Add background tones to basic shapes to create the realism found in nature. Follow along to create the sphere and the egg. I used a border around each drawing to make it simpler.
You will follow the same set of steps to create both objects. The only difference is that the egg must be drawn freehand.
.5mm mechanical pencil with 2B lead
kneaded eraser
smooth bristol paper
With a ruler, draw a perfect square on your paper. The size is up to you. Using a template or object, draw a circle towards the bottom of the square. With your ruler, create a line to represent a tabletop behind the sphere. Add the cast shadow to the darkest area (below the sphere). It does not go up as far as the table line. Add the shadow edge to the left side. Be sure the reflected light shows along the edge of the sphere.
Add tone behind the sphere with your pencil. The background is darker on the left side. You can see how the darkness here creates the light edge of the shape. Remember, let your dark create the light! Deepen the tones of the shadow edge allowing it to get lighter as it moves up. Be sure to follow the curve of the shape to continue creating the form.
Use blending to finish the sphere. Start with the background tone. Blend, then deepen it with your pencil again and blend once more. Add some light tone to the table with your pencil and blend. Allow the cast shadow to soften into it. Deepen the tone of the cast shadow after blending. Look at how the reflected light shows along the sphere’s edge. Allow the tones to fade into the full light area in the middle right side.