THIS LONG AUGUST, ALL of Britain seems to drift, held aloft on wafts of dandelion and vanilla, the dazzling boom of bandstand brass. Each morning, the Express, the New Cross and the Mail vie for punning headlines and pictures of Modernist maidens in fountains, ice cream-smeared babies, fainting guardsmen. Everything, I had stupidly imagined, would be settled on my return from Scotland. Some great truth would be revealed. My book—somehow—would be written. I would die. But, with or without me, life seems intent on going on.
I keep my windows open day and night to admit what cool air there is into my rooms, and with it comes the scent of wisteria and hot stone, of the parched earth of our quad that has revealed the faint outline of some long-forgotten Saxon building in these near-drought days. I dream of killing Napoleon. I am surrounded by pointless history. After my illness in Scotland, I find that I am weaker. With the generosity that doctors reserve for the dying, I have been prescribed even bigger bottles of pain-killers, anti-inflammatories and some new wonder of Modernist science called penicillin. I am sure that they are all adding to the fevered warmth of this great Summer Isle. Now, I am able to accept the dizzying surges, the strange buzzings and twangings, the luminous dreams, the odd blurrings and shiftings of reality.
By any normal standards, my life’s work is already done. For most of the time, it didn’t seem like work at all—or even much of a life, for that matter. I walk on. I say my few lines. I walk off again. I am about to get started, then I finish. Most alarming of all is that I feel no more disappointment about myself than I would for a student who, whilst not inherently lazy, never quite achieves the things he might. In the great schemes of things, it scarcely matters.
Freed from the ties of being conventionally ill—a luxury that only the truly healthy can afford—I find that I remain remarkably active. I have asked Christlow, for example, to serve my breakfast a full hour earlier at quarter to seven. Then, by half past eight or nine at the latest I can manage to be fully dressed, my lungs coughed-out, my tablets taken, my limbs unstiffened, my eyes fully focused, my heartbeat and my breathing made almost regular. Thus aroused, I have taken a surprising number of trips out this August.
I have wandered, with the walking stick I now affect, the seafront at Brighton, and I have breathed the air fresh with sunlight and the cries of gulls that for me will always bring images of sandy limbs, salt-powdered fingers, the whispers of sun-dried lips; a giddy sense of erotic regret. I have taken the train back to my home town of Lichfield, and have walked along those strangely shrunken streets that are sweetly sticky with the smell of hot tarmac. I have looked over the low front wall of my mother’s house sold six years before, and I have noted the new pebbledash, the new window frames, the concrete path set with coloured glass. Hindleys’ Cake Shop where she worked is still there with what look like the same cakes displayed in the window, although there’s now a self-service tea shop at the back. The butcher’s shop above which Francis used to live has become a gent’s outfitters, and the window of the room where he used to sleep now bears the words FORMAL DRESS HIRE. The Scales is no longer a tanners’ pub—there aren’t any tanners left, these chemical days. On the lunchtime that I go into it, it’s filled with lads and lassies from all the nearby solicitors, accountants, banks, building societies, investment advisors, insurance brokers and estate agents. The women wear suits much like the men. They drink the same drinks, laugh at the same jokes.
My old school is the one place where I could be certain of recognition; which is why I avoid it. Instead, I take the bus in search of Burntwood Charity. But there is no sign of the school where I started my career—or even of the road that led to it with fields on the far side, or of the pit wheels. The whole place consists of nothing but houses and a vast new comprehensive school.
I have also, by the more complex routes that travelling east-west in this country always involve, re-visited Louth. The taxi ride out from the town to the Eveleighs’ old house seems far longer than I ever remembered the walk being, and even here the sun is out, baking the Lincolnshire Wolds, evaporating what little remains of my memories. But the house is still there at the end of its long drive, although with the bluish look of a colour photograph left out too long in the sun.
“Might as well have a good look now we’ve come this far,” says the taxi driver as he pulls through the gate. He parks on the new gravel amid a scatter of other cars, and a brisk grey-haired woman comes charging out from the doorway.
