April 20


God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.


LOSING SOMEONE YOU LOVE is one of the hardest things in life. If someone you love has passed away, you know how much it hurts and how you never really stop missing or thinking about that person. Sometimes the pain comes back strong and hard, just like when the person first died. Sometimes we think of the person when we hear a certain song or catch a certain scent.

God knows about our loss. He hears our cries, feels our pain, and sees our tears. He knows what it feels like to lose our loved ones. He knows how we want to be reunited with the people we’ve lost. That’s why he’s made it possible for us to live with him in heaven. For all the people who love and follow God, it is possible to be reunited with the people we’ve lost. We can take comfort in that.

But for now, one way to help your heart feel better is to remember the good times you had with the person. Think about the funny, silly things that made you laugh. Don’t be afraid to smile. You honor the person by remembering all the great things about him or her. And you’ll soothe your own hurting heart by holding on to your love for the person.


Think about a person you’ve lost. What are two things about that person that make you laugh? What are two things you miss about that person? If you could tell that person two things, what would you say?


Dear God,

Losing people hurts. You know how sad it feels. You know the empty place that’s left behind. Please help me cherish my best memories of the people I’ve lost. Remind me to smile in their honor.


John 20:1-9; 2 Corinthians 5:1