Chapter 4

Schedule Breakdown

“Tomorrow’s battle is won during today’s practice.”

—Samurai maxim

Each branch of the military has a regimented way of processing agents from Day 1 to graduation. This chapter describes this process for each branch of the military. First, let me provide a tip that few recruits ever consider. Choose carefully, if you can, where and at what season you attend basic training. The military is an outdoor sport, and activities are rarely cancelled because of the weather. If you don’t like cold weather, don’t go to basic training in December in Missouri. If you don’t like the heat, stay away from Texas in July. Ask your recruiter for several choices of dates and locations of basic training before you sign on the dotted line.


Army basic training is composed of 10 weeks covering three phases, red phase, white phase, and blue phase. Each phase has different learning objectives, goals, and privileges. Each phase of Army basic training will vary slightly depending on where you are stationed. A general description of each phase is listed below, including reception, which precedes the red phase.


Before basic training begins, you will begin a process called “Reception.” At the Reception Center, you will spend about three days with other incoming recruits. These recruits may not be the same recruits who accompany you through basic training. You will be fed very well and get plenty of sleep. Do not be fooled. When you arrive at your basic training company, this will change immediately. During the reception process, all recruits go through the same general steps. These steps are as follows:

In all likelihood, you will not get a chance to contact your friends and family after your arrival at the Reception Center. Before you leave home, be sure to inform your friends and family you will not be able to call for the first several days after you arrive. You should have a bank account set up before you leave for basic training. Bring your account information and an ATM/debit card with you. Direct Deposit is mandatory for military pay. If you don’t have a bank account established, one of the first things that will be required of you at reception is to establish an account at the local credit union or bank. However, it may be several weeks before the bank can give you a debit card, and this will affect your ability to access your pay. Expect to receive your first paycheck about 30 days after you arrive. The reception period will not last long, but it will feel like it lasts a long time. There is plenty of waiting around. After the reception process, you will be begging to start basic training. Don’t worry, that feeling will only last for about two minutes—until it’s time to meet your Drill Sergeants.

You will be fed very well and get plenty of sleep. But don’t be fooled . . .

Red Phase: Weeks 1-3

This phase is known as the total control phase. For the first three weeks of basic training you will not be allowed to sit down at meals (chow) without asking permission. You will take an initial APFT. The Drill Sergeant will be paying particular attention to every detail of your physical and mental condition.

Your Drill Sergeant will test your capability to handle stress.

Because you are reading this book, you will be aware of these details before going to basic training. Also, your physical fitness program will begin every morning. Introductory classes in Army values and traditions will be conducted. Your Drill Sergeant will test your ability to handle stress. During the red phase, your only privilege will be a trip to the PX for basic supplies (escorted by a Drill Sergeant, of course).

Week 1

You will receive an introduction to the physical fitness program you will perform almost every morning for the next nine weeks. You will be taught various stretches and common military exercises. You will be assigned an M-16 rifle, and you will learn marching movements (with and without the M-16) called Drill and Ceremonies (D&C).

WEEK 1 TIPS: Pay attention to detail this week, as you will be flooded with information. At the end of the day, write down what you have learned in a small notebook, and review your notes every chance you get.

Week 2

As you continue your physical fitness regimen, you will be introduced to even more exercises than you learned the previous week. The running program will now include wind sprints, which mixes fast sprints with jogs. You will learn how to assemble, take apart, and clean your M-16 rifle. Various firing positions will be practiced and range procedures will be taught.

WEEK 2 TIPS: Treat your M-16 rifle like glass. Drill Sergeants hate it when you drop your weapon. It might sound silly, but one thing you can do to care for your weapon better is to name your M-16 rifle. If an object has a name, people tend to give it better care. Commonly, soldiers will name their weapon after their spouse or mother. Then they treat their weapon like they would a loved one.

Week 3

This week is dedicated almost entirely to rifle marksmanship. You will practice firing from various positions, rapid reloading, sight adjustments, and moving with a loaded weapon.

WEEK 3 TIPS: Tension and stress is high from the previous two weeks and most recruits are starting to feel the effect of being away from their families while looking at the long road ahead. This week, it is very important that you be extra tolerant of others and try and recognize when your friends are feeling depressed.