“So good that you could come,” she says, opening the taxi door, shaking my hand. “I’m the Assistant Day Matron, Mrs. Larvin. Well—let’s not beat about the bush, shall we…?”
As I’m ushered inside and I notice that, yes, the inner hall does still smell faintly of galoshes and dog, I see that the house is now PRIMROSES NURSING HOME FOR THE ELDERLY.
“How long,” I ask, “has this been a nursing home?”
“I suppose,” says Mrs. Larvin, who clearly imagines I’m a prospective resident, “since the mid-twenties.”
“And before that, it was a private house?”
“As far as I know. Of course, it’s been completely re-furbished. Over here, we have our new self-operate lift. Some of our guests take a while to get used to it, but of course there’s nothing to be frightened of. You just press this button…”
Mrs. Larvin closes the brass trellis and we rise up with an electric buzzing, then she leads me along garishly-wallpapered corridors. The house is essentially the same, even if the clocks are no longer ticking, but it’s still an effort to keep my bearings. Old people draped in tartan rugs sit around in high-backed chairs in rooms where the walls have been knocked through into large communal areas. Many of these creatures wouldn’t look out of place in an Oxford fellows’ room, but the air here smells more like a school; faintly of stationery cupboards, faintly of cabbage, faintly of urine. The small second floor bedroom at the back of the house, which I express a special wish to see, is already allocated.
“Still,” Mrs. Larvin says, leaning on the same old heavy brass door handle with the dent in the middle. “I’m sure Mr. Edmunds will be pleased to see you.” She’s even mastered the trick that I did those years ago when I used to sleep here of giving the door a slight pull before pushing it open.
“Here we are!” She trills. “See—a visitor for you!”
Mr. Edmunds lies in his bed. The sunlight is indecently bright. He has the nose and cheekbones of an Egyptian mummy, and he’s clearly senile, incoherent, incontinent. Amazingly, amid the clutter of his life—pictures of relatives, several fine models of ships in glass cases, uneaten grapes and chocolates on his bedside table—the tall wardrobe that once contained Francis’s coats and shirts still stands in exactly the same place against the wall. I’d be tempted to open and take a look inside it if Mrs. Larvin wasn’t at my shoulder. It would be no surprise to find Francis’s old jackets and school clothes still swaying and jangling on their metal hangers, that single lonely shoe.
“I suppose there are worse things than living too long…” I say to Mrs. Larvin as we breathe the fresher air outside Mr. Edmunds’s room again.
Mrs. Larvin gives me a look, then dabs her handkerchief to her brow. “We never give up. As long as you have life, as we say here at Primroses, there’s always something you can do with it. Now, if I could just show you our kitchens, of which we’re especially proud…”
Glancing out of a window at the wide lawns at the back of the house as she leads me along these disinfected ways, I notice that they’re still having problems with the moles. I finally make my departure just before tea is served, leaving promises that I’ll have a good think about coming here, and a false name and address.
Back in Louth, still probing at the past like a tongue burrowing a sore tooth, I visit the Town Library and spend a couple of hours in useless research. Just as in Oxford, just as in Lichfield, the census data and the voting lists and the rating and the parish records and pretty much every kind of document covering the period between the end of the War and the start of the thirties has been destroyed. Here, in fact, the scythes here have cut even deeper. Even the records of the records had gone, along with the spaces they were supposed to occupy. It’s as if a whole decade has vanished entirely.
With an hour still left to kill before the next Peterborough train, I end up wandering around St James’s Church. I can’t remember ever seeing this gloriously light and tall spire before when it wasn’t truncated by clouds and rain. The graveyard here filled up centuries ago, and there’s little room left now to commemorate the descendants of the ancient vergers and worthies who rest here, although there’s a corner by the outer wall—grubby, seems to me, with wilting flowers and a sense of deaths so recent that they have yet to be cloaked by history—where a few recent additions have squeezed in. Scanning the names and dates, I discover one that reads:
The stone is plain polished granite, thick and deeply chiselled. It feels cold even in this heat. And it just sits there. No flowers. No sign that anyone has ever come to pay their respects. I lean against it as the warm air swarms around me and the sky presses down.
