Dietary preferences are not just an issue for vegans or vegetarians. A huge portion of the world’s population has one reason or another for not eating certain foods, either for ethical or religious reasons, intolerances, or simply not liking something.

If you are someone who eats “outside the norm,” chances are that you have been confronted with some provoking one-liners or even ignorant mistruths about your choices by colleagues, friends, or family members. And if that happens, it’s not always easy to let it slide. Food is an emotional topic. Everybody’s an expert, everybody has an opinion, and everybody firmly believes that what they’re doing is the right thing. So do you, and so do they.

Even in countries where the mere need for food has become a non-issue, food itself still plays a very important role to the majority of people. Whether we talk about where, what, when, and how much to eat, how to prepare food, and who to share our meals with, choosing to eat or not eat a certain thing or prepare it in a special way can lead to a variety of social repercussions ranging from friendly banter to a full-blown argument and subsequently social seclusion. Party over.

However, sometimes you just don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you dispute over what you are (or aren’t) eating, when all you want to do is enjoy the company of your family and friends. So, if you’re prone to disputes over your dietary preference, here’s a list of pointers that will help you avoid being the center of attention just because of what you do or do not eat.

Try to See Where They’re Coming From

Chances are you haven’t been vegan or vegetarian for the span of your whole life. Maybe you’ve been an avid meat-eater for many years. Sometimes it’s hard to understand the other person’s position, especially when your dietary preference has become the norm for you. But remember, food is an emotional topic, so people don’t appreciate being told that they are responsible for the death and torturing of living, breathing beings.

They may do things that you find ethically questionable, but that doesn’t mean they’re evil. Some of them will take some lighthearted jabs at you, but a lot of it comes out of insecurity and curiosity. Be able to take a joke—even if you’ve heard it for the millionth time. And you will hear many jokes—millions of times. For a lot of people, this is a playful way to explore. Our advice? Let them! Be in on it.

Invite Them to Dinner

When you see that another person’s remarks about your preference come out of ignorance or lack of education, lecturing them is the worst way to stay out of trouble. We all know what they say about know-it-alls, so instead of telling them about veganism, show them. Invite them. Feed them a home-cooked meal or treat them to a quick lunch at your favorite falafel place. Give the other person a chance to have a taste of your everyday life. It’s a friendly way to defuse a situation that could easily ruin your socializing experience.

Tell a Little White Lie

It’s not a good thing to lie. It’s also not a good thing to betray the things you believe in. However, we all have those days where we really, really want to avoid discussing our dietary preferences. So, if the setting allows it, another option is to not talk about it or maybe even lie if the topic comes up. Sometimes you’re not in the mood for taking jokes. Sometimes you don’t want to invite your grumpy colleague for hummus. So, if the person you are talking to isn’t really that close to you, it’s no big deal to tell a lie or say nothing. Maybe you are lactose intolerant, maybe you’re still full from that big lunch you’ve had. Anything that gets you out of the situation. We wouldn’t recommend doing it for long, though.

Ask Them to Talk Later

You know the situation: it’s a buzzing party, the music is loud, there are drinks involved, and you thoroughly enjoy the company of your friends and family members. And then someone catches you reading the packaging of the potato chips, looking to see if they are vegan and ready to stuff your salt-craving face with. And you want nothing to do with debating your dietary preferences right now.

In this situation, try to leave the topic be, at least for now. Nobody wants to lose a debate in front of an audience. If you think that the other person really is curious about veganism, offer to talk about big topics like this another time if they’re interested. Of course, if you’re not a fan of small talk and enjoy lengthy, drunken conversations, go ahead!

Agree to Disagree

If the other person is obviously not interested in your point and just wants to talk, but not listen, let them. You don’t need to please everyone with your lifestyle. Neither do they. People have different ethical standpoints when it comes to food, and while it can be hard to accept that, sometimes the right thing to do is just walk away and move on.