Walpurga clamped her hand over Olivia's mouth and dragged her into the shadows. A lamp lit in one of the cells was trimmed and the shutters closed after it. Walpurga let out her breath in a long, relieved sigh. 'Lupa,' she whispered. 'She's waiting for her lover.'
'What are you doing here?' Olivia whispered in surprise as the powerful fingers released her jaw, her heart still pounding from the shock.
'If you want to escape this place, come with me.'
Walpurga ghosted silently across the courtyard, with Olivia stumbling behind, trying to keep up. They ducked into a ruined tower and regained their breath. Olivia listened to the sound of water running from somewhere below.
'The stream,' Walpurga answered her inquisitive look. 'That's where all the slops are emptied. We'll have to go through the water gate, it's our only hope.'
Olivia didn't have time to think or ask why Walpurga was helping her. She just followed blindly, half expecting the whole scenario to be another trick. The two women crawled on their hands and knees along the bottom of the curtain-wall to a small culvert. The sound of the water was louder and nearer now. A slime-covered iron grill across a low arch hung open.
'That's a bit of luck!' panted Walpurga.
'What is?' asked Olivia, trying to keep up with this sudden and unexpected turn of events.
'The grill - it should be closed. I thought we'd have a bit of a problem there.'
Olivia didn't need telling twice to crawl under the arch, and then she balanced precariously along the narrow ledge just above the swirling freezing water. Walpurga was close behind. Olivia shrieked and nearly lost her grip as a rat darted from a crack in the crumbling brickwork and plunged into the water so close by she could have touched it. Thankfully they were soon both out of that stinking place and on the other side of the great walls, heaving great lungfuls of chilled fresh air.
'I...' Olivia panted with difficulty, 'I'm very grateful to you... but why are you helping me?'
'I was put on the wheel because of you, and then given to those bastard men!' Walpurga hissed with an intensity that frightened Olivia. 'This is my way of paying back the Abbess.'
'By... by helping me escape? But I don't understand.'
Walpurga sniggered, her breathing calming somewhat. 'Imagine her face when she finds the pair of us gone. There'll be all hell to pay for the others.'
'But why will she be so angry?'
'Why? Because she hates me, and would take great pleasure in punishing me further. And because she adores you, and wants you for her own.'
Olivia stared into the night as Walpurga's words sank in, and then she scurried after her up the slippery bank and into the woods.
'What on earth do you—?'
'Shhh!' Walpurga silenced her with a sharp but harmless slap to the face. 'Do you want to wake the whole convent?'
Olivia rubbed her tingling cheek, feeling rather stupid. 'I'm sorry,' she apologised meekly.
Her habit had ripped on the undergrowth and brambles. Walpurga gripped it and tore the long skirts away so that it reached to just below her knees. She modified her own in a similar fashion, and with their increased mobility they made their way along a well-trodden path winding through the moonlit trees. At least Walpurga seemed to know where she was going.
'Only another mile or two,' she eventually said over her shoulder. 'Then we can rest awhile. Tomorrow morning we shall ride the rest of the way.'
'I have to get to Ottery,' Olivia said, hoping they were heading in that direction
Walpurga said nothing, but walked all the faster. Her long legs carried her easily over streams and branches. Olivia knew her own strength was failing. After a little longer Walpurga thankfully called a halt to their progress.
'You're struggling,' she said, eyeing the evidence of Olivia's pained expression and heaving breasts.
'A little... yes.'
She looked around a little nervously. 'We'll sleep here, then.' There was a hint of irritation in her voice. Olivia knew she would have liked to put quite a lot more distance behind them; a few lights could still be seen from the dreadful convent.
'Tell me about the wheel,' Olivia said when they eventually settled beneath a thick bush and a blanket of fallen leaves.
Walpurga wrapped her powerful arms around Olivia's shoulders and drew her close until her head rested between her breasts. Olivia gingerly cuddled her rescuer, and felt more at peace than she had for quite some time.
'The wheel? There's not really very much to tell. It's just a cartwheel on a drum that turns when you're tied to it and flogged.'