Mrs. Eveleigh must have died the year after I last saw her, probably in the flu epidemic that ended up killing more people in a single winter than we humans could manage in four years of industrialised slaughter. And Mr. Eveleigh only lasted for another couple of years after that—I doubt if managing a bank in the early twenties, which meant closing companies, calling in the bailiff, would have given him much reason to carry on…
When the train from Louth to Peterborough finally arrives, it has to be re-routed because this summer heat has buckled the main line rails. So instead I travel slowly and single-track through the late afternoon, and end up beached on the platform of a rural station with the faint promise of an eventual Oxford-bound train. There, talking to the lonely station master, a round-faced man whose body bulges gently from the gaps between the buttons and joins of his uniform like rising dough, we surprise each other by giving off signs that we are available.
The station is empty; the rails stretch down through Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire amid nodding scoops of cow parsley and wild fennel. The pigeons are cooing. The air seems joined to the sky. We stand up from our bench and move off towards the tin heat of his office. He checks timetables before closing its shutters, then pulls some bell-and-wire mechanism—ping, ping—to send a message down the line. For once, there is no fear and no hurry. He helps me remove my clothing, and then removes his own. We stand naked as babies, anticipatorily erect whilst the seaside faces smile down at us from the walls. SKEGNESS IS SO BRACING. BARMOUTH FOR MOUNTAIN SAND AND SEA. The moment is so perfect that it almost seems a shame to go on.
The promised train does eventually come, and the stationmaster and I make our farewells; bashful strangers once again. I gaze out of the carriage as the train rattles on and his seed slowly seeps out of me, almost crying. By Oxford and the weary walk back from the station, my mind is finally made up. For once in my life, I will do something.
If my new project is not to be like so many other things, I decide as I build a small fire in the grate of my rooms and begin to feed it with the pages of my book, I must be persistent and precise. I must be cold. I must be heartless.
Glowing fragments of paper dance up the chimney. Everything, after all, ends this way—the only question is how, and when. Napoleon, Peter The Great, Bismarck… The pages curl. The ink shows briefly pale, then fades to dry smoke and crackling heat. Already gone; mere history. All that’s left to change is now. And the future.
I feed in more of the paper, huge sheaves of it now that are already brown with age, crisp as leaves long ready for a bonfire. I rummage through my drawers for a tin of lighter fuel and squirt it, causing a great leap of flame. Soon, there’s barely anything left of my book to burn, and my life feels simpler already.
To Blackwells, then, and to the Bodleian, where much of the space made by those emptied shelves has been taken up by the plump spines of Modernist Literature. I pluck out armloads with titles like The Great Years, Man or Myth? A Hero’s Life and The World Vision. Some of the names on the front plates are familiar, as are some of the books. I could kick myself now for my silly acts of rebellion in refusing to keep the many complimentary or review copies that came my way. After all, I will need to gather as much information as I can, if I am to kill John Arthur.
Over the years, I have been visited by a fair number of authors, journalists and crackpots. My name often appears in their acknowledgements; Geoffrey Brook, for his invaluable help (a stilted pub lunch and a promise to “get back soon for a proper chat”). Yet, by confirming that I briefly taught John Arthur at Burntwood Charity, then refusing to make up any more stories beyond those that have already appeared in the Daily Sketch, I am the subject more of evasion than enlightenment within the actual pages. Not that it isn’t accepted that John Arthur wandered somewhat in his early years, but his accent remains distinctly South Yorkshire. Too great an emphasis on anywhere else would simply confuse his adoring public. Of course, John Arthur himself remains mute on the subject. When asked, he would no doubt profess amazement that anyone would even care about his background. That is why his people love him.
