Chapter 19

China stood next to the black Aston Martin that she’d just exited, fishing through her purse for her Ray-Bans. When she found them and retrieved the sunglasses from their case, she placed them over her eyes, shielding them from the sting of the sun. China folded her arms and stared at Joyce, who was taking her time about leaving the luxury vehicle.

“Girl, that’s one smooth ride,” she declared, adjusting the red romper she wore and pulling her sunglasses down from her head.

“Stop fidgeting with your clothes. You look fine,” China said, clicking the car’s alarm. “Let’s go.”

“Don’t hate because you have to wear the company’s uniform and can’t style out like yours truly.” Joyce laughed.

China looked down at her blue-jean shorts and white V-neck shirt with the company’s name and logo placed over her left breast. “I like what I’m wearing, thank you very much.”

“What’s the hurry? It’s barely four and this goes until ten.”

China waved. “I just don’t want to be late.”

Both women headed down a graveled walkway, a path that led them up a small hill toward three tents, two large and one small. Joyce was complaining about the small pieces of gravel getting in her sandals, while China gloated about being smart enough to wear tennis shoes.

“We’ve all been under a lot of stress. Today’s supposed to be fun, so try and enjoy yourself,” Joyce encouraged China.

“That’s the plan.”

“Good. Now, when do you get your car back? Because if I were you, I’d hold off as long as possible. Alexander’s is the bomb.”

“Ben says it’s ready now. When we leave here, we’ll swing by the office so I can pick it up,” China informed her.

“Yeah, about that...”

“What?” China asked, her eyes narrowed.

“I’m planning to catch a ride back with Lester.” Joyce’s face and eyes sparkled with joy.

“What, Lester is back?” China loved how her friend’s face lit up every time she mentioned her on-again, off-again crush.

Joyce nodded like a bobblehead doll. “All the offshore teams got back late last night. He’ll be here sometime later this evening.”

“So, you think you two can make it work this time?”

“We can always make it work.” Joyce laughed as she nudged her friend.

“You know what I’m saying.” China returned her friend’s nudge.

“Yeah, but not all of us are looking for a long-term commitment.”

“You sound like Alexander,” China murmured, her eyes lowered as her heart ached for the man she shouldn’t want.

“I’m just trying to enjoy whatever time we have together. Dating an offshore man isn’t easy. Speaking of not easy, I thought Jackson was coming.”

“He is. He just has to spend a few hours at the hospital first,” China explained.

“You better hurry up and deal with it,” Joyce declared.

“Deal with what?” China feigned ignorance.

“Whatever it is that’s holding you back from being with that good-looking man.”

China knew Joyce was right. She had to come to terms and deal with her feelings for Jackson and Alexander, regardless of the consequences.

Joyce stopped and marveled at the sight before them. China smiled without even looking up. The Kingsleys were known for their extravagant parties and events, and by the look of things, today wouldn’t be any different.

“You okay?” China asked Joyce, laughing.

“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Joyce adjusted her sunglasses as if they were reflecting a faulty image.

“If you’re seeing a tent filled with game machines, multiple mounted television sets, and pool and foosball tables, then yes, I’m seeing what you’re seeing.”

“So that tent—” Joyce pointed to the left side of the field “—with a large chandelier hovering above a huge, wooden dance floor and food stations, is real, too?”

China threw her head back and laughed. “Yes, that’s real, too, and so are the portable AC units in both tents.”

“Those tents the size of football fields.”

“Not quite, but close enough,” China said.

“Tammy, where are you going?” Joyce asked the approaching woman holding two plates covered in foil. “The picnic’s behind you.”

Tammy laughed. “I know, but Sam just got called into work, so he’s dropping me off at home before going in.”

“You don’t have to leave. I’ll take you home,” China offered.

“I’m not much in a party mood, anyway. It’s been a long week and we have an even longer one next week, with those computer experts coming in to do another security sweep.”

“Well, you have a good evening,” China said.

“Bye, girl.” Joyce waved.

“You, too,” Tammy replied as she walked toward the parking lot.

“What computer sweep is she talking about?” Joyce asked.

“I have no idea. I’m sure it’s something Wednesday set up,” China speculated.

“Damn, girl, these Kingsleys are something else,” Joyce complimented the family, taking in the sights before her.

“Yes, they are.” Especially Alexander. “Now let’s go find a table.”

* * *

“What’s up, bro?” Brice walked up to Alexander, who was standing at a bar where an old-fashioned soda fountain had been set up.

“Same old, same old. You good?”

“Yep.” Brice scanned the tents. “Looks like Mom and Auntie stepped up their game with this year’s picnic.”

“Did you doubt that they would?” Alexander asked before finishing off his soda.

“Not at all.” Brice nodded his head in China’s direction. “I see your girl’s here.”

“Of course she’s here. It’s an employee and family event. China is basically both.”