White Phase: Weeks 4-6

During this phase you will learn basic marksmanship skills. You will learn how to assemble, disassemble, and zero your M-16 rifle. This is the only phase where physical fitness is equally as important as learning about your weapon. Nearly the entire phase is spent on the range practicing with, what will quickly become your best friend: your M-16 rifle. Your Drill Sergeant will be relatively nice to you during this phase, or perhaps I should say, nicer to you (in a relative sense). Don’t be fooled. It is not because they are starting to like you. It is because they are surrounded by about 200 rifles held by recruits who can’t use them properly.

You will also take another fitness test and will qualify with your M-16 rifle. In order to qualify, you will have to shoot 23 out of 40 targets of varying distances (not to exceed 300 yards). During the White Phase, you may be given passes which allow you to spend a couple of hours in a designated area without a Drill Sergeant’s supervision. It is common for recruits to go to a movie theater during these two-hour passes.

Did You Know?

There are several types of passes a recruit can be granted. A battalion, brigade, and post pass will allow you to spend time in each of those areas. “Battalion” passes are those that encompass the smallest area, and “post” passes encompass the largest. An off-post pass allows a recruit to go off-post within a certain, limited, area.

Week 4

This week you will qualify with your M-16 rifle. To qualify, you will have to hit 23 out of 40 targets at various distances. The farther the target is from your firing position, the longer the time the target will appear. If you qualify, you will earn one of three badges, marksman (23-30 targets), sharpshooter (31-35 targets), or expert (36-40 targets).

Long road marches, guerrilla exercises, and simulated hand-to-hand combat will accompany your continued physical fitness regimen. During this week, your physical fitness program will most likely include jogging, wind sprints, push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups.

WEEK 4 TIPS: Qualifying is surprisingly easy. The recruits who fail do so because of nerves. You will most likely wait many hours before it is your turn to qualify. Use that time to review techniques in your head and practice steady breathing.

Weeks 5 and 6

During these two weeks you will definitely be in the groove. It’s too late to turn back and graduation is closer than the beginning. During Week 5 you will leave the barracks and live in tents while you perform field skills you were taught during the previous four weeks. You will receive instructional classes on first-aid, camouflage techniques, how to set up defensive fighting positions, and how to take cover. You will experience your first night fire exercise at the range, which is a favorite among recruits. The Drill Sergeants will be inspecting your living area and little slack will be given to those who make mistakes.

WEEKS 5 AND 6 TIPS: It is common for a recruit to get sick the first time spending the night in the field. Avoid this by using proper field sanitation. Trim your fingernails and toenails before going out to the field. Make sure you have hand sanitizer, baby wipes, and soap handy at all times. Avoid touching your fingers to your mouth, and brush your teeth often.

Blue Phase: Weeks 7-9

During this phase, nicknamed the “total failure” phase, you will be given the End of Cycle Training (EOCT) test. The EOCT will test what you have learned since you began basic training. You will also take your final APFT. You must pass the final APFT or you will be recycled.

During this phase, your Drill Sergeant will be emphasizing your physical fitness. Your morning physical training sessions will be more intense than ever—hence the nickname “total failure.” A three-day field training exercise (FTX) will be conducted that will encompass everything you have learned since day one of basic training. This FTX concentrates on leadership development, teamwork skills, and self-discipline.

During the Blue Phase, you may be given an on-post pass (or even an off-post pass) that could last the majority of the day. Beware: any pass can be taken away from an individual or an entire company for poor performance.

You must pass the final APFT or you will be recycled.

Week 7

By now, you are very familiar with what your Drill Sergeants expect of you. Physical training is as intense as ever. You will perform a nighttime tactical road march. A hands-on class called U.S. Weapons will be taught in which you will learn to use machine guns, grenade launchers, and claymore mines. Most recruits leave basic training claiming the class on U.S. Weapons was the most enjoyable day (beside graduation day). A class on map and compass reading will also be taught. The map class will teach you how to identify different types of terrain and determine distances. The compass class will teach you how to determine direction and angles. Inspections will include a display of field gear (called a TA-50), a thorough inspection of your living quarters, and a wall locker inspection.

WEEK 7 TIPS: Take good notes during these two weeks. Many classes are given in a short amount of time. The class on map and compass reading is short and packed with information. A thorough understanding of these two classes are required to graduate, so make sure you understand all the information and study your Smartbook thoroughly.

