Acton, Thomas
“Adventure of the Speckled Band, The” (Conan Doyle)
Aguilar, Grace: The Vale of Cedars
ambition, myth of
Anderson, Amanda
Anderson, Benedict
Ardry, Francis (The Romany Rye)
Armstrong, Isobel
Arnold, Matthew; challenge of, to Wordsworth; cyclical movement in works of; identification of, with Gypsies; nostalgia of; “Resignation (To Fausta),”; “Thyrsis,”. See also “Scholar-Gipsy, The”
artist, Gypsy linked with
Austen, Jane; Emma; Mansfield Park
authors: ambiguous position of; condescension of; conservatism of; detachment of; disapproval of Gypsies by; Gypsies as surrogate self for; idealization of Gypsies by; identification of, with Gypsies; as mediators; moralizing tone of; noble vocation of; as observers; and productivity; as wanderers. See also nostalgia
Aylwin (Watts-Dunton)
band, as metonym for Gypsies
Bate, Jonathan
Beard, Mary
Beer, Gillian
Berners, Isopel (Lavengro)
Bertram, Harry (Guy Mannering); disinheritance of
Bible in Spain, The (Borrow)
biological metaphors
Birrell, Augustine: Res Judicate
Bizet, Georges
Blackwood’s (magazine)
bohemianism; attributed to Borrow; “Open Road,”; urban. See also Gypsy lorists
Book of Boswell, The (Boswell)
Book of Gypsy Folktales (Yates)
Borrow, George; ambivalence of; anti-Catholicism of; The Bible in Spain; bohemianism attributed to; gentility, view of; identification of, with Gypsies; and ideology; influence of, on Gypsy lorists; interpretations of; linguistic skills of; popularity of; time spent among Gypsies by; Wild Wales; The Zincali. See also Lavengro; Romany Rye, The
Boswell, Dora
Boswell, Rhona
Boswell, Silvester Gordon; The Book of Boswell
Boswell, Silvester (Wester)
Boswell family
Boyarin, Jonathan
Brantlinger, Patrick
Breitmann, Hans. See Leland, Charles
British and Foreign Bible Society
Brontë, Charlotte: Jane Eyre
Brontë, Emily: Wuthering Heights
Brooke, Dorothea (Middlemarch)
Brooks, Peter
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George: Leila, or, The Siege of Granada
Burrow, J.W.
Byatt, A. S.
Carlyle, Thomas: Sartor Resartus
Carroll, Alicia
“Case of the Missing Hand, The” (Morrison)
Cato Street Conspiracy
Cervantes, Miguel de: La Gitanilla
changeling themes
Chiaroscuro (John)
Clare, John; “The Gipsies Evening Blaze,”; “The Gipsy Camp,”; identification of, with Gypsies; Shepherd’s Calendar, “October” section; time spent among Gypsies by
clearances. See also enclosure movement
Clough, Arthur Hugh
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Collie, Michael
Coming of Love, The (Watts-Dunton)
community: imagined; knowable
Comte, Auguste
Conan Doyle, Arthur: “The Adventure of the Speckled Band,”
Confessions of an English Opium Eater (De Quincey)
Corinne, or Italy (Stäel)
Crofton, Henry T.; The Dialect of the English Gypsies
Culler, Dwight
cultural anxieties. See also difference; kidnapping themes; origins, of Gypsies; physical difference; skin color
cultural uniformity, theories of
Daniel Deronda (Eliot); family romance in; nationalist project in; as rewriting of The Spanish Gypsy
David Copperfield (Dickens)
Davis, Lennard
De Quincey, Thomas: Confessions of an English Opium Eater
Defoe, Daniel: Moll Flanders; Robinson Crusoe
Deronda, Daniel (Daniel Deronda); and family romance; identity of, development of; as marked by race
Dialect of the English Gypsies, The (Smart and Crofton)
Dialect of the Gypsies of Wales, The (Sampson)
DiBattista, Maria
Dickens, Charles: David Copperfield; Little Dorrit; Oliver Twist