“That she is. So, when do you plan to make that official?”

Before Alexander could answer, his mother approached the microphone in the DJ booth. “Good afternoon, everyone,” Victoria said, smiling as she looked around the tent. “Welcome to this year’s Kingsley Annual Picnic.”

Victoria spent the next twenty minutes thanking everyone for their service and going over the list of activities available to enjoy, as well as the evening’s schedule. Alexander spent the entire time staring at China. He’d always thought she was most striking when she wore little to no makeup, had her hair pulled back into a high ponytail and showed off her athletic body in shorts, and today was no exception. Victoria ended her speech to roaring applause and a standing ovation.

Alexander and China’s eyes met and his body came to life. China’s smile was like a gift and a magnet that drew him toward her. “Excuse me, Brice.” Alexander held her gaze as he moved through the crowd. Unfortunately Jackson’s sudden appearance halted him in his tracks. “Dammit...” His smile slipped.

“What’s wrong, Alexander?” Wednesday asked, coming up behind him.

He turned and faced her. “Nothing’s wrong. When did you get here?”

“A few minutes ago. We still good?”

“Of course. Why do you ask?” His eyebrows snapped together.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you look like your head is about to shoot off like a rocket.”

Alexander ran his left hand down his face. “I’m cool.”

“Good, because all of our suspects are where they need to be, and if things go as planned, we’ll know who’s behind all of this by the end of the night.”

“I hope so. I still can’t believe—”

“There you are,” Victoria said, approaching Alexander with her arms extended.

“Mother,” he replied, stepping into her embrace.

“Nephew,” his aunt Elizabeth said, moving in for a hug of her own.

“Well, well, matching blue-jean skirts—that’s different and pretty cute,” he complimented them, smiling.

“Liz insisted that we coordinate this year,” Victoria explained, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

“Well, you two ladies did it again. Another great Kingsley event.”

Elizabeth clapped her hands. “I know, right?”

“Modest, too,” he teased.

“Wednesday, my dear, have you had a chance to take care of that matter we discussed this morning?”

“Not yet, Victoria, but I will.”

“Be sure that you,” Victoria ordered.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Come, Elizabeth, let’s go find the rest of our children.”

Alexander watched as his mother and aunt disappeared in the sea of people. He turned his attention to Wednesday. “Do I even want to know what that was all about?” Alexander folded his arms across his chest.

“Not really,” she replied.

“Yet you are going to tell me.”

* * *

“Yes!” China raised her arms above her head. “I won...again.” Spending a couple of hours playing mind-numbing arcade and carnival-type games was just what the doctor ordered, China decided.

“Yep, you sure did.” Jackson smiled. “I must say, I’ve never been to a company picnic like this before. Food served nonstop with waiters and waitresses taking care of you.”

“I’m not sure anyone has events like ours. Victoria and Elizabeth are pretty extravagant with their gifts to their employees.”


“Last Christmas everyone who worked all year, and I mean all three hundred–plus employees, got a fifty-thousand-dollar bonus. Anyone who worked less, but over their ninety-day probationary period, got ten thousand dollars.”

Jackson’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

“Yes, sir. That’s why these claims that the Kingsleys don’t care about the environment or their employees are so ridiculous.” China shook her head.

“How’s the case going, anyway?” Jackson asked.

“From what I understand, they’re getting close to finding out who’s behind all this nonsense.”

“Good.” Jackson reached for China’s hand. “Maybe once this is all cleared up we can take a minivacation.”


“Before you say no, let me finish, please.” China nodded. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Alexander standing with Wednesday and another tall, dark-skinned man she didn’t recognize. Stay focused, China...stay with Jackson. “You’ve been so focused on clearing your company’s name that we haven’t been able to move our relationship forward. I’d like to take you away for a few days so we can focus on us.” Jackson gifted her with a sexy smile and China suddenly felt nauseous; the room started to spin.

“I think I should sit down,” China whispered, trying desperately not to attract too much attention.

Jackson led her to a nearby table and helped her to sit down. “Are you all right?”

China offered up a weak smile. “Yes, I just need to eat something. I skipped breakfast.” It might be time to schedule that doctor’s appointment, China.

Jackson gestured for the waiter walking around offering bottled water. “Thank you,” he said, accepting two bottles. He handed one to China. “Drink some of this.”

China took a few sips. “Thanks.”

“Stay put and I’ll go make us a plate. Do you want anything in particular? They seem to have everything.”

“Barbecue would be great,” China said.

“Got it. I’ll be right back.” Jackson kissed her on the cheek.

“Thank you.” China eyed Jackson as he went and stood in the food line. He didn’t seem to notice all the women admiring him as he held a conversation with one of their engineers. “What the hell are you going to do about Jackson, China?” she murmured.

“I think I can help you with that,” Wednesday offered.