
The Sacred Journey

Life is your greatest teacher if you are willing to learn, and although sometimes we may eagerly stand there at a quarter in a ceremony and ask for transformation from the Morrigan (big intake of breath from some readers who have wide eyes and are shaking their heads vehemently and saying no-no-no!) or stand confidently in front of our High Priest and Priestess (who will most likely fall off that teetering pedestal you are requiring them to stand tippy-toe on), or simply kneel alone at our altar focusing on the powers that be, saying, “I’m ready! Teach me!”—when the lesson comes calling, the experience is often ensnared in an unpleasant life circumstance, perhaps unrecognizable as our original wish (some students never do get it), invariably presenting a situation that you truly don’t want to deal with. Not all lessons are uncomfortable or so veiled, but usually the big ones are. How we work through the problem determines whether we are afforded the opportunity to dance that tune again or if we have learned the complete symphony and now can move on to something new.

Life is the sacred journey, there is no doubt about it. Teachers, friends, and family members can point the way, but only you walk down the path. This path consists of integrating what you have learned, how you process that information, what you do with the results of your lesson, and how you observe and manipulate that lesson into your world. Time and again I have heard students and practitioners in our community complain that advanced material is not available or that a particular teacher is not “fulfilling their needs.” Such declarations indicate that the student has donned a particularly heavy pair of horse blinders. It is not the quality of the teacher but how you have progressed through the experience, because quite frankly, sometimes Spirit throws lousy teachers at you on purpose. In truth, it is only when the student realizes the true import of the journey that he or she is ready to progress to a more advanced level of working. When the personal advancement occurs, it is done sub rosa, beneath the rose, under a veil of self-imposed secrecy, because that is what the student will come to understand as desirable for successful personal fulfillment.

It is thought by some modern occultists that ancient symbols, such as the pentacle, the spiral, the star, the rose, the braid, and the knot, represent patterns on many levels—the corporal (a star is a star is a star), the spiritual (the thought energy evoked or transformed when working with the corporal object), and the alchemical form, which can be both a philosophical and a real-science quantum physics pattern. The very first recorded symbols appear to be combinations of the five basic elements, which include a straight line, a curve, spirals, and the dot. Hands, hearts, and footprints were the next to grace walls and caverns, followed by the pentacle and the sunwheel (or equal-armed cross encased in a circle, sometimes called the Spirit Circle), amid other interesting shapes and pictorial representations. In this chapter we are going to deal with several occult- related symbols and how you can use them to further your personal spiritual journey through rite, spellwork, meditation, and ritual, with the focus of becoming one with deity.

Your Foot Upon the Path:
The Pentacle and the Rose

The pentacle and the rose are virtually the same symbol viewed in different contexts. The pentacle is the iconographic representation of the elliptical path of the planet Venus in the heavens and is one of the oldest known symbols traced by humankind. Known as the Evening and the Morning Star due to the planet’s path in the heavens, the pentacle/Venus has been used in a variety of iconographic drawings in numerous cultures. Due to the number of petals in a real rose and how the petals naturally grow, this lovely flower quickly became associated with the pentacle, which opened a large array of occult associations, including purity, secrecy, love, the divine mother, beauty, happiness, heart energy (the source), grace, and one’s adventure into the unknown. Pythagoras and his students employed the pentacle as a representation of the sacred harmony of the mind-body connection; the ancient alchemists and the Gnostics used the pentacle as a symbol for quintessence (quinta essentia).

In alchemical study, the rose is shown in the colors of red and white—light and action—representing the necessary duality that is bridged to create a whole. Early Christian iconography likens the rose to the Goddess, which created the title “Queen of Flowers” and became the symbolic essence of Mary, Queen of Heaven, thus folding back upon itself to the precursor, the pentacle. Sophia, too, finds her place here, as she is the goddess of alchemy, after all! Whether hinting at the Divine Proportion to becoming a stylized version in the Egyptian ankh (where here the pentacle and the rose have become the key to life), the pentacle/rose is considered a symbol of mastery through change. In medieval mystical traditions, the rose (and variations thereof) represents the pathway to enlightenment—a compass for navigation once you have knocked upon the door of the sacred crossroads.




The number of rose petals can relate to levels of one’s study as well as the magick of numbers: five equals change; six “as above, so below”; and the Rose Compass, an extension of the four-petaled rose, is a navigational tool of the eight winds.

Your personal navigational course is definitely a divine mystery and must be traversed with secrecy so as not to invite the negative thoughts of others into your inner sanctum (another symbol of the rose and a rule of quantum physics), represented by the language of the rose, the essence of mystery. The natural spiral growth of the rose is nature’s way of showing us how all things mature. All four symbols—the star, the pentacle, the rose, and the spiral—are linked to the divine feminine and the motion of change.

In the occult, the number of petals shown in the symbolic rose relates to levels within one’s study as well as teaches the student the magick of numbers. The four-petaled rose relates to the four elements, the four corners of the earth, the four watchtowers, stability, etc. A rose with five petals (change and using the five elements to create change) thus becomes the microcosm. The six-petaled rose is the macrocosm. Twenty-one petals? Divine mastery. The Rose of the Winds is the Rose Compass—the navigational tool of the eight winds and an extension of the four-petaled rose.

The center of the rose is the void from which all things grow: the primordial soup; the place of possibility where all things can become. It is nigredo (the first state in esoteric alchemy), a place that speaks of the necessity of change . . . which we’ll touch on a bit more later in this book.

The Ceremony of the Rose

The ceremony of the rose is a ritual written to assist the practitioner as they navigate along the difficult path of spiritual advancement. It can be utilized by the student when they feel ready to advance their sacred journey or take a step onward and upward in their occult studies. It is a wonderful way to connect with deity, find a new aspect of spirituality that speaks to you, or help you get back in tune after you’ve been “out of wack” a bit.

You will need the following: one white stock candle, magickal oil—rose or mint scented, 14 ounce dried mint, 14 ounce dried rose petals, 14 teaspoon powdered copal resin, 14 teaspoon powdered frankincense resin, one powdered rose quartz stone, clear water, incense, candleholder, incense holder, five fresh roses, pen and paper, mortar and pestle, and a mallet and scissors.

