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Freaking. The. Fuck. Out.
There was no better way to describe my mental state. I didn't know what I was going to do; all I knew was that I had to get away. I raced to my closet to pull out that suitcase that I had out not too long ago, and shoved clothes into it. Anything else that I thought I might need—toothbrush, hair comb, conditioner, underwear, and sunglasses—got thrown in as well because I was going to be away for a while. I tossed the bag over my shoulder and grabbed my phone and purse, booking it down the stairs and not even bothering to change out of the green pajamas.
Ripping a piece of paper off a note pad, I wrote a note to my mom and dad that I was going to stay at a friend's house for a few days. The absurdity of the note caused a hysterical laugh to bubble up because it was an absolute lie. I didn't have friends apart from Hannah. My chest compressed with a sudden ache, causing my breath to catch. I gripped the spot where the pain flared and groaned. Fuck.
Swiveling around, I hustled out of there, keys and slippers in hand, jumping into my car and peeling away from the house I grew up in. I knew until I had a handle on what was going on, I couldn’t come back. They’d find me like they did before. I was afraid to even go back inside for the fear that whoever they were would be coming back.
Lydents. That's what they called themselves.
I had some money in the bank, but I didn’t want to touch it. I could be traced that way. Knowing that I had a little stash of cash in my purse from a job I had done when the principal hired me to find out who stole the school mascot, though, helped me feel somewhat secure. The second to last job I did was also for cash. Mr. Jeniks hired me to catch his wife cheating. That money was still in an envelope in my car, so I could use that, too.
The very last sleuthing job I did was finding Hannah’s long-lost relatives. Bet Mr. Cain didn’t know that his PI came to me. Crafty little buggers, but I needed the money, and no one would take a teenaged girl seriously. All my jobs came from a select few PI’s in the area and a few confidential intermediaries. When they got stuck, I was the one who got them unstuck. I was good at what I did, and even though they were small jobs, they were still important. At least, I believed they were.
I needed to contact my source again, and this time not by phone. I had to check my emails, too, but I couldn't do it at home for fear they would come back. So, I went to the only place I could think of - school.
At school I could access a computer, and getting past the firewalls was no feat. I had done it once before. Unless they changed codes or algorithms, I should be good. I just needed to change what I was wearing.
Parking a little distance from my school, I promptly did a quick change in my car, careful not to flash anybody. Then I prayed that no one would ask questions as I got out and walked the few blocks to the school and through the gates.
Once I got to the second building where the computer lab was, I quickened my pace down the halls. No one glanced my way. Not even my math teacher, who I bypassed with my head down and heart racing, paid me any attention, which was a good thing. Slipping into the computer lab, I grabbed a seat, grateful only two other people were there and not a full class. As I settled in, I tried to get a hold of my source to ask him what in the hell was going on. Typing up a quick and witty message then sending it, I sat back and waited to see if he’d shoot me a response, knowing he could take hours, even days.
I chewed my lip trying to think of what to do next. Logically, the next step would be to get a motel room since I told my parents I was staying at a friend's house. Getting back online, I reserved a cheap motel for two nights. Somewhere to go while I figured things out. Then I needed to get ahold of Hannah.
Just as I was going to reach for my phone, a flash of light lit up the computer lab, and before I could even think of moving, I was grabbed and pulled away. Next thing I knew, I was thrown into a basement and left there.
“What do you want!” I screamed as I frantically searched for a way out. It was dark, and as my eyes adjusted, I realized there were no exits. The door and windows were all bricked up. How in the fuck did I even get here? I was sick and fuckin’ tired of getting magically kidnapped.
I was going to die in here. I started to panic, and with the panic, a pressure rose inside of me. The noise of rattling metal filled my eardrums. My fear was tremendous, but I braced my hands on my knees and breathed deeply. I had to keep my cool. Because when you didn’t keep your head on straight, that’s when you made mistakes. When I calmed down, the noise stopped. Did we just have an earthquake?