difference: cultural anxieties about; historical, Gypsies and Jews compared; and other within; and outsiders; and separated individual. See also physical difference
Dillman, Alfred: Zegeuner-Buch
disinheritance; in Guy Mannering; and separated individual
Disraeli, Benjamin; Tancred, or the New Crusade
Dissertation on the Gipseys (Grellman)
Dorson, Richard
Dracula (Stoker)
Duncan, Ian
eccentricity, English
Egerton, Sarah
Eichmann, Adolf
Eliot, George; Adam Bede; family romance in works of; heroes of; heroines of, as exiles; heroines of, as imprisoned; Impressions of Theophrastus Such; “Janet’s Repentance,”; Middlemarch; “The Modern Hep! Hep! Hep!”; nationalism, interest in; Silas Marner. See also Daniel Deronda; Mill on the Floss, The; Spanish Gypsy, The
Ellangowan, laird of (Guy Mannering)
Emma (Austen)
Empson, William
enclosure movement. See also clearances
English Gypsies and Their Language, The (Leland)
exile: and Eliot’s heroines; of Gypsies and Jews compared; scholar-gypsy as; of separated individual. See also imagined community; knowable community
extinction, rhetoric of
family romance; actualization of; Borrow’s use of; Eliot’s use of; Gypsy versions of; and Scott
Fedalma (The Spanish Gypsy); celibacy required of; choice of identity of, precluded; and family romance; and identity of difference; as leader; as marked by race and gender
flood imagery
folklore movement; women in. See also Gypsy Lore Society; Gypsy lorists
Folk-Lore Society. See also Gypsy Lore Society
fortune-telling, Gypsies associated with
foundling/bastard plots
Fraser, Angus
Frazer, James: The Golden Bough
Freud, Sigmund
Garside, Peter
gender: Gypsy male as feminized; heterodoxy; physical difference as feminized; as physical marker. See also masculinity
ghosts, imagery of
“Gipsies Evening Blaze, The” (Clare)
“Gipsy Camp, The” (Clare)
“Gipsy Encampment on Putney Common, A” (von Herkomer)
“Gipsy’s Malison, The” (Lamb)
Gitanilla, La (Cervantes)
Glanvill, Joseph; The Vanity of Dogmatizing
Golden Bough, The (Frazer)
Gomme, George Lawrence
Gordon, Jean
Gordon, Madge
Grahame, Kenneth: The Wind in the Willows
Greek civilization, rejection of
Grellman, Heinrich; Dissertation on the Gipseys
Griffiths, Rosie
Groome, Esmeralda Lock
Groome, Francis Hindes; “colporteur” theory of; Gypsy Folk-Tales; In Gipsy Tents
Guy Mannering, or, The Astrologer (Scott); clearances in; curse of Meg Merrilies in; deception in; disinheritance in; fortune-telling in; Gypsies as mingled race in; identity in; imperialism in; India in; kidnapping trope in; Lang’s introduction to; memory in; middle way in; observation in; social and economic changes in. See also Merrilies, Meg
Gypsies (Romany): Abraham as possible ancestor of; American (Romanichals); anglicized; as archetypes; authors’ identification with; British (Romanichals); condescension toward; Continental; definitions and terms; eastern European (Rom/Roma); economic and social realities of; equated with animals; “ethnic/cultural” school of origins of; “ethnic/racial” school of origins of; French (bohémiens, manouches); French interest in; German (Sinti); Greek; Hagar as possible ancestor of; and history, exclusion of Gypsies from; and history, inclusion of Gypsies in; as homogenous; Ishmael as possible ancestor of; and Jews, differences from; and Jews, parallels with; literacy of; male, as feminized; as models for human endurance; nostalgia of; as objects of nostalgia; origin of, in Egypt; origin of, in India; as other within; as pastoral figures; as peripheral; political identity of; as remnants of ten lost tribes of Israel; Romanian; Russian; and Schmul and Rom-Schmul story; as semihuman; sexuality of; as victims; Welsh; writings by. See also Holocaust; literary representation of Gypsies; origins, of Gypsies; Scottish Gypsies
