: Absolute destruction
• Workings: Addictions, divorce, endings, health and healing (banishing), stress, protection, ancestors
• Pagan Holiday: Fall Equinox (September 21)
• Goddess Name: The Morrigan’s Moon
• Goddess Energy: Harvest Goddesses
• Offering: Incense
• Theme: Banishing
• Rune: Hagal; Ken for banishing; Nyd for turning; Isa for binding
• Tarot Trump: Judgement
( )
• Moon is 315–360 degrees ahead of the Sun
• Moon rises at 3 , sets midafternoon; for full use of these energies, stick between this time frame
• Moon is 101⁄2 to 14 days after the Full Moon
• Purpose: Rest
• Workings: Addictions, change, divorce, enemies, justice, obstacles, quarrels, removal, separation, stopping stalkers and theft
• Pagan Holiday: Samhain (October 31)
• Goddess Name: Kali’s Moon
• Goddess Energy: Dark Goddesses
• Offering: Honesty
• Theme: Justice
• Rune: Tyr for justice; Ken for banishing
• Tarot Trump: Justice