Draw a Lily Frog

There are many details to capture in this drawing, and the close-up view exaggerates them even further.


.5mm mechanical pencil with 2B lead

kneaded eraser


smooth bristol paper


Step One: Grid the Flower and Frog

Use the grid method to draw the flower and the frog. Draw what you see one box at a time. Because this is a close-up, there are many lines and lots of details to capture. Go slowly and be as accurate as possible.

Step Two: Remove the Grid Lines

When you are sure of the accuracy of your drawing, carefully remove the grid lines from your paper with a kneaded eraser. This is what your accurate line drawing should look like. Do not start adding any tones until you have this drawing right.

Step Three: Block In the Shapes

This stage of the drawing can get confusing, so pay close attention to the example. There are many overlapping shapes and subsequent shadows. I call this the “blocking in stage.”

Fill in the darkest areas of the drawing with your pencil. Study this example closely, and lay in the shapes like a puzzle. Pay attention to the direction of the pencil lines—they help create the curve of the flower petals.

STEP Four: Blend Out the Tones

Blend out the tones so everything looks smooth. Because of the overlapping petals and surfaces, there is a lot of reflected light along the edges. There is also light along the edges of the stamens.