Weeks 8 and 9

These are the final weeks. Before graduation day, you will finish any unfinished business, such as the series of classes on the seven core values, and prevention of sexual harassment. You will complete your final physical fitness test, take your EOCT, and undergo a Class A uniform inspection. (The tenth week is to make up missed time/work.)

WEEKS 8 AND 9 TIPS: During these weeks, recruits get excited because basic training is nearly over. That means most recruits get careless with their behavior. Usually, more Article 15’s (see Appendix 1 for a definition) are given out during these weeks than all the other weeks combined. Watch your behavior and your attitude and you will be graduating shortly.

Air Force

Air Force basic training occurs at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Upon arrival, trainees are assigned to a training flight, which consists of about 45 other trainees. The Air Force schedule is broken down into four distinct phases, the introduction phase, pre-deployment phase, deployment phase, and post-deployment phase. Each of these phases are described below.

Introduction Phase: Week 0-1

The introduction phase comprises only one week. The first Friday you arrive, you will be immersed in basic training activities. Zero week is the term given to recruits who arrive before Friday. Don’t be fooled, if you arrive on a Tuesday, you will still be getting yelled at by instructors, and immersed in a basic training environment. These instructors are not as nice as the instructors you interacted with at the San Antonio Airport. Believe me, the nice “meet and greet,” then the “mean” drop-off was strategically orchestrated. I will tell you right now the names of the two Training Instructors who will be in charge of your flight (Air Force basic training units are called flights). Their names are sir (if a male) and ma’am (if a female). May God be with you if you reverse these names (i.e. calling the male TI a ma’am). Some recruit always does because they’re nervous, but the TI’s make sure that never happens again. Calling your TI’s sir or ma’am might be confusing since you probably have heard that officers are called sir or ma’am. Good for you if you picked up on that distinction. Actually, the TI’s are only called sir or ma’am in basic training. If and when you graduate, you will call all non-commission officers (NCOs) by their proper rank. To make it simple, in basic training, call anyone who is training you sir or ma’am.

This phase mostly comprises of meeting people, marching places, filling out paperwork, and drug testing. Trainees will undergo medical and dental testing, be issued ID cards, given classes on reporting and saluting, and GI Bill briefing. Trainees will have an initial physical fitness evaluation on pushups, sit-ups, and a timed run. Initial marching instructions and practice will take place as well. Tip: During Week 1 you will begin your physical fitness routine. This routine is not difficult if you prepare in advance. Also, each trainee will get a chance to call home, however any phone calls after that are considered a “privilege.”

Did You Know?

You won’t receive your uniform until about the third day of basic training. Before that day, you will be marching and doing other activities in civilian clothes. Since you will be in civilian clothes, and brighter than the other recruits in uniforms, you will be referred to as a rainbow.

Pre-Deployment Phase: Weeks 2-5

In the pre-deployment phase, you will be issued your M-16 rifle and you will carry this rifle everywhere, so treat her nicely. The Army prefers you call your M-16 a rifle, but the Air Force prefers you call it your weapon. Whatever you refer to your M-16 as, don’t call it a gun.

Once you receive your rifle, you will get plenty of training before ever firing one round (bullet). You will learn how to assemble and dissemble your weapon, clean and repair your weapon, tactical movements, and various fighting positions.

Other than weapons training, during this phase you will complete the obstacle course. Often it’s the best activity for recruits, but unfortunately you will only complete the course a couple times. The obstacle course is 1.5 miles long and contains 17 obstacles to test all aspects of your physical and mental stamina.

Another fun activity during the pre-deployment phase is the pugil stick fighting. Recruits get dressed in padding and a helmet and are given huge padded sticks that look like q-tips. The pugil sticks are actually heavier than most recruits imagine, but don’t worry, the sticks don’t hurt when you get hit.

Although classroom training is a big part of this page, most recruits are anxious to get the gas chamber over with. Please refer to The Gas Chamber chapter in this book for more details on this exercise.

