Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
AAP. See American Academy of Pediatrics
Acevedo, Marcela C., 226–27
adolescence: competence of, 309n11; women in, 199, 310n13. See also boys; childhood; children; early childhood; girls; parent-child relationships; teens; youth
adults, 52
affection: for family, 147, 245; love and, 223–24, 245
African-American children, 313n14
Aid to Families with Dependent Children, 196
Ainsworth, Mary, 220–21
Alcohol, 193, 212, 310n17
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 268
Ames, Roger, 301n10
Analects (Lunyu), xviii, 3, 36, 286, 296n3, 296n5; commentaries and passages in, 43–50, 234–35, 297n17, 301n5, 301nn7–8; on early moral cultivation, 43–50, 301n5, 301nn7–8; on filial piety, 4, 8–16, 43–44, 297n25; on moral cultivation, 4, 7–16, 298n28; on path of self-cultivation, 7–8, 297n11; on ritual propriety, 6–7, 49–50, 72–73, 301n5; ritual texts of, 58
approval, 18
Aquinas. See Thomas Aquinas
Aristotle, xi–xii, xviii, 109; on childhood, 104; on ethics, 101–2, 104, 107–8; on family, 101–2, 105–8; on fathers, 105–6; on filial piety, 101–7, 304n7, 304n9; on friendships, 108; on moral cultivation, 103–5; on mothers, 105–6, 304n7; on state, 304n7; Thomas Aquinas and, 117
Asian-American, 258
Athens, 98–99
Attachment (Bowlby), 218
Attachment theory: mother-infant, 218–22, 226–28, 311n33; NFP and, 228–36, 311n33, 311n36, 311nn38–39; parent-child relationships and, 218–35, 310nn24–25, 311n33, 311nn28–31; patterns of, 222
attitudes, 6; changing, 67, 302n26; emotions and, 15; toward family, 245
attributive personhood, 214
Augustine: on children, 114–15; on God, 114–17; on moral cultivation, 114–17, 305n14; on mothers, 116–17; on parents, 116–17; writings of, 114–17
Australia, 192
authority, 155
Baofu, 40, 60–62, 90
Bao Xian, 46
behaviors, 125, 201, 306n22; changing, 67, 302n26; of elders, 46–47; emotions, health and, 220, 311n28; Olds on changing, 200–203, 310n15; organization of, 219; physical, 109; of youth, 46–47
Bell, Daniel, 288n48
benevolence: of government and rulers, 26–27, 54, 299n48; of parents, 51; sprouts of, 18–19, 21–22, 51; virtues of, 18, 21, 297n11
birth, 168–69
Bloom, Allan, 304n2
Blustein, Jeffrey, 305n12; on Cicero, 110–12; on Hobbes, 123, 305n19; on Plato, 100–102; on Rousseau, 129, 132–33; on Thomas Aquinas, 118–19, 305n15
Bok, Derek, 260–62, 274, 276, 279–82, 314nn21–22
Book of Documents, 14
Book of Etiquette and Ritual (Yili), 58
Book of Odes, 8; on filial piety, 12; study of, 47, 86
Book of Rites: on early childhood, 58–60, 74; “Inner Pattern” in, 59; on parent-child relationships, 76–78, 89; on rituals, 82–83
Book of the Generation of the Fetus (Taichanshu), 302n24
Bowlby, John, 218–22, 310n18. See also attachment theory
boys, 73. See also adolescence; childhood; children; early childhood; infants; parent-child relationships; teens; youth
Boyu, 47, 85–86, 303n50
Breast-feeding, 164, 169, 308n11; rates of, 268–69; success of, 314n16; support of, 268–73, 314n16
Brennan, Samantha, 145
Bronfenbrenner, Urie, 202–5, 211, 217. See also human ecology theory
Brunschwig, James, 109
Bubeck, Diemut, 273
California, 312n8
Canada, 192, 313n12
capping, 44–45, 73, 301n7
care: day, 151, 253–54; differences and similarities between ren and, 147; out-of-home, 313n14; preventive, 210; theory, 175–76
care-ethical approach, 174–84
care ethicists, xii–xiii; beginnings of, 148; concerns of, 147–48; contemporary, 246; work of, 183–84
care ethics: beginnings of, 148; Confucianism as form of, 143–47, 182–84; Held on, 148, 182–83
caregivers: mothers as, 149–50; primary, 149, 152, 219, 229–30; role of, 308n10
caregiving, 191, 259
caretakers, 151–52
caring: about, 173–74; for, 173–74, 309n15; of children, 243–44, 250–51; engrossment and, 172; ethical, 173; of fathers, 162–63, 308n11; individuals, 178; natural, 173; parenting and, 171–83, 196; relationship, 180–81
Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education (Noddings), 171–72
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 268
Chan, Sin-Yee, 145
character: of children, 50–51; excellence of, 53–54; Hobbes on, 124–25; of Tai Ren, 81–85; traits of, 100
Chen, Fong Ching, 296n5, 300n57
Cheng (King), 60–61
Chen Gang (Ziqin), 47
childbearing, 158–69
childhood: Aristotle on, 104; intervention programs during early, 190–200; Zhu Xi on education during, 74–75. See also early childhood