Consider your goals as you crush the herbs with the mortar and pestle. Copy one of the rose designs from page 48 as it applies specifically to what you are seeking. Carefully write the goal you have selected on the back of the rose/pentacle paper. Dot the paper with the rose-scented oil. The idea is to find as many occult correspondences as possible that speak to the physical senses—the feel of the rose petals, the fragrant scent of the rose, the beauty of the flower to the eye, and so on. Cut your goal paper into tiny pieces with the scissors—the smaller, the better—and add it to the herbal mixture. Grind thoroughly with the pestle. When finished, empty the mixture into a clean white bowl and place it on the center of the altar. Put the rose quartz stone in the bowl. Light the incense and carry it around the area in a clockwise direction. Pass over the bowl containing your magickal mixture.

Next, rub the candle lightly with a small amount of rose- or mint-scented oil. Sprinkle with a small amount of the ground herbs—not too much, as you don’t want the candle to become a flaming torch. Light the candle. Pass the flame over the bowl in a pentacle design. Now, there are several ways of drawing a pentacle: there are pentacles for the directions, for the elements, for invoking and banishing without the compendium of whatevers . . . so I suggest you use whatever comes naturally to you. Here, I’ll describe drawing from the top of the pentacle down to the left, up right, across left, down right, and back up to the top. Place the candle beside the bowl. If you have fresh roses, encircle them around the bowl.

Most practitioners, especially in groups, are used to being very active during ritual—there is drama, movement, etc. Here, we are taking a different tack. Sit in a rocking chair facing the bowl and candle. Relax and breathe deeply several times. Close your eyes and think of your point of origin. Merge this into a feeling of relaxation and creativity. Continue to move this feeling out from yourself and into the bowl with your mind. See the goal rise from the bowl. Hold this visualization as long as you can.

Remove the rose quartz stone and place it beside the candle. Take the powder/paper mixture outside. Beginning with the west, throw a bit of the mixture to the winds, asking for peace, tranquility, and clear knowledge of the right way to reach your goals. Turn to the east, moving clockwise, and repeat. Turn to the north (only moving clockwise) and repeat; now to the south, only moving clockwise, and repeat. Hold the remaining mixture in your hands and lift up and to the left. Say (and mean it), “In the name of the sacred rose, my work shall manifest in the best positive way for me. So shall it be!”

Inside, move the candle onto the center of your altar. Make the sign of the equal-armed cross in the air over the candle and at the same time make a sound that moves from your toes up through six of the seven chakras and let it go out of your mouth. This is a way to seal a spell so that it freezes in time to protect your work against the unfoldments of a negative nature. As long as you tell no one about your work, it should be successful. Allow the candle to burn completely. The ceremony is done. Place the rose quartz stone and petals from the roses (if you had them) in a gris-gris bag (a magical bag made of cotton, velvet, or flannel). Seal it also. Carry it with you until your work manifests in the physical.

The Sacred Knots of Mastery

There are several ancient references to magickal knots, from the Gordian knot mastered by Alexander the Great—who did the unthinkable and simply cut the complicated affair with one swift whop of his sword—to legends of Witches using knots to raise and calm ocean winds, but what few truly contemplate is the significance of the pattern that the knots create. In this exercise we are concentrating on the figure eight or the sign of infinity and how it relates to the actual practice of magick—the waves of what cannot be seen.

Read that last sentence again.

Underline it.

Highlight it.

Study it.

Yes, that interesting sigil means “eternity”—but how is it used? In Solitary Witch I showed you how, through quantum physics and the light cone, the cone of power in Witchcraft is actually raised. Here we’re going to talk about what to do with that power. Let’s work on an exercise to help you master this incredible sigil.

Energy Waves

When most people cast a circle or work with energy they usually visualize one of two patterns: the straight line (sending energy out or receiving it in linear fashion) or a ball of energy (as when you gather energy between your two hands into a pulsating sphere). In this simple exercise I’d like you to review how you currently manipulate energy and tweak your visualization a bit. Rather than seeing a straight line or a ball, do a wave. We know that energy, light, and thought travel in waves; if we are to enhance our personal power through visualization, then it makes sense that we match the natural patterns of the universe as closely as we can—in this case, through the wave.

Soft, flowing music works extremely well with this exercise. You may wish to choose a particular musical piece to listen to before you begin. Stand straight with your feet slightly apart. Take three deep breaths. Raise your arms to touch the heavens, then slowly lower them down to touch the earth. Return to the standing position with feet slightly apart, hands in a prayer position over your heart chakra. Again, breathe deeply at least three times, allowing any stress from the day or evening to drift away from your mind and body. Now close your eyes and envision your auric body filled with white light, which will slowly seep into the physical body. You may feel lighter or have a sense of relief or freedom. Slowly move your right arm out in front of you, and as you do, visualize energy (white light) leaving your right hand in waves. Consider this a prayer, if you like, for the less fortunate than yourself. Bring your hands back to the prayer position and take three more deep breaths. Now move your left hand out in front of you with the duplicate wave visualization of sending energy out. Take a deep breath and return to the prayer position.

Next, put your right hand out and envision white light and positive energy waving into you (rather than projecting from you). Repeat with the left hand. Take a few moments to contemplate the following:

Which hand felt more powerful at which stage? Does your right hand pull better than your left? Or is it the other way around? Next, after three deep breaths, put both hands out and visualize energy pulsating from yourself into the universe in waves of light. Again, think of prayers for the needy. (Every little bit helps.) Move your hands back. Take a deep breath. Move your hands out again and “receive” waves of white light energy. Believe that these waves carry happiness, harmony, good health, and peace. Note how you felt during this process. Finally, to the music if this helps, slowly move the right hand out in front of you, send waves, and catch that same energy with the left hand and bring it back toward you. How did that feel? Try it a few times to get the momentum. Now send out with your left and retrieve with your right. When you are finished, put your hands up to the heavens, then down to the ground, then clasp them in front of you in a prayer position. This exercise is concluded.

Practice this exercise three times a day for one week. Be sure to write your results in your personal journal. Take note, also, of how your life may be changing this week and how the exercise may be affecting daily activities.

