I knew absolutely nothing about the military when I entered basic training. I had no military family history and no prior desire to ever join the military. It was on the tragic morning of September 11, 2001 that I realized what I was taking for granted all these years. Freedom, as wonderful as it is, is an uphill struggle, and comes with an enormous responsibility. It wasn’t so much a decision, but a calling, that I joined the military—the Army Reserves.
I departed for basic training without an ounce of military knowledge one month after September 11, 2001. However, I used this lack of knowledge to my advantage. I took notes on everything, with the ambition that no recruit would have to go through basic training like I did, with no knowledge of what was in store for me. I listened to hundreds of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines share their advice, tips, and tricks on surviving basic training. When I was deployed shortly after basic training to serve in Operation Enduring/Iraqi Freedom, I had the time to organize the notes, add to them, and assemble the most practical basic training guide ever written.
This book is straightforward, short, and easy to understand. Take advantage of the fitness routine in this book. Many hours of research and trial and error went toward creating the program. I believe there is no other fitness program that can get you in shape for basic training faster.
Bring this book with you to basic training. I hope you find this the most helpful book you have ever read.
There are many people to thank who have made this book possible. Special thanks go to Jerry Volkin, my publisher, Theodore P. “Ted” Savas, Sarah Keeney, Lee Merideth, Major General Brandt, Jon Allen, Yadhira Whittington, Joey VanBeek, Brian Vandenover, Misti Mokros, Kristina Gibbs, Ned Phillips, and the many other military personnel who shared their advice, opinions, and good cheer.
Photos in this book were taken in Iraq during Operation Enduring /Iraqi Freedom. These photographs belong to Jon Allen, copyright 2004 (fenix207@hotmail.com), and are reprinted with permission.