
In Barcelona, Catalan (Català) has more or less taken over from Castilian (Castellano) Spanish as the language on street signs and maps. On paper it looks like a cross between French and Spanish and is generally easy to read if you know those two. Few visitors realize how important Catalan is to those who speak it: never commit the error of calling it a dialect. Despite the preponderance of the Catalan language you’ll get by perfectly well in Spanish as long as you’re aware of the use of Catalan in timetables, on menus, and so on. However you’ll generally get a good reception if you at least try communicating in the local language.


Don’t be tempted to use the few rules of Spanish pronunciation you may know – in particular the soft Spanish Z and C don’t apply, so unlike in the rest of Spain, the city is not Barthelona but Barcelona, as in English.

a as in hat if stressed, as in alone when unstressed.

e varies, but usually as in get.

i as in police.

ig sounds like the “tch” in the English scratch; lleig (ugly) is pronounced “yeah-tch”.

o a round, full sound, when stressed, otherwise like a soft U sound.

u somewhere between the U of put and rule.

ç sounds like an English S; plaça is pronounced “plassa”.

c followed by an E or I is soft; otherwise hard.

g followed by E or I is like the “zh” in Zhivago; otherwise hard.

h is always silent.

j as in the French “Jean”.

l.l is best pronounced (for foreigners) as a single L sound; but for Catalan speakers it has two distinct L sounds.

ll sounds like an English Y or LY, like the “yuh” sound in million.

n as in English, though before F or V it sometimes sounds like an M.

ny corresponds to the Castilian Ñ.

qu before E or I sounds like K; before A or O, or if the U has an umlaut (Ü), sounds like KWE, as in quit.

r is rolled, but only at the start of a word; at the end it’s often silent.

t is pronounced as in English, though sometimes it sounds like a D; as in viatge or dotze.

v at the start of a word sounds like B; in all other positions it’s a soft F sound.

w is pronounced like a B/V.

x is like SH or CH in most words, though in some, like exit, it sounds like an X.

z is like the English Z in zoo.

Words and phrases


Yes, No, OK Si, No, Val

Please, Thank you Si us plau, Gràcies

Hello, Goodbye Hola, Adéu

Good morning Bon dia

Good afternoon/night Bona tarde/nit

See you later Fins després

Sorry Ho sento

Excuse me Perdoni

I (don’t) understand (No) Ho entenc

Do you speak English? Parleu anglès?

Where? When? Dónde? Cuando?

What? How much? Què? Quant?

Here, There Aquí, Allí/Allá

This, That Això, Allò

Open, Closed Obert, Tancat

With, Without Amb, Sense

Good, Bad Bo(na), Dolent(a)

Big, Small Gran, Petit(a)

Cheap, Expensive Barat(a), Car(a)

I want Vull (pronounced “vwee”)

I’d like Voldria

Do you know? Vostès saben?

I don’t know No sé

There is (Is there?) Hi ha(?)

What’s that? Què és això?

Do you have…? Té…?

Today, Tomorrow Avui, Demà


Do you have a room? Té alguna habitació?

…with two beds//double bed …amb dos llits/llit per dues persones

…with shower/bath …amb dutxa/bany

It’s for one person (two people) Per a una persona (dues persones)

For one night (one week) Per una nit (unasetmana)

It’s fine, how much is it? Esta bé, quant és?

Don’t you have anything cheaper? En té de més bon preu?

Directions and transport

How do I get to…? Per anar a…?

Left, Right A l’esquerra, A la dreta

Straight on Tot recte

Where is…? On és…?

…the bus station …l’estació de autobuses

…the train station …l’estació

…the nearest bank …el banc més a prop

…the post office …l’oficina de correus

…the toilet …la toaleta

Where does the bus De on surt el

to…leave from? autobús a…?

Is this the train for Aquest tren va a

Barcelona? Barcelona?

I’d like a (return) ticket to… Voldria un bitlet (d’anar i tornar) a…

What time does it leave (arrive in)? A quina hora surt (arriba a)?

Days of the week

Monday dilluns

Tuesday dimarts

Wednesday dimecres

Thursday dijous

Friday divendres

Saturday dissabte

Sunday diumenge

Months of the Year

January Gener

February Febrer

March Març

April Abril

May Maig

June Juny

July Juliol

August Agost

September Setembre

October Octobre

November Novembre

December Desembre


1 un(a)

2 dos (dues)

3 tres

4 quatre

5 cinc

6 sis

7 set

8 vuit

9 nou

10 deu

11 onze

12 dotze

13 tretze

14 catorze

15 quinze

16 setze

17 disset

18 divuit

19 dinou

20 vint

21 vint-i-un

30 trenta

40 quaranta

50 cinquanta

60 seixanta

70 setanta

80 vuitanta

90 novanta

100 cent

101 cent un

200 dos-cents (dues-centes)