The commonly accepted truths about John Arthur’s upbringing are that he was born John Arthur of William and Mary Arthur on 21 October 1890 in a suitably pretty cottage (now open to the public) in Cornwall, not far from Tintagel. Mary Arthur died in childbirth, whilst William Arthur—a mysterious figure; the books try hard not make him seem shady—and his son ended up travelling up through Britain. William supported them both by working as a labourer and carpenter. His son didn’t regularly attend school; in fact, in the popular imagination, John Arthur never even lived in a house before the age of about twelve. He slept in barns, beneath hay ricks, under the stars. He sat on milestones gazing into the future.
Most curious of all to me as a historian is the welter of documentary proof that supports these quasi-truths. There are birth certificates, marriage certificates, wage slips, baby shawls and cribs, even actual chairs that William Arthur supposedly crafted. It all seems like a deliberate ploy, but more likely, a few forgeries, hopes and mistakes, and some quite genuine references, have all been stirred up by the Greater British consciousness to make one satisfying whole. In the more farfetched books, you even find pictures of John Arthur hand-prints in stones, John Arthur hawthorns that lean against the prevailing wind, miraculous John Arthur wells and John Arthur graveyards sporting naturally-formed Modernist crosses; phenomena which have shaken off their previous associations with some saint just as easily as they shook off the pagan gods who came before them.
A small link with Burntwood is generally made along the lines of: William Arthur set about learning his new trade as a miner in a pit (now-disused) in Southern Staffordshire, where John also briefly attended school before heading north to the South Yorkshire village of Raughton. The famous pit at Raughton has also closed—except to tourists. The miners’ sons and daughters now work happily behind the counters of fish and chip shops, gift shops, museums, pubs and guest houses. Here, for all I know, is where a boy called John Arthur really did spend his adolescence. Here is where his father William died in a pit accident in 1911. There is, after all, a tombstone in the pretty local churchyard with his name on it.
By Dickensian twists and turns, John Arthur was adopted by an aunt who also happened, for reasons which are never fully explained, to live in Raughton. Mrs. Framley is still with us. White-haired and soft-voiced, full of country wisdom, she remains just about the only proper link with the John Arthur’s childhood.
At the age of 15, John Arthur went down the pit. At 18, he was working the roads. At 20, he went to night school in Nottingham. At 23, war intervened. John Arthur, by his own admission, was intense and argumentative. He wouldn’t have stood a chance in a peacetime army, but in war, in the mud, with real shells and bullets flying, people would have respected him. Uninterested in promotion, he would have been exactly the kind of squaddie whom the officers looked upon to take the lead. He was wounded first in Flanders in 1915, and then again and more seriously at the Somme. Back at the Front by mid 1917, finally promoted corporal, he famously won the George Cross at Ypres, yet somehow survived that and the confusion of defeat to return to England with his life and limbs intact.
By the agreed figures, John Arthur would have been 27 by then. The country was tired and run down. There were no jobs for him and his like to return to. After the fall of Lloyd George in the autumn of 1918, Baldwin’s weak coalition was the first of several enfeebled minority Governments. But, after the heroism, career-hopping and misty-eyed wandering, it is in these early post-War years that we glimpse the first undoubtedly true picture of John Arthur. He stands thin and bare-chested in a boxing ring with his hands raised, a useful light-weight boxer. After the hazy images and fairy glade woodcuts, the face is unmistakably his as it stares out white-lit from grainy newsprint photos, surprised in victory, his ribs and belly sculpted, Christlike. Did he fight bare-knuckle as well? Did he do the fairs and bear-pits? Did he take backhanders for an easy fall? I think that, as a canny lad who was clearly in need of the money, the answer is probably yes. John Arthur was, by all accounts, a quick, ferocious fighter. Not that good technically (he started too late) but hard to beat, controlled and yet driven. His trade probably took him abroad—some travelling show—as I doubt if he had any ties. You can see him wandering amid the circus tents pitched in some field outside Paris, the scents and the stirrings of the caged lions and elephants…
There I go. It’s almost impossible not to be swallowed up by the myth of John Arthur. But then, the myth probably tells us more about the man than the truth ever could. I’m starting to wonder, in fact, if the truth is ever worth telling.