children: actions of, 104; African-American, 313n14; alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana and, 193, 209, 212, 310n17; Augustine on, 114–15; as caring individuals, 178; caring of, 243–44, 250–51; character of, 50–51; competence of, 309n11; consent of, 305n19; discipline and restriction of, 309n11; fathers and caring of, 162–63, 308n11; gratitude, love and reverence of, 12–14, 113–14, 297n25; having and raising, 216–18; impaired development of, 310n17; love for, 103, 106–7; marriage and, 276–77, 279–80; Mengzi on, 10; moral cultivation of, 155–56; obligations of, 11, 102–3, 127; only, 311n39; poverty and, 278–79; relationships between fathers and, 50–51, 304n5; response to demands of, 153–54; Rousseau on, 129–30, 306n25; self-cultivation of, 53–54; Seneca on, 112–13; socialization of, 99; Thomas Aquinas on, 117, 305n15; upbringing of, 104; well-being of, 261. See also adolescence; boys; childhood; early childhood; girls; infants; parent-child relationships; teens; youth
China, xx–xxii; ghosts in early, 9; parental leave in, 312n9
Chinese philosophers: associated with Confucian traditions, xii–xx, 295n1; contributions of, xv–xvii. See also specific philosophers
Chinese University of Hong Kong Institute of Chinese Studies Ancient Chinese Texts Concordance Series, 296n5
Cicero, 110–12, 305n11
cigarettes, 193, 209, 212, 310n17
citizens, 100, 255
Classic of Filial Piety, 8–9, 11
Collected Biographies of Women (Liu Xiang), 64–65, 68–75, 302n28, 302nn30–31
Compassion, 18
The Confessions of Saint Augustine (Augustine), 115–17
Confucianism, 139–40, 287–94; approaches and views of, 159–70, 308n8, 308nn10–12; care ethics and, 143–47, 182–84; Chinese philosophers associated with, xii–xx, 295n1; classical, 48, 301n10; core features of, 158, 308n8; distinction of, xvii–xxii, 96–97; on family relationships, 146, 241–46; feminism and, 142, 161–62, 284–85, 308n10; on filial piety, 9–16, 113–14, 223–26, 297n25, 298n28, 304n9, 311nn28–31, 312n4; on good of groups, 4; on love of learning, 223–24; on marriage, 283–86; on moral cultivation, 3–4, 7–16, 121–22, 298n28; NFP and, 196–98, 309n2; on parent-child relationships, xi–xx, 3–4, 11–13, 237–38, 241–46; rituals in, 145; Ruddick, S., and, 157–70, 308n8, 308nn10–12; social and policy change with, 237–38, 243–44, 252–55; traditions of, xv, 95–97, 158, 309n15
conscience, 130
consent, 305n19
Contraception, 209
Coyne, Jerry, 201
“cradle arguments,” 109
crown prince: instruction of, 62–63, 65; rituals of, 60–63
Csikszentmihalyi, Mark, 63, 79–80
cultivated person. See Jungzi
Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976), 288n48
culture, 254; of Athens, 98–99; of Greece, 98, 304n2; of Shang dynasty, 9; of Sparta, 98–99; during Zhou dynasty, 4–5
Dao. See The Way
Daren. See large/great person
Darwin, Charles, 219
day care, 151, 253–54
death: within family, 27–28; as punishment, 55; spirits and, 10, 297nn18–19
deference, 18
De homine (Hobbes), 124
Denver, Colorado, 192, 230
development: early childhood, 189–90; human, 205–6; of impaired children, 310n17; of language, 222–23. See also moral development
Dewey, John, xviii
diapering, 164, 308n11
“difference principle,” 240–42
disapproval, 18
Discourse on the States: on early childhood and moral cultivation, 63–68, 302n20, 302n23, 302n26; instruction of crown prince and, 62–63, 65; necessity of moral education and, 63–64; prenatal cultivation and, 64–65
discrimination, 313n13
disdain, 18
disputation, 17–18
distance: of father-son relationships, 47–49, 301n10; ritual dictates of filial, 48, 301n10; spirits at, 48–49, 301n10
Dong Zhongshu, 65, 79–81, 302n23
Duan. See sprouts
early childhood: Book of Rites on, 58–60, 74; development, 189–90; Discourse on the States on moral cultivation and, 60–68, 302n20, 302n23, 302n26; Han dynasty on, 65–66; intervention programs during, 190–200; parent-child relationships during infancy and, xi–xx, 57–58; prenatal cultivation during, 63–68, 302n20, 302n23, 302n26. See also childhood
early moral cultivation: Analects on, 43–50, 301n5, 301nn7–8; filial piety and, 13; Mengzi on, 50–54; parent-child relationships and, xi–xx, 43–50, 301n5, 301nn7–8; Xunzi on, 54–57
East Asia, 312n9
Ebrey, Patricia, 77
ecological transition, 211
ecology theory, 302n26. See also human ecology theory
education: of boys, 73; of girls, 73–74; Locke on, 306n23; Rousseau on, 129–32, 306n25; state-controlled, 99; Zhu Xi on childhood, 74–75. See also moral education
elders: behaviors and respect for, 46–47; treatment of, 3; yi of, 37–38; youth and, 56–57