Olivia shuddered.
'You turn full circle, upside down and then upright, and you're whipped to the blood in the meantime.'
'You suffered that because of me?'
Walpurga lifted Olivia's chin and kissed her with surprising delicacy. 'Don't think I went through that hell for nothing. You owe me.'
'Oh. Well, what do you want from me?' As if Olivia didn't know.
'You'll find out soon enough. Now go to sleep - we have a long way to go in the morning.'
The night passed quickly in slumber, made more deep in the safety of each others arms. Olivia nuzzled close, and Walpurga's habit inched open until the sleeping girl's sweet breath tickled over her nipple. Walpurga awoke first in the grey dawn, and smiled to herself. Olivia's soft lips were slightly apart as she slept so innocently, and Walpurga craftily lifted her nipple into her waiting mouth. Olivia suckled instinctively, and Walpurga crushed her all the tighter. She tingled with pleasure and moved her hand into Olivia's habit and over her warm bottom, sliding it into the cleft and softly kneading the delicious cheeks.
Olivia stirred and looked up with clear eyes. 'Would you like me to please you?' she whispered, feeling somewhat indebted to her companion.
'Yes - but not now, we have no time. And why do you ask? Was it not me who tortured you on the rack?'
'You were only doing your duty.'
'Not strictly true. I enjoyed it, seeing your body stretched out like that. I couldn't resist touching you. That's why the Abbess had me flogged. I was too forward. I should have waited my turn. But then Flora would have had you first.'
Olivia stiffened. 'Who—?'
Walpurga stared in disbelief as swarthy hands thrust through their protective foliage, seized Olivia by the throat and yanked her to her feet. The stunned victim was spun round like a doll. Another hand gripped the habit and ripped it clean off with a single tug. Then it pushed her on the chest and sent her tumbling over her companion. They were on them in seconds, stripping Walpurga and binding them both with rope, their hands tied at their fronts.
'Bring 'em over 'ere!' hollered a gruff male voice.
The speechless and fearful pair were dragged and hauled through the trees to a nearby clearing, where waited a ramshackle cart. The ropes were secured to iron rings on the vehicles tailgate. The ambushers surrounded them; a group of evil-looking tinkers with bulging eyes that surveyed every naked inch of their prey.
Walpurga and Olivia inched away until their backs nudged against the cart and they could go no further.
''Ow comes you're out 'ere in the woods all by yourselves then?' one asked, stepping forward, presumably the leader.
'We're nuns,' Olivia said quickly, hoping that might offer a reprieve. 'You have no right to be treating us like this.'
Walpurga groaned and lifted her eyes to the trees.
'Nuns? Whores more like. I never seed nuns wiv bare legs an' tits out in these woods before.' He looked around his comrades with a toothless grin. ''Ave you boys?'
There was a general murmuring and shaking of heads.
The leader stepped close and slapped Walpurga's bottom. 'A nice arse for a nun,' he complimented. Then he put an arm around her waist and mauled her breasts. Olivia leapt forward in defence of her new friend but another tinker, with surprising agility, grabbed her arms painfully and pushed her back to back against Walpurga.
The men closed in. Their rancid breath combined with Olivia's fear to make her feel sick. She lowered her gaze to the overgrown ground. Tobacco stained fingers lifted her chin and without allowing her time to respond wet lips slobbered over hers. She tried to squirm away but more hands held her tight and roamed over her breasts and flanks and thighs. Stout fingers worked into her groin and she struggled to dislodge them. 'I likes a lass what's got a bit o' fight in 'er!' her assailant wheezed in her face.
'Come on lads!' the leader suddenly stepped away and cuffed a few of his team firmly around the head. 'We got some earnin's t'collect!'
The foul group scurried up onto the cart, but not without cursing and promising the two captives more of the same if the chance arose.
With a click of his gums and a flick of a whip the leader encouraged the flea-bitten and overworked mule to pull them all to the nearest track. The cart lurched and creaked, and Olivia and Walpurga could do nothing but trudge along behind.
