Shock! Horror! Belly!

that’s the Barbara
that Dad knows.
And it’s the Barbara
that Mum wants the world to see,
I know a different Barbara.
One day, two weeks ago,
I came home early from school.

As I’m unlocking the back door
I hear this really loud music—
bongos, drums, and strange wailing sounds,
coming from upstairs.
All the curtains are drawn.
I quietly close the door
and follow the sound.
I’m a little scared.
It could be a burglar
with mad musical tastes
robbing our house!

But no,
It’s Mum,
dressed in some weird
Middle Eastern costume
with balloon trousers,
spangled top,
and bare
totally naked!!! stomach
belly dancing
in front of the bedroom mirror.
she’s so involved in her dance
she doesn’t see me
so I duck into the hall closet
leaving the door open
just enough to watch
Barbara the Belly dancer!
glide, shimmy, shake,
and gyrate through an hour
of dance.
Mum’s pretty good too
and here in the dark of the closet,
I realise,
that to be this good
Mum must have been
dancing and practising for ages.
Me and Dad
never knew.
Dad would have a heart attack.
Maybe I should tell him!

(Dead Parent Wish # 5)