The Infinity Sign in Magick:
The Enchanted Knot of the Universe

In the standard tarot deck the infinity sign, that famous double loop, is poised above the head of the Magician (left). His card means “making thought into form,” a realm of mastery and manifested intention. You cannot master anything if you are stuck in negative thought patterns, and the Magician reminds us that we must set aside the time to actually do the work. The Magician’s card often depicts elements of alchemy, like the snake, the eagle, and the lion, which match both elemental compounds as well as esoteric manifestations. Let’s look at the sign of infinity in the light of magick shown in the illustration on page 56. Rather than viewing the sign on its side, we’re going to do a bit of creative thinking and turn it on its end, now becoming the representation of the double helix, the staff of Hermes, and the Voudon vèvè for Damballa and Ayida Wedo. The simplistic version of the double helix is, of course, the uroborus—the snake that eats its tail. In the occult, the snake is really the light wave, which is, in fact, the seat of wisdom, the carrier of information, and the ultimate condenser of manifestation into the earth plane. Your DNA, shaped like the double helix (the infinity sign), carries all the information about your physical body, and there is debate that it may also be imprinted with elements of your auric body as well (that which survives after death). Read the remarkable stories of current transplant patients to learn more about this phenomena. There is much to contemplate! Finally, if you look at the Egyptian ankh (the key to life), you will understand that it is truly the key to magick as well.


As this drawing shows, manifestation occurs by drawing from
above and below, merging energy in the pathway of the
infinity sign (as appears over the magician’s head).

The first part of this exercise is to review the diagram given on page 56 and then meditate on it. This is also an excellent tarot card spread (if you are good at that) and works well with the runes (should that be your choice of divinatory tool). You are the direct result of your memories, your past actions, and the events that occurred in the past, as illustrated in the diagram. What makes your future and your present is your knowledge, your belief, and your companionship with Spirit (whatever you believe that to be). Your future consists of your plans and the actions you will take to fulfill those goals, the direct result of past actions (which are sometimes unexpected), and the combination of these two forces, which often brings the unexpected (although it really isn’t if you think about it). If you become caught in a negative scenario (for example, your best friend just torched your life and it is all you can think about) then, according to this diagram, that one-track-mind negativity is going to directly affect your future because you fed it with your pain, unhappiness, and feelings of failure (you trusted them, you stupid schmuck). You forget that you are in total control of your life and therefore, inadvertently, you turn the path of magick against yourself. Because we know that time is not linear, it is extremely important that we concentrate on gathering a momentum of positive thoughts, actions, and goals as much as we possibly can. By performing magickal applications to increase harmony, spirituality, and the betterment of ourselves and others, we are actually changing the fabric of the cosmos as well as of our own future (which is also the present, and indeed our past). Remember, magick and life are unfoldments of energy patterns, and you are in control of those patterns, whether you realize it or not. You are in control by the choices you make, the magick you do, and the actions you take. Think about it.


The infinity diagram: you are in control of your life!

Now that we’ve reviewed the possible meaning of the sign of infinity, let’s try using it. After studying the diagram closely, take out your favorite divination tool and use the diagram like a spread. Place your chosen runes, cards, or magick stones (whatever you use) on the diagram and read the divinatory pattern. You can use a test question first or go for the gold, choosing a question or problem that has been plaguing you. Have you gained additional insight? Try using this spread for others. Professional readers may find this diagram extremely helpful at psychic fairs and in private readings.

Using Infinity in Spellwork

Having seeded your brain with the diagram, meditation, contemplation, and divination, it is time to move on and incorporate infinity in a magickal working. Although there are many creative ways we can incorporate the quantum pattern of infinity, we’ll start with a candle and gem magick application with several ideas for enhancement. We’ll focus on spirituality and the quest for enhancing our communication with our higher selves—because when that flows smoothly, all other things fall into place. Again, the pattern lends itself well to all types of workings, including healing, the physical manifestation of bringing items toward you (like a car), and even diminishing debt. The technique can be used in a group circle environment for raising energy and even incorporated in full moon and sabbat themes, given the number of items needed (8). For now, we’ll concentrate on forging a strong, pulsating path to inner advancement.

Crystal Eight Spell

This is a spell of self-mastery. You will need a smooth, flat surface that can hold eight burning candles; three cups of sea salt; parchment paper, pen, and magickal ink (optional); mortar and pestle; eight snow-white taper candles or votives and their respective fire-safe holders; incense of your choice: sandalwood, frankincense, copal, or myrrh lend themselves well to spiritual pursuits (stick, cone, or resin, your choice)—white sage sticks also work well; eight crystal points (best) or rolled crystals; one piece of amethyst (the nicer the better, but use what you can afford); a taglock representing you (a bit of your hair is best, a photo is second best, a printed astrological birth chart is a third option—or use all three); holy water; magickal oil; and a set of new dice.

Write your full name on one small piece of parchment paper. Attach taglock and place it in the center of the altar. On a different piece of parchment paper, write your goal—an example might be “Smooth communication with my higher self and Spirit” (or the Goddess or a particular deity). Burn this piece of paper in a white fire-safe bowl. Grind the ashes with mortar and pestle. Add them to the sea salt and mix thoroughly.

On the flat working surface, carefully make the infinity sign with the salt/ash mixture. Make it large enough that a candle and a gemstone can be placed at each significant point, as shown on the diagram. The loops should cross over your taglock. Make sure the line of salt is unbroken, adding more salt if you don’t have enough once you get started. As you are drawing the infinity sign, begin your chant that relates to the purpose of the working. You may wish to use the following: “Salt and ash, review the past, choose the loop for which I ask.”

As our lives consist of many loops of choice running concurrently at any one time, the focus here is to choose the one “right” loop that will open the way for the accomplishment of our intended goal and strengthen the energy of its momentum for future manifestations. Keep repeating this part of the charm until the salt infinity sign is completely finished. Indeed, our lives are a braid of energy, loop upon loop, as the old Celts tried to tell us!

Roll the dice to determine how many days you should repeat this spell, given the theme you have chosen and your preliminary work. The number on the dice directly relates to the number of consecutive days you will work this spell, repeating the chants, etc. Your number of days will be from one to twelve. Double numbers—snake eyes, double sixes, double fives, etc.—indicate a very successful conclusion and also give you a hint on how many days (or months) it will take for your intent to begin showing signs of success. Double ones equal 24 to 48 hours. Leave the dice where they fall on the altar surface.