Gypsies, characteristics attributed to: arcane knowledge; begging; changelessness; contaminating influence; criminality; cyclical movement; detachment; fortune-telling; freedom from restrictions; gender heterodoxy; homelessness; immorality; innocence; lack of productivity; primitiveness; sexual difference; vagrancy; wandering. See also kidnapping themes; literary representation of Gypsies
“Gypsies” (Wordsworth); Arnold’s allusions to; disapproval of Gypsies in
Gypsies, The (Leland)
Gypsy Folk-Tales (Groome)
Gypsy Information Agency
Gypsy Lore Society; ideology of; as semiprofessional; theatricality of. See also Gypsy lorists; Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society
Gypsy lorists: as anti-assimilationists; caravaning of; collection and interpretation of folktales by; contradictions in research of; diffusionists among; empiricism of; evolutionists among; extinction, rhetoric of; influences on; intermarriage research by; nostalgia of; purity, search for; racism of, alleged; scholar-gypsy as prototype for; sexuality of; women researchers among. See also Gypsy Lore Society
Hancock, Ian
Hazlitt, William
Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
Helsinger, Elizabeth
Henley, W.E.
Herbert, Christopher
heredity, as racial
Herne, Mrs. (Lavengro)
heroines: choice of identity of, precluded; as exiles; as imprisoned; light and dark tradition of
Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, & Present State of the Gypsies, A (Hoyland)
history: exclusion of Gypsies from; inclusion of Gypsies in; Jews tied to; Romani as key to
Hodgson, John A.
Holroyd, Michael
homecoming/return theme
Hoyland, John; A Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, & Present State of the Gypsies
Hugo, Victor
identification, and dissociation
identification with Gypsies; as projection; as self-referential
identity; alternative; choice of, precluded; group; in Guy Mannering; and Jews. See also family romance
imagined community
Imlach, Gladys
immortality. See also Gypsies, characteristics attributed to: changelessness
In Gipsy Tents (Groome)
“In Praise of Gypsies” (Symons)
India, in Guy Mannering
individual, separated; exile of; as pariah
Ings, James
intermarriage; in Boswell family; Gypsy lorists’ research on; theories of
Italy, unification of
Ivanhoe (Scott)
Jane Eyre (Brontë)
Jews; circumcision of; and gentility; and Gypsies, differences from; and Gypsies, parallels with; homeland for; and loss of identity
John, Augustus; Chiaroscuro; Lyric Fantasy (Blue Lake); on Nazis; romantic involvements of
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society
Jung, Carl
Keats, John: “Meg Merrilies,”
Kenrick, Donald
kidnapping themes; in Guy Mannering; revision of
Knapp, William Ireland
Knight, G. Wilson
knowable community
Ladislaw, Will (Middlemarch)
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence)
Lamb, Charles: “The Gipsy’s Malison,”
Lang, Andrew
language: as agent of intimacy; Anglo-Romani; and Indian origin hypothesis; as key to history; in Lavengro; and Oedipal struggle; and origin of Gypsies; Romani; in The Romany Rye; and spiritual meaning; ur-Romani
Lavengro (Borrow); as anti-bildung; boxing imagery in; language in; man in black in; masculinity and ambition in; as mock memoir; nostalgia in; Oedipal struggle in; self-critique in; setting of
