Every time I come to the end of a book, I feel the same way—I wish I could go further. I wish I could do more. Never have I felt that sentiment more than with this book. I love wildlife illustration!
I have a banner in my studio with a favorite quote I came up with: “There is never a lack of subject matter, just absence of creativity.” (Think about it!) Everything I look at has artistic possibility for me. Every time I turn around, it seems something is begging to be drawn. I have literally thousands of photo references waiting for me, and I keep taking more. If this is the definition of artistic obsession, I hope to never be cured!
I feel like the luckiest person in the world to be this obsessed with something so fun and to be able to make a living at it! No one said it would be easy though, and it really hasn’t been. I have worked tirelessly to achieve my goals. It has taken years and years to hone my skills.
Hopefully you have gained valuable information from this book. I hope it inspires you to practice as much as I do. If you do, I know you will succeed. It will not always be easy, nor will it always be fun, but it will always be rewarding.
Thank you for allowing me to mentor you. I wish you all the luck in the world, and may the artistic obsession that I so love and enjoy take over in you as well!
Your friend,