Light the incense. Put three drops of scented oil in your holy water. The oil will float unless you use an emulsifier. Some occultists choose to add this blending agent where others do not; the choice is yours. Once mixed, sprinkle water around the outside of the figure-eight pattern without touching it, then pass over the incense or sage wand in the same manner. Move these items clockwise around the pattern, repeating this part of the chant: “Water and scent, cleanse intent; sacred smoke, Spirit invoke.”

This step is to ensure negative thoughts from yourself or others are not currently influencing your choices, and that these stray or intended thoughts stay away during the magickal process.

Arrange each of the gems at the eight points of the diagram, naming what they stand for as you place them. If you are using points, arrange the points so that they flow clockwise along the salt pattern. As you “fix” the points and name them, keep the following chant going: “Flame and gem bring power in; force to form, energy blend.”

Arrange the candles next to the crystals and light them one by one, building power as each flame springs to life—begin with the candle in the center and move clockwise around the pattern, repeating the above chant. When you are finished, sit back and take three deep breaths. Connect to the divine with a “waving” energy motion within yourself. Close your eyes and relax. Contemplate what you wish to accomplish.

You have now set the matrix for your working, generated sacred space, called on divinity through the use of elements, and are ready to fully raise the energy to complete the working.

Hold both hands out in front of you, palms facing the working. It is time to repeat the full chant in direct respect to your abilities: if you are new at magic, nine times (or more!); of medium ability, seven times. Been at this a long time? Try three at first, probably only once if you are really an old pro. As you chant, literally move the upper part of your body in a figure-eight motion. Too, the number of times the chant is said can also be equated to the magick in numbers, and even if you know precisely what you are doing, you may feel it necessary to say that chant twenty-one times! Go with your gut.

“Salt and ash, review the past;

choose the loop for which I ask.

Water and scent, cleanse intent;

Sacred smoke, Spirit invoke.

Flame and gem, bring power in;

Force to form, energy blend.

Spark to light, future unfolds;

As I say, the magick holds!

Desire, weave this tapestry;

As I will, it now shall be!”

With the end of the last line on the last chant sequence, pound the altar with your right hand (not so the candles fall down) and make a guttural sound from the depths of your diaphragm to “freeze the moment” of the final wording. The working is finished. Allow the candles to burn at least two hours. Snuff them out, never blow. You can use the same candles the following days for as many as the dice indicate; when they burn out, replace them with new until all the days have been completed. If you can, leave the pattern in place until your desire has completely manifested, or sweep salt, gems, and taglock into a gris-gris bag, dot with magickal oil, place on your altar and burn one white candle by the bag each week on the same day, intoning the chant once. Spray the bag with magickal spray or white rum and pass over the living flame to “reheat” (not too close!).


There are an infinite number of ways that you can employ the infinity sign in your work now that you know exactly what it means (and your mind will lead you to much more). Placing eight drummers at the points shown on the diagram makes for an interesting ritual to raise power. You can use eight different drumbeats or begin with one drum beat, like a round, always moving clockwise. If you orchestrate a large ritual, forget the circle—do the infinity pattern with the people; it is guaranteed to make for an interesting experience. On a smaller scale, place a representation of a holiday or a phase of the moon at each point. From macrocosm to microcosm, fashion something by hand in the figure-eight pattern (clay, photographs, wood, beads, etc.)—you can even make a miniature talisman once you have done the first ritual and are familiar with what is to happen when, why, and how. If you want to work with the dead, replace the salt but not the holy water (unless you are working with Voodoo, and then they have their own requirements). Salt repels the dead (so they say), yet you need the empowered water to keep strange things from floating in where they are certainly not wanted. Finally, if practiced enough, you won’t need the props. Then you will find that life can be most interesting, indeed!

Witch’s Pentacle Talisman

An excellent exercise in contemplation, meditation, creativity, and empowerment is to work with the various magickal symbols in your own unique way. The Witch’s pentacle talisman on page 64 is perfect for both beginners and advanced practitioners due to the fluidity of the energy. This talisman was designed to teach students how to recognize the symbols in the drawing and name them and then take a field trip outside to see how they might be duplicated in natural surroundings. The drawing is also a power matrix of its own and can be activated in a variety of ways, using candles, gemstones, pebbles, seeds, etc., at various points on the drawing. Rather than using a copy machine (which is easy, I know), it is far better to use magickal ink and parchment and have each student re-create the drawing on their own, sounding out the various symbols and contemplating their unique energy. The symbols in this drawing include the seven classical planets; the sacred spiral; the elements of earth, air, fire, and water; the pentacle; the infinity sign; the symbol for the Goddess; the antlers of the God; the symbol for alchemy; the stylized Eye of Horus; the Sacred Circle; as well as several Reiki healing sigils, should you choose to journey on that path. All of these symbols can be found if you surf on the ’net and will mean much more to you if you discover them for yourself. If a single symbol eludes you, then this is a sign that you have been ignoring this energy in your life and you must make the extra effort to determine first what that symbol stands for and, second,­ how it can be integrated into your spiritual workings. Although I gave a complete walk-through of the infinity diagram earlier in this chapter, the Witch’s talisman and its integration into your life is up to you to work through. Every student needs to tackle a challenge or two! Once you have determined what all the sigils mean, you are prepared to go further in your studies by working the seedbearers of light exercise, which can be turned into a complete ritual on its own, if you so choose.


Witch’s pentacle talisman.

Seedbearer of Light Exercise

For this rite you will need the following: gold or silver cord; magickal ink and pen; parchment paper; seeds—sunflower seeds for success, fava beans or tonka beans for prosperity, white beans for family stability, etc. (The type of seed bears directly on the theme you choose, and the number of seeds depends upon how many of the symbols you wish to activate by direction. Use a selection of seeds and coins if you need fast cash; a combination of mustard seeds and moonstones for increasing wisdom, intuition, and divination skills; or rose quartz and amethyst gems for healing body, mind, and soul.)

