- Abd el-Kader, Emir
- Abington, Frances
- Académie Française
- Achilles
- Adams, John
- Adams, John Quincy
- Agamben, Giorgio
- Agoult, Marie d’
- Albert, Prince
- Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’
- Alexander I of Russia
- Alexander the Great
- Alfieri, Vittorio
- Ambigu-Comique
- anachronisms
- Angiviller, Charles-Claude d’
- anthropology
- Arnim, Bettina von
- Arnould, Sophie
- Artois, Comte d’
- Aubrey, John
- Aude, Joseph
- Audinot, Nicolas
- Augustinians
- Bachaumont, Louis Petit de
- Bache, Franklin
- Bacon, Francis
- Balzac, Honoré de
- Bara, Joseph
- Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules
- Barbier, Edmond-Jean-François
- Bardot, Brigitte
- Barnave, Antoine
- Barnum, Phineas Taylor
- Barrett-Browning, Elizabeth
- Barry, Elizabeth
- Barthes, Roland
- Baudelaire, Charles
- Baumont, Pauline de
- Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de
- Beaumont, Christophe de
- Beaunoir (Alexandre Robineau)
- Beauzenwal, Madame
- Beckham, David
- Beecher-Stowe, Harriet
- Beethoven, Ludwig van
- Beigbeder, Frédéric
- Bellini, Vincenzo
- Belloni, Gaetano
- Benoist, Antoine
- Bergasse, Nicolas
- Berlioz, Hector
- Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Henri
- Bernardoni, Madame
- Bernhardt, Sarah
- Bernoulli, Johann
- Bertin, Rose
- Beyoncé
- biography
- Charlotte Brontë
- criminal lives
- eighteenth-century public/private sphere
- Garibaldi
- Jenny Lind
- Johnson
- Mary Robinson
- Mirabeau
- Napoleon I
- nineteenth-century celebrities
- Petrarch
- Rousseau
- uses
- Vasari
- Washington
- Birdman (film)
- Biron, Maréchal-duc de
- Boethius
- Boilly, Louis-Léopold
- Bolingbroke, Lord
- Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon see Napoleon III
- Bonaparte, Lucien
- Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon I
- Boorstin, Daniel
- Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne
- Boswell, James
- Boufflers, Comtesse de
- Bowie, David
- Boze, Joseph
- Brancas, Marquis de
- Brassens, Georges
- Braudy, Leo
- Bret, M. and Mme
- Brissac, Duc de
- Brissot, Jacques Pierre
- Britain
- eighteenth century
- biographical writing
- caricatures
- castrati
- ceramic figurines
- criminal lives
- democracy and
- Jay Treaty
- monarchy
- obituaries
- opera
- periodicals
- portraits
- Rousseau in
- theater
- nineteenth century
- 1851 exhibition
- Byromania
- Garibaldi and
- political celebrity, Victoria
- Romantic period
- theater
- Broglie, Madame de
- Brontë, Charlotte
- Buffon, George Louis Le Clerk, Comte de
- Bull, Ole
- Burke, Edmund
- Burney, Charles
- busts
- Byron, Lord George
- Byromania
- celebrity and
- Childe Harold
- Corsair
- death
- divorce
- Don Juan
- fan mail
- Giaour
- Greece
- Manfred
- marketing
- marriage
- portraits
- pose
- scandal
- seduction of women
- Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges
- Caesar, Julius
- Caffieri, Jean-Jacques
- Cagliostro (Giuseppe Balsamo)
- Calonne, Charles de
- Campan, Madame
- Cantona, Eric
- Caraman, Comte de
- Carey, Mathew
- caricatures
- Carjat, Étienne
- Caroline, Queen
- Cartouche, Louis-Dominique
- Casanova, Giacomo
- castrati
- Catherine II
- Cavendish, Georgiana
- celebrity
- authenticity and
- curse
- definition
- economics
- eighteenth-century concept
- first media revolution
- glory and
- loneliness
- mechanisms
- merit and
- modernity and
- politics see politics
- reputation and
- Romanticism see Romanticism