Week 2

Trainees are now expected to memorize military insignia and pass dormitory inspections. The Drill Instructors begin to stress personal appearance and fitness as well. This week recruits will begin to feel weary with the lack of sleep and guard duty. Every recruit will perform guard duty (or dorm duty). This involves waking up in the middle of the night and standing watch for an hour or two. Usually recruits rotate this position amongst themselves, but if you’re one of those recruits that drags everyone down, I am guessing your guard duty will be more frequent than the others.

Week 3

Trainees learn about a wide range of topics ranging from the history of the Air Force to nutrition, environmental awareness, sexual harassment, and Chain of Command.

Tip: Much of what a trainee learns this week they can learn at home before they leave for basic training. Be sure to study before you leave for basic training, so you have one less thing to worry about once you’re there. Recruits will also continue their fitness routine which will include some endurance runs. The endurance runs aren’t long, but most recruits are sore, so the runs seem longer than they actually are. Again, if you’re in shape before you ever get to basic training, you won’t have this problem.

Week 4

Trainees learn about financial management, military citizenship, ethics, core values, and rank insignia. Recruits will get plenty of classroom time this week but will also undergo the fun task of completing the obstacle course.

Week 5

Trainees take classes on code of conduct, security, and law of armed conflict. In addition to classes, trainees complete the confidence course, fight with pugil sticks, and complete marksmanship training and field training exercises.

The confidence chamber is a friendly word for gas chamber. The gas the recruits will be subject to is only CS gas, a common riot control tactic used by police across the world. However, it isn’t a pleasant experience. The reason the recruits go through the confidence chamber is so they can have confidence in the protective mask. Recruits will enter the confidence chamber filled with CS gas with a protective mask. They will then be asked to remove the mask and experience the difference between having a protective mask and not having a protective mask. In warfare, whenever a chemical attack takes place, the recruits will certainly remember to keep their protective mask nearby.

Tip: Do not touch your mouth, nose, or eyes after being inside the confidence chamber. As soon as fresh air runs through your body, you will immediately being to feel better. However, if you rub your eyes, you’re asking for prolonged symptoms which include stinging and tearing eyes. Some recruits will go through the confidence chamber during Week 1.

Deployment Phase: Week 6

The time has finally come for the deployment phase, and the activity that all recruits know about, read about, and hear rumors about before basic training even begins. This activity is known more by its acronym than its full proper name . . . the BEAST. The BEAST stands for Basic Expeditionary Airman Skills Training. The BEAST is essentially a final exam testing your skills on what you have learned so far (and perhaps a few new ones). You will be exposed to four zones: Reaper, Predator, Vigilant, and Sentinel. There are a number of good videos online (i.e. YouTube and that show recruits completing the BEAST.

Week 6

Once at the BEAST site, you will spend a day with your TI’s preparing for the days ahead and setting up camp. The recruits are exhausted just arriving at the first site because they are required to carry and wear all their equipment during the 4 mile march there.

This is your chance to shine (or not shine) for your TIs and other recruits as the BEAST is lead by the recruits, not the TIs. Granted, the TIs will be there, yelling at you, they just won’t be leading the organized mess that the recruits find themselves in.

The next four days of the BEAST you will respond to simulated attacks as if you were in a real combat zone. You will be lacking sleep and mentally and physically exhausted at the end. By the time you even get to the BEAST you will be taught everything you need to know, but this will be the first time you would have to put much of this classroom knowledge into action. Although the BEAST is challenging, very few recruits actually fail.

Post-Deployment Phase: Weeks 7-8

By now, the hardest part is behind you, but the rest of basic training isn’t a breeze. During the post-deployment phase, you will be completing classroom exercises and written tests on various topics ranging from Air Force history to joint warfare to combat stress recovery and more. These tests aren’t difficult. If you pay attention in class you should score at least a 70 on your tests (the minimum score needed to pass all Air Force tests).

In addition to classes and tests, you will prepare for your graduation and take a final fitness test. You will perfect various marching movements so when graduation day comes you will look and feel sharp.

Once you pass your final fitness tests, the rest is simply a formality as there is nothing short of plain stupidity that could get you to fail basic training now.

Week 7

After completing the BEAST, a little classroom time might be welcomed. During Week 7 you will take various classes ranging from Air Force history to combat stress recovery to financial management. You will also undergo an evaluation of your marching skills in addition to your final fitness test.