Elmira, New York, 192, 195, 199, 207, 230
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 310n16
emotions: attitudes and, 15; health, behaviors and, 220, 311n28; love, 149; vitality and, 226–27. See also feelings
England, 192
engrossment, 172
environment: adaptive behavioral change and one’s, 310n15; importance of, 62; prenatal health and, 213–15; uterine, 212; Xunzi on, 31–32
Epictetus, 110–11
Epicureans, 109–10
estate. See oikos
ethics, 173; Aristotle on, 101–2, 104, 107–8; contractarian, 307n3; of feminism, 144; Kantian, 134, 306n9, 307n3; of nurses, 233–34, 311n36; utilitarian, 307n3; virtues and, 307n3. See also care ethics
Eudemian Ethics (Aristotle), 104
Europe, 312n9, 313n13
family: abolishment of, 99; affection for, 147, 245; Aristotle on, 101–2, 105–8; arrangements, 98–100; Asian-American, 258; attitudes toward, 245; Confucianism on relationships within, 146, 241–46; death within, 27–28; government programs for, 196; Greek philosophy on, 97–108, 304n7, 304n9, 304nn1–2, 304nn4–5; importance of, 251; Ivanhoe on, 3, 8, 144; justice and, 243; Kant on, 134–37, 306n29, 307n30; Locke on, 126–27, 306n22; Mengzi on relationships within, 22–24, 27–31, 299n49; in moral cultivation, xi–xx, 142; moral education and, 142; planning, 209; Plato on, 99–101, 108; preservation of, 299n49; private realm of, 243–44; role of, xi–xiv, 104, 142, 162–65, 295n1; Rousseau on, 128–35, 306n25, 306n28; self-cultivation and, 7–8, 208–9, 297n11; social and policy change regarding, 247–55; as social institution, 243; society and, 87–88; Stoics on, 108–14; Western philosophy on, 98–100, 121–40, 306n25, 306nn22–23, 306nn28–29, 307n30, 307n33. See also children; fathers; filial piety; grandmothers; mothers; oikos; parents
Fan Chi, 48, 301n10
fatherhood: distinctive, 164–65; role of, 154–55, 165–66; Ruddick, S., on, 154–55, 166–67
fathers: Aristotle on, 105–6; authority of, 155; caring for children by, 162–63, 308n11; Locke on, 125–26; relationships between children and, 50–51, 304n5; role of, 48–50, 75–91, 142, 308n11; Rousseau on, 128; Ruddick, S., on, 152–54, 165–68, 184–85; Thomas Aquinas on, 120–21. See also men
father-son relationships: distance of, 47–49, 301n10; Kongzi on, 47–48
Faust, Drew, 290
Fear and Trembling (Kierkegaard), 144
feelings, 6, 18; kinds of, 184; management of, 14; manifestation of inner reflections and, 13–15, 297n25. See also emotions
feminism, 272–73; Confucianism and, 142, 161–62, 284–85, 308n10; ethics of, 144. See also Held, Virginia; Noddings, Nel; Ruddick, Sara
fetus: baby and, 170; during pregnancy, 66–67
filial piety, 72–73; Analects on, 4, 8–16, 297n25; Aristotle on, 101–7, 304n7, 304n9; Book of Odes on, 12; Confucianism on, 9–16, 113–14, 223–26, 297n25, 298n28, 304n9, 311nn28–31; early moral cultivation and, 13; Kongzi on, 4, 8–17, 297n25, 298n28; love and, 136; loyalty and, 37–39, 300nn64–65; Plato on, 99–101, 108, 304n7; political service and, 14–16; state and, 14–16; Thomas Aquinas on, 119–21, 304n7; virtues of, 10–11, 13–14, 297n25; Xunzi on, 31–38, 300n61, 300nn64–65. See also elders; family; fathers; grandmothers; mothers; oikos; parents
First Treatise (Locke), 125
France, 314n18
friendships, 108
Gandhi, Mahatma, 312n7
Gaozi, 21
gender: mothering and, 150; rigid roles, 159; traditional roles of, 75–76, 302n33, 303nn34–35
gendered virtue view, 144
gender-specific activities, 73–74
Gert, Bernard, 125
ghosts: early China and, 9; spirits and, 10, 297n17. See also spirits
Gilligan, Carol, 171–72
girls: education of, 73–74; in gender-specific activities, 73. See also adolescence; childhood; children; early childhood; infants, parent-child relationships; teens; youth
God: Augustine on, 114–17; Thomas Aquinas on, 119–21, 139–40, 305n18
golden rule. See principle of reversibility
Gongfu Wenbo, 303n35
government, 125; benevolence of, 26–27, 54, 299n48; programs for family, 196; spending and NFP, 195–96
grandmothers, 209
gratitude, 185; Ivanhoe on, 305n12; love, reverence of children and, 12–14, 113–14, 297n25; Thomas Aquinas on, 119. See also thankfulness
Great Learning, 87–88, 294
Greece, 98, 304n2
Greek philosophy, 97–108, 304n7, 304n9, 304nn1–2, 304nn4–5. See also Western philosophy
Guang, Sima, 48
Han dynasty, xx–xxi, 89; on early childhood and moral cultivation, 65–66; thinkers of, 62–63
Harding, Sandra, 172
harmony, 5–6, 78, 81–83, 85, 160, 162, 294
Having Children: Philosophical and Legal Reflections on Parenthood (O’Neill & Ruddick, W.), 97
Hawaii, 312n8
