Chapter 12

What Do I Take with Me to Basic Training?

“One cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.”

—Albert Einstein

“What should I take to basic training?”

This is a common question, and one that too many recruits don’t think about deeply until just before leaving for basic training. If you are leaving in the morning and try to get your affairs in order the night before, it is too late. There are many things you can do to help make your experience in basic training easier.

Financial Matters

Before you leave for basic training, make sure your financial affairs are taken care of. How are your bills going to be paid? Do you have enough money in your account to take care of your outstanding obligations until you get a paycheck from Uncle Sam? Remember, as discussed earlier in this book, once at basic training, it could take 30 days for you to receive your first paycheck. Some recruits arrange for someone they trust to oversee their financial and personal obligations while they are away. Usually this is a family member, like a parent or brother or sister. I would highly recommend you avoid having a current boyfriend or girlfriend assume these obligations. In some cases, you might want to grant someone a Power of Attorney for your financial accounts. This gives a third party of your choice legal authority to handle your affairs during your absence. However, before you take such a step, consult with an attorney first.

Non-Financial Matters

Take a few minutes and jot down some of your non-financial responsibilities (like mowing the grass, feeding your pets, etc.). Make sure you have someone designated to cover each of these responsibilities. Table 18 (next page), provides a few examples of non-financial obligations. Be sure to have a back-up plan should your original plan fail. Also, be sure to explain to your employer when you will be leaving, how long you will be gone, and a relative’s phone number in case information needs to be relayed to you.

What to Bring to Basic Training

Your luggage should be limited to one suitcase or duffle bag. Civilian clothes can be packed, but only take a bare minimum— two or three outfits at the most. Use the following checklist as you pack for basic training.

Below are three lists: one for everyone; one especially for female recruits, and a third miscellaneous list everyone can use. Study them, understand them, and bring everything (everything) you can. It’s not much, but it will help.

For everyone (male and female):

For Females:

Miscellaneous items:

The Survival Pack, available at, contains many of these items and is designed to fit in the cargo pocket of your uniforms.

What Not to Bring to Basic Training

There are many things you definitely should not take with you to basic training. Here are several examples:

* Items such as weapons, pocket knives, and pornographic material are known as contraband, and will be confiscated as soon as you arrive at the Reception Center.