Week 8

In addition to graduating this week, you will also prepare for graduation, take a final written test, and listen to the Commander’s departure briefing. Other than graduation, the most important event this week will be the Airman’s Coin Ceremony, which transitions you from trainee to Airman.


Marine recruit training is divided into three main phases, Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III. Before Phase I, there is a brief period called Forming. Let’s discuss the details of each of these phases:

Forming (aka Receiving)

Forming is what the other branches call in-processing. During this 3 to 5 day period, you get an exciting meet and greet with your Drill Instructors. I cannot predict the future, but chances are the introduction will not go well. Be sure to remember their names, Drill Instructors don’t like to repeat themselves. By the time forming starts, you will be wearing your uniform and you will have completed your initial weigh in. By this time, you must be within height and weight standards.

In addition to learning how to dress, you will also learn how to march, secure your weapon, and make your rack (aka bunk). If nothing else, Forming will settle your mind into the “holy crap what did I get myself into” mode.

Phase I

During Phase I you will learn the Marine Core Values and ethics and begin Combat Conditioning. This phase marks the beginning of mental and physical exhaustion. Mentally, you will not only be learning the Marine Core Values and ethics, but memorizing other general military subjects as well.

Physically, you will start the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program and Combat Water Survival.

Phase II

During Phase II you will build upon your knowledge of Core Values and ethics and begin courses in Marksmanship. Marksmanship is not something the Marines take lightly, you will be intimately familiar with various weapons once you graduate.

Phase III

In Phase III you will be evaluated on what you have learned so far. You will also continue your Marksmanship training and learn other warrior skills. Most importantly, you will complete the Crucible. The Crucible will test your mental and physical stamina and toughness. Of all the physical and mental tests and evaluations during Recruit Training, the 54-hour Crucible will be the most memorable for you and will transition you from civilian to U.S. Marine. During the Crucible, you will complete everything from night marches, a staged infiltration, a combat resupply event, casualty evacuation drills, combat firing, and more. After all of the previous is completed, you will pack all your gear on your back and complete a 9 mile march, ending in the Emblem Ceremony thus marking you as an official U.S. Marine.

After the Crucible, the last week will seem like a breeze. Very few will fail the final practical examination, physical fitness test, and battalion inspection.

Technically, the Marine Corps falls under the Department of the Navy, but for some reason, few Marines like to admit that. As a result of being under the Department of the Navy, it’s best if you learn some lingo before you arrive. I have assembled a quick lingo guide for you which you can download and print for free at: or scan the below QR Code:


The Navy has some unique attributes to their recruit training regimen. Some of these unique attributes are:

-The Navy doesn’t divide their training into phases.

-Most of your training will be indoors.

-The first item on the agenda after arriving at your training station (other than being yelled at by your instructor) is to call home.

-You will not fire an M-16 rifle.

-The Navy tests your flexibility (via a sit-reach exercise).

After your phone call home, it’s time for you to settle into the next 9 weeks. You will soon undergo 8 weeks of training and about 5 days of in-processing (called P-days). The first week is unlike the other 8 weeks as the majority of your time will be spent filling out forms relating to benefits, health, wages, direct deposit, insurance, and more. Don’t be mistaken, the instructors (called Recruit Division Commanders (or RDCs)) will still be mean to you. Your RDCs will want to be addressed as Petty Officer or Chief and being so new, you might forget, so don’t get caught calling them by any other name! The end of P-days is marked by a ceremony that will start your official training.

Once your paperwork is done, you will unofficially be known as a Smurf as you parade around in your new blue sweat suit. Now it’s time to really have some fun. You will start your new physical training regimen and complete a confidence course. By now, you will start to develop your team building skills.

Like the other branches you will learn first aid techniques, but in the Navy, you will also learn flag signaling, procedures to board and disembark a ship, and basic seamanship. You won’t be sea bound during these courses as training is conducted in a large hangar. About the time you complete these courses you will also complete your first fitness test where you will need to perform sit-reaches, curl-ups, push-ups, and running/swimming. Your fitness tests are graded on the following categories:

OUTSTANDING—Performance above or equal to top 10%.

EXCELLENT—Performance in top 25%, but less than OUTSTANDING.

GOOD—Performance better than or equal to lowest 25%, but less than EXCELLENT.

SATISFACTORY / PROBATIONARY—Performance in bottom 25%, but above lowest 10%.