health: behaviors, emotions and, 220, 311n28; during pregnancy, 210; public, 268–69. See also prenatal health
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: influence of, 122, 138–39; on moral development, 137–38
Held, Virginia, xix, 141, 273, 309n16; on care ethics, 148, 182–83; on mother-child relationships, 181–83, 308n13, 309n16
Herr, Ranjoo, 145–46
heterosexual couples, 164
History of the Han, 60
Hobbes, Thomas, 122, 305n19; Blustein on, 123, 305n19; on character, 124–25; on parent-child relationships, 122–23, 306n20, 306n22
Hong Kong Concordance Series, 300n57
hooks, bell, 307n6
household. See oikos
human development, 205–6
human ecology theory, 310n16; highlights of, 203; hypotheses of, 206–7; importance of, 202–3; NFP and, 200–218, 310n19, 310nn15–16, 310nn21–22; on parent-child relationships, 206–9; self-cultivation aspects of, 203–4
humaneness: conception of, 7, 297n11; expressions of, 250; roots of, 4, 8, 14–16, 43–44, 46, 297n26. See also Ren
humanities: discrimination and, 313n13; importance of, 293; pressure on, 290–91; role of, 261–62; sciences and, 288–89; social change and, 293–94
human nature: Gaozi on, 21; Mengzi on, 17–31, 50, 298n35, 298nn30–31; Rousseau on, 306n28; Xunzi on, 32–34
humility, 6
husbands, 76–91, 302n33, 303n40, 303n44, 303n50, 303n54, 303nn34–35
Hypatia, 143, 307n1
In a Different Voice (Gilligan), 171
infants: anxiously attached, 222; anxiously attached and resistant, 222; biological tendencies of, 153; mortality rates of, 274, 314n18; parent-child relationships and, xi–xx, 57–58, 204–5; securely attached, 222. See also attachment theory; mother-infant attachment theory
“Inner Pattern,” 59
“internal working models,” 229
intervention, 314n1; parents as focus of, 206; programs during early childhood, 190–200
Ireland, 313n13
Ivanhoe, Philip J., 153, 242, 251, 305n14, 306n29; on family, 3, 8, 144; on gratitude, 305n12; on parent-child relationship, 11–13
James, William, 308n12
Japan, 313n12, 314n18
Jecker, Nancy, 304n4
Jiao, Meng, 311n30
Jia Yi, 302n23; on moral cultivation, 105; on parents, 113–14; on Three Dynasties, 60–65, 90, 105
Ji Kangzi, 87
Jing of Qi, Duke, 86
Ji of Lu (Jing Jiang), 303n35
judgment, 14
Jungzi (cultivated person): role of, 34–38, 52–53; as term, 7; translation of, 296n5; views on, 24, 298n32
Kant, Immanuel, 122, 139; on ethics, 134, 306n29, 307n3; on family, 134–37, 306n29, 307n30; on moral education, 135–37, 307n30; on parent-child relationships, 133–37, 306n29
Kierkegaard, Søren, 144
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 312n7
Kinney, Anne, 62–65, 89–90
Kittay, Eva Feder, 273, 309n16
Kohlberg, Lawrence, 171
Kongzi, 286; on correction or rectification of names, 296n8; on father-son relationships, 47–48; on filial piety and brotherly respect, 4, 8–17, 297n25, 298n28; on moral cultivation, 4, 7–16, 298n28; son of, 47, 85–86, 303n50; as term, 296n5; views of, 28, 298nn31–32. See also Analects
Kraut, Richard, 104
Kupperman, Joel, 143–44
language: development of, 222–23; Mengzi on acquisition of, 61–62; moral cultivation and acquisition of, 62
large/great person (daren), 298n32
Lau, D. C., 296n5, 300n57
“Law of Athens,” 304nn4–5
Laws (Plato), 99–100, 304n2
learning, 33
“Learning to Care,” 178
Lectures on Ethics (Kant), 134, 306n29
Lee, Pauline, 183, 302n31
Legge, James, 301n10
Leviathan (Hobbes), 125
Li, Chenyang: arguments of, 143–44, 146, 307n1; critique of, 144, 179, 307n1; writings of, 307n3
Lienuzhuan, 302n23, 302n30
Liu Xiang, 64–65, 302n23
“live option,” 308n12
Locke, John, xi–xii, xviii, 122, 139; on education, 306n23; on family, 126–27, 306n22; on fathers, 125–26; on mothers, 125–26; on parent-child relationships, 125–27
love: affection and, 223–24, 245; appreciation and, 177–78; attentive, 176–77; for children, 103, 106–7; of children, 12–14, 113–14, 297n25; conscience and, 130; emotions, 149; filial piety and, 136; knowing, 3; of learning, 223–24; Mengzi on, 107; Mengzi on, 50; of parents, 103, 106–7; reciprocity of, 177–78; of self, 101–2
loyalty: individual’s devotion and, 110; to parents and filial piety, 37–39, 300nn64–65
Lunyu. See Analects
Luo, Shirong, 146–47
Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn (Dong Zhongshu), 79
Mandela, Nelson, 312n7
marijuana, 193, 310n17
marriage: children and, 276–77, 279–80; concerns regarding, 276–78; Confucianism on, 283–86; economic benefits of, 277–78; husbands and wives in, 76–91, 302n33, 303n40, 303n44, 303n50, 303n54, 303nn34–35; new, 82–83; Olds on, 207; policies on, 281–82; promotion of, 207; rates of, 207; successful, 280; women and, 74, 302n31