Now that I could think rationally, I re-examined my prison. A few slivers of light squeezed through the cracks of the boards covering the windows. I tested the boards, but they would be impossible to pry off without a crowbar or something. I found a bed along with a thin but clean sheet. No toilet in sight. That made my skin crawl. They didn’t mean to keep me down here for long. I knew night was coming, and my stomach rumbled with hunger. I hadn’t eaten lunch.
Did those guys come back and find out that I wasn’t telling the truth? Were they the ones that left me here? I’d been taken so quickly I didn’t have a chance to see who my kidnapper was this time. How long would they leave me in this room? All these questions filled my head and as the hours bled into each other until, at the moment that I finally started to close my eyes, a rustling sound came. My eyes flew open as I scrambled back on the bed. A hand grabbed my arm and a bright light covered us as we disappeared.
We landed in a huge dining room. Before us was a long table adorned with food and treats and a single man sitting at the end of it, seemingly proper in his suit and tie. And he was looking at me. I pulled out of the grip that held my arm, turning to find an ageing man beside me. I stepped away from him with hands raised. “Okay, what the fuck is with kidnapping me?!”
“Thank you, Rupert, for escorting Ms. Dolton here. She's not going anywhere she doesn't need to be.”
He knew my name!
The gray light inside me quivered as if it recognized who this person was. My hands clenched at my sides and my feet widened into a ready stance, my body instinctively preparing for a fight. The gray light inside of me didn’t like this person. I didn’t much either. I wanted to escape, but I did the next best thing.
“Who are you and why am I here?” I demanded.
His demeanor screamed horror movie as an evil smirk curled his lips. Tilting his head in acknowledgement, his gaze piercing my own, he answered, “Of course, I’m Eric Frost. You took something that belongs to me.”
I took a careful step back. “No, I haven’t. I just met you,” I answered cautiously with a firm shake of my head. Maybe he was crazy. A crazy, well dressed, stuffed-up ass. “I don’t know who the hell you are, so how could I possibly steal something from you?”
“Without knowing it,” he said, scooting back his chair and standing up.
“What the fuck does that mean?”
When he started coming toward me, I attempted to retreat but found myself unable to move. Shit. He was one of them. When he was close enough, I noticed his eyes were as dark as coals and his mouth was thin. With his pasty complexion, he reminded me of a vampire would look like.
“You stole it, but you didn’t,” he said while turning away from me. He gestured to the food. “Sit. Eat. And if you don’t eat, I’ll choose something for you.”
The chair pulled out on its own and my body started to move, not of my own free will, and sat in the chair without my consent. “H-holy hell.” He moved me. He fuckin’ moved me!
He sat in his own chair as my hand reached for an orange, which I figured was the only food option that couldn’t be poisoned. My heart was sprinting from the level of adrenaline I didn't even know my body was capable of producing. Scared and held against my own will, I was forced to be his dinner “guest.”
“You see, my brother Ivan, dear sweet Ivan, who was a little touched in the head,” he continued, touching his temple for emphasis, “sadly took his life this morning, and his light, his beautiful light, did not come to me. It seems as though a little slip of a girl decided to take it for her own, which is unheard of.” He leaned forward, his eyes blazing. “I have to tell you, it’s quite fascinating. You, my dear, are a conundrum exceeding all other conundrums, a mystery beyond itself, and I would very much like to study you.”
I didn’t speak. I couldn’t. I was too shocked and horrified at what he was suggesting.
He took a large bite of rare steak, red juice dripping down his chin, while I wondered if I really was trapped with a vampire. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and pointedly stared at the orange in my hand before putting both forearms on the table. My appetite was gone, but I slowly ate a slice of the orange before he could decide to use his freaky power to make me eat it.
“You know what? I'm going to teach you. I'm getting old and I would very much like a woman by my side.”