Lavengro (Lavengro; The Romany Rye); emerging sense of self of; and family romance; on intermarriage; as linguist; and Petulengro; poisoning of; romantic relationship of
Lawrence, D. H.: Lady Chatterley’s Lover; The Virgin and the Gypsy
Lee, Ithal
Leila, or, The Siege of Granada (Bulwer-Lytton)
Leland, Charles; The English Gypsies and Their Language; The Gypsies; Memoirs
Lewes, George Henry
literary representation of Gypsies; dissociation in; revision of. See also Gypsies, characteristics attributed to
Little Dorrit (Dickens)
Lock, Esmeralda. See Groome, Esmeralda Lock
Lorimer, Douglas
Lovell, Sinfi
Lovell family
Lukács, Georg
Lyric Fantasy (Blue Lake) (John)
Macfie, Andrew Scott
male, feminized: Gypsy; and physical difference
Mannering, Guy (Guy Mannering)
Mannering, Julia (Guy Mannering)
Mansfield Park (Austen)
Marcus, Steven
Marner, Silas (Silas Marner)
Marsden, William
Marsh, Jan
Marston, Agnes
masculine plot
masculinity; Gypsy male as feminized. See also gender
Mason, Michael
Mayall, David; on racial purity theories
Mayhew, Henry
Mazzini, Giuseppe
“Meg Merrilies” (Keats)
Megel, John
memory; and group identity; primal; in “The Scholar-Gipsy,”
Merimée, Prosper
Merrilies, Meg (Guy Mannering); archetypal role of; Bertram’s reunion with; curse of; heterodox gender identity of; and memory; as model for other works; in popular culture; precursors of
Middlemarch (Eliot)
Mill, John Stuart
Mill on the Floss, The (Eliot); family romance in; gender heterodoxy in
Mitford, Mary Russell; Our Village
modern life; contamination by; dissent against; and extinction, threat of; and Greek civilization, rejection of; Gypsy as focus for; Gypsy view of; as oppressive; and passage of time. See also enclosure movement
Moll Flanders (Defoe)
monogenesis, theory of
Mordecai (Daniel Deronda)
Morrison, Arthur: “The Case of the Missing Hand,”
motherhood: portrayals of, by Gypsy lorists; symbolic. See also Merrilies, Meg
Motion, Andrew
Müller, Max
My Gypsy Days (Yates)
nationalism: in Daniel Deronda; of disinherited nation; and homeland for Gypsies and Jews; and imagined community; and separated individual; in The Spanish Gypsy
nostalgia: of Arnold; and Borrow’s reception history; of Gypsies; Gypsies as objects of; of Gypsy lorists; in Lavengro
nursery rhymes
observation; in Guy Mannering; in “The Scholar Gipsy,”
Oedipal struggle; and language
Okely, Judith
Oliver Twist (Dickens)
“Open Road” bohemianism
origins, of Gypsies; and ancestral associations; Egyptian hypothesis of; and extinction, rhetoric of; and fantasy of escape; Indian hypothesis of; and language; mystery of; schools of thought on; and written record
Orkney Islands
Our Village (Mitford)
Pancks (Little Dorrit)
pastoral form
Petulengro, Jasper (Lavengro)
physical difference; of deformed body; as feminized; and hereditary conditions; invisible; of light and dark heroines; as metaphor for unconventionality; of racially marked body. See also difference
picaresque tradition
picturesque, aesthetic of
Pott, August Friedrich: Die Zigeuner in Europe und Asien
Powell, Enoch
primitive, Gypsies associated with
primitive thinking
proleptic elegy
purity, search for
race, as term
racial plot
racially marked body
racism, alleged of Gypsy lorists
“Raggle Taggle Gypsy, The,”
Ragussis, Michael
Rebecca (Ivanhoe); as model for other heroines
representation. See literary representation of Gypsies
Res Judicate (Birrell)
“Resignation (To Fausta)” (Arnold)
Riede, David G.