maternal, as term, 307n6
The Maternal Factor (Noddings), 174, 179
maternal thinking, 157
Maternal Thinking (Ruddick, S.), 148
“Maternal Thinking,” 148, 171
maternity leave, 312n8
Mawangdui manuscripts, 66, 302n24
Medicaid, 196, 274
Memphis, Tennessee, 192, 209, 230
men: as husbands, 76–91, 302n33, 303n40, 303n44, 303n50, 303n54, 303nn34–35; mothering and, 151; obligations of, 153–54; women and, 144, 153–55. See also fatherhood; fathers; father-son relationships
Mencius. See Mengzi
Meng Jiao, 12
Mengzi, xviii, 3–4, 10, 16, 305n18; on disputation, 17–18; on early moral cultivation, 50–54; on extension, 245; on family relationships, 22–24, 27–31, 299n49; on human nature, 17–31, 298n35, 298nn30–31; on language acquisition, 61–62; on love, 107; on moral capacities, 16; on moral cultivation, 17–31, 298n35; on moral education, 50–54; on moral responsibilities, 25–31, 299nn48–49; mother of, 248, 251, 302n30; on parent-child relationships, 50–51, 109; on political concerns and leadership, 24, 25–31, 299n48–49; on self-cultivation, 17–31, 298n35, 298nn30–31; on society, 22–24; on sprouts, 18–31, 51, 251–52, 298n35, 306n25; on unfilial things, 29–30, 299n52; views of, 144, 298nn32–33; on virtues, 16
Mengzi, xviii, 3, 29, 36, 38, 302n28; on children, 10; on five relationships, 50; on love, 50; passages in, 50–54, 234, 303n44
Ming dynasty, 76, 303n34
Mohists, 17, 101, 250
moral capacities: Mengzi on, 16; as sprouts, 16, 19–31, 298n35, 298n38
moral cultivation: Analects on, 4, 7–16, 298n28; Aristotle on, 103–5; Augustine on, 114–17, 305n14; of children, 155–56; China and, xx–xxii; Collected Biographies of Women and, 68–75, 302n28, 302nn30–31; Confucianism on, 3–4, 7–16, 121–22, 298n28; Discourse on the States on early childhood and, 63–68, 302n20, 302n23, 302n26; family in, xi–xx, 142; Greek philosophy on, 97–108, 304n7, 304n9, 304nn1–2, 304nn4–5; Han dynasty on, 65–66; Jia Yi on, 105; Kongzi on, 4, 7–16, 298n28; language acquisition and, 62; Mengzi on, 17–31, 298n35; Plato on, 101–2; Rousseau on, 129–32; Western philosophy on, 121–40; Xunzi on, 31–38, 300n61, 300nn64–65. See also early moral cultivation
moral development, 307n33; Hegel on, 137–38; process of, 51
moral education, xxii; of children and youth, 8, 44–45, 301n7; Discourse on the States and necessity of, 63–64; family and, 142; Kant on, 135–37, 307n30; Mengzi on, 50–54; mothers and, 142; necessity of, 63–64; Xunzi on, 54–57; of young adults, 52
moral inspiration, 312n7
moral responsibilities, 25–31, 299nn48–49
moral theory, 171–72
mother-child relationships, 181–83, 308n13, 309n16
mother-infant attachment theory, 218–22, 226–28, 311n33
mothering: genderless, 150; giving birth and, 168–69; men and, 151; political consequences of, 150–51; practice of, 149; Ruddick, S., on, 147–70, 307nn5–7, 308n8, 308nn10–13; as self-cultivationist activity, 156–57; as work, 155–56, 160–61, 165–70; work of teachers, 151
mothers: Aristotle on, 105–6, 304n7; Augustine on, 116–17; authority of, 155; brains of nursing, 307n7; as caregivers, 149–50; communication of, 219; expectant, 194; experiences and positions of, 155–57; first-time, 302n26; genderless, 150; Locke on, 125–26; love of, 307n5; with low psychological resources, 309n9; moral education and, 142; new meaning of, 149–50; nurses and, 207; role of, 75–91, 142, 308n11; Rousseau on, 127–28; Ruddick, S., on, 148–52, 307n5; substance abuse by, 310n17; support network of, 209–10; Thomas Aquinas on, 120–21; work of, 149. See also feminism; grandmothers; mothering; pregnancy; women
names, 296n8
Neize. See “The Pattern of the Family “
Netherlands, 192
New Jersey, 312n8
New York, 312n8
NFP. See Nurse–Family Partnership
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 101–2
Noddings, Nel, xii, xix, 141, 271, 275; care-ethical approach of, 174–84; on moral theory, 171–72; on parent-child relationships, 179–81; on principle of reversibility, 172–73, 308n14; remarks of, 144, 156; Ruddick, S., and, 174, 180–81; writings of, 171–72, 174, 179
Northern Ireland, 192
Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities (Nussbaum), 290