The orange slice caught in my throat. There was no way I was going to be his woman. I kept my mouth shut while in my head I was screaming all kinds of profanities.
“My dear, I wonder. Did you receive a mark of any kind? Perhaps similar to those on your arms and the one on the rise of your hip?”
My mouth dropped open, and I looked down to make sure my tattoos were still covered. “How did you-”
He grinned. “I can see you clearly, my dear, but the light and mark are eluding me. Please, come, come. Tell me, did you feel anything like a terrible bee sting? Or perhaps the poke of a thousand needles? The burning of the fire within? Do you have a new mark?” His gaze was intent on me as he studied my reaction. “Women are very rare in this world.”
“No,” I lied, trying to keep a straight face.
He picked up his fork and continued to eat, ignoring my answer. “I’d very much like to keep you.” He had said this before and I wished he’d stop repeating it.
“Keep me like what? A pet?” I asked, wanting to shove away from the table. Away from this place. Away from him.
“As I said, Lydent women are rare, and a human woman taking in a light is unheard of. But there are whisperings, whisperings of a Lydent woman that hadn’t always been one.”
My breath caught in my throat as he went on. “You’re going to do great things for me, Tracy. Though...” He paused and tapped a finger against his bottom lip. “I don’t particularly care for the name Tracy.”
“Well, that’s too bad,” I muttered before forcing myself to take another bite of orange.
His thin lips lifted in amusement and his eyes crinkled. “Maybe I should rename you, hm? How about... Camila? Or Sophia? You do look like a Sophia to me. That rich, auburn hair and those bright blue eyes.” He made a little noise back in this throat that had my skin crawling. “You will do well in my bed.”
My mouth popped open, and I spoke before I could censor my response. “Oh hell no! I'm terrible in bed.”
His mouth quirked upward. “Don't worry, I'll teach you the way I like it.”
I gagged. “You don't understand, I'm terrible in bed. I'm always dry.”
He waved his hand. “There’s lube for that.”
I cringed. “I'm always on my rag.” Total lie, but I was getting desperate.
He seemed amused. “We’ll push through it.”
Ew! The remaining orange slices in my hand fell to the table. Fuck no. What was this guy smoking? I had to get out of here. I needed to figure out a plan. Scanning the dining room, I looked for anything that I could use as a weapon, a distraction, or a way to call for help.
“We’ll have to mate at least three or four times a week if we want to reproduce.”
That grabbed my attention. Oh fuck. I tried to get up, pressing my hands against the arm rests. I didn’t budge. Shit! He still hadn’t relaxed his hold on me.
“In fact...” He clicked his fingers and I was out of my clothes and in some girly nightgown with frills. He stood from his chair and stalked towards me. I struggled harder against the invisible hold but made no progress as he came near, coal eyes filled with a fire that I was fuckin’ not looking to put out, and stopped beside me, brushing back my hair.
I flinched away. “Don’t touch me!”
“Such fire,” he murmured, and then I found myself lying on a big bed that smelled strongly of starch and an overpowering masculine scent. The smell was so overbearing that it had me gagging. “You’re so strong. Difficult to control. It’s tiring.” Then he smirked.
My rage and terror grew. “You pasty, white ass, let me go!”
His gaze narrowed in on me, and with a flick of his wrist, he murmured, “These will work well for what I have in mind.” Ropes snaked around my wrists. I fought them, pulling my arms down and scrambling away, but it wasn’t any use; they shackled around me in an unforgiving grip. Pulling tight, the ropes tugged me down flat to the bed then tied themselves to the headboard. I was spread out like a fuckin’ sacrifice.
My blood ran cold when Eric appeared.
His chest was lean and lacked hair and lacked muscle as if he never bothered to work out. The pressed pants he wore were unbuttoned and the bulge of his erection was apparent. The dark gleam in his eyes had me panicking when the gown I was wearing began to slowly rise without him even touching it.
“Stop!” I manage to yell despite my throat constricting with fear.
