Juniper Bush

For to give a description of a bush so commonly known is needless.

PLACE: They grow plentifully [in fields, wood edges, and rocky outcrops in most of Europe, northern North America, and Asia]. The berries are not ripe the first year, but continue green two Summers and one Winter before they are ripe; at which time they are all of a black colour.

GOVERNMENT AND VIRTUES: This admirable solar shrub is scarce to be paralleled for its virtues. The berries are hot in the third degree, and dry but in the first, being a most admirable counter-poison, and as great a resister of the pestilence, as any growing; they are excellent good against the biting of venomous beasts, they provoke urine exceedingly, and therefore are very available to dysuria and stranguries. It provokes the terms, helps the fits of the mother, strengthens the stomach exceedingly, and expels the wind. Indeed there is scarce a better remedy for wind in any part of the body, or the cholic, then by eating ten or a dozen of the ripe berries every morning fasting. They are admirably good for a cough, shortness of breath, and consumption, pains in the belly, ruptures, cramps, and convulsions. They strengthen the brain exceedingly, help the memory, and fortify the sight by strengthening the optic nerves; are excellently good in all sorts of agues; help the gout and sciatica, and strengthen the limbs of the body. The berries stay all fluxes, help the hemorrhoids or piles, and kill worms in children. The berries break the stone, procure appetite when it is lost, and are excellently good for all palsies, and falling-sickness.

MODERN USES: A widely used folk medicine by different world cultures. Traditionally juniper fruits or berries (technically cones) are used as a carminative, urinary antiseptic, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory for cystitis and bladder problems (such as bladder infections) as well as a treatment for rheumatic pain and hemorrhoids. Described activities include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial effects, among others.

In phytomedicine, juniper is used for dyspeptic complaints and in combination with other herbs for bladder and kidney problems. CAUTION: Typically used for no longer than one week, as prolonged use can irritate the kidneys.