Get-rich-quick books promise a fast track to wealth beyond your dreams with little risk, little effort, and no time required. Dating books often promise the same. Find lasting love in three easy steps—no risk required! I refuse to do that to you. I respect you and care about your kids too much to tell you everything you want to hear and offer simplistic advice.
If you want to get rich, you need to apply wise investment practices and self-discipline over an extended period of time. If you want to date well with children in the picture and make a solid decision about getting married, you need to gain wisdom about the dating process, know the risks and challenges for both you and your children, and make careful decisions—over an extended period of time.
This book promises to tell you the truth about single-parent dating. In fact, some of you will find hard truths you don’t want to hear—and you’ll be irritated with me for saying them. Please know these hard truths are intended for your benefit and the well-being of your children. If family unity is the wealth you ultimately desire, read the entire book and be willing to receive the hard truths. Relational wealth will come about as a result.
For twenty years I have been working with stepfamilies as a therapist, conference speaker, and ministry leader. The most common comment I hear from married couples in blended families is, “We had no idea what we were getting into.”
After reading this book, that won’t be you.