He raised an eyebrow with a smirk. “I don't think so. Such delicate, creamy flesh is too appealing to resist.”
The nightgown crept further up my thighs and I tried to press my body against the bed to prevent it from moving any further up, but an invisible force ripped my legs apart and the invisible touch moved its way inside my thighs. Heart slamming against my ribs, I babbled nonsense about how I had a contagious disease. That I wasn’t worth it. He was almost to the juncture between my thighs, trying to soothe me with false promises. His soft, sick tone had my skin crawling as he murmured that I’d eventually come to love this.
The desperation to get him off me was all consuming. I screamed. Pleaded. No one was going to save me. Hear my cries of denial. This man, this ugly, sickly man, had me quivering with terror. Eric wasn't physically touching me, but he was raping me with his mind.
“Please, don't. I don’t want this. Stop, please,” I begged. I didn't want him to do this. I didn't want it to be this way. I loved sex. I loved everything about it - but this? No. I did not like this.
I slammed my eyes shut when I felt a finger against my center. My muscles pulled taught against the intrusion, my stomach rolled, and a cry stuck in my throat as I thought about other things, anything other than the horror taking place.
A sudden, bright light flashed against my closed eyes and the touch left me. A heartbeat later, I was in someone's arms being held and comforted. They gently untied the ropes from my wrists and rubbed my tender skin. The clean smelling scent washed over my senses and broke my resolve. I knew that smell and clung to the familiarity of it.
I opened my eyes to gaze at the rage of Eric storming toward us, the man who was going to rape me. The other guys were there as a barrier to stop his approach.
“No!” He roared as light surrounded us and we disappeared.
Squeezing my eyes shut, I swore I’d do whatever they wanted. Be whoever they wanted me to be, just so I wouldn’t have to see that man again.
After I had calmed slightly, I realized I was sitting in a lap and surrounded by men arguing. The array of voices I had heard once before were now in a lengthy discussion of what to do with me. If any of them were mad that I had lied, they didn’t say a word. The conversation centered on how upset they were that they had found me where I was and in that situation.
Justin, who held me, didn't say a word. My legs were over his lap and my head was snug in the juncture of his shoulder. “Thank you,” I whispered, clinging to him. I was vulnerable—not myself—but when a psycho crazy man has power over someone like that, it breaks a person.
Justin’s arms surrounded my trembling frame, giving me comfort and time to pull myself together. “Shh, it’s okay. You’re going to be okay.”
Everything he was doing had me drawing closer to him. I couldn’t bring myself to look around. I was embarrassed, ashamed, and upset. Upset at myself for getting into this situation.
I felt a cool clink of metal settle on my wrist, and my eyes peeled open to glance at the smooth, silver band.
“Why?” I finally whispered. “What is it?”
“It’s a way to keep you safe,” Nox answered with an angry growl. My gaze swung over to him; his mouth was pressed into a stern frown. At me? I wasn’t sure. “We were almost too late.” He turned his attention to Thad. “Did you see what he almost did to her? He was going to kill her! We need to take this to the council. Eric should have never been left to roam around as he has been. To protect ourselves from his talent of manipulation is one thing, but to leave humans defenseless against him... look what almost happened!”
My heart jumped in my chest. “No, he was going to rape me.”
Cameron stepped forward. “Yes, but he was also going to kill you. He was going to take back the light you stole from his brother.” He turned back to Thad. “You’re right. The council should have locked away his powers...”
I blocked them out as my muscles tensed and I froze. “He was going to breed me, not kill me. And I didn't steal any light.”
“He was probably indecisive. He wanted the light and you, but he couldn’t have both. Or he must think you have it. We've never heard of this before: a human taking the light. Never even thought of it. There's been whisperings about it, though. On the West Coast... I have to get in contact with them to see if the rumors are true.” His gray gaze met mine. “Did you accept the light into your body? Did it go into you?”