- servitude
- society of the spectacle
- terminology
- theater see theater
- Voltaire see Voltaire
- censorship
- ceramic figurines
- ceremonials
- Chalier, Joseph
- Chamfort, Nicolas de
- Chaplin, Charlie
- charisma
- Charles II
- Charlotte, Queen
- Charmois, Monsieur de
- Charpentier, Georges
- Chateaubriand, François-René de
- Atala
- Byron and
- celebrity
- Essai sur les révolutions
- fan mail
- Génie du christianisme
- Mémoires d’outre-tombe
- Napoleon and
- publicity demon
- Rousseau and
- seduction of women
- on Washington
- Chaumont, Jacques-Donatien Le Ray de
- Chénier, Marie-Joseph
- Chenonceaux, Julie Dupin de
- Chevrier, François Antoine
- Choiseul, Duchesse de
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius
- Cincinnatus
- cinema
- circles of recognition
- Clairon, Hippolyte
- Clara the Rhinoceros
- Clare, John
- Clive, Kitty
- Clooney, George
- Cobain, Kurt
- Cobbett, William
- Cochin, Charles Nicolas
- Collet, Louise
- come-backs
- Comédie-Française
- Condé, Prince de
- consumerism
- Conti, Prince de
- Cook, James
- Cooper, Samuel
- Coppola, Francis Ford
- Coppola, Sofia
- Corday, Charlotte
- Corneille, Pierre
- Court, Antoine
- Covent Garden
- Crébillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de
- Cromwell, Oliver
- Croÿ, Duc de
- Cruickshank, George
- Cuneo, Giovanni Battista
- Curie, Marie
- Curtius, Philippe
- Czartoryska, Princess
- Darnton, Robert
- David, Jacques-Louis
- Dazincourt (Joseph Albouy)
- de Gaulle, Charles
- Debord, Guy
- découpures
- Defoe, Daniel
- Delacroix, Eugène
- Deleyre, Alexandre
- Delord, Taxile
- democracy
- advertising and
- Bonaparte and
- celebrity and
- democratic popularity and popular sovereignty
- democratization
- eighteenth-century revolutions
- media and
- Mirabeau and
- populism
- publicity and
- United States
- Washington
- Denis, Marie Louise Mignot
- Derby, Laetitia (“Mrs Smith”)
- Devonshire, Duchess of
- Diana, Princess
- Dickens, Charles
- Diderot, Denis
- Diogenes
- Disdéri, André
- Dolce Vita, La (film)
- Dorval, Marie
- Dorvigny (Louis Archambault)
- Dreux-Brézé, Henri-Evrard de
- Drury Lane theater
- du Barry, Madame
- du Deffand, Marie Anne de Vichy-Chamrod, Marquise
- du Guesclin, Bertrand
- Duchesne, Nicolas
- Ducis, Jean-François
- Duclos, Charles Pinot
- Dufrénoy, Madame
- Dumas, Alexandre
- Dumont, Étienne
- Dumont, François
- Dupin de Chenonceaux, Julie
- Dupin de Francueil, Louis
- Duplessis, Joseph
- Duthé, Rosalie
- Eckermann, Johann Peter
- economics
- Egmont, Madame d’
- Elias, Norbert
- Eliot, George
- Elssler, Fanny
- Encyclopédie
- engravings
- Cartouche
- Clara the Rhinoceros
- Corday
- eighteenth-century technique
- Emma Hamilton
- Franklin
- Garibaldi
- Jenny Lind
- Johnson
- Mirabeau
- Nadar
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Queen Victoria
- Rousseau
- Voltaire
- Enlightenment
- celebrities
- Chateaubriand and
- concept of celebrity
- glory
- great man ideal
- ideals
- Kant on
- optimism
- origin of celebrity culture
- philosophers
- progress
- public space
- publicity
- reason
- social aesthetic
- social sciences
- Voltaire
- Éon, Chevalier d’
- Epaminondas
- epitaphs
- Erasmus, Desiderius
- Esnault, Jacques
- ethics
- Diogenes
- Enlightenment
- public ethics
- public/private sphere
- Rousseau
- Face in the Crowd, A (film)
- Fairbanks, Douglas
- Falconet, Étienne Maurice
- fans
- fan mail
- invention
- Rousseau