500 cinc-cents

1000 mil

Menu reader

Basic words

Esmorzar To have breakfast

Dinar To have lunch

Sopar To have dinner

Ganivet Knife

Forquilla Fork

Cullera Spoon

Taula Table

Ampolla Bottle

Got Glass

Carta Menu

Sopa Soup

Amanida Salad

Entremesos Hors d’oeuvres

Truita Omelette

Entrepà Sandwich

Torrades Toast

Tapes Tapas

Mantega Butter

Ous Eggs

Pa Bread

Olives Olives

Oli Oil

Vinagre Vinegar

Sal Salt

Pebre Pepper

Sucre Sugar

El compte The bill

Sóc vegetarià/ I’m a vegetarian

Catalan specialities

Amanida Catalana Salad served with sliced meats (sometimes cheese)

Arròs a banda Rice with seafood, the rice served separately

Arròs a la marinera Paella: rice with seafood and saffron

Arròs negre “Black rice”, cooked in squid ink

Bacallà a la llauna Salt cod baked with garlic, tomato and paprika

Botifarra (amb mongetes) Grilled Catalan pork sausage (with stewed haricot beans)

Calçots Large char-grilled spring onions

Canelons Cannelloni, baked pasta with ground meat and béchamel sauce

Conill all i oli Rabbit with garlic mayonnaise

Crema Catalana Crème caramel, with caramelized sugar topping

Escalivada Grilled aubergine/eggplant, pepper/capsicum and onion

Espinacs a la Catalana Spinach cooked with raisins and pine nuts

Esqueixada Salad of salt cod with peppers/capsicums, tomatoes, onions and olives

Estofat de vedella Veal stew

Faves a la Catalana Stewed broad beans, with bacon and botifarra

Fideuà Short, thin noodles (the width of vermicelli) served with seafood

Fuet Catalan salami

Llenties guisades Stewed lentils

Mel i mató Curd cheese and honey

Pa amb tomàquet Bread (often grilled), rubbed with tomato, garlic and olive oil

Pollastre al cava Chicken with cava sauce

Pollastre amb gambes Chicken with prawns

Postres de músic Cake of dried fruit and nuts

Salsa Romesco Spicy sauce (with chillis, nuts, tomato and wine), often served with grilled fish

Samfaina Ratatouille-like stew (onions, peppers/capsicum, aubergine/eggplant, tomato), served with salt cod or chicken

Sarsuela Fish and shellfish stew

Sípia amb mandonguilles Cuttlefish with meatballs

Suquet de peix Fish and potato casserole

Xató Mixed salad of olives, salt cod, preserved tuna, anchovies and onions

Cooking terms

Assortit Assorted

Al forn Baked

A la brasa Char-grilled

Fresc Fresh

Fregit Fried

A la romana Fried in batter

All i oli Garlic mayonnaise

A la plantxa Grilled

En escabetx Pickled

Rostit Roast

Salsa Sauce

Saltat Sautéed

Remenat Scrambled

Del temps Seasonal

Fumat Smoked

A l’ast Spit-roasted

Al vapor Steamed

Guisat Stewed

Farcit Stuffed


Pastís Cake

Formatge Cheese

Flam Crème caramel

Gelat Ice cream

Arròs amb llet Rice pudding

Tarta Tart

Yogur Yoghurt


Cervesa Beer

Vi Wine

Xampan/cava Champagne

Cafè amb llet Large white coffee

Cafè tallat Small white coffee

Descafeinat Decaf

Te Tea

Xocolata Drinking chocolate

Granissat Crushed ice drink

Llet Milk

Orxata Tiger nut drink

Aigua Water

Aigua mineral Mineral water

Zumo Juice

Fish and seafood/Peix i marisc

Anxoves/Seitons Anchovies

Calamarsets Baby squid

Orada Bream

Cloïses Clams

Cranc Crab

Sipia Cuttlefish

Lluç Hake

Llagosta Lobster

Rap Monkfish

Musclos Mussels

Pop Octopus

Gambes Prawns

Navalles Razor clams

Salmó Salmon

Bacallà Salt cod

Sardines Sardines

Llobarro Sea bass

Llenguado Sole

Calamars Squid

Peix espasa Swordfish

Tonyina Tuna


Poma Apple

Plàtan Banana

Raïm Grapes

Meló Melon

Taronja Orange

Pera Pear

Maduixes Strawberries

Meat and poultry/Carn i aviram

Bou Beef

Embotits Charcuterie

Pollastre Chicken

Xoriço Chorizo sausage

Pernil serrà Cured ham

Llonganissa Cured pork sausage

Costelles Cutlets/chops

Ànec Duck

Pernil dolç Ham

Xai/Be Lamb

Fetge Liver

Llom Loin of pork

Mandonguilles Meatballs

Porc Pork

Conill Rabbit

Salsitxes Sausages

Cargols Snails

Bistec Steak

Llengua Tongue

Vedella Veal

Vegetables/Verdures i llegums

Carxofes Artichokes

Albergínia Aubergine/eggplant

Faves Broad/lima beans

Carbassó Courgette/zucchini

All Garlic

Mongetes Haricot beans

Llenties Lentils

Xampinyons Mushrooms

Cebes Onions

Patates Potatoes

Espinacs Spinach

Tomàquets Tomatoes

Bolets Wild mushrooms

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