All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.
Abilify, 220, 221–22
active placebos, 126–27, 141,
addiction treatment
MDMA for, 132–33
psilocybin for, 162, 163
psychedelics for, 66, 93
Africa, Bruce, 85
afterglow, 40, 41
LSD for treating, 64, 66, 93
MDMA for treating, 132
alcohol prohibition, 6, 58
ambient noise, 62
American Psychiatric Association
(APA), 211, 228–29
amphetamines, 113–14
Anatomy of an Epidemic (Whitaker),
115, 126, 187, 188, 218
Anslinger, Harry J., 5–6
emotional leveling from, 219–20
long-term consequences of, 208–9,
mental illness related to, 115,
antipsychotics, 190–92, 202–6, 220,
MDMA study on end-of-life,
psilocybin and experience of,
150–51, 155–57
psychiatric drugs for, 204–6
Archives of General Psychiatry, 157
asylums, 196
ayahuasca, 166–86
context for using, 175–76, 177,
178, 182–83
DMT research and, 183–84
experience of LSD vs., 63, 177, 181
legality of, 168–70
medicinal qualities of, 177
psychotherapeutic use of, 168,
reasons for popularity of, 180–82
religion associated with, 168–70,
research on, 36–37, 167–68,
174–75, 179–80
risks/dangers related to, 184–85
vomiting caused by, 174, 182
Bach, George, 216
Beckley Foundation, 25, 26
behavioral psychology, 13
behavioral subroutines, 24–25
benzodiazepines, 204–5, 206
Beyer, Stephan, 182
birth, memory of, 50
blood pressure, 97, 116–17, 122
Bogenschutz, Michael, 16
Boston Globe, 189, 190, 191
Bouso Saiz, José Carlos, 117
LSD and, 18–22, 28, 29, 37–39
MDMA and, 87, 96, 123–24
psilocybin and, 41–42
brain-imaging studies, 28, 29, 37–39
Bronfman, Jeffrey, 181
Brotherhood of Eternal Love, 25
Buffett, Warren, 77
Burning Man, 57
California School for Professional
Psychology, 55
Cameron, David, 32
cancer patients, 153, 155–57
career killers, 15–16
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 10
Chasing the Scream (Hari), 36
Clinician Administered PTSD Scale
(CAPS), 91
Cohen, Peter, 117
Cohen, Sidney, 53, 155
collective unconscious, 50
LSD and changes in, 23, 28–31
material vs. mystical view of, 47–48
Constitution of the U.S., 4
Controlled Substances Act, 16
Cozzi, Nick, 25
Creative Aggression (Bach), 216
Crick, Francis, 2
Cummings, Nick, 55
DanceSafe, 111
Danforth, Alicia, 156
Darwin, Charles, 197 website, 114
Deep Within, 2, 3
default mode network, 28, 41–42
exercise for, 209–10, 213
psilocybin for, 136, 160–61,
psychiatric drugs for, 206–9,
study on psychedelics for, 41, 42
de Wit, Harriet, 138
divine providence, 132
DMT, 1, 180, 183–84
Doblin, Rick, 34, 96, 117
ayahuasca interview, 178–86
MDMA interview, 70–95
optimistic forecast by, 226–34
dosage considerations
for LSD, 23–24, 50, 60, 64–65
for MDMA, 84–85
for psilocybin, 144, 156
double-blind studies, 125, 126
Downing, Jack, 75
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA),
10, 74, 76
Drug Policy Alliance, 6
drugs, prescription. See psychiatric
prescription drugs
ecological interconnectedness, 52
ecstasy. See MDMA
ego reflex mechanism, 29–31
electroshock therapy, 200–201
emergency room visits, 114–15
MDMA and, 73, 82, 124, 129–30
serotonin neurons and, 20
suppression of, 216–17, 219–20
empathogens, 73, 99, 103, 123
Emperor’s New Drugs, The (Kirsch),
end-of-life care
MDMA for anxiety in, 107–9
psilocybin for anxiety in, 155–57
