Cryptographic hash functions

hash function is a function that returns a fixed output for a given input. The input can be any size but the output is of fixed size. The output of a hash function is commonly called a hash, but it can also be referred to as a message digest, digest, hash value, or hash code. If there will be no need to know the original value prior to hashing, then hashing should be favored over encryption

Some examples of hash functions include MD5, SHA-256, and SHA-512. For example, the following is the Secure Hashing Algorithm 256 (SHA-256) hash of the string This is a message:


In the case of SHA-256, no matter how long the input is, the hash will be a 256-bit (32-byte) hash value. This is useful because even if the input is very long (for example, the contents of a file), we know that the hash will be a fixed length. Unlike encryption, where the original value can be determined through decryption, hash functions are not reversible.

Hashes can be used for purposes such as comparing two files for equality without having to read all of the contents of both files, as a checksum for detecting errors during transmission of data, finding similar records or substrings, and in data structures such as a hash table or a Bloom filter.

A cryptographic hash function is a type of hash function that guarantees certain properties, making it secure and suitable for cryptography. The combination of these properties makes a hash function useful for cryptography. We can use cryptographic hash functions for things such digital signatures, HTTPS certificates, and in protocols such as SSL/TLS and SSH. Non-cryptographic hash functions are faster but provide weaker guarantees. The following are the main properties of a cryptographic hash function:
