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Light shined in
on the dorm room of two lucky guys and their satisfied guests.
In came a new day, on new friends.
In Al’s room the dust had settled and cleared. All that was going on in there was serious snoring. Hours of his nosy breathing hadn’t bother Wanda. She still took it as a victory.
Wanda was feeling too comfortable. She wanted to stay in that bed with that man all day. But she knew that wasn’t happening. She, and her road partner, had to work that afternoon. She was happy that neither had to be there until two.
She decided to take a quick shower and do the honors of making breakfast.
“You a sexy motherfucker,” Al said.
“I thought you were sleeping,” she blushed.
“Shit move in this room and I am ready for action and damage.”
“Tough guy.”
He fixed the pillow so he could turn his back to her, “From The Bronx, baby. That’s how we live it. Alive. Always.”
“I am going to go freshen up.”
“Give me that thong. Just like it is.”
In the cozy living room, Ryan awoke first. He moved a bit to find Kennita was spooned into him and he so liked it. He looked over her sexy body, still clothed, and had to marvel that they fit on the couch, even though he was awaking with aches and pains. It was worth it, he’d tell you. A very refined torture.
The light noise of someone handling pots and pans in the kitchen could not be his roomie, no way. Al cooking meant pork chops and peeled potatoes in one pot of water set to boil. Nothing else. And it wasn’t dinner time. Breakfast for him was either a grain bar or Eggos. It had to be the sex Goddess. It was cool she didn’t mind cooking for them, he thought, then he hoped she was in there cooking for all of them, not just the man that had rocked her world all day and all night long.
Ryan decided to get himself up and do a quick shower before his honey woke. He walked to the back of the apartment and Al’s door being ajar caught his eye. The sound of Al snoring like an old man after a few beers made him cringe, but the sight of Al wearing a thong made Ryan choke.
“Sweet baby Jesus...”
Ryan closed the door and continued on to his bedroom shaking his head.
Back in the living room, Kennita was fully awake, sitting up, and alone. She lay for a moment on the couch, disoriented and a bit sluggish. Her eyes were burning from lack of sleep. She felt numb, her limbs refused to function.
Also she was in deeply in like. It was morning, she thought incredibly. She had spent the night with a man she had just met. Wow.
And, they had been close and entwined through the night. It was very nice, she had to admit. His smell, his body, his hair, his flesh was always on her. She felt his flaccid penis against her body, first on her, then her thigh and on her back it grew and thickened. Ryan’s arm was draped over her mid-section, not too tight. He had her in a security hold, his arm around her as if to hold her from rolling off the sofa, she thought.
She said a little prayer, thanking the Lord for Ryan; for his kindness and patience.
He slept well, she thought, but she didn’t. She barely slept. A mixture of nervous excitement kept her on edge. She wanted to tell him she loved him. She wanted to hear him say it. She wanted to be with him forever. And she wanted to be strong enough to take it if he still only wanted to be friends. After all, she reminded herself, this was Atlanta, home of a hundred fine girls to a million females that would do whatever for a single man.
She’d been dreaming she was back home with her mother making a peach cobbler. She and her mom hadn’t done that together in two years. What did the dream mean? She couldn’t figure it out. But her mind switched over into her mom so not approving of the night she spent sleeping, hugged up on some boy she hadn’t yet met.
A streak of panic followed. She could see her mother worried. She hadn’t called her and told her she wouldn’t be home. Spending the night out was cool, Kennita had many close, female, friends who loved sleepovers, but not informing her mom where she was was so not cool. Oh, and her mother would be so angry if she could see her now, even though Kennita’s pants had not been opened all night.
Then came the imagery of her mom lecturing about not giving up the booty too soon after meeting a guy...not that moms would put it just that way. She had been right. It didn’t work out very well for Kennita the last time she felt attracted and comfortable enough with a man she barely knew and gave him some.
She thought about what her mom had told her, “A woman who controls her passions and walks with a sensitive conscience before the Lord is attractive to a man. In a world where women have become more liberal, uninhibited, and overtly aggressive than ever before, a truly Godly woman is a precious commodity, even to men who are in the world.”
So through that logic, Ryan must love me something fierce.
She had to smile at that thought. But then she came back to dealing with her mother and not calling. She could easily tell her mother she had gotten tipsy out and stayed the night at Wanda’s. It’s had happened before. And that was just what she did. She sat up and got her cell phone out of her pants and phoned in.
Ryan returned to the smell of bacon frying and scrambled eggs in butter. He found Kennita sitting up. She was saying good-bye to her mom and pressed her phone off away from her ear and put in down next to her on the couch.
“Hey. Good morning,” he said softly.
“Good morning.” She saw that he had toiletries.
“I have a towel and wash cloth for you. And your own personal bar of soap.”
“Thank you.”
“I don't know what them two might have done to the soap.”
She smiled. She stood and kissed Ryan lightly on his cheek, pushing up on her toes to reach. She took her purse and the toiletries.
“You want something to put on? Something to wear today?”
“Don’t tell me you have female clothes?”
“No, no, just...just offering.”
“No, I’m cool,” she smiled at making him squirm. But she was sure that if she indeed found female clothes in his room, it was going out in the trash.
Ryan sighed as she leaves. The sight of her going was nice. But he didn’t want her gone. He wanted her in his room, alone, in his bed, naked. He wanted to love her, show her love and be her man.
Not long, Kennita returned clean, redressed, her hair done. She found the living room empty and decided to go to his room, and the thought of catching him nude intrigued her-for a second.
Kennita knocked softly.
“Hey. Come in. I am almost decent.”
Kennita pushed in smiling like a brand new person. ”You are very decent,” she said. And she kept moving into the room.
Ryan had on fresh sweatpants and a wife-beater. He had a T-shirt in his hands, manipulating it in preparation to put it over his head.
Damn, his arms, she thought. Strong. They held her nicely. It was a nice enough sight, almost as good as seeing him totally nude.
She came close to him. He could smell Dial on sweet, freshly clean skin. She kissed him without their bodies touching. She said, “Ryan. Thanks for being cool.”
“Anytime. All the time.”
“All the time?” her eyes were ablaze.
Ryan couldn’t look at her dead on. She was too fine, too on fire and she had too much of his heart.
“What?” She sighed.
“You, that’s what.”
Kennita had never wanted to kiss a man so badly in her life. She didn’t care that they were in his room. She didn’t care he might go all out to get her loving. All she could think was that she was leaving and her heart was already aching.
“Can I ask...” she stopped herself. “Sorry.”
“That’s you. I love it.”
A rosy blush spread her face, her teeth showing. “Okay, okay.” She looked him in the eye and said, “What are your plans after school?”
“I don't know. I'd love to sign a deal and play pro, but I don't know. I got a couple of months before that and I want to enjoy them and then be grown.”
“Do you miss the fact that you didn't sign that deal instead of going to college?”
“Sometimes. But then I think that if I play like I can, maybe I'd get a chance to sign with the Yankees after I graduate.”
“The Yankees?”
“That's my team. South Bronx. The Bronx Bombers.”
She laughed at his explosion of delight. “What about the Braves?”
“I don't want to say never, but they would have to offer me so much money that I would be blinded by zeroes.”
“I bet you would.”