- Farinelli
- Ferdinand, Archduke
- Ferling, John
- Fisher, Edward
- Fisher, Kitty
- Flaubert, Gustave
- Flaxman, John
- Flowers, Tom
- Fontanes, Louis de
- Foote, Samuel
- Foucault, Michel
- France
- American alliance
- caricatures
- celebrity terminology
- censorship
- eighteenth century
- biographical writing
- ceramic figurines
- criminal lives
- democracy and
- engravings
- First Republic
- Franklin in
- obituaries
- Opera
- political press
- portraits
- public figurines
- Revolution
- Seven Years’ War
- theater
- Washington and
- wax sculptures
- image rights
- nineteenth century
- 1848 revolution
- 1870 Franco-German war
- media
- Franklin, Benjamin
- busts
- ceramic figures
- engravings
- first political celebrity
- historiography
- image control
- portraits
- son
- Voltaire and
- wax figure
- freak shows
- Frederick II
- Fréron, Élie
- Friedland, Paul
- Furetère, Antoine
- Gainsborough, Thomas
- Gamson, Joshua
- Garbo, Greta
- Garibaldi, Giuseppe
- Garrick, David
- Gaskell, Elizabeth
- Gay, John
- gay rights
- Gellius, Aulus
- Genlis, Félicité de
- Geoffrin, Madame
- Geoffroy, Julien Louis
- George III
- George IV
- Germany, 1870 Franco-German war
- Giesey, Ralph
- Gillray, James
- Girardin, Delphine de
- Girardin, Émile de
- Girardin, René Louis de
- Gish, Lilian
- glory
- celebrity and
- definition
- reputation and
- trumpeting fame
- vainglory
- Gluck, Christoph
- Goethe, Wolfgang von
- Goldsmith, Oliver
- González Iñárritu, Alejandro
- Gouges, Olympe de
- Graffigny, Françoise de
- Graham, James
- Granville, Lord
- great men
- Greville, Charles
- Grévin Museum
- Grévy, Jules
- Grimm, Friedrich Melchior von
- Grosholtz, Marie
- Guibert, Comte de
- Guimard, Marie-Madeleine
- Gwyn, Nell
- Habermas, Jürgen
- Halliday, Johnny
- Hamilton, Alexander
- Hamilton, Emma
- Hamilton, William
- Hancock, John
- Handel, George Frideric
- Hanska, Evelina
- Harry Potter
- Harvey, Isabelle
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel
- Haydn, Joseph
- Haymarket theater
- Hayward, Ned
- Hazlitt, William
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
- Heine, Heinrich
- Helvétius, Claude Adrien
- Helvétius, Madame
- Henriquez, Benoît Louis
- Hérault de Séchelles, Marie Jean
- heroes
- Herz, Henri
- Herzen, Alexander
- Heth, Joice
- Hilton, Paris
- Hobbes, Thomas
- Hogarth, William
- Holbach, Paul-Henri Thiry, Baron d’
- homosexuality
- honor
- Houdon, Jean-Antoine
- Houellebecq, Michel
- Huber, Jean
- Hugo, Victor
- human curiosities
- humanists
- Humboldt, Alexander von
- Hume, David
- Humphreys, David
- image rights
- impresarios
- industrial revolution
- internet
- Jackson, Andrew
- Jackson, Michael
- Janot
- Jansenists
- Jaucourt, François de
- Jay, John
- Jay Z
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Johnson, Samuel
- biography and
- caricatures of
- celebrity and
- Dictionary
- friends
- portraits
- Jones, Edward
- Joseph II
- Jourdain, Louis
- Jove, Paul
- Jumonville, Joseph Coulon de
- Kafka, Franz
- Kant, Immanuel
- Kantorowicz, Ernst
- Kardashian, Kim
- Kazan, Elia
- Kean, Edmund
- Keith, George
- Kemble, John
- Kepel, Augustus
- Kidd, William
- King's Theatre
- Kingston, Duchess of
- Kirchberger, Niklaus Anton
- Koons, Jeff
- Kornmann trial
- La Bruyère, Jean de
- La Font de Saint-Yenne, Étienne
- La Harpe, Jean-Baptiste
- La Motte, Jeanne de
- La Roche, Pierre de
- La Rodde de Saint-Haon, Thérèse
- La Tour, Marianne de