Nurse–Family Partnership (NFP), 289; achievement of, 256; attachment theory and, 228–36, 311n33, 311n36, 311nn38–39; Confucianism and, 196–98, 309n2; in Denver, Colorado, 192, 230; economic benefits of, 215; in Elmira, New York, 192, 195, 199, 207, 230; enrollment in, 193, 291–92; as evidence-based, 211–12, 244, 257; features of, 196–97; findings of, 205, 216, 240, 256; government spending and, 195–96; home visits of, 191, 193–95, 199, 229–30, 310n13; human ecology theory and, 200–218, 310n19, 310nn15–16, 310nn21–22; impact of, 192–93, 309n9; on material factors, 208; in Memphis, Tennessee, 192, 209, 230; nurses in, 191, 229–34, 310n13, 311n36; Olds on, 198–99, 257, 309n11; overview of, 09n4, 190–200, 309n2, 309n6, 309n9, 309n11, 310n13; person-process-context model and, 205–6; pregnancy and, 199, 310n13; program, 191–92, 292–93, 309n6; reports and studies of, 259, 285; self-sufficiency theory and, 199, 310n14; strengthening and supporting, 255–58; studies and trials of, 192, 194–95; success of, 191, 200–218, 257; theoretical foundations of, 196
Nurse–Family Partnership International Program, 192
Nurse Home Visitor Program, 309n4. See also Nurse–Family Partnership
nurses: efforts of, 257; ethics of, 233–34, 311n36; mothers and, 207; NFP, 191, 229–34, 310n13, 311n36
“Nurses Remain at Top of Honesty and Ethics Poll,” 311n36
Nussbaum, Martha, 109, 290–91, 293, 314n1
Obama, Barack, 314n1
obligations, 110, 305n15; of children, 11, 102–3, 127; of men, 153–54; social, 32–33; to state, 118–19
oikos (family, household or estate), 304n1; essential elements of, 106; women and, 106, 304n7
Okin, Susan Miller, 242–43, 245
Olds, David: on changing behaviors, 200–203, 310n15; on early intervention programs, 191; on marriage, 207; on NFP, 198–99, 257, 309n11
“On Appropriate Actions,” 110, 305n11
O’Neill, Onora, 97–100
“On Obligations,” 110, 305n11
orphans, 27–28
out-of-home care, 313n14
parables: man from Song, 20; Ox Mountain, 20
parental leave: in China, 312n9; laws concerning, 260–61; new, 258–68, 312n9, 313nn11–14; paid, 259–60, 262–68, 313nn11–14
parent-child relationships, 50–51, 287–88, 290, 304n5; attachment theory and, 218–35, 310nn24–25, 311n33, 311nn28–31; Book of Rites on, 76–78, 89; Confucianism on, xi–xx, 3–4, 11–13, 237–38, 241–46; during early childhood, xi–xx, 57–58; in early moral cultivation, xi–xx, 43–50, 301n5, 301nn7–8; Hobbes on, 122–23, 306n20, 306n22; human ecology theory on, 206–9; infants and, xi–xx, 57–58, 204–5; Kant on, 133–37, 306n29; Locke on, 125–27; Mengzi on, 50–51, 109; Noddings on, 179–81; primacy of, 3–4; role of, xviii, 142, 303n50; social change with, 248–49, 312n6. See also father-son relationships; mother-child relationships; mother-infant attachment theory
parenting: caring and, 171–83, 196; quality of, 204–5
parents, 302n4; attentive love of, 176–77; Augustine on, 116–17; benevolence of, 51; discipline and restriction of children by, 309n11; as focus of intervention, 206; honoring, 22–24; Jia Yi on, 113–14; love of, 103, 106–7; loyalty to, 37–39, 300nn64–65; moral experiences of, 103; role of, 13, 83–91, 142, 303n54; Seneca on, 111–12, 305n12; Thomas Aquinas on, 117–21, 305n15; treatment of, 28–31, 299n52; well-being of, 261; Xunzi on, 88–89. See also fatherhood; fathers; father-son relationships; mother-child relationships; mother-infant attachment theory; mothering; mothers
Parents and Children: The Ethics of the Family (Blustein), 100
patience, 14
“The Pattern of the Family “ (Neize), 59
Perry Preschool Project, 313n14
person-process-context model, 205–6
philosophers, xi–xx. See also Chinese philosophers; specific philosophers
Plato, xii, xviii, 109; Blustein on, 100–102; city of, 304n2; on family, 99–101, 108; on filial piety, 99–101, 108, 304n7; on moral cultivation, 101–2; on state-controlled education, 99
policy change, xix–xx, 190; with Confucianism, 237–38, 243–44, 252–55; regarding family, 247–55; with parent-child relationships, 248–49, 312n6
political institutions, 238–39
political leadership: Mengzi on, 24, 25–31, 299n48–49; Xunzi on, 35–37
political service, 14–16
Politics (Aristotle), 101–2
pregnancy, 194; diet history during, 214; experience of, 68, 169–70; health during, 210, 275; NFP and, 199, 310n13; rapid and successive, 195; self-cultivation and, 67–68, 302n26; substance abuse during, 209; uterine during, 212. See also fetus; maternity leave; parental leave
prenatal care, 274–76
prenatal cultivation (tai jiao), 310n21; Discourse on the States and, 64–65; during early childhood, 63–68, 302n20, 302n23, 302n26; Tai Ren and, 64–65
prenatal health: environment and, 213–15; substance abuse and, 211–12, 310n19, 310n22. See also fetus
pre-Qin period, xx–xxi
preventive care, 210