UNSATISFACTORY—Performance in lowest 10%.

After your first fitness test, you will learn about your weapon. You will have various classes on weapon safety to prepare you for your M-9 pistol. By this time you are halfway through basic training so your graduation pictures will be taken as well. Don’t get too cocky though, you still have a few weeks before graduation.

Training on fighting fires and damage control will occur at about the time you go through the dreaded gas chamber (see the Gas Chamber chapter for more details on this exercise). You will learn how to properly don fire safety gear, open and close watertight doors, and operate firefighting equipment.

Just when you’re sick of classroom exercises, your Battle Station exercise will begin. Battle Stations is a 12-hour event testing everything you have learned in the past few weeks. At the end of Battle Stations, you will receive a hat symbolizing your transition from civilian to sailor. Unlike the Crucible, just about every recruit passes Battle Stations.

After Battle Stations, the remaining portion of recruit training is simply a formality. You will complete out-processing paperwork, sit through a few more classroom exercises, and continue with your fitness regimen (although at this point it’s easy because you have already passed your final fitness test).

Coast Guard

In my opinion, the Coast Guard doesn’t get the attention it deserves, probably because it falls under the Department of Homeland Security rather than the Department of Defense, like the other branches. The Coast Guard basic training regimen is conducted in Cape May, New Jersey and has 5 stages which spans eight weeks. The five stages are: Arrival, company formation, learning the basics, practical training, first unit preparation, and graduation. Let’s break down the Coast Guard training week by week below:

Week 1

Immediately upon arrival you will begin forming (aka in-processing). You will go through medical screening, complete administrative paperwork, and receive your uniform. Upon completion, you will be assigned to a Recruit Training Company and you will meet your Company Commander (whom you will call sir or ma’am as appropriate). During the arrival stage, you will begin to understand how to obey orders and work as a team. You will be issued a couple dozen items such as blister kits, laundry bags, masking tape, etc. and unfortunately these items are deducted from your paycheck. During this stage, it is important you understand your chain of command. I have assembled an easy memorization guide for learning the chain of command. You can download and print the guide for free at: or scan this QR Code:

Weeks 2 and 3

Now that you’re settled in, you will be waking up each morning and completing a one mile run. Your swim assessment comprises of a 100 meter swim and treading water for 5 minutes. None of this should be difficult as you can prepare for the swim assessment and running regime before you even get to basic training.

In Week 2 you will receive classroom training ranging from learning how to salute to learning the ranking structure.

By the end of the third week, you will be settled into the military life and be familiar with certain military customs, and courtesies. You will certainly have memorized the Coast Guard’s core values: honor, respect, and devotion to duty.

Weeks 4 and 5

By Week 4 you will be issued your pistol (Sig Sauer P229 DAK .40 caliber) and participate in a variety of practical instruction including small arms training and you’ll get to fire at the basic pistol course. Unlike the other branches, a minimum score on the pistol course is not required to graduate. Week 5 is known as testing week. You will not only take your fitness test, but your mid-term exam as well. By now, you will be very familiar with your daily routine and the other recruits around you. You will also get to fill out your Assignment Data Card or “Dream Sheet” as it is better known. On the Dream Sheet you can indicate your preferred duty station. Please don’t be misled, the Coast Guard will put you where they need you, the Dream Sheet is for the Coast Guard to evaluate your needs, not to abide by your wishes.

You will also spend some time hitting each other with pugil sticks and begin to get more hands on with your classroom training as you learn to tie various knots, learn first aid, and conduct watch standing.

At the end of the fifth week you will receive your orders to your first assignment. This is an exciting week for recruits because this is the first opportunity they have to use the phone (other than when they first arrived).

Weeks 6 and 7

During Week 6 you will receive career counseling and complete various hands-on classes relating to fire prevention (i.e. fire extinguishing methods, firefighting equipment, etc).

The seventh week is your “finals” week. You will take your final fitness test and your final exam. If you pass, the Coast Guard will issue you a pass, where you can go off base for 8 hours and act like yourself again (within reason).

Week 8

Unless you do something really stupid, there is no reason for you not to graduate if you make it to Week 8. After some paperwork and graduation rehearsals, you will walk across the graduation stage as an official member of the U.S. Coast Guard.