Robertson, Struan
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe)
Rochester, Edward (Jane Eyre)
Romani (language); dictionaries of
Romani Archives and Documentation Center
Romany. See Gypsies
Romany Rye, The (Borrow); Abraham story in; anti-Catholicism in; as anti-pastoral; influence of, on Gypsy lorists; language in; man in black in; as mock memoir; origins in; romantic desire in; Sampson’s introduction to
Romany ryes; Borrow’s invention of. See also Gypsy lorists; scholar-gypsy
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Said, Edward
Saintsbury, George
Sampson, Anthony
Sampson, John; as auto-didact; caravaning by; The Dialect of the Gypsies of Wales; funeral of; introduction to The Romany Rye by; The Wind on the Heath; Yates’s research for
Sampson, Margaret
Sartor Resartus (Carlyle)
“Scholar-Gipsy, The” (Arnold); gender in; Gypsies as mythic beings in; kidnapping plot in; memory in; observation in
scholar-gypsy; as feminized; susceptibility of, to change. See also Romany ryes
scholar-gypsy (“The Scholar-Gipsy”); as exile; as feminized; as prototype for Gypsy lorist
Scott, Walter; ancestry of; conservatism of; Ivanhoe; Waverly. See also Guy Mannering, or, The Astrologer
Scott Macfie Collection of Books on Gypsy Lore
Scottish Gypsies: as hybrid and ancestral people; inclusion of, in history
Semmel, Bernard
sewage metaphor
sexuality: exotic; expressed through language; passive; promiscuous, attributed to Gypsies
Sharp, Cecil
Shepherd’s Calendar, The (“October” section) (Clare)
Siddons, Sarah
Siegel, Carol
Silas Marner (Eliot)
Simpson, David
Simson, Walter
skin color. See also physical difference
Smart, B. C.: The Dialect of the English Gypsies
Smith, Adam; referred to in Guy Mannering
Smith, George
Smith, Harriet (Emma)
Spanish Gypsy, The (Eliot); ambivalence of; family romance in; homeland for Gypsies in; inadequacy of Gypsy to purposes of; individual liberty vs. general good in; nationalist project in; research notes for
Stäel, Madame de: Corinne, or Italy
Starkie, Walter
Stephen, Leslie
Stocking, George W., Jr.
Stoker, Bram: Dracula
Sussman, Herbert
Sutherland, John
Symons, Arthur; “In Praise of Gypsies,”
Tancred, or the New Crusade (Disraeli)
Tennyson, Alfred
Thistlewood, Arthur
Thomas, Edward
“Thyrsis” (Arnold)
Tickner, Lisa
time, passage of
Trollope, Anthony: The Way We Live Now
Trumpener, Katie
Tucker, Irene
Tulliver, Maggie (The Mill on the Floss); and family romance
United States Holocaust Memorial Council
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
university, escape from
urban bohemian
Vagrancy Act of 1824
Vale of Cedars, The (Aguilar)
Vanity of Dogmatizing, The (Glanvill)
Victoria (queen of England)
Virgin and the Gypsy, The (Lawrence)
Virgin Mary
von Herkomer, Hubert: “A Gipsy Encampment on Putney Common,”
Wakem, Philip (The Mill on the Floss)
walking expeditions
Walrond, Theodore
Watts-Dunton, Theodore; Aylwin; The Coming of Love
Waverly (Scott)
Way We Live Now, The (Trollope)
Wellems, Wim
Welsh, Alexander
Wild Wales (Borrow)
Williams, Anne
Williams, Ralph Vaughan
Williams, Raymond
Wind in the Willows, The (Grahame)
Wind on the Heath, The (Sampson)
Winter, Walter
Wood, Abram
Wood family
Wordsworth, Dorothy
Wordsworth, William; ambivalence of, toward Gypsies; “Beggars,”; disapproval of Gypsies; “Now We Are Seven,”; “Resolution and Independence,”; “Sequel to ‘Beggars’ Composed Many Years After,”; “Tintern Abbey,”. See also “Gypsies”
Wuthering Heights (Brontë)
Yates, Dora Esther; Book of Gypsy Folktales; caravaning by; and migrant Gypsies; My Gypsy Days; on Nazis; as researcher; as researcher for Sampson; work of, with refugees
Zarca (The Spanish Gypsy)
Zegeuner-Buch (Dillman)
Zigeuner in Europe und Asien, Die (Pott)
Zincali, The (Borrow)