- La Tour, Maurice Quentin de
- Laborde, Jean-Benjamin de
- Lade, Lord
- Lafayette, Madame de
- Lafayette, Marquis de
- Lafitau, Joseph François
- Lamartine, Alphonse de
- Lamb, Caroline
- Las Cases, Emmanuel de
- Lauragais, Duc de
- Laurès, Antoine de
- Lauzun, Duc de
- Lawrence, Thomas
- Le Beau, Pierre Adrien
- Le Gay, Nicole
- Le Gray, Gustave
- Le Peletier, Louis-Michel
- Le Ray de Chaumont, Joseph Donatien
- Lécluse, Louis
- Legrand, Marc-Antoine
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
- Lekain (Henri-Louis Cain)
- Lemaître, Frédérick
- Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste
- Léonard (hairdresser)
- lesbianism
- Lespinasse, Julie
- Leszczyńska, Marie
- Leszczyński, Stanisław
- Levasseur, Thérèse
- Ligne, Prince de
- Lind, Jenny
- Linguet, Simon
- Liszt, Franz
- literacy
- Louis I of Bavaria
- Louis XIV
- Louis XV
- Louis XVI
- Lowe, Hudson
- Ludwig I
- Luxembourg, Madame de
- Luxembourg, Maréchal de
- Macaire, Robert
- Madonna
- Malibran, Maria
- Mandrin, Louis
- Manuel, Pierre
- Marat, Jean-Paul
- Marchand, Jean-Henri
- Maria Theresa, Empress
- Mariani, Angelo
- Marie-Antoinette, Queen
- celebrity and
- court
- disguises
- fashion
- film
- lavish spending
- Mlle Raucourt and
- narcissism
- necklace affair
- pamphlet campaign against
- portraits
- Princess Diana and
- revolution
- Sophie Arnould and
- Marie de Médicis
- Marin, François
- Marivaux, Pierre de
- Marmontel, Jean-François
- Marron, Madame de
- Mars, Mademoiselle
- Martel, Thomas de
- Maupassant, Guy de
- Maupeou, René Nicolas Charles Augustin de
- Mayall, John
- Mayeur de Saint-Paul, Françoise-Marie
- Mazzini, Giuseppe
- media communication
- first media revolution
- biography
- caricatures
- idols and puppets
- periodicals
- public figurines
- public/private sphere
- techniques
- visual culture of celebrity
- French Revolution
- long-distance intimacy
- media monarchs
- Mirabeau and
- myth and
- Napoleon see Napoleon I
- nineteenth century
- changes
- photography
- Romantic period
- origins
- political power and
- popularity and celebrity
- technologies
- media studies
- Medwin, Thomas
- Mémoires secrets
- Mendoza, Daniel
- Ménétra, Jacques Louis
- Mercier, Louis Sébastien
- Mesmer, Franz
- Métastase (Pietro Metastasio)
- Mettra, Louis François
- Michelet, Jules
- Mignard, Pierre
- Milbanke, Anne Isabella
- Millaud, Moses
- Milton, John
- miniatures
- Mirabeau, Gabriel-Honoré Riquetti, Comte de
- 1782 trial
- constitutionalism
- death
- electoral campaign
- face
- historical reputation
- oratory
- Panthéon
- portraits
- prison
- revolutionary popularity
- scandal
- star of democracy
- Talma and
- theatricality
- writings
- Molé, Mathieu
- Molière
- Monnier, Sophie de
- Monroe, Marilyn
- Montaigne, Michel de
- Montesquieu, Charles de
- Montgolfier brothers
- Montmorin, Armand de
- Moore, Thomas
- Morellet, Abbé
- Morin, Edgar
- Moss, Henry
- Mouffle d’Angerville, Barthélémy
- movies
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
- Müller-Deym (Count Josef Deym von Stritetz)
- Murat, Joachim
- Murray, John
- music
- nineteenth-century stars
- opera see opera
- Rousseau
- Nadar, Felix
- Napoleon I
- Liszt and
- Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène
- power of celebrity
- private life
- Romanticism and
- Rousseau and
- Talma and
- Washington and
- Napoleon III
- Necker, Jacques
- Necker, Madame
- Nelson, Horatio