value of psychedelics in, 90–91
entactogens, 123
entheogens, 99, 123, 135 website, 59
epigenetics, 235 website, 86, 111–12, 117
Esalen Institute, 11
eugenics, 197, 199
overall benefits of, 213, 224
studies on SSRIs and, 209–10, 223
Fadiman, James, 11, 55–68, 84, 178
fear. See also anxiety
transcendence related to, 150–51
Feilding, Amanda, 11
LSD interview, 25–44
psilocybin interview, 160–65
Feynman, Richard, 2
Fisher, Gary, 155
Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), 10, 76, 88–89
Franklin, Benjamin, 192, 234
Freeman, Walter, 201
functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), 38
Gabriel, Mestre, 169
Galton, Francis, 197
genetics of insanity, 199
government policy, 5–7, 32–33
Greer, George, 75
Griffiths, Roland, 2, 16, 94, 136,
137–53, 157, 162, 231
Grinspoon, Lester, 75
Grob, Charles, 2, 16, 120, 143
ayahuasca interview, 167–72
MDMA interview, 95–102
psilocybin interview, 154–60
Grof, Stanislav, 11, 44–54, 73,
guides or sitters, 63
Gupta, Sanjay, 5
Hagerty, Marycie, 156
Hari, Johann, 36
harm-reduction model, 101
Harrow, Martin, 203
healing, voluntary, 43–44
Hearst, William Randolph, 6
Heffter Research Institute, 16, 22,
158, 172, 228
Hemingway, Ernest, 200
Hilgard, Ernest, 16
historical overview
of LSD, 9–10
of psilocybin, 134–35
of psychiatric treatment, 192–208
Hoasca Study, 174–75
Hofmann, Albert, 54, 61
LSD discovered by, 9–10, 26–27,
psilocybin contributions of, 135, 161
retreat/treatment center model of,
Holland, Julie, 213–25
Huges, Bart, 28, 161
Huxley, Aldous, 10
hyperthermia, 84, 114
hypnosis research, 16
inactive placebos, 126–27
inflammation, 224–25
information, suppression of, 4–5
institutionalized people, 197–98
insulin coma therapy, 200
Israeli MDMA–PTSD research,
Iverson, Leslie, 106
James, William, 144
Jefferson, Thomas, 4
Jobs, Steve, 2, 60–61
Johns Hopkins University, 136, 142,
Kantor, Robert, 75, 87, 229
Kast, Eric, 155
Kesey, Ken, 72
ketamine, 163
Ketamine Papers, The (Wolfson), 102
Kirsch, Irving, 126
Kleiman, Mark, 78
Leary, Timothy, 10, 135, 176
Leshner, Alan, 106
life-changing effects
of LSD, 17, 18
of psilocybin, 145–46
life group, 67–68
Lilly, John, 2
LSD, 9–68
alcoholism treated with, 64, 66, 93
brain-imaging studies, 37–39
cautions about using, 53–54, 57,
consciousness change and, 23,
28–31, 47
dosage considerations, 23–24, 50,
60, 64–65
early research on, 13–14, 46–47,
experience of ayahuasca vs., 63,
177, 181
historical overview of, 9–10
life-changing effects of, 17, 18
neurochemical mystery of, 18–22
non-addictive nature of, 42
perspective changes from, 47, 52
positive use vs. abuse of, 50–51
psychotherapeutic use of, 24–25,
rigid patterns shaken up with, 31,
suppression of research on, 10,
variables for safe sessions using,
worldview transformations and, 47,
48–49, 52
Mabit, Jacques, 171
MacLean, Katherine, 136, 139–53
Mad in America (Whitaker), 192
Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), 7
Maté, Gabor, 180
materialist worldview, 47–48
May, Theresa, 32
McKenna, Dennis, 167, 172–78
McKenna, Terence, 135
MDMA, 69–133
addiction treated with, 132–33
amphetamines related to, 113–14
DEA criminalization of, 74–76,
dealing with fatigue from, 85–87
descriptive overview of, 69–70, 73