Eventually the motley collection turned onto a rutted and puddled track. Although disorientated, both captives knew in which direction they were headed.
The three men slouched on the back of the cart leered and winked at their cargo, rubbing their clearly standing erections through their filthy breeches. Olivia shuddered with disgust, and then noticed from the corner of her eye Walpurga smiling at them and licking her lips.
'What are you doing?' she whispered in astonishment from the side of her mouth.
'You know where they intend taking us, don't you?' Walpurga returned between directing extravagantly sexy kisses and pouts at the men.
'Yes, but—'
'Then do as I do. It's our only chance.'
'I won't. I—'
'Boys,' Walpurga cooed sexily at the men, ignoring Olivia's protests. 'We're ever so thirsty back here.'
'Walpurga!' Olivia hissed under her breath. 'Don't you dare!'
'If you'd stop awhile and let us drink something, we'd be ever so grateful.'
The rough crew couldn't hide their boyish excitement, and there ensued a mumbled conference with the leader who drove the cart with his back to them all. The debate was only interrupted by the occasional glance he threw over his shoulder at the two lovely females. He knew to deprive his men of such beauties could well lead to mutiny, and besides, his own erection had grown to considerably uncomfortable proportions - and he fancied doing some pretty obscene things to the innocent looking one with the gorgeous tits. He sent a ball of spittle arching into the undergrowth and then pulled the cart off the track to where it would be unseen from any other vehicle that might happen to pass by.
'Come on then boys,' he said, jumping down from his seat. 'Let's 'ave us some fun.'
'Keep them happy, Olivia,' Walpurga whispered secretly as the four loomed upon them. 'It's our only chance of escape.'
'I hope you're right, Walpur—!' was all Olivia could manage before a short fat member of the gang grabbed her and the leader shoved a rusty knife before her eyes. They stared at each other, Olivia correctly interpreting his silent message of warning, and then he slashed through the rope binding her to the cart with one swipe of his arm.
'Come with us...' he sniggered, '...Sister!'
Olivia managed to glance back as she was led through the trees, and saw Walpurga wink encouragement to her as she was lowered out of sight behind the engulfing undergrowth by one of the tinkers. The other licked his lips with a slug-like tongue, his eyes almost popping from his pasty face, as he opened his breeches and slowly disappeared down behind the same screen of green vegetation. The last thing Olivia saw behind her as she was wrenched further into the silent woods was the cart standing alone, as if the two tinkers and Walpurga had never been there.
''Ere,' panted the short fat man after a short distance, 'this'll do.'
'Please,' said Olivia bravely as the two ruffians turned on her, 'I am very thirsty. Could I please have a drink of something?'
'On your knees.'
Olivia obeyed immediately.
'Thirsty, are you?' said the leader, taking a flask from his pocket and teasing it before her eyes.
'Yes - yes I am.' She reached for it with her bound hands.
The men tutted and grinned in unison. 'Now, now,' said the leader, 'don't forget your manners.'
'Please,' begged Olivia.
'Beg pardon? Couldn't 'ear you.'
'Please,' she said desperately, 'I need a drink.'
'Very well, but first you gotta undo us britches.' Olivia channelled her thoughts on getting a drink from these two, giving them what they wanted, and then escape as soon as the opportunity arose. She fumbled with the buttons of the leader's garment, and then saw to the short fat one. She could feel their erections against her hands as she did so. 'Can I drink now?' she asked again.
The flask hovered above her lips. She put out her tongue, but the flask was withdrawn. She leaned forward, drawn by the enticing moisture lingering on the neck.
'Take out us cocks first.'
Olivia sank back forlornly on her haunches. 'Must I?' she asked, although she knew it was a pointless question.
The leader nodded and the fat man chuckled. 'You must.'
She reached inside the breeches of first the leader, felt for his organ, closed her fist around the shaft, and guided it out through the opening. She repeated the operation and both men stood with their cocks bobbing before her face. 'Will you let me drink now, please?'
