The Case for Putting People First: Too often, companies fail to prioritize lighting their people up, and they leave a lot on the table as a result. As we have discussed, there is a tight correlation between the degree to which companies invest in bringing the best out of their people and real hard-dollar results.
       Urgent vs. Important: Too often, leaders fail to make time to discuss Blue Flames because they get caught up in the more urgent demands of their job. But there is a difference between what is important and what is urgent. Successful leaders make time to invest in these conversations with their people, recognizing that their long-term success depends on getting the best that their people have to give.
       Focusing Outward: We can sabotage our success as leaders when we get caught up in ourselves, even when it is unintentional. The antidote? Look outward. Focusing on what our people need is ultimately the ticket to getting the sense of gratification, worth, and success that we need as leaders. And our people need to feel lit up by the work they are doing in order to bring their best stuff.
       Teaching to Fish: Too many small and mid-sized companies fail to teach their managers how to have crucial conversations. Equipping leaders with the tools to have Blue Flame conversations is a key that can unlock new levels of performance in a company.