Cutting the model

The wall model is only a large plane at the back of our scene. We can make it a lot more interesting by adding a door. For that, we will cut the model using a tool in Blender called Loop Cut. The Ctrl + R keys are a shortcut for loop cuts, but they only work in Edit Mode.

There is also a dedicated button on the Toolbar, as follows:

Figure 3.7: Loop Cut button

When you trigger the loop cut, you will have to use your mouse cursor to choose an edge to cut. The cut will be perpendicular to the edge. With a click, you can set the direction of the cut, and Blender will ask you for the location of the cut.

Once you choose a direction, you will be able to move your mouse to pick a location for the cut. Use a second click to set the cut location.

In short, you will just need two clicks, one to pick a direction and another to set a location for the cut.

The technical name of a series of connected edges is an edge loop. For that reason, you will find the name loop cut.