A hand cupped the back of her head. 'Put out your tongue,' ordered the leader.
Again she obeyed, and was rewarded as a drop of beautifully cool water dripped into her mouth and down her parched throat. She closed her eyes and felt something smooth rest on her tongue. She knew what it was. It slid slowly down and between her open lips. More water was her priority, so she knelt quietly and allowed the rigid column to nudge the back of her throat. She closed her lips around its base and sucked hard.
'Fuckin' 'ell,' she heard the leader croak. 'The wench sure knows 'ow t'use 'er mouth.' She could hear the fat man panting in anticipation of testing her ability for himself.
The intruder retreated, and she was rewarded with another swig of water. Then the fat man eagerly took his turn in her mouth, and wholeheartedly agreed with the opinion of his leader. This procedure was repeated until they decided Olivia was suitably replenished with liquid sustenance.
Feeling humiliated by the behaviour of the pair, but physically better for the generous imbibe, Olivia decided it was time to create a little luck of her own. Walpurga would probably be close to wearing her captors down and overpowering them by now, so she wanted to be ready to make her move also. Unfortunately the two repugnant men, inadvertently or otherwise, were one step ahead of her, and just when she thought she was winning their confidence the fat one abruptly dashed her rising hopes.
'I don't trust this 'un,' he said. 'She'd look sly to me. A vixen's eyes if ever I seed any.'
'I don't reckon she be any problem, but...'
Olivia looked up and saw a wicked signal pass between the two. Before she could defend herself she was hauled to her feet, her arms hoisted above her head, and she was hung from the stump of a dead and rotting branch by the rope that bound her wrists. Her arms wrenched in their sockets and her toes just swept the ground. She fought back the desire to scream at the two, knowing it would only heighten their enjoyment and possibly even drive them on to more severe lengths. Endure, she told herself, although any chances of escaping with or without Walpurga had just taken a serious setback.
The leader appeared in front of her, his erection twitching more than ever. He stepped close and without further ado latched onto her stretched nipples like a limpet. His toothless gums nibbled them and his saliva dribbled down her taut breasts and belly. She felt the fat one cup and squeeze her bottom. Hands lifted her thighs and wrapped them around the waist of the leader. At least this took the strain off her poor arms. His thickness nudged at her moist opening. Despite Olivia's predicament her insides knotted with excitement, and she moaned as the man slid into her. The branch creaked, and she hoped it would sustain the weight until she had reached her goal. Her buttocks were prised open and the fat man stabbed at her from behind. This was not possible. Surely not. But yes, he too entered her body and she was impaled between the two ruffians. Olivia loved it.
The two clumsy men found it difficult to set up a satisfactory rhythm. They even started arguing and cursing the others inadequacies and bad sense of timing, but Olivia was oblivious to it all. Their stilted movements unwittingly pleased her greatly, and her head lolled forward onto the shoulder of the leader. Her climax was fast approaching. She squeezed and milked the two rigid givers of such pleasure. The men forgot their wrangles and stared at each other with expressions of imbecilic stupidity. They flooded Olivia simultaneously, and their copious spendings triggered her own wonderful orgasm. The three writhed together. Olivia whimpered beautifully, and the men gawked foolishly.
By the time they rejoined the cart Walpurga was again tied to the tailgate and her two assailants sat on the back grinning broadly.
'This'n tried t'make a run for it,' jeered one of them to the approaching party.
'Yeah,' confirmed the other. 'Silly mare. Mus' fink we was stupid!'
The feeble attempt to escape had failed miserably, but Olivia still glowed in the aftermath of her orgasm. Indeed, Walpurga also looked replete and oblivious to the tinkers' continuing uncouth comments about her extremely accommodating sexual prowess. The leader and the fat man clambered back up onto the cart and off they set once again, in the same direction as before.
The party now travelled in silence, each member with their own thoughts. Only when they forded the stream did anyone speak.
'We're here,' said the leader gruffly.
The two captives looked up at the foreboding grey walls. They heard the sound of a window being opened and a shrill cry.
'They're back!'