One evening, my college principal Cumbernald comes to my rooms unasked. He stretches out in one of the two chairs facing the fireplace and companionably beckons me to join him in the other.
“Sorry to hear you’ve been ill,” he says. “Nothing serious, I hope.”
“It’s really just a recurrence of the thing I had before.”
Cumbernald steeples his fingers. I wait for him to say more.
“Well, that’s good. Problem with Scotland is the damn rain. Worse than Oxford. Still, a holiday’s a holiday…”
“I imagine Tuscany was a little different.”
“Quite marvellous, actually.” He smiles at the memory. Cumbernald was brown before he went. Now, he runs the risk of being mistaken for an Indian—which is not to be taken lightly these days. “Can’t say I’m glad to be back.”
I study him as he brings me up to date with what’s been going on here at college, which is all the usual back-biting midsummer rubbish.
“So we’ll fade out most of the stuff about the French Revolution. Definitely no question in Mods this year…”
Faced with the body of an actual human adult male, my resolution to kill John Arthur seems less simple. People are such big beasts when you look at them—Cumbernald probably weighs as much as a stag. Poison, even as Cumbernald sips the tea I’ve poured him, would be technical and messy even if I were able to get hold of the necessary chemicals. And a bomb requires know-how, the help of an experienced group. A knife appeals to me because of its simplicity and theatricality—I’ve always had a soft spot for Charlotte Corday—but I’m not even very good at carving chicken. Or I could use a gun.
“—by the way,” I say, interrupting, “you’ll have to do without me for the first week or so of Michaelmas.”
Bang bang. Scurrying KSG officers. The salty drift of cordite and smoke. Not Charlotte Corday as she plunged her knife into Marat whilst he bathed, but Gavrilo Princip and the Archduke Ferdinand, John Wilkes Booth and Lincoln.
“Oh really, Brook? Well, as you know we’re quite generous with time out of term. So I’m not sure that—”
“—I have a personal invitation to the Trafalgar Day celebrations from John Arthur.” I reach for the wad of papers that arrived soon after his letter with detailed itineraries, a gold-leaf embossed invitation, confirmation of four days booked at the New Dorchester. “Of course, the actual day itself is also his fiftieth birthday…”
“Yes? Indeed…” Cumbernald studies the papers. He swallows audibly as he hands them back. “I’m sure that we can manage without you for a week or so, Brook. In fact, I’m certain you’ll have a splendid time. No problem. No problem at all.”
He stands up, laying a hand on my shoulder before I can pull away. “But you’re still looking a bit peaky. My theory is that with all the stresses and strains of Varsity life these days, one holiday in a summer simply isn’t enough. To be honest, I find the Italians rather greasy…” His fingers squeeze my thin flesh as he gazes at me. “So Eileen and the children and I, we have a chalet at this place outside Ross on Wye. It’s very clean, very friendly, very smart. All very modern. We’re always saying there’s room enough to fit in at least one interesting guest. Anyway, we get bored on our own—married life, you know… So I was wondering, Brook… I’ve been meaning to ask… If you might not fancy…?”
Walter Bracken is also back from a summer holiday of sorts, which consisted of trudging up and down various hills in the Lake District in dubbined boots. There, apparently, even on this of all summers, it’s been raining. His sister came around to my rooms one morning to advise me of his return, picking up things and laying them down again as if looking for dust whilst she reminded me of my promise to be a friend to him—especially as she’s off to York for a few weeks.
I’m more than happy to agree: now that my plans have begun to crystallise, I’d be glad for any excuse to contact Bracken. When I speak to him on the phone, he suggests we meet at his college, but I steer him back towards the cottage at Old Marston, and that long shed.
As we sit playing cribbage in the nearby Bricklayers Arms, Bracken seems pale, quieter and glummer than ever. Perhaps, I think, he really does share my vice, my curse, my attraction. Perhaps in some other world, in some different time and place, he and I might have found ways of physically consoling each other. But this is here. This is now. When I mention I’m going to London in October, he tells me I should visit the Shot Tower at Woolwich before they pull it down, then shakes his head and splits a matchstick with his thumbnail as if struck by a sense of pointlessness.