Re-create the drawing with parchment and ink, considering the theme you will use for this talisman and for this working. On the parchment, encircle the talisman with your name written as many times as it will fit in an unbroken circle. Place each seed/gem on the sigils you plan to use, activating these points by using your imagination as you speak. For example, “Fire for the flame of spirituality. Earth for the stability I need in my life. Hands of power for protection and healing,” etc. The associations you make are built on your knowledge of the symbol and your personal need. Light the candle. Pass the candle over each activated sigil, whispering “birth” to each point. For example, “The birth of stability, the birth of protection, the birth of knowledge,” etc. Allow the candle to burn for two hours (or completely). Once the candle has completely burned —whether today or on the last successive day you choose to work—push the seeds/gems to the center of the talisman. Encompassing the items, roll the paper toward you if you are bringing something into your life or away from you if you are banishing a particular energy. Tie each end tightly shut with a gold or silver cord. Dot with wax to seal, and then seal magickally in your own style. Put in a safe place and watch the magick in your life blossom and grow!

Spirit Will Teach You
What You Most Need to Know

Witchcraft is divine alchemy—a philosopher’s stone for the modern world. You either have the courage to work with its transformational energies and look within yourself or you’ll walk away (some people actually run—go figure). Your greatest test in the Craft is life itself and how you incorporate the occult teachings you learn as you are presented with the results of your own previous decisions. Whether you believe it or not, Spirit brings you what you need to know to advance in your occult studies when you need it in direct response to your previous behavior and chosen life path. Your responsibility is to recognize what you need and accept the gifts given to you. (Ouuu, some people aren’t going to like that one.) So this means if you study your brains out, try to act like a decent person, and pay attention to the opportunities presented to you, you’re at least ahead of the game. However, if you are impatient, complain, throw a tantrum, sigh, scream at the heavens, cry, moan, grumble, pressure your High Priest or Priestess, treat others badly, proclaim yourself an expert or “godly” in person or on the Internet, and stamp your foot repeatedly . . . unless you have done the work, you’re not going to get the advancement you desire until you make the concerted effort through your own behavior and choices (which must be positive in nature)—and the universe decides you are ready to handle it.

I could write reams, tell you every secret and every mystery (even if I knew them all, and I don’t), to no avail. Why? Because it is Spirit that provides that “light bulb” moment, not me. Not your teacher. Not some cliquey, fake magick group on the ’net or some nut who has High Priestess Syndrome. Not anybody. Just Spirit, which circumvents human anomalies. I not only believe this, I’ve seen this repeatedly in action: Spirit teaches you what you most need to know when you need to know it. Have faith in that and you will always move upward and onward, regardless of the mess at hand.

Which is why Witches are different from the other guys—we realize that there are no middlemen (or women) to God. In my mind, a High Priest or Priestess of the Craft is a facilitator. They train to the best of their individual ability. You get the trainer you earn. That’s the long and the short of it. Your teachers light the way, but they can’t drag you onto the path. You have to move under your own steam . . . or fail. If you mess up? Fix it and keep on going. Experience is the best teacher. If the trainer messes up? Learn from the experience because you were supposed to! Don’t wallow in it. Disengage immediately and keep plugging along. A new opportunity will present itself now that you have learned this lesson. A Witch—a true follower of our path—is courageous, if nothing else! Sometimes Spirit actually gives us crappy teachers because we are to learn what we are not supposed to do on our future life path. And honestly? If you had a really lousy occult teacher, or a horrendous boss, or a nightmare of a spouse, Spirit has very, very special things in mind for you. Live up to the expectation of Spirit, cut your ties to the negativity, and keep on going!

As magickal practitioners, we have lots of tools from the occult world to play with to help us advance at our own pace—practices that keep us entertained, learning, amused, and sometimes frustrated. From what goes on the altar to the intricacies of astrology, the special energies of each sabbat to what to do and not do in a ritual circle environment, to candlemaking, alchemy, oil blending, perfumery, herbal lore, self-hypnosis, drum trancing, gem work, making incense, sacred dance, blending powders, fashioning conjuring bags and crafting wands, stangs, staffs, and even ritual jewelry and clothing. Then there are talismans, energy workings, amulets, divinatory tools, writing, poetry, painting, the mechanics of the group mind, working with animals, totems, the astral plane, the dead, the deities, the airts, the quarters, the watchtowers, dragons, gnomes, faeries, sylphs, salamanders, undines . . . whew! Honey, if you’re bored, you’ve got a problem!

All these wonderful, nifty-neaty things (and there are more, I just hit the surface) can and should be used for the express purpose of divine creation. Now what is that, exactly? Basically it means using your will to manifest, in your own way, items and thoughts of positive intent that strengthen the overall harmony of the universe. Well! That was a mouthful, wasn’t it? As I see it, we have only two fat flies in the ointment of life—ourselves (we can be our own worst enemy) and other people.

You know, when I first entered the magickal world, I thought it was really lame that a bunch of Buddhist monks would live in a monastery, away from the world, and spend their days chanting, burning incense, and gazing off a mountaintop. “Stupid,” I said. “Worthless,” I thought. “Escapists! They should be out there pitching in with the rest of us.”

Until, duh, I realized that we have to have them.

The universe needs them to do what they are doing, just like it needs you to elevate your own spirituality so you can do what you need to do. We all affect the warp and weave of the world; do you want to enhance the quality of life, or do you want to put it in the toilet? You have a choice, you know. Really . . . you do. And you make those choices every single day. Honest! The problem is, we make so many choices that we aren’t always sure which ones were really the heavy hitters and which ones were inconsequential. With occult studies, however, forewarned is forearmed, especially if you learn to take the time to educate yourself thoroughly on at least one divination system. And, it is no lie that the longer you are involved in the esoteric, the more you will understand—as long as you keep working at it and trying to learn new things.

Practicing Witches—the real ones—learn the value of everyone eventually. It just takes some of us a little longer than others.

However . . .

Glittering analogies aside, we ain’t sittin’ on a mountaintop, you and I; for whatever reason we’ve chosen to throw ourselves into the daily grind of jobs, partners, children, marriages, divorces, coven dynamics, small towns, big cities . . . But fair warning: we can also lose what we earn by the continued choices we make. Who needs hell and the threat of fire and brimstone when you’ve got your own actions to haunt you?

Scary, isn’t it, when you really realize you are the master or mistress of your own fate, and that the devil isn’t a person—it is ignorance.