principle of reversibility, 172–73, 308n14
propriety: ritual, 6–7, 49–50, 72–73, 301n5; sprouts of, 18, 21–22
Protecting and Tutoring (Jia Yi), 60–63
Puett, Michael, 9, 48
Qi, 61–62
Qin dynasty, xx–xxi, 89
Qing dynasty, 76, 303n34
Rand Corporation, 195
Raphals, Lisa, 77–80
Rawls, John, 243, 307n33; “difference principle” of, 240–42; on political institutions and society, 238–39; on social class of origin, 239–40, 312n2
reason, 130
reciprocity, 6; importance of, 178; of love, 177–78
re-formation model, 31–32
Ren (humaneness), 179; concept of, 146; differences and similarities between care and, 147
Representation of Childhood and Youth in Early China (Kinney), 62–63
Republic (Plato), 99–100, 304n2
resentment, 14
respect, 83–84; brotherly, 4, 8–17, 297n25, 298n28; for elders, 46–47; reverence and, 223–24; of youth, 45
Rhode Island, 312n8
righteousness, 18, 21–22
rites: as traditional moral and religious practices, 5–7; of Zhou dynasty, 6. See also Book of Rites
rituals, 5–6; Analects’ text and, 58; Book of Rites on, 82–83; capping, 44–45, 73, 301n7; in Confucianism, 145; of crown prince, 60–63; dictates of, 48, 301n10; filial distance according to dictates of, 48, 301n10; functions of, 6; harmony and, 6; practice of, 5–6, 50; propriety of, 6–7, 49–50, 72–73, 301n5; for spirits, 9–10; traditional, 143–44; Xunzi on, 32–33
Robinson, JoAnn L., 226–27
Rosemont, Henry, Jr., 145
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, xviii, 122, 310n16; Blustein on, 129, 132–33; on children, 129–30, 306n25; on education, 129–32, 306n25; on family, 128–35, 306n25, 306n28; on fathers, 128; on human nature, 306n28; on moral cultivation, 129–32; on mothers, 127–28; on socialization, 306n28
Ruddick, Sara, xii, xix, 272; on caretakers, 151–52; Confucianism and, 157–70, 308n8, 308nn10–12; on fatherhood, 154–55, 166–67; on fathers, 152–54, 165–68, 184–85; on mothering, 147–70, 307nn5–7, 308n8, 308nn10–13; on mothers, 148–52, 307n5; Noddings and, 174, 180–81; on use of terms, 148–49; writings of, 148, 171–72
Ruddick, William, 97–100
rulers: benevolence of, 26–27, 54, 299n48; influence of, 59–60; The Way and, 60–61
sacrifices, 48, 301n10
same-sex couples, 164
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 310n16
Sawhill, Isabel, 276–78, 282, 314n20
Schocher, Gordon, 305n19
Schweitzer, Albert, 312n7
Schwitzgebel, Eric, 125
sciences: humanities and, 288–89; importance of, 254; social, 242
Scotland, 192
self-cultivation: Analects on path of, 7–8, 297n11; aspects of human ecology theory, 203–4; behavioral change and, 201; of children, 53–54; dimensions of, 164–65; family and, 7–8, 208–9, 297n11; Mengzi on, 17–31, 298n35, 298nn30–31; mothering as activity of, 156–57; nature of, 215–17; pregnancy and, 67–68, 302n26; theory of, 200–203, 310n15; of thinkers, 54
self-sufficiency theory, 199, 310n14
Seneca: on children, 112–13; on parents, 111–12, 305n12
sensitivity, 311n28
sexual differences, 153
sexual promiscuity, 116
Shang dynasty, 9
Shijing, 311n30
Shun, sage-king, 28–31, 121, 299n52
Sim, May, 304n9
Singapore, 314n18
Slater, Michael R., 303n54, 311n29
Slingerland, Edward, 45–46
small/petty person (xiaoren), 298n32
social change, xix–xx, 190, 289; with Confucianism, 237–38, 243–44, 252–55; regarding family, 247–55; humanities and, 293–94; with parent-child relationships, 248–49, 312n6
social class of origin, 239–40, 312n2
social context, 212–13
social institution, 243
socialization: of children, 99; Rousseau on, 306n28
social obligations, 32–33
social relations, 182
social sciences, 242
society: basic structure of, 244–45; class position in, 239–41, 312n2; family and, 87–88; Mengzi on, 22–24; political institutions and, 238–39; quality of, 189, 287–88
Socrates, 304n2
son, 47, 85–86, 303n50. See also father-son relationships
Song dynasty, 303n34
Sparta: culture of, 98–99; practices and views of, 99, 304n2; women and, 106
spirits: death and, 10, 297nn18–19; at distance, 48–49, 301n10; existence of, 10, 297n17; ghosts and, 10, 297n17; people with, 34, 300n61; rituals for, 9–10
sprinkling, 45, 301n8
sprouts (duan): of benevolence, 18–19, 21–22, 51; Mengzi on, 18–31, 51, 251–52, 298n35, 306n25; moral capacities as, 16, 19–31, 298n35, 298n38; of propriety, 18, 21–22; of righteousness, 18, 21–22; of wisdom, 18
Stalnaker, Aaron, 305n14
standard of righteousness. See Yi
Star, Daniel, 145, 307n3
Starting at Home: Caring and Social Policy (Noddings), 174
state: Aristotle on, 304n7; filial piety and, 14–16; obligations to, 118–19