dosage considerations, 84–85
emergency room visits from,
emotions and, 73, 82, 124, 129–30
end-of-life anxiety and, 107–9
experience of using, 130–32
information resources on, 117
legalizing as prescription medicine,
77–78, 227–28, 232–33
pharmacodynamics of, 123–24
physiological effects of, 110–11,
114, 117
pseudoscientific studies on, 105–7
psychotherapeutic use of, 82–87,
103, 109, 119, 122, 232
PTSD treatment using, 71, 81,
91–93, 125–28, 131, 232
research studies on, 79–80, 96–99,
risks related to using, 101, 110–12
sexuality/sensuality and, 116
street-based vs. pharmaceutical,
89–90, 115
suppression of research on, 79–80,
105–7, 120–22
terminology associated with, 123
medications. See also psychiatric
prescription drugs
emergency room visits for, 114–15
Mellon, Andrew, 5
mental attitude/intention, 59–61
mentally ill patients
animal treatment of, 192–95
coma and convulsive therapies for,
eugenic attitudes toward, 197, 199
imprisonment and sterilization of,
modern drugs for, 202–8, 212
moral treatment for, 195–97
prefrontal lobotomies on, 201
methamphetamine, 106, 113–14
metrazol convulsive therapy, 200–201
Metzner, Ralph, 176
Mind, Body, Health & Politics radio
program, 7
mind-body medicine, 177
mindfulness, 41
Mithoefer, Annie, 118–33
Mithoefer, Michael, 2, 34, 99, 117–33
Molly. See MDMA
monetary incentives, 211
Moniz, Edgar, 54, 201, 202
moods, natural, 215, 216
Moody Bitches (Holland), 213, 214
moral therapy, 195–97
Muller, Robert, 74
Multidisciplinary Association for
Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), 7,
70, 71–72, 80, 117, 226, 235
mushrooms, psychedelic. See psilocybin
music, 61–62, 113
mystical experiences, 23, 42, 144–45,
146, 148
National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH), 210
National Institute on Drug Abuse
(NIDA), 14
National Organization to Reform
Marijuana Laws (NORML), 7
nature settings, 61, 62, 215
of LSD, 18–22
of MDMA, 123–24
New Genesis: Shaping a Global
Spirituality (Muller), 74
niacin, 157
Nichols, David, 2, 11, 12–25, 137
nicotine addiction, 162
Nixon, Richard, 6, 120
nonprofit drug development, 77
Nutt, David, 26
Obama, Barack, 5, 7
obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD), 24
one-dose miracle cure, 230–31
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
(Kesey), 72
openness, 146, 147–48, 149
oral contraceptives, 219
Origin of Species (Darwin), 197
Osmond, Humphry, 50
ayahuasca, 174
MDMA, 111
Pahnke, Walter, 155
people of color, 5, 6, 35
perinatal unconscious, 50
Perry, John, 95
personality changes, 146–47
active vs. inactive, 126–27, 141, 157
power of, 98
post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD). See also trauma
description of, 128–29
FDA-approved drugs for, 92,
MDMA-assisted psychotherapy
for, 71, 81, 91–93, 125–28, 131,
treatment-resistant, 124–25
prefrontal lobotomy, 54, 201
prescription drugs. See psychiatric
prescription drugs
problem solving with LSD, 60
prohibition, 6, 33, 58
Prozac, 206, 211
pseudoscience, 105–7
psilocybin, 134–65
addiction treated with, 162, 163
default mode network and, 41–42
depression treated with, 136,
160–61, 162–64
dosage considerations, 144, 156
future of research with, 157–58
historical overview of, 134–35