Ritual of the Talking Head

Ancient tribal humans, in their quest for power and information, would stick the heads of their ancestors or enemies on poles, hoping that the world of the unseen would unfold its great mysteries by proximity. Grisly and unnecessary, there are other ways to honor our ancestors and still gain the information that we desire. Originally designed for a Samhain application, it can be used at any time of the year. If you have a pressing question and need a speedy answer, you might wish to try this simple ritual. The symbol on page 70 is one you are familiar with—the skull and crossbones.


Skull and crossbones.

For this ritual you will need the following: a pencil and paper; five pennies; two white candles and candleholders; one crystal; a magickal oil of your choice (mint or lavender work well); one glass of water; one lemon; three tablespoons white sugar; one gris-gris bag; your petition; spring water; and this talking head herbal mixture—grind (or mix) the following herbs together: wormwood, mint, broom, orris, eyebright, marigold, and myrrh. Add five drops of patchouli essential oil to one cup of herbal mix. Do not ingest.

Draw the crossbone design on a piece of paper. Place the paper in the center of the working area. Acknowledge the four quarters by sprinkling spring water at each quarter. Circle each quarter once with one lit white candle in a clockwise direction. Do not light both candles, just the one.

Place the lit white candle on the table. Place the crystal on the left side of your skull and crossbones design.

Write on your petition exactly what you want to know, whether it is solution-oriented or a desire for information on a particular subject. Anoint the paper with a bit of the magickal oil. Place the paper under the skull and crossbones design.

Put a small glass of water on top of your spell mat. Put one drop of lemon from a fresh lemon in the water. Sprinkle white sugar around the glass of water.

Anoint the crystal lightly (not much) with the magickal oil. Keep the crystal positioned to the left of the glass.

Anoint other white candle very, very lightly with magickal oil. Hold the candle in your hands and say, “From the depths of the universe, talk to me. From the sea of mind and mystery. Go to the place where the information I seek is available and bring it back to me.” If you have a time limit, place a calendar beside the glass on the left side and circle the day you need the information. (Just to let you know, if this doesn’t work the first time it’s because you need to practice using a calendar in this magickal way. Keep trying.) Light the candle. Circle the candle around the calendar (if you are using one) three times. Place the candle on the left side of the glass, above the crystal.

Sprinkle the crystal with the herbal formula. Do not breathe in the dust—it has wormwood in it, which is not good for you! Hold your hands over the crystal and repeat the same statement as you did for the second candle (“From the depths . . .”). Close your eyes, look up to the right (with eyes still closed), and imagine the crystal glowing with power. Open your eyes, draw them over to the crystal, and bring the crystal to your heart chakra. Take a deep breath like you are breathing in the information. Put the crystal back where you had it. Place five pennies, the herbal mixture, and the crystal in the gris-gris bag, adding the crystal last. Dot the bag with magickal oil. Keep to the left side of the glass of water unless you choose to carry the gris-gris bag with you (which is okay).

Go to each quarter and thank the gods.

Burn both candles each day for ten minutes until:

a) You get the information, or

b) The candle finishes burning.

The information will come to you in a variety of ways—so don’t expect a missive to drop from the sky on your head like a golden hammer or materialize in front of your nose like in a fantasy story. Be observant. Listen! Look! Be patient. The solution or information may come in a dream, in a passing conversation with someone, a telephone call, over the Internet, etc. There are endless possibilities, but you must be open to receive the information. The key to this working, as when we discussed the symbolism of the rose, is secrecy.

The Witch’s Claw of Protection

The next exercise entails analyzing the symbol on page 74 and writing your own spell or ritual of protection based on the symbology in the design and what you learn after the sign has been empowered. Although I provide standard empowerment instructions, the rest of the working is up to you. Good luck!

Der Geist macht das Verheilen. Sie machen das Denken.

The Spirit does the healing. You do the thinking.


Supplies needed: a copy of the Witch’s claw design; a candle; matches or a lighter; holy water; white sage; a fire-safe bowl; a black marker; magickal oil; sea salt; a black stone; a rattle; and magickal activation powder.

To begin, make your own copy of the sign. Place the sign on the ground (earth energy). Cleanse the sign with fire (a lit candle) in one hand and holy water in the other, rotating first counterclockwise and then clockwise. Light the white sage and blow the smoke softly across the surface of the sign. Sprinkle a bit of water at each compass point (north to south, then west to east). Allow the sage to smolder in a fire-safe bowl as you continue to work. With a black marker, write on the back of the sign exactly what you desire. You can use magickal symbols, code, magickal alphabets, etc., if you don’t want anyone to know or understand the significance of the sign. This procedure is called “owning the sign.”


Witch’s claw of protection design.

Dot any points on the sign (star points, triangles, crosses, hearts, petal points) with the magickal oil, saying, “The perfect order of the universe now enters this sign. All positive potential is present in preparation for this working.” You can now move the sign to your altar or leave it on the ground as you continue working.

Sprinkle a circle of sea salt around the sign. This is to keep all negative energies at bay while you work. Nothing evil can cross the salt barrier. Place your lit candle, for the moment, up and to the left of the sign. You are sending out to the future, which will some day become the past.

If you will use the sign as a mini-altar for this working, then all items should be placed on the sign from this moment on. If you are simply empowering the sign to hang in your home, place your items on the sign during the working and remove them after the enchantment is complete. Cleanse the black stone with sage smoke and holy water; use the stone to absorb negativity. Dot the stone with magickal oil and clearly speak its purpose. Tap it on the sign seven times and then place it outside of the salt circle so that it can begin working immediately. In thirty days (or if things have been particularly awful), cleanse the stone with salt, holy water, and sage smoke. Leave in sunlight (a Pow-Wow practice) at the height of the day for at least one hour.

Activate the sign by using a rattle. Begin at the center of the sign and work out, following the design as best you can. Each design falls into a pleasing rhythm. Do this three times, intoning your desire while you work. This is called “talking to the sign.” Sprinkle the sign with a magickal activation powder.

Using the rattle again, repeat the following chant nine times:

“Out of the black and into the red

Out of the red and into the white

Out of the white and into the gold

Out of the gold and into the world.

From my hand to God’s hand

The magick is made.”

Note: “From my hand to God’s hand” means to go from the collective unconscious into the three-dimensional world.

During this time the rattle should be moving in a clockwise motion around the sign, ending at the upper left at the end of each repetition. Look up and to the left, then begin the chant again.

