If one simple thing could energize you within hours, soothe crankiness and fatigue within a day, allow you to (finally!) shed extra pounds, and dramatically reduce your lifetime risk of heart attack, stroke, and dementia—you’d say it’s magic. Or a wonder drug.
The good news is, this wonderful “something” is real—and it can change your life without drugs or magic. All you need to do is take charge of your blood sugar.
Controlling blood sugar isn’t just for people with diabetes. It’s for everybody—women, men, and even kids who want to stay fit, healthy, and happy. Luckily, getting there is a delicious, fun, and fascinating journey with Prevention’s The Sugar Solution.
This book is for you if:
• You rely on goodies and sweet beverages to get you through the dreaded 3:00 p.m. slump, yet you feel groggier and even more tired by 4:45.
• Your attempts to lose weight end in late-night refrigerator raids.
• You want to do all you can to lower your risk for heart attack, stroke, and dementia.
• You’re a woman with fertility problems or a history of pregnancy diabetes.
• You are slightly overweight, have slightly high blood sugar, and have slightly elevated cholesterol or triglycerides—a deadly combination overlooked by most family doctors.
• You’re looking for an eating plan for life that balances protein, “good” fats, and carbohydrates so that you can still enjoy the foods you like and even eat out without guilt.
Inside this book, you’ll find cutting-edge medical research on blood sugar, insulin resistance, and diabetes and related conditions. Top medical researchers are discovering that well before blood sugar reaches levels most doctors consider dangerous, your risk of heart attack and stroke—two of America’s top three killers—may be many times higher than normal. Even newer evidence links out-of-whack blood sugar and the condition behind it—insulin resistance—to loss of mental functioning and perhaps even cancer.
You’ll also find a satisfying eating plan based on low-glycemicindex foods, plus an exercise program that fits your fitness level and schedule and stress-relief tips to further control blood sugar. Try it! You can lose weight, safeguard your future health, and sail through your busiest day with energy to spare.