Looks almost unbearably classy, tastes wonderful and lasts weeks in the freezer. (NB: This last claim has never been personally tested, owing to deliciousness of ice-cream cake and lack of willpower.)
Heat the oven to 170°C. In a bowl, mix together:
1 cup of plain flour
¼ cup of brown sugar
100 grams of butter, melted
½ cup of hazelnuts, reasonably finely chopped
Spread the nut mixture out evenly in a shallow baking dish and bake for 10–15 minutes until lightly toasted, stirring every couple of minutes.
While the nut mixture is toasting, combine in a bowl:
2 cups of chopped strawberries
2 egg whites
1 cup of sugar
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
Beat hard for 10 minutes with an electric beater, until light and fluffy. (Don’t forget to keep stirring the nut mixture, which will be only too ready to burn to a cinder if given half a chance.)
250 millilitres of cream
Fold the whipped cream into the fluffy strawberry mixture.
Line a round cake tin with baking paper and then spread two-thirds of the toasted nut mixture across the bottom. Spoon in the strawberry cream fluff, and sprinkle the rest of the nut mixture over the top. Freeze for at least a few hours, remove from the cake tin and serve in wedges.