If you desire to add any magick, such as an additional candle, petition, herbal mixture, etc., do that now. When you are finished, feed the center of the sign three drops of water and place the white candle over the water, then say the following with meaning in your voice:

“And it came to pass on this day that the Witch [or whatever you call yourself] fully set up the tabernacle and anointed it, and sanctified it and all the instruments thereof, anointed them, and sanctified them, and blew upon it the breath of life.”

Blow softly three times on the sign, then say to seal, “Stern. Weit. Blau als Heaven. Hell als die Sonne. Wie ich verkünde. Es wird gemacht werden.” (Meaning: Star far blue as heaven, clear as the sun, as I will, it shall be done.)

With great gusto, create a strong sound that rolls up from the tips of your toes and out your mouth and, at the same time, with your thumb seal the design in the air with an equal-armed cross. Then say, “Gods and spirits, I release you into the light to complete this undertaking. Peace be with you. So mote it be!”

If you need to add a healing to this working, you may wish to use the following:

General Healing

(used to “tear out” illness)

Dieses Wasser und dieses Feuer

Dieses Wasser und dieses Feuer

Dieses Wasser und dieses Feuer

Dies ist ein grosse Dinge

In dies grosses geh eilige landen

Unser shoene Frau Maria


This water and this fire

This water and this fire

This water and this fire

This is a deep thing

Go hastily into the ground

[pull out the illness with your hand and throw it to the ground]

[In the name of] Our beautiful one, Maria

Note: Maria is the Latin word for “sea.” It is highly possible this chant was referring to the void, therefore it would be “In the name of our beautiful one, the sea of God.” “This water and this fire” are the alchemical addresses of change.

White Magick

Many of my books have been published in other countries, and within those cultures the words “white magick” are a necessity in the title due to that culture’s collective view on magick and enchantment. I took a great deal of grief from American readers a few years ago, who scoffed at the terminology when it was used in some promotional material in error on the United States’ version. It never occurred to them that America isn’t the only place in the world where seekers may be interested in learning to master the unknown of the occult. This is a prime example that even in the Pagan community there will be those people who fail to look “outside the box.” As you work through any occult-related material, remember that respect of all cultures and religions is an inherent requirement for obtaining our own Wiccan “perfect love and perfect trust.”


White Magick pattern.

As a direct result of this interesting behavior on the part of my own community, I created a “White Magick” line of products with the premise of purity in a harmonic design and a focal scent of lilac. This White Magick set is an interesting concept based on light, energy, and patterns that you create.

First, redraw the White Magick pattern on page 78 on parchment paper. Artistic skill is not required. You can cheat and use templates from an office supply store if you like. Once the paper is prepared, you can begin working magickally with the design. As you draw, consider the shapes and the numerical associations.

The Shapes

Triangles—The power of three, the trinity of magick, and the cone of light.

Square (the snake design)—The four elements, the four
directions, stability, and earth magick.

Circles—Purity and protection.

Stars—Change as well as the combined energy of human and element.

Swirls—Movement and fire magick.

Hexagons—Alchemical and ceremonial magick.

Zigzag—Flow and water magick.

Starbursts—Astrology and the magick of the stars.


Bars—The dead.

Arrowheads—The future and air magick.

The Numbers

One—Ultimate perfection and beginnings.


Three—Communication and travel.



Six—Talent and inspiration.

Seven—Movement through growth.

Eight—Mastering your own talents.

Nine—Wishes and success.

Ten—Closing doors so that new ones can open.

When you are ready to work the magick, begin by dressing your white candle with just a bit of magickal oil and sprinkling the candle with a very small amount of magickal powder (see part four—powder is optional). Empower the candle by saying your desire aloud while holding the candle at your heart chakra. Feel your desire move into the candle (your hands will tingle or grow warm). When you feel calm and relaxed, place the candle in a safe holder in the center of the snake design. The snake stands for the movement of energy. If you desire, you can also put a written petition under the candle. Do not light the candle at this time.

Letting Spirit guide your choices, place small, natural objects, such as shells, leaves, gems, herbs, magick beans, feathers, or human- constructed items (small mirrors, metal charms, runes, lots, etc.), on the shapes that match your intent. The design works exceptionally well with quartz crystal points. You can place objects on only a few of the shapes or on all of them—the choice is up to you. When your pattern is complete and feels right, repeat your intent. Sprinkle lilac- scented water around the outside of the design to seal the intent, then light the candle. Let the candle burn completely. Leave the design with the objects untouched until your desire manifests. To protect the pattern, you can cover it with a new, clean, white piece of cloth—or, you can burn a white candle every day, repeating your intent, until your desire manifests. When your desire is met, give all the used objects to the earth with a “thank-you” and seal with a kind deed.

Healing for a Friend Using Magickal Symbols

Reiki is a channeled form of energy healing with origins in Japan. The word “Reiki” comes from Japanese picture writing, known as kanji, in which Rei means “spiritually guided” and ki refers to life-force energy. It is generally accepted that Reiki was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui of Kyoto, Japan. He believed the system to be the ancient healing method of some of the world’s greatest healers. Along with the training, Dr. Usui passed on the Reiki ideals, which are just as valid today as they were then: “Just for today, do not worry. Just for today, do not anger. Honor your teachers, your parents, your neighbors, your friends. Give thanks for all living things. Earn your living honestly.” All who practice Reiki today can trace their lineage back through their instructor through one of the original twenty-two masters.


Healing sigil illustration; clockwise from bottom center, hexagram,
Cho Ku Rei, wedjat eye (Eye of Horus), Cho Ku Rei.

Reiki is not learned like other methods of healing. In order to perform Reiki on yourself and others, you need to have your energy “tuned in” to channel it. This energy transference that occurs between the master and the student is called an attunement. You can find such masters by visiting the Web with a search engine. There are quite a few! In Reiki, the practitioner draws upon the unlimited supply of universal life energy and pulls it in through the crown chakra and out through the hands. Even if you haven’t had the benefit of an attunement, you can still use the magickal symbols provided in this exercise not only for healing but to manifest physical objects as well.

First, let’s start with a brief explanation of the symbols used, and then on to the exercise itself.


