Draw a fox in his natural setting using the step-by-step procedure. Use the grid method to capture the shapes on your drawing paper.
.5mm mechanical pencil with 2B lead
kneaded eraser
smooth bristol paper
Use the grid method to draw the shapes one box at a time.
Use only the kneaded eraser when removing grid lines. The other erasers may leave scuff marks that will show in your drawing, especially when you try to blend in those areas.
When you are sure of the accuracy of your drawing, carefully remove the grid lines with a kneaded eraser to reveal your line drawing.
Apply the patterns of light and dark to the background. The direction of your pencil lines is important to creating the surfaces you are drawing. Make vertical lines to depict the grass. Make the lines under the fox horizontal to create the ground.
Apply the patterns of light and dark to the fox. Notice the reflected light along the back of the fox. Because of the light edges on the fox, place in the surrounding elements first. This allows the dark to create the light.
Once these patterns of light and dark have been created, you will see the form of the fox begin to stand out. Also note the cylinder shapes in the fox’s body and legs.
Finish the drawing by building the tones and textures with your pencil. Blend the tones out as you work and continue building on top. By blending, you lose the bright white of the paper, giving the drawing more depth.
Once the depth of tone is achieved, use a kneaded eraser to lift out the effects of sunlight. Use the eraser to lift the highlights out of the fox’s fur as well. Keep building the tones until you achieve extreme contrast.