Seconds later, a strange transformation took place in Titans Tower. All five Teen Titans magically and instantly changed their appearances. They doubled in size, and their muscles began to bulge and ripple. Robin’s neck tensed as he lowered his chin dramatically, glowering and stretching his lips into a tight grimace. Starfire’s eyes narrowed, and she opened her mouth wide to display her gnashing teeth. Cyborg’s sharp, metallic edges clanked dangerously as he pounded his two giant fists into each other. Raven scowled beneath her hood as an aura of darkness surrounded her. Sharp fangs grew within Beast Boy’s mouth, and he let out a menacing growl as long, pointy claws shot out from his fingertips.


Even Silkie doubled in size and started snarling seriously.

“To the rooftop, Titans!” Robin bellowed in a husky voice. “It’s time for us to shout out our action-hero one-liners!”

Each Titan marched grimly up the stairs and stepped out onto the roof of Titans Tower.

“If you’re not gonna help, then get out of the way!” shouted Cyborg.

“I work alone,” said Raven. “You’ll only slow me down.”

“I’m saying the one-liner, like a real hero,” added Starfire.

“There is good, and there is evil, and the line between them is clear!” Robin cried out as he perched dramatically on top of a gargoyle that no one had ever noticed on Titans Tower until now.

“I need to use the potty,” admitted Beast Boy.

The other four heroes glared at Beast Boy.


The next morning, the newly enlarged, amply muscled, and now very serious members of the Teen Titans gathered around the kitchen table to eat their breakfast. The only sound to be heard was the five Titans chewing their cereal through gritted teeth. Finally, Robin broke the silence.

“Who here would like to make a silly comment about eating pie?” he angrily demanded of his teammates.

“How can I talk about pie?” grumbled Cyborg. “I’ve been so conflicted and unhappy all this time, and I never even knew it!”

“Yes, Robin,” agreed Starfire with a frown. “There is too much suffering in this world for such merriment.”

“You were right, Robin,” said Beast Boy with a low growl. “I’ve never felt more emotionally complex, yo.”

“Totally,” Raven tersely agreed.

Starfire reached out and grasped Robin’s shoulder and said, “I am grateful for what you’ve done for us, Robin.”

Suddenly, Cyborg jumped back from the kitchen table. He proudly pumped his metallic biceps and flexed his pecs.

“Look at how defined my muscles are!” he yelled. “Booyah!”

Beast Boy stretched his mouth wide to form a grimace.

“Wow, I can’t even smile anymore!” he boasted.

Robin crossed his thickly muscled arms and struck a triumphant pose.

“Finally, we are no longer disgraces,” he said. “We are the team I always dreamed we could be. This, my friends… this is what SERIOUS looks like.”

“Things just got the real…” Starfire began, and then she gasped. “I am now saying the one-liners just like a real hero!” she said with pride.

All five Titans lifted their heads, crossed their arms over their chests, and planted their feet firmly on the floor. For the next ten minutes, they stood in the middle of the kitchen showing off their most heroic poses.


The piercing wail of the Titan’s crime alert system broke the silence. All five Titans ran into the living room. Robin peered at a video screen.

“The president is calling us to say that H.I.V.E.’s about to launch a murder satellite,” Robin said. “If we can’t stop them, the world will be destroyed… forever!”

The serious looks on the faces of all five Titans grew even more serious.

“Titans, GO!” Robin yelled.