April Fool’s!
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.
LAUGHTER IS GOOD MEDICINE—and what’s better than playing harmless practical jokes on your friends and family? Just about everyone loves April Fool’s Day because it’s a day for pranks, laughter, and jokes.
God probably likes April Fool’s too. After all, we know he has a great sense of humor. Just think, he created animals like the pink fairy armadillo, the dumbo octopus, and the naked mole-rat. (Look those up when you get a chance!) And haven’t you had moments when something happens that can only be a “God thing” and you laugh out loud?
Laughter and joy make our lives better. It’s good for us to enjoy life and help make others’ lives enjoyable too. Have a blast on April Fool’s Day. In fact, maybe you can think of a fun prank to play on everyone in your family!
Plan a harmless prank you can play on a family member. Gather what you need, and set up the prank. Then write the person’s reaction on the bottom of this page.
Dear God,
Thank you for having a sense of humor and for giving me one. Help me remember all the ways you make me laugh and all the ways we can see your humor in the world around us. Remind me to try to bring laughter and joy into my own life and into others’ lives. Amen.
Psalm 126:2; James 5:13