“Has your principal been on to you about this project of ours?” he asks eventually.
“Not really. Has yours?”
“I think that’s probably an end to it. Anyway, I won’t be around for much longer…” He suddenly sinks his pint. “I’ve been asked to move. Well, asked isn’t quite the right word.”
“Is it what you were saying before? This thing in Australia?”
“Basically…” He suppresses a belch. “Yes.”
“That can’t be so bad, can it?”
He gives me a look, then trips on my walking stick as he heads off to get us both another pint of lukewarm Wadworths.
“What does this mean for your other work?” I ask, steering him back from the glum silence that has descended over us a pint or so later, and deeply conscious of the weight that I’m carrying in my inside jacket pocket. “The Humane Bullet.”
“That’s nearly done.”
“Can I take a look? I mean, this afternoon…”
He shrugs, rocking the table with his big body, half-spilling his beer. For our own separate reasons, we both seem to be intent on getting slightly drunk today.
“Let’s go then, shall we?”
I follow him out. After the darkness of the bar, it’s a surprise to return to this summer afternoon where the air is specked with tiny black flies disturbed by the harvest and an informal cricket match is in progress on a field beside St Nicholas’s church. No run! Mannish laugher. The rap of wood on leather.
The cottage is in the kind of mess I’d imagined Bracken would create in Ursula’s absence. There are socks strewn in the hall, and an uneaten lump of bacon lies glued to the frying pan in the kitchen. As he opens the back door, I notice a stack of unopened long brown envelopes stuffed beside a dead begonia on the window ledge. HMSO. One of them looks like a telegram.
Still, I admire his blank gaze as he adjusts the gun vice in the long shed with his warty hands, then drags a piece of pig out from the fridge. After all the vagaries of history, I envy the certainties of his graphs and figures.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying this,” I begin, “but I still don’t understand what your objection is to taking this new job. After all, Oxford these days really isn’t the place for someone who’s interested in facts.”
He pulls a wire he’s rigged up now to work from a longer distance. Blam. The blue pig at the far end rocks back and forth. The teletypes chatter.
“I suppose,” he says, “that you imagine one device for killing people is much like another? You think this work here is bad enough, so I really shouldn’t have any problem with doing something similar? After all, that’s what we scientists are about, isn’t it? Making bigger bombs. Look at Alfred Nobel…”
I gaze back at him through the smoke, my ears still ringing from the shot. “I just don’t understand what you’re afraid of.”
“The future, I suppose.”
“It’s there, anyway, though, isn’t it? Whatever it is, it’s waiting for somebody to take hold of it.”
“I used to think that,” Bracken says, writing numbers as he speaks, then suddenly pressing his pencil down hard enough to splinter the tip. “I used to believe that my work with the Humane Bullet was something someone else would do anyway even if I didn’t. It’s the prostitute’s old excuse…”
“You don’t see it like that now?”
He gives the paper one last jagged dot. “The Humane Bullet is new research as far as I can tell. It’s all been battle reports and autopsies before now. And it’s there, I’ve found the Humane Bullet—a thousand different ones, anyway. And at the moment, I’m really the only person who understands what it is. Of course, I have to file reports with assessors and the War Office to justify the grants, but that’s just paperwork. Nobody reads them. Now I’ve done it, now it’s there, I can’t help wondering if there isn’t some way to unmake it.”
Silence hangs between us. Even the pigeons on the roof have stopped cooing.
“Of course,” he adds, clattering around in his toolbox. “That’s probably unlikely…”
The afternoon slips by, and I begin to get a headache from the noise and the bad air and too much lunchtime beer. As the smoke finally starts to clear and he begins to sweep up the cartridges, I know that I must seize my moment.
“I haven’t been too well lately,” I say—I think—carelessly enough. But Bracken immediately stops and looks at me from over the handle of his broom. In the few long bands of afternoon sunlight that penetrate the room, with the ghosts of smoke, the deep brown shadows, the spoiled carcasses, the gleam of the cartridges and the grey of gunmetal, the scene already has a monumental quality. A painting that schoolchildren might look at on a day trip to the art gallery in some changed future. BROOK AND BRACKEN DISCUSS THE DEATH OF JOHN ARTHUR.
