Gallery: “The Man Who Taught William Blake Painting in His Dreams” is a painting by William Blake.
Renunciation: The epigraph is from Dickinson’s third letter to Higginson.
Travel: The italicized quote is a slight adaptation of George Braque, from Painters on Painting, edited by Eric Protter, Dover Editions.
In the Agnes Martin Room: The Agnes Martin Room is at Dia:Beacon Riggio Galleries in Beacon, NY.
Night Boat: Mister Stevarius is online:
Cemetery at Montparnasse: The epitaph is carved into the headstone of sculptor Leopold Kretz.
Event: The first painting described is “Seagulls in Flight” by Nicolas de Stael. The second is “L’église d’Auvers-sur-Oise” by Van Gogh. This poem is for Catherine Aga.
Dear Rumi: Shams-e-Tabriz’s name means “Sun.” The “a” in “Shams” is pronounced like the “a” in “ago.”
Rhyme: “All the words in the world rhyme” is rumored to have been said by Olga Broumas at a seminar at Sarah Lawrence College. “Green Notebook, Winter Road” is the title of a book by Jane Cooper.