life changes related to, 145–46
mystical experiences using,
144–45, 146, 148
negative experiences using, 149,
personality changes from, 146–47
psychotherapy retreat model for,
recreational vs. controlled use of,
148–49, 152
research studies on, 136–38,
140–45, 153
synthetic vs. organic, 158–59
Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide, The
(Fadiman), 55, 61, 178
psychedelic medicine
addiction treatment and, 66, 93
beneficial effects of, 2–3, 231–32
end-of-life care using, 90–91,
government policy on, 5–7, 32–33
non-addictive nature of, 42
optimistic forecast for, 226–35
psychological risks vs. benefits of,
psychotherapy retreat model for,
setting for using, 61–62, 112–13,
suppression of research on, 4–5,
33–35, 79–80
variables for safe sessions with,
voluntary healing with, 43–44
psychedelic therapy, 24–25
psychiatric prescription drugs,
antianxiety medications as, 204–6
antidepressants as, 207–9, 212,
antipsychotics as, 190–92, 202–3,
220, 221–22
epidemic of dependence on, 217–19
exercise studies and, 209–10, 223
monetary incentives for, 211
new normal for, 214–15
withdrawal symptoms from, 204,
205–6, 212–13, 217–19
psychiatric treatment
early history of, 192–201
modern drugs used in, 202–8
psycholytic therapy, 24, 50
Psychopharmacology journal, 137
ayahuasca and, 168, 170–71
LSD and, 24–25, 50
MDMA and, 82–87, 103, 109,
122, 232
new model for, 229–30, 232
psilocybin and, 159, 162
Ram Dass, 228
Reagan, Nancy, 74
Reagan, Ronald, 6
Realms of the Human Unconscious
(Grof), 73
research. See also suppression of
on ayahuasca, 36–37, 167–68,
174–75, 179–80
on LSD, 13–14, 230–31
on MDMA, 96–99, 122
on psilocybin, 136–38, 140–45,
retreat/treatment centers, 159
Riba, Jordi, 36, 41, 179, 185
Ricaurte, George, 105–6
rigid behavior patterns, 31, 40
Roberts, John, 169
Ross, Stephen, 16, 157
Ruse, June, 117
Rush, Benjamin, 193–94, 195
Sagan, Carl, 2, 61, 186
Salk, Jonas, 206
Sandoz Laboratories, 10, 45
Santo Daime, 170, 181
Schachter, Zalman, 74
schizophrenia, 189, 190–92, 222
depression and, 207
LSD and, 13, 19–22
setting, 61–62, 112–13, 176
shamanism, 174
Shulgin, Sasha, 95, 96, 103
Singing to the Plants (Beyer), 182
sitters or guides, 63
depression treated with, 163,
207–8, 212
exercise studies with, 209–10,
long-term consequences of, 208–9,
LSD and development of, 13
mental illness and, 206–7
STAR*D study, 210
Steindl-Rast, David, 74
sterilization, 198
Strassman, Rick, 183, 184
stress, 224–25
Sunshine Makers, The (film), 25
supportive community, 67–68
suppression of research
on LSD, 10, 14–17
on MDMA, 79–80, 105–7, 120–22
on psychedelic medicine, 4–5,
33–35, 79–80
terminally ill patients
MDMA for anxiety in, 107–9
psilocybin for anxiety in, 155–57
value of psychedelics for, 90–91
thorazine, 202
transcendence, 150–51
trauma. See also post-traumatic stress
psychedelics for healing, 43
research on responses to, 133
treatment-resistant PTSD, 124–25
unconscious mind, 50
União do Vegetal (UDV), 167–70,
United Nations, 6, 33, 74
Vollenweider, Franz, 16
Wallace, Bob, 89
war on drugs, 6, 35, 74, 120
Wasson, R. Gordon, 135, 161
Whitaker, Robert, 115, 126, 187,
188–213, 218, 229
Wilbur Hot Springs, 88
Wolfson, Phil, 102–18
Xanax, 205–6
Zaehner, R. C., 30
Zeff, Leo, 75
Zoloft, 222, 223