I bit my lip and wondered what would happen to me if I said yes. Fuck. I had to tell them. They could protect me. I didn’t want what had happened to happen again. “A ball of light did come at me, but I’m not sure where it went.”
“We went to the hospital, Cameron,” Thad barked. “We touched everything we could think of, but there was no light hidden in any objects there. There wasn’t anything left for him to touch. All the orderlies seemed to be fine. The only person that is out of sorts is her.”
“Wait a minute!” I moved to get up, but Justin stopped me by tightening his arms slightly.
“Hey-hey, we're the good guys, okay? We're not going to hurt you or put you in a cell. We're just trying to figure things out. If a light did go into you, it could be good or bad. The rumors say that a woman accepted a good light - a white light. Ivan wasn't a good man, and we fear that if a light went into you, it would have been gray.”
“That's right!” Thad jumped in once again, pulling something out of his cargo pants, popping it into his mouth, and chewing it. “He had a gray light. A gray fuckin’ ball of light, and we're not sure if you're going to become good or evil. If that light within you is going to fester and cause you to change into something that you shouldn't be. On top of all of this, we're not sure how to get it out of you!” His fists clenched at his sides as he swallowed the treat and breathed heavily. His gaze turned away from me while he dipped his hand in his pocket for yet another red candy.
“Eric said women were rare,” I relayed quietly, turning my gaze back to Cameron, who seemed to be assessing the situation. “He touched me.” My lips trembled. “I like sex just as much as any other person. Hot guys, having fun, being safe. That sensation, he ruined it for me. He said, ‘Women are rare.’ Is that true? Am I going to be auctioned off like a like a pet? Like an object to have to deal with that horror again?”
“You're not listening,” Justin said, kissing my forehead. I shifted in his lap to find his green gaze was weary. “No, you’re not going to be auctioned off. Lydent woman are special and can only mate with the men who carry their same mark.”
My eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean by a mark?”
Cameron took over. “Every Lydent develops a mark on their thirteenth birthday. It comes as a burning sensation some say. Others describe it as the stinging of a thousand needles being pricked into your skin, like getting a tattoo, but worse. Ivan got his when he turned thirteen, same as us. So, Tracy, if you took Ivan’s light, you might have gone through something similar. You may not have the same mark he did but the feeling of it happening would still be the same. Did this happen to you?”
“It’s Trace.” All eyes shifted to me as I debated on whether to lie about the sensation. Shit. “Yes,” I admitted.
Everyone shifted and glanced to one another. “Where?” Thad challenged, coming closer.
I lifted my bare right foot, and various expressions of surprise and concern flashed across every one of their faces. Justin tensed beneath me.
“Neru,” Justin whispered, but it sounded like a curse as he stared.
“On the sole of your foot,” Cameron said slowly. His gaze shot to Justin before turning to Nox, who had stayed back not saying a damn thing. Then he nodded and snapped his fingers; they all tensed.
When he spoke, his voice was deep and seductive, and I almost sighed at the sound of it. “Trace— may I call you that?”
Drawn to his cyan blue eyes, I did sigh. “Yeah.” It came out fuckin’ breathless sounding, but at least I tried.
He shifted in closer so that they were now all surrounding me. Like a protection barrier from all the evil that might hurt me. It felt nice and intimidating at the same time. “There are things you don't yet know, things we need to do, and one of them is getting you to the council and letting them know what has happened. We need to tell them a Lydent female has been created.”
I tensed, and Justin rubbed between my shoulder blades, trying to lessen my distress. I didn’t like the sound of that. “Why?”
Nox, the silent beast, spoke, “We need to get you the immunization.”
That piqued my interest. “Immunization? So, you can cure me?” I wondered if this was what the lady wanted to offer Hannah.
“No,” Thad barked, his eyes gleaming as he stared into mine. I liked it better when he smiled. “The serum is to make sure you don’t die.”
I froze, my eyes widening. Die? Fuck.