“The fact of the matter is, ah, Walter, that I’m dying. Hence this cough. Hence this bloody walking stick. It’s lung cancer, and it’s inoperable. I still don’t feel too bad really, all things considered. As long as I take the tablets…”
The few flies that have found their way into the shed have settled on the spoiled meat in busy silence. Outside, the pigeons are cooing again, the sparrows are rattling their feet on the roof. I can even hear faint shouts as the cricket match over on the green comes to its rowdy conclusion.
“But when my time comes,” I continue, “there’s no pretending it’ll be anything less than ugly.” Reaching into my pocket—slowly, deliberately, the way people to do in films—I produce Francis’s pistol. “I’d like to be in control of my own destiny,” I say as I begin to unwrap it from a grubby handkerchief. “There was a friend of mine. He died in the War. This came back as part of his belongings…”
I’d planned to say more, to concoct a story about how fitting it would be for me to kill myself with this particular weapon. And I’d expected some reaction. That—I don’t know—he’d be shocked, or knowing. That he’d care, or that he wouldn’t care. That, even, we might even hug, touch, if only briefly, and share our weary male humanity. But at this point Bracken simply leans his broom against the wall and takes the pistol from me. Metal clicks on metal as he spins out the wheel and inspects the barrel. His gaze is intent. Scientific.
“This hasn’t been used for a long time…” he says. “I’ll need to clean it.”
I watch in silence as he goes about wiping and rodding and oiling the pistol as simply as if it were just some bit of a car or a vacuum cleaner. Then he selects a brown box of cartridges, loads it, and places it in the vice facing the pig.
Blam blam blam blam blam
Even muffled by the lead-lined blanket he’s thrown over it, the air rings as he jerks the trigger wire. Startled flies cloud around the swaying meat.
“This is a Webley .45 Bulldog Revolver,” he says as he removes the pistol and cleans it again. “It’s pre-War. You probably noticed how it pulled off to the left, but it’s still in serviceable condition.” Click. “This is the catch. It’s a double-action, which means you can either pull the trigger all the way back like this.” Click. “Or you cock the hammer first and then squeeze. It’s a lot easier, if you’re not used to firearms, to cock it first. Otherwise there’s quite a lot of pressure on the trigger and you risk lifting the barrel up from the target.” Click. “Like that. Here…”
He shows me how to use the rod beneath the barrel to clear spent cartridges. Then, so intent that it’s him rather than the gun that now scares me, he makes me load the thing, and stand half-way down the cage, and hold it out, and aim at the blue pig and pull the trigger. Suddenly alive, the pistol tries to leap out of my sweaty palms, but by the fourth shot, the sensation of it going off is surprisingly ordinary. Guns, after all, are simply well-crafted bits of metal; it’s we humans who are strange and dangerous. Then he gives me a small box of cartridges. I count ten inside it.
“These are quite long. 200 grain. Snub-nosed, so they won’t travel as far as the ones you’ve just been firing, and they’re less accurate. But they’re especially, ah…”
I nod. He means lethal.
“You really must keep it locked away, Brook.”
I stare at Walter Bracken for a moment, still waiting for him to tell me that I should just hand the pistol back to him, and forget about ever using it. Still stupidly waiting for that touch, that sharedness, or for something to snap, for reality to intervene between me and my plans; for something to go wrong. But his gaze remains distant.
“I, ah, don’t know quite how to say this,” I begin eventually. “But when the time comes, I don’t want you to be implicated. You know. There’s bound to be some kind of inquest…”
“That’s alright,” he says, turning away from me as be begins to lock up. “I’ll be gone by then. The way things are now, I really don’t feel as though there’s any point in my resisting.”
I’m suddenly frail, damp, weak. Almost post-coital. The scene has lost all sense of monumentality. I need to get away.