ADA: |
assistant district attorney |
ATF: |
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives |
assistant United States attorney |
B&B: |
buy and bust |
CI: |
confidential informant |
CO: |
commanding officer |
CSU: |
Crime Scene Unit |
DEA: |
Drug Enforcement Administration |
DT: |
detective |
ECT: |
Evidence Collection Team |
EMS: |
Emergency Medical Services |
ESU: |
Emergency Services Unit |
GTO: |
geographical targeting order |
IAB: |
Internal Affairs Bureau |
IRS: |
Internal Revenue Service |
“Lou”: |
Lieutenant |
ME: |
medical examiner |
MOS: |
member of service |
Narcotic Investigation and Tracking of Recidivist Offenders system |
NMI: |
Northern Manhattan Initiative |
Organized Crime Control Bureau |
OP: |
observation post |
OT: |
overtime |
PPO: |
probationary police officer |
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act |
RMP: |
Radio Motor Patrol |
Real Time Crime Center |
RV: |
rendezvous point |
Special Weapons and Tactics |
TAC: |
tactical assignment |
UC: |
undercover |
VFS: |
Violent Felony Squad |