Wedjat—One of the most popular ancient Egyptian amulets, used to protect the wearer and bestow desirable qualities, such as health and vitality. The wedjat eye, or Eye of Horus as it is sometimes called, can be drawn on anything you wish to heal or protect. This “eye” is a mathematical shorthand of fractional proportions for Egyptian medicinal ingredient measurements, listed in six parts. The eyeball is 14, the eyebrow is 18, the portion in front of the eyeball is 12, the portion behind is 116, the curlicue is 164, and the line straight down is 132. In total, the picture equals 64.64, with Spirit supplying the last little bit to equal this number.


Hexagram—One of the most popular symbols in element magick is that of the hexagram, which is the fire and water triangles placed one on top of the other. Uniting the elements through this alchemical symbol coalesces force and form. The earliest examples of the hexagram date back to 700 BC. This symbol gives command over the four elements and stands for the fifth element, that of Spirit.


Cho Ku Rei—Means “put the power here.” It is a sigil used in Reiki energy work. The symbol is used for calling in spiritual power, cleansing the aura, banishing negativity, and creating a receptive environment.

For the healing ceremony, you will need the following: white candle (pink and purple is fine, too); healing magickal oil; a copy of the healing design; incense; a glass of spring water; a clear glass bowl; a photograph of the person or animal to be healed; a piece of paper with the person’s name written on it; a candleholder; an incense holder; a nail, pin, or stylus; two ounces of your own healing herbal mixture, and a muslin bag.

To begin, copy the design given on a piece of paper. As you draw, chant the person’s name, followed by the “Aum” sound. Keep chanting as you create the design. Set aside. With the stylus, draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol on your candle; set aside. Pour the healing herbs you have chosen into a clear bowl. Place three drops of healing oil in the mix. Blend with your hands. Rub a few drops of healing oil onto the candle. Put one drop of healing oil into the glass of water. Set the candle above the Eye of Horus. Put the water to the right of the candle, then place the herbal mix to the left of the candle. Write the person’s name who is to be healed on a piece of paper and place it in a cloth bag. Add a crystal or other healing gemstone if you so desire. Put the incense in a holder to the right of the design. Place the person’s photograph on top of the paper in the center of the design. (If the photo is so big you can’t see the design, put the photo under it.) Draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol in the air over each item. Envision the power coming down into your crown chakra and moving from your hands onto each item to empower and activate it to your desire. Take your time.

Light the incense and pass it over the picture. Visualize healing energy permeating the individual’s aura like fragrant smoke. Pass the incense over the bowl of herbs. Light the candle. Intone the word “Cho Ku Rei” as you move the candle over the picture, then pass it over the herbs. Place your finger on the Eye of Horus and draw a line in the air from the eye to the picture. Ask for strength, protection, and harmony for that individual. Draw a line in the air from the hexagram up to the picture. Ask for the power of the elements and Spirit to make the individual’s environment safe, healthy, and secure. As above, so below. Finally, draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol in the air over the picture of the person. In your mind, create a magickal eraser and, with eyes closed, use the eraser to wipe out any disease in the body or mind of the person. Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

The visualization for the last part of the spell may be difficult if you have not practiced visualization techniques. Practice is really all it takes. You are going to make the Cho Ku Rei symbols spin. Imagine the bars of the Cho Ku Rei symbols swinging inward, toward you, like a gate opening. They will continue that swing to complete a full circle. As they do, each Cho Ku Rei symbol will rotate—the left one in a clockwise motion, the right one in a counterclockwise motion. Begin spinning them slowly, then allow them to go faster. As they do, keep repeating the word “Kriya” (meaning the combination of the Cho Ku Rei symbols). You will feel the energy rise. When you feel it has reached its peak, visualize this energy surrounding your hands and the picture. Slowly lower your hands to the picture and say (and mean it), “The healing is done! It is complete!” Place the herbs in the muslin bag. Dot the bag and seal it with the Cho Ku Rei symbol in the air over the bag. Give the bag to the sick person to keep with them or place it on your altar by the individual’s picture. You can work in this manner every day until the person is healed.

Astrological Symbolism

We can’t leave this section without giving reference to astrological symbolism. These signs, symbols, and glyphs equating to mathematical proportions of the movement of heavenly bodies represent an incredible system so simple, yet so complex, that one never tires of the subject. From self-analysis to event planning, to studying the patterns and the dynamic energy associations, there is much there for the interested student to learn. The last exercise in this section, should you be so brave as to tackle it, is to memorize the data listed below and incorporate this information in a spell specifically designed for your spiritual betterment. Good luck!




Basic Energy Pattern


Zodiac Sign


Beginnings and action


Zodiac Sign


Manifestation and security


Zodiac Sign


Movement and mental energy


Zodiac Sign


Emotions and home environment


Zodiac Sign


Success and courage


Zodiac Sign


Analysis and service


Zodiac Sign


Beauty and socialization


Zodiac Sign


Regeneration and justice


Zodiac Sign


Idealization and study


Zodiac Sign


Building, business, and rewards


Zodiac Sign


Humanitarian and group work


Zodiac Sign


Spiritual and visionary pursuits; transformation
























Basic Energy Pattern
























Marriage and partnerships




Hearth and home








Creativity and regeneration







North Moon



Expanding life path in a positive




South Moon



Constricting a pathway




Combining two forces




Mediating two forces




Creating challenge












Mild support






Whether you are just starting out in the world of enchantment or have been here for quite a while, the first two steps (represented by parts one and two of this book) still apply. Practice the fine art of cleansing on an as-needed basis and periodically check where your feet might be on that path to spirituality through the continued practice of exercises, rites, rituals, and spellwork focused on that purpose. Spirituality isn’t a “once and done” business—it is a growing, blossoming vortex of energy within yourself. In this part I gave you several major concepts to work with—the pentacle and the rose, focusing on your sacred journey; the infinite crystal empowerment material that urges you to look at manipulating energy in a different way; the Witch’s pentacle, a unique talisman for planting the seeds of success in your life using your level of knowledge and your personal creativity; and the White Magick concept. Finally, we worked with a familiar symbol that is not necessarily magickal—but is, in its own way, mysterious (the skull and crossbones)—and provided a protective symbol for you to analyze and build into your own working. I deliberately chose methods from different cultures to remind you to always look outside of the box.