state-controlled education, 99
Stoics: “cradle arguments” of, 109; on family, 108–14; treatises and writings of, 110–11, 305n11
substance abuse, 193; alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana as, 193, 209, 212, 310n17; by mothers, 310n17; during pregnancy, 209; prenatal health and, 211–12, 310n19, 310n22
Sweden, 313n12
Taichanshu. See Book of the Generation of the Fetus
Tai jiao. See prenatal cultivation
Tai Ren: character of, 81–85; prenatal cultivation and, 64–65, 216–17; virtues of, 64–65
teachers: mothering work of, 151; women as, 59–60
teens, 195. See also adolescence; boys; childhood; children; early childhood; girls; parent-child relationships; youth
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, 196
Ten Commandments, 311n29
thankfulness, 119
theory: care, 175–76; ecology, 302n26; moral, 171–72; of self-cultivation, 200–203, 310n15; self-sufficiency, 199, 310n14. See also specific theory
Thomas Aquinas, 139–40; Aristotle and, 117; Blustein on, 118–19, 305n15; on children, 117, 305n15; on fathers, 120–21; on filial piety, 119–21, 304n7; on God, 119–21, 139–40, 305n18; on gratitude and thankfulness, 119; on mothers, 120–21; on parents, 117–21, 305n15
Three Dynasties, 60–65, 90, 105
traditions, xii–xx, 295n1; of Confucianism, xv, 95–97, 158, 309n15; of gender roles, 75–76, 302n33, 303nn34–35; rituals and, 143–44; sacrifices and, 48, 301n10
Tronto, Joan, 273
Tu Shan, 250
Two Treatises of Government (Locke), 125
United Kingdom, 313n13, 314n18
United Nations Population Prospects, 314n18
United States, 303n54; laws and public policy in, 253; maternity leave in, 312n8
value-monist view, 308n10
Van Norden, Bryan W., 4, 33–34, 86, 304n9
virtues: of benevolence, 18, 21, 297n11; cultivation of, 6; ethics and, 307n3; of filial piety, 10–11, 13–14, 297n25; gendered, 144; of humility, 6; of King Wen, 64; of leaders, 16; Mengzi on, 16; of reciprocity, 6; of Tai Ren, 64–65; vocational, 144, 153; of women, 74, 302n31
vocational virtue model, 144, 153
“The Wandering Sun,” 311n30
Washington State Institute for Public Policy (WSIPP), 195
Watson, Burton, 296n5
The Way (Dao), 5–6, 18, 216, 312n5; life and, 46–47; rulers and, 60–61; techniques of, 60–61
Wen (King), 27; mother of, 64–65, 81–85, 216–17; virtues of, 64
Western philosophy, 139–40; on family, 121–40, 306n25, 306nn22–23, 306nn28–29, 307n30, 307n33; on family arrangements, 98–100; on moral cultivation, 121–40; views of, xii, 95–97. See also Greek philosophy
widows, 27–28
wisdom, 18
wives, 76–91, 302n33, 303n40, 303n44, 303n50, 303n54, 303nn34–35
women: contraception and, 209; contributions of, 183; equality of, 312n9; marriage and, 74, 302n31; maternal, 174, 179, 307n6; maternal thinking of, 148, 157, 171; maternity leave for, 312n8; oikos and, 106, 304n7; role of, 206; sociodemographic risk factors of, 309n6; Sparta and, 106; as teachers, 59–60; treatment of, 312n9; virtues of, 74, 302n31; as wives, 76–91, 302n33, 303n40, 303n44, 303n50, 303n54, 303nn34–35; in workforce, 194. See also feminism; grandmothers; mothering; mothers; pregnancy
work: of care ethicists, 183–84; flexibility at, 313n15; mothering as, 155–56, 160–61, 165–70; of mothers, 149; teachers as mothering, 151
workforce, 194
WSIPP. See Washington State Institute for Public Policy
Xiaoren. See small/petty person
Xuan of Qi (King), 27
Xue Juzhou, 62
Xunzi, 305n14, 306n29; on early moral cultivation and education, 54–57; on environment, 31–32; on filial piety and moral cultivation, 31–38, 300n61, 300nn64–65; on human nature, 32–34; on parents, 88–89; on political laws and leadership, 35–37; re-formation model of, 31–32; on rituals and social obligations, 32–33; views and theories of, 17, 61, 63, 144; on youth, 54–55
Xunzi, xviii, 3–4, 58, 296n3, 300n57
Yangists, 17
Yi (standard of righteousness), 37–38
Yili. See Book of Etiquette and Ritual
yin-yang theory: analogies of, 79–80, 303n40; complementarity of, 163
youth: behaviors of, 46–47; elders and, 56–57; moral education of children and, 8, 44–45, 301n7; respect of, 45; Xunzi on, 54–55. See also adolescence; boys; childhood; children; early childhood; girls; parent-child relationships; teens
Yu, Jiyuan, 304n9
Yu, sage-king, 250, 302n28
Yuan, Lijun, 307n1
Zhong You. See Zulu
Zhou dynasty: culture during, 4–5; rites of, 6
Zhu Xi, 297n19; on childhood education, 74–75; views of, 305n14
Zilu, 46–47
Ziqin. See Chen Gang
Zixia, 45–46
Ziyou, 13, 45
Zulu (Zhong You), 10, 297nn18–19