
First, thank you to Tina Wells for your continued trust in me to collaborate with you on The Zee Files. Creating these books with you has been a dream come true. I treasure our friendship and working partnership.

Thank you to the wonderful team at Target, Christina Hennington, Ann Maranzano, and Kate Udvari, for your unrelenting support and dedication.

Thank you to the West Margin Press team, Jennifer Newens, Rachel Metzger, Olivia Ngai, and Angie Zbornik, for all of your hard work.

To Marc Lavaia, thank you for always looking out for me.

To my family and friends, especially my little lady Quorra, thank you. I love you with all of my heart.

Finally, to the readers, thank you all for your support. I so enjoying hearing how Zee has touched your hearts.

—Stephanie Smith