- neo-Marxism
- Neufchâteau, François de
- Newton, Isaac
- Nicolaï, Gustav
- Nicolet, Jean-Baptiste
- Nicolet theater
- Nini, Jean-Baptiste
- novel genre
- obituaries
- O’Brien, Nelly
- opera
- eighteenth-century stars
- Marie-Antoinette at the
- nineteenth-century stars
- Rousseau
- Orléans, Duc d’
- Ostervald, Jean-Frédéric
- Paganini, Niccolò
- Pajou, Augustin
- Palissot, Charles
- Panckoucke, Charles Joseph
- Panthéon
- Paoli, Pascal
- Peale, Charles Willson
- Pelé
- Pellisson, Paul
- periodicals
- England
- France
- origins
- political press
- Perrault, Charles
- Petit, Pierre
- Petrarch
- Philip V
- Philippon, Charles
- Phlipon, Manon (Mme Roland)
- photography
- Picasso, Pablo
- Pickford, Mary
- Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu-François
- Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste
- Plunkett, John
- Plutarch
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- politics
- eighteenth-century celebrity
- new political celebrity
- nineteenth-century celebrity
- political press
- Pompadour, Marquise de
- Pope, Alexander
- populism
- pornography
- portraits
- eighteenth century
- Byron
- caricatures
- ceramic figurines
- engravings
- forgeries
- Franklin
- Garibaldi
- heroes
- Marie-Antoinette
- Mirabeau
- Nadar
- photography
- public figurines
- Queen Victoria
- Rousseau
- seventeenth century
- visual culture of celebrity
- Voltaire
- Washington
- wax sculptures
- Poussin, Nicolas
- Presley, Elvis
- Préville (Pierre-Louis Dubus)
- Priestley, Joseph
- printing
- privacy laws
- private space see public sphere
- Proust, Marcel
- Provence, Comte de
- public figurines
- public sphere
- eighteenth-century biography
- eighteenth-century changes
- Enlightenment
- ethics
- Habermas
- image rights
- meaning
- media and democracy
- modernity and
- Revolution and
- Rabelais, François
- Rachel (Rachel Félix)
- Racine, Jean
- Rameau, Jean-Philippe
- Ramponneau, Jean
- Ramsay, Allan
- Rancé, Abbé de
- Ranelagh Gardens
- Ranson, Jean
- Rapilly, Michel
- Raucourt, Mademoiselle
- Raynal, Abbé
- Reagan, Ronald
- reality TV
- Rehberg, Friedrich
- Rémusat, Madame
- renown
- reputation
- celebrity and
- glory and
- renown and
- revolutions
- Rey, Marc Michel
- Reynolds, Joshua
- Richardson, Samuel
- Rigaud, Hyacinthe
- Rivarol, Antoine de
- Robert of Naples
- Roberts, Julia
- Robespierre, Maximilien de
- Robin, Abbé
- Robinson, Mary
- Rochambeau, Comte de
- Roguin, Daniel
- Rohan, Louis René Edouard, Cardinal of
- Rojek, Chris
- Roland, Mme see Phlipon, Madame
- Roman, Abbé
- Romanticism
- actors
- American celebrity
- Byromania
- celebrities of the hour
- celebrity and
- context
- emotions
- famous women
- fan mail
- features
- media
- musical stars
- new age of celebrity
- philosophers and
- political celebrity
- prestige and obligations
- seduction of women
- theatricality and
- virtuosos
- Romilly, Jean
- Romney, George
- Roscius Gallus, Quintus
- Rossini, Goiachino
- Rousseau, Jean-Baptiste
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
- Armenian dress
- Boswell and
- burden of celebrity
- career
- “celebrity of misfortune,”
- centrality
- Chateaubriand and
- Confessions
- death
- desire for celebrity
- desire for recognition
- Devin du village
- Discourse on the Arts and Sciences
- Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality
- disfiguration
- Dissertation on Modern Music
- early celebrity
- eccentricity
- Émile
- Ermenonville
- exemplarity
- exiles
- fan mail to
- fans
- friends
- Geneva
- Hume and
- Île Saint-Pierre
- images of
- Letter on French Music
- Letter to Beaumont
- Letter to d’Alembert
- Letters Written from the Mountain
- loneliness of celebrity
- media environment
- Muses galantes
- music
- Napoleon and
- Narcisse
- Nouvelle Héloïse
- obituary
- paranoia
- portraits
- Pygmalion
- reading model
- Reveries of the Solitary Walker
- Rousseau Judge of Jean-Jacques
- scandal
- scandal monger
- Social Contract
- solitary role
- on theatre
- true self
- Voltaire and
- withdrawal from society
- Rousseau, Pierre
- royal representation
- Rush, Benjamin
- Sade, Marquis de
- Saint-Germain, Comte de
- Saint-Huberty, Madame de
- Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de
- Sand, George
- Sardou, Victorien
- Savage, Richard
- secularization
- self, concept
- Sénac de Meilhan, Gabriel
- Seven Years’ War
- Sèvres porcelain
- Shakespeare, William
- Shelburne, Lord
- Sheppard, Jack
- Siddons, Sarah
- Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph
- Smollett, Tobias
- social climbing
- social media
- Socrates
- Sorbière, Samuel
- Soubise, Prince de
- Spears, Britney
- Staël, Germaine de
- stars, origin
- Stendhal
- Sterne, Laurence
- Stuart, Gilbert
- suicide
- Sunset Boulevard (film)
- Sutherland, Duke of
- Swift, Jonathan
- Taconet, Toussaint Gaspard
- Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de
- Talma, François Joseph
- Talmont, Princesse de
- Tarde, Gabriel
- technologies
- Tenducci, Giusto Fernandino
- Thalberg, Sigismund
- theater
- birth of stars
- ceremonials
- economics
- eighteenth century
- invention of the fans
- origins
- politics and
- Romantic period
- theatrum mundi
- Théveneau de Morande, Charles
- Thiébault, Paul Charles
- Thomas, Antoine-Léonard
- Thomas, Jean
- Thumb, Tom
- Tollot, Jean-Baptiste
- Toussaint, François Vincent
- Tronchin, Jean Robert
- Trumeau, Henri-Augustin
- Trump, Donald
- Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques
- Tussaud, François
- Tussaud, Marie
- United Kingdom see Britain
- United States
- eighteenth-century democracy
- freak shows
- human curiosities
- image rights
- impresarios
- Jay Treaty
- movies
- nineteenth-century celebrity
- War of Independence
- Washington and celebrity
- vainglory
- Valentino, Rudolph
- Van Gogh, Vincent
- Van Loo, Jean-Baptiste
- Vaporeau, Gustave
- Variétés-Amusantes
- Varignon, Pierre
- Vasari, Giorgio
- Vauxhall Gardens
- Vestris, Augustin
- Viala, Joseph Agricol
- Victoria, Queen
- Vienna Congress (1814–15)
- Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth
- Villette, Marquis de
- virtuosos, Romantic period
- visiting cards
- Vizitelli, Frank
- Volange
- Voltaire
- burial
- Chamfort and
- Comédie-Française and
- Essai sur les moeurs
- Ferney visitors
- on great men
- Henriade
- images of
- Irène
- Janot and
- Mémoires secrets and
- most famous man in Europe
- obituary
- Oedipe
- Panthéon
- Paris (1778)
- principles
- pseudonyms
- Rome sauvée
- Rousseau and
- Talma and
- Washington and
- Walpole, Horace
- Warhol, Andy
- Washington, George
- Adams and
- ambiguities
- biography
- death
- military glory
- modern Cincinnatus
- popularity
- portraits
- presidency
- vanity
- wet nurse
- wax museums
- wax sculptures
- Weber, Max
- Wedgwood, Josiah
- Weems, Mason
- WikiLeaks
- Wild, Jonathan
- Wilkes